The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, March 04, 1948, Image 1

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    Valuin' b, Numbar bb Unioln S, Nabraila I ln-1. Mail' «. ISIS
—--—I. _* 1
Weeks Elected tj? • e
Board; Mai
' r.\N
The Urban League
tors Wednesday m, #
e Weeks to succes
lone as president of ti
Ilayton Lewis was re .acted
r s t vice
president and
r s. Estelle
Davis was re
ted second
Benjamin Jef
ferson was
“*“cted sec re
and Dr.
A r '
as elected Courtesy of Journal
rer. Mr. Weeks.
Fenton was elected chair
of the finance committee,
members of the committee
E. McNeill, re-elected,
Irving, Mrs. E. S. Wegner
Mrs. J. R. Edwards.
board also passed a resolu
tion to send a letter to President |
Truman thanking him for the civil
rights proposal. Letters will be
sent to Senators Hugh Butler and
Kenneth Wherry urging them to
force the poll tax bill out of con
gressional committee.
Plan Medical
Aid for Non
Biased Schools
* t Within a few weeks a $50.
000,000 a year federal aid plan
will be presented to congress as
a part of the President’s ten-year
health plan.
Oscar R. Ewing, Federal Secur
1 ity Administrator said that the
f. shortage of doctors is nearing
j “Crisis proportions.” He stated
gt that in rural Mississippi there is
one doctor to every 850 Whites
* and one doctor to every 4,400 Ne
Under the proposed program
$50,000,000 would be granted an
nually to schools of medicine, den
tistry, nursing and public health
for operating expenses, new
buildings, increased staffs, and
scholarships. Schools receiving
aid would have to pledge that
they were training as many stu
dents as possible, that they would
not impose “unreasonable” re
strictions on non-residents re
ceiving scholarships, and that
they would admit students with
out regard to race, creed, color, or
national origin.
Give Talks
Germane Neway and Kefle
Segaie, Ethiopirn students at
Union College, talked on “gen
eral features of Ethopia” before
Lincoln Woman’s Club at the
Lincoln Hotel.
The students reported that the
country was about the size of
Texas and that 55 percent of the
population was illiterate.
Seventeen different dialects
are spoken in Ethiopia.
Calling For Cubs
Again, we are making another
appeal for boys between the ages
of 8-12 for the cub scout pack. A
nice group of boys have ex
pressed their interest and plans
have been made for their first
meeting. Those wishing to join
please call Mrs. Dorothy Lewis,
*r! allaceUrges
That Royall
Be Fired
Speaking at a rally of the Har
lem Wallace for President Com
mittee in New York, Henry Wal
lace demanded the resignation of
Secretary of the Army Kenneth
Royall and the Defense Secretary
James Forrestal along with Com
merce Secretary Averell Harri
man. He charged that Royall “re
affirmed the basic policy of seg
regation less than a week after
President Truman told congress
he had given instructions to end
discrimination in the armed
Wallace stated: “If Mr. Tru
man’s Administrative Policy is
the same as his vote-seeking pol
icy, we have the right to expect
his immediate demand for the
resignation of Mr. Kenneth Roy
all as Secretary of the Army.”
Wallace charged the House Un
American Activities Committee as
a “major fortress of Jim Crow”
and that the committee attacks the
liberals, progressives, and com
munists because they have de
manded “Equal justice under the
law.” He declared that at least
a third of the members of Con
gress are “Avowed supporters of
Jim Crow,” and that “. . . those
who perpetuate Jim Crow are
criminals.” He stated further
that “Southern Governors and
Senators have no more reason to
fear action on Mr. Truman’s Civil
Rights message than we have to
expect it. They are angry that
the President even paid up serv
ice to the fundamental demo
cratic principles.” *
NMA Board Favor
Negro Medics
At its meeting last week the
board of the National Medical
Association voted a six point pro
posal in race relations:
1. Association go on record ap
proving President Truman’s civil
rights program.
2. Federal Security agency for
admissions of Negro doctors at
Gallinger Hospital.
3. Opposing Southern Gover
nor’s Conference on regional Ne
gro medical colleges.
4. Re-affirming stand against
segregation in veterans hospitals.
5. That Negroes be admitted to
all tax supported hospitals.
6. That any may hold sustain
ing membership in NAACP. John
Rankin told the House of Rep
“When this attempt is made
thus to humiliate the white doc
tors and the white patients who
are bound to patronize Gallinger
hospital, it is about time that
members of congress and the
President got off of this cheap
scheme of playing politics in or
der to get a few votes in Harlem
and in certain other portions of
New York City”
New Baby
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson,
334 No. 23rd St., became the par
ents of a fine baby boy, Jerry
Rennell, Feb. 26 at St. Elizabeth’s
Prizes Given
On Feb. 16th in New York City,
eight people were honored with
the Thomas Jefferson Prizes for
advancement of democracy dur
ing 1947:
Public service: Ford Frick,
Branch Rickey and Jackie Robin
son “for breaking the color bar
rier in American baseball.”
Education: Archbishop Joseph
E. Ritter of St. Louis, “for his
fight against and prevention *of
segregation in the parochial
schools of his archdiocese.”
Art: Bill Maudin, “for his pow
ful cartons on behalf of racial
and religious equality.”
Labor: Philip Murray, “for es
tablishing and effectively further
ing the committee to abolish dis
crimination in the C.I.O.”
Industry: Charles E. Wilson,
President of General Electric, “for
his work as chairman of the
President’s committee on Civil
Journalism and Literature: Sin
clair Lewis, “for Kingsblood Roy
al, which spotlighted the evils
of prejudice.”
Truman’s Visit
Helps Morale
Viewed from every angle the
Virgin Islands and Negro people
received a tremendous boost from
the recent visit of President Tru
man. Gov. William Hastie boarded
the Williamsburg upon its arrival
at the West Indian company’s
docks here and welcomed the
President to the islands, thus be
coming perhaps the first Negro
governor to welcome a President
of the United States to United
States territory.
Later the President became the
guest of Gov. Hastie at luncheon
at Bluebeard Castle hotel and at
a reception at the executive man
sion. At all of these functions the
guests were predominantly Ne
(Continued on Page 3.)
Madison S. Jones, NAACP
Adm. Asst., to Make Visit
The Lincoln Branch of the NAACP is planning a
turkey dinner and mass meeting for April 7th. On this oc
casion, Mr. Madison S. Jones, NAACP Administrative As
sistant, who served with the President’s Committee on
FEPC is scheduled to be in Lincoln. After the dinner, Mr.
Jones will address the meeting.
—Courtesy of Journal.
Gustavson Stands
Up to Be Counted
By Lynnwood Parker.
A Man assumes importance and
becomes a power in the world just
as soon as it is found that he
stands for something; that he is
not for sale; that he will not lend
his name to anything which he
cannot indorse.
Unlike so many men today who
do not stand for anything outside
their vocation, even though they
may be well educated, they cannot
be depended upon. There is some
flaw in them which takes the edge
off their virtue.
Of course I am speaking about
Chancellor Reuben Gustavson, of
the Nebraska University, who
along with Professor Albert Ein
stein and twenty other educators,
clergymen and prominent public
figures, issued a warning on or
about January 18, 1948 that:
“America cannot remain demo
—Courteay the Journal.
MR. AND MRS. WEBSTER FOWLER. 1950 “T” St., became proud
parents of twin sons Feb. 22. Above, bright-eyed Richard (left)
takes in the photographer while Robert (right) naps. Mrs. Webster
is the former Edna Washington.
While in Des Moines, attending
a regional NAACP meeting, Rev.
R. L. Moody made a gist of an ad
dress given by Roy Wilkins, As
sistant Secretary of the NAACP
and editor of the Crisis magazine.
The report is as follows: ,
1. There is no stated position
of policies from the National office
of the NAACP on Universal Mili
tary Training. But the unofficial
position is definitely opposed to
UMT as long as it is on a segre
gated basis.
2. We have heard from the
southern opponents to President
Truman’s appeal for civil liberties
legislation. We are yet hearing
from the opponents. Now let us
hear from EVERYONE who is in
favor of it. Write a letter or tele
gram to President Truman and
congratulate him for his stand
and appeal. Write (each one) your
Senator and congressman and let
them know that you expect them
to support civil rights legislation.
3. Encourage and urge the^or
ganization of college chapters such
as those at the University of
Texas and Phillips University at
Enid, Oklahoma.
4. Remember that the NAACP
is more inter-racial than ever. It
is not a Negro organization. Many
of the national officers and local
leaders are white. Enlist ail of
our white friends.
5. NAACP partisan politics: The
NAACP does not support any par
ticular party or candidate. No
local branch can do this as an or
ganization. However, any individ
ual member is free to work for
whomsoever he chooses free of
charge or for all the cash avail
able. But do not do so under the
prestige of being president or any
officer of NAACP.
cratic if the present trend toward
military control #of our institutions
They asserted that military men
have lately acquired a “danger
ous” degree of influence over
American foreign policy, public
opinio^ scientific research, higher
education and even the Boy
The Boy Scout charge was sub
stantiated by a report that twelve
Air Force Officers were detailed
to help develop the "Air Scout
Many Americans are becoming
alarmed at the Brass and Braid
piling up in high posts which were
formerly civilian jobs.
A quick glance at Generals and
Admirals in high civilian posts
will reveal the following names:
Clay, Farrell, Gceves, Hines,
Hodge, Holcomb, Key, Keyes,
Kirk, Leahy, MacArthur, Mar
shall, Saltzman, Smith and Smith.
The group quoted Woodrow
Wilson’s remark that: “So soon as
you have a military class, it does
not make any difference what
your form of government is, if
you are determined to be armed
(Continued on Page 4.J