TIh® ^©n®® PUBLISHED WEEKLY_ “Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritual life of a great people.” Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare Publisher and Editor Business Address 2225 S Street Phone 5-6491 li No Answer Call 5-7508 Bubie W. -Advertising and Business Manager Lynnwood Parker_- -__Associate Editor, U. N. Dorm-B, 2-7651 Charles Goolsby.___ Contributing Editor, U. N. Dorm-B, 2-7651 Roberta Mold on_ fleenrinte Editor 1966 U Street, 2-1407 Mrs. Joe Green._- -----Circulation Manager Member el the Associated Negro Press and Nebraska Press Association Subscription rate *2.50 per year—10c per copy Entered as Second Class Matter. June 9, 1947 at the Past Office at Lincoln, Nebraska under the Act of March 3, 1879. AL€DITORIAL_ SOCIATION BETWEEN THE LINES By Dean Gordon B. Hancock for ANP. The governors of a few of the southern states would crucify President Truman for no other of fense than that of advocating civil rights for all the citizens who have j shared the responsibility for mak ing this country what it is. It is more than passing strange that their last meeting brought out only seven of the 13 governors of the southern states. Maryland did not string along and neither did Kentucky. North Carolina was absent as was Louisiana. The list of absent governors is signifi cant and their very absence is an augury of good fortune for the cause of righteousness. Wedged between lamentable Virginia and belligerent South Carolina, North Carolina stands upon its own hind legs and faces the signs of the times. Recon struction has been over in North Carolina for some time due in large part to the fearless leader ship of able and far-sighted men who could look over the shoulders of their times. We had hoped that Virginia was facing front also but the latest developments led by Gov. Tuck make proud Virginians hang their heads in dismay. Vir ginia trailing North Carolina mor ally as she trails them athletically! There was some excuse for Car ter Glass but precious little for Sen. Byrd and Gov. Tuck. They should know better than to try to stem the tide of righteousness that is slowly rising in the world. They should use their powers to better advantage than that of trying the old, old scheme that has failed a hundred times—holding the Negro down. With communism batter ing at the gates of the nations and with bankruptcy facing civiliza tion, these men honored with high positions by a state with honor able traditions of great men are lacing the west, not the east with its sun-rise. Truman is guilty, with honor, of trying to be a statesman in stead of a ward politician. These fire-eating southerners are trying to intimidate him with their threats of reprisals which are in the last analysis meaningless. There is absolutely nothing that these governors can do to Truman that will not hurt themselves and the south more. Trumanism will triumph in the last. God and Time and Right are on the side of Truman and Trumanism. It should be borne in mind that while only a few Trumanists willi stand up and be counted there are thousands who are musterinng up courage that will tell at the ballot box. It is fervently to be hoped that in the not too distant future ev ery Trumanist will stand up and be counted for they are not a few. Only God knows who will be the next President of the United States, but it makes but little dif ference so far as the moral sta ture of Truman is concerned. He will go down in history as a moral giant of towering propor tions. This writer was one of the very first to impute to his com missions on civil rights and edu cation political motives. Be that as it may he has shown himself worthy of the respect of demo cratic anti Christian men every where. His defiance of the south ern governors and their threats of retaliation marks him as a great man. That he is from Missouri and the south is more than passing strange. Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? See Tru man and his courageous stand on the civil rigKts pronouncements. Trumanism will triumph even | though the Negro may be called upon to suffer in the process of that triumph. Negroes must not be dismayed but must stand their i ground and wait and work and vote until their changes come. Herod, who sought the life of the Christ child, died and Joseph was called out of Egypt So in due time these who seek to forever subjugate and humiliate and seg regate the Negro citizens will die. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT H Nebraska DEWEY for President Comailteo m J. Lee Rankin, Chairman I oM<3gg> ; Hotel, Lincoln, Nebraska JB End Jim Crowism Establish Peace Declares Wallace NEW YORK. (ANP). Aboli tion of poll taxes, lynch law and racial segregation is necessary if we are to achieve the democracy at home that is essential to estab lishing durable peace, Henry Wal lace declared in two replies to re cent statements by President Tru man. “We don’t want our country led down the road to war. We don’t want young America in uniform at a time when no nation in the world offers any physical threat to our security. We don’t want our fine young men sent overseas to defend the interests of private oil firms and cartels.” “I stand with millions of my fellow Americans in opposing Mr. Truman’s plans to militarize America,” Wallace said. Wallace charged that “when he attempted to brand as 'commu nists’ those who support our fight for peace, Mr. Truman appealed to prejudice because he could not answer us wijh reason.” He said that “this word 'com munist’ is a much greater menace than the communists. The word has been applied to every idea slightly to the left of slavery.” “We have heard a call for uni versal training,” Wallace said. “I plead the case for universal peace.” “We have reached the present crisis in world affairs,” Wallace said, “because the men who are running our government fear the power of the common men and women the world over.” He said that “the attempt to make the fight for peace subver sive will not succeed. We shall seek as earnestly for the common ground for peace as others seek the reasons for conflict.” Subscribe To Jke Voice POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT JOHN KNICKREHM First Place Endorsement by Republican Pre-Primary Convention for Railway Commission PRIMARY ELECTION APRIL I STB POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT NEBRASKA and the Nation Need the continued vigorous leader ship of United States Senator Kenneth S. WHERRY Republican Candidate for Re-election in the April 13 Primary Election. A vote for Senator Wherry trill he appreciated. Sponsored and paid for by Nebraska Wherry - for-Sen ator Committee. State Chairman, George M. Tun ison. A Letter to The Editor Editor note: As I read the daily papers and as I listen to the various broad casts, I am very much disap pointed in our wonderful demo cratic government that it would seemingly make a national issue of a minority group which has always been loyal. This group has put up a great struggle doing mental labor to help make this great common wealth what it is. Whenever the men were called to the colors to help defend our nation and flag they went without a murmur, and fought as valiantly and died as did the men of other races. No treason can be placed on records against them. Other na tions are looking on with chagrin George H. Wentz Ik. PLUMBING & HEATING 1620 N Phone 2-1293 _/ * "I * ' at such a petty issue. Can there be propaganda worse than com munism? I wonder. Should there be need for the men of this minority group to help defend this country again, they will go unflinchingly and die as bravely, regardless of the silly issue before the country today. (Signed) Mrs. Hattie C. Jefferson. Cheyenne, Wyo. YOU'LL FIND ll ALL YOUR | WRITING NEEDS || AT i La]s?y«Slhers j 1124-28 O St. 2-6838 | SHOWALTER roofing co. Dealers in Inselstone and Inselbrick Insulation See us lor price on BUILT UP HOOFS 233 North 22 2-2493 Lincoln, Nebraska POLITICAL. ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT □ STASSEN It for cutting the cost of government — and knows how to do it. In Min nesota he slashed debt 30%, cut expenses 12%. He reduced taxes on farm and home prop erty 45% — yet had more money for schools, welfare and future reserves. □ STASSEN It for a sound, pros perous farm economy. He is the only candidate with a mid west farm background. He was born and raised on a Minne sota farm—was three times governor of that farming state. He knows our farm problems, and he appreciates the im portance of the farmer to the nation. □ STASSEN Is for a strong army and navy ready to meet any emergency. He has had impor tant military experience, hav ing served two years in the Pacific as aide to Admiral Halsey. □ STASSEN Is for a business-like foreign policy that will keep America strong. He is the ONLY candidate who has dealt first-hand with Stalin. He knows what we face in the world. He is for a firm hand with Russia and aays we should STOP shipping them war goods NOW! □ STASSEN Is for peace between labor and industry —- and knows how to get it. In Min nesota he reduced the number of men on strike 70% while, during the same period, strikes in the nation doubled! □ STASSEN la for the average, hard-working American citi zen. Time magazine says of himt "Few men'in public life have Exhibited more sympathy for the ordinary man, more un derstanding of the hopes and fears of die ordinary citizen." STASSEN is a family man. Ha wants a fraa, well-housed, strong America —rich with opportunities for our boys and girls. STASSEN viiH* hit parent* on their farm in Dakota County, Minn. Ha i« for procparity on the farm. STASSEN it •n administrator. Three times governor, twice elected by governors of 4i states to head Ne* tional Governor’s Conference. STASSEN CAN WIN! National polls show more people want Stassen. Gallup Poll, Roper Poll and Fortune Magazine aay that across the nation, Stassen stands highest of all candidates with independent eoters. Nomi nate a man who can be elected, and return Good Government to the United States. ^ HAROLD E. "STiiSSEN—| A Dynamic Leader For the Vital Years Ahead! I Nebraska Stastea Committee Fred Seaton, Chairman