< : SOCIAL BRIEFS ;| Mr. and Mrs. B. Conway have been visiting for the past few weeks. They drove Mrs. Con way’s aunt, Mrs. Carrie Smith of Cheyenne here to undergo an op eration on her eyes. She is at St. Elizabeth Hospital and will be released on Monday. • * * • f Mrs. J. R. Edwards left Thurs day for Kansas City, Missouri. She will meet her daughter Eve lyn who has been visiting in To peka, Kansas. They will spend the week-end in Lexington., Mo. $ t t • Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Moss spent a week-end recently in Omaha, visiting friends. * * * • Mrs. Ira Gibson’s sister and ba by are here visiting. t t t # Mrs. George Saunders is con fined to her home and has been quite ilL • • • • Miss Elizabeth McWilliams is improving but still in the hospi • tal. • • • • Mrs. Ruth Williams returned home from the hospital this week. Mrs. Frances Robinson had a heart attack. * • * • Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams were called to Nebraska City because of the illness of Mr. Adams’ fa ther. * • • • Mr. J. Greene received medi cal attention this week for an eye infection. • • • * ~ Mr. Oscar Moss replaced Mr. William Burden at Sears, Roe buck & Company. The vacancy was made by the reappointment of Mr. Burden at the Post Office. * * • # Gerald Davis underwent an op eration at the Veteran’s Hospital Thursday. He would like his friends to come and see him. 4 * • * * Visitors at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Leon D. King of Dallas, Tex., and Miss Jackie Johnson of Oma ha, wrho is attending school in Lincoln. * * * * ^ Miss LaVerne Moore from Kan sas City was also a visitor. Mr. A. E. Simms saw three of the world series games. For five years he has attended the world series. He was most impressed with the playing of Jackie Rob inson. • • • • Mrs. Tillie Miller has just re turned from a five week visit with friends and relatives. She reported that she attended church and that they had wonderful ser vices. * • • t Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. King of Dallas. Texas, were the Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. • • * • Lloyd King, Jr., and Theodore King visited their grandmother at Wanesburg, Missouri. They also visited their aunt in Kansas City. Missouri. -o WHAT'S DOING OUT IN ALLIANCE by Bea Motley Maxie C. Woodlee recently left Alliance for Indianapolis. Ind. Mrs. I. B. Simms and daughter, Virginia, are returning to Detroit, Michigan, after an extended visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Viney Jackson. Miss Mary Nelson was a recent visitor at the home of her bro ther and sister-in-law*. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nelson. Miss Nelson has just returned from Shanghai, China, and Chungking, where she has been with the U.N.R.R.A. for two years. She was enroute to San Francisco, California. A woman on a train, describing her holiday to a man in the next seat mentioned that she had visit ed San Jose. “You pronounced that wrong,” said the man. “It’s San Ho-Say. In California all J’s are pronounced as H’s.” Dis missing the point, he asked, “when were you there?” The woman thought for a moment and then answered, “In Hune and Hu ly.” The Plot Sickens Too often has a reader found When interest has lagged That many books which have bound Should also have been gagged. bye now. 7 W . . our voice is constantly changing A telephone company’s “voice* changes in somewhat the same way as that of a teen-age boy. But unlike the teenster, our voice is constantly chang ing. With the installation of new telephones, our voice becomes richer, fuller, and covers a wider range. ^ Through our expansion program, we hope that before long our voice will make its greatest change— the satisfying sound of telephone service for everyone who wants it. % The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co. UA Nebraska Company Serving lit People* The Sports Front with Howard “Smoky” Molden One of the greatest sports clas- j sics came to a roaring close Mon day as the powerful Yankees downed the Dodgers. Jackie Rob inson and Don Bankhead both saw action in the series tilt. Jack ie, who has played brilliantly for the Dodgers this season, played his usual brand of perfect ball. But the Dodger pitchers were un able to tame the big bats of the powerful Yankees in the last game. Now that it is over ball players and sports fans alike will play the games over and over, each having his own idea of how it could and should have been play ed. But it will be a series never to be forgotten. It will also be a great encouragement to Negro players to try to follow in the footsteps of Jackie Robinson. We’ll be looking for more great performances from our Jackie Robinson in the ’48 season. - COAL - Premium Furnace $12.50 Try A Load! JOHNSON Supply & Coal 932 N* 23 2-7236 IDEAL Grocery and Market Lois of Parking 27th and F Streets FREADRICH BROS. * • • • Since 1902 Master Grocers The Best Place to Trade after all 1316 N Street — 9th & L Super Market — Huskerville at Air Base HILTNER FLORAL CO. "FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" 2-2775 135 So. 12 \ GREETINGS • from EARL WOOD’S DAIRY 15 Stores All over Lincoln UMBERGER'S 2-2424 1110 Q. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Roy A. Sheaff, Darold Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger families. 2-5059. VINE ST. MARKET Groceries & Meets 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 t ■■■■■■— ■»■ —■■■ 1 ■" - —■ COMPLETE FUR SERVICE HORACE E. COLLEY “Trust your furs with a furrier” 1745 South 11 3-6582 QUALITY PHOTOS Lower Prices — Faster Service PHOTO NOOK 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 1443 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebr. -i—J* •$♦*{• *{••{*♦{* *v* *{*•»*****<* *$* *«* •»* *1- ■ *MH STAR VAN Withe* THE VOICE Continued Success 120 So. 13th St. Lincoln For Better Values • Drugs • Cosmetics • Stationery • Candy • Prescriptions CHEAPPER DRUGS 1325 O St. Lincoln Our Super Market 1717 R St. Telephone 2-3160 "Eddie" Neiden. Manager % “Food to Suit Your Taste” GOX Plumbing & Heating Contracting & Repairing Retail Supplies 140 No. 14 Licensed & Insured Plumbers Phone 2-3077 Night 3-8238 SUBSCRIBE NOW! / THE VOICE 2225 S St., Lincoln, Nebraska Editor: Enclosed find $_ for _ yr.(s) subscription to THE VOICE at the rate of $2.0# per year. The Voice will be mailed to the subscriber weekly. Name_Phone™ Address