The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, September 11, 1947, Page 5, Image 5
^CHURCHES i m Allon Chapal , (Seventh-Day Adventist) Urban League—2030 “T” Street Frank W. Hale, Jr. Pastor LeCount Butler, Assoc. Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sabbath School 10:45 a.m. Missionary Meeting 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 4:00 p.m. Young People’s Society CHRIST TEMPLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (Holiness) 2149 U, T. O. McWilliams, pastor. Sunday—Early morning pray er, 7 a.m.; school, 10 a.m.; morn ing worship, 11:15 a.m.; service at Carver nursing home, 2001 Vine, 5 p.m.; evening worship, 8 p.m. Tuesday—Bible study, 8 p.m. Wednesday—Prayer and praise • service, 8 p. m. Church of God in Christ 20th Sc U Rev. B. T. McDaniels—Pastor Sunday School—10:30 A.M. Morning Worship—12:00 noon Y. P.W.W.—7:00 P.M. Leroy Evening Worship—8:00 P.M. Regular Service—8:00 P.M. on Tuesday and Friday evenings Sewing Circle—Thursday, 1 to 3 P.M. Bible Band—Mrs. Frank Wil liams, leader—Thurs. 8 P.M. Prayer Band—Wednesday, 8 P.M. Special Prayer—1st and 2nd Saturdays—12 ’til 7 A.M. 4k Rev. and Mrs. B. T. McDaniels 6th year of pastoring was cele brated August 5-10. In the clo sing services the pastor was pre sented with $269.00 along with gifts from various ones. Ml. Zion Baptist Church 12th & F, John S. Favors, pastor Sunday Morning services Subject, “Spiritual Resources for Christian Stewardship.” B.T.U. 6:30—“Capturing Youth for Christ.” Evening Service 7:30 “Two Classes” Wednesday Prayer Meeting Thursday Senior Choir Rehearsal Brotherhood Meeting Saturday Junior Choir Rehearsal Newman Methodist 23rd Sc S G. W. Harper, Minister 9:45 A.M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:30 P.M. Methodist Youth Fel lowship Northside Church of God. 23rd & T Street Robert L. Moody, Minister Sunday Church School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Prayer Meeting 8 pm Friday Bible Study and Missionary Meeting 8:00 p.m. Rev. A. G. Drane of Topeka, Kansas, will return for revival services beginning September 22, 1947. Every one is invited to at tend these services and hear this great gospel preacher. Quinn Chapal A. M. E. Church 9th and C Streets . Rev. R. E. Handy, Pastor * 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6$0 p.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Worship Service Sunday School Loason R. E. Handy Subject:—“The Wisdom of Har monious Living.” Scripture:—Prov. 3; 4, 15, 19, Matt. 5; Jas. 3. Memory Verse:—“Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Matt. 5:9. Present Day Application— One out of every three couples who are married this year will wind up in the divorce court. There are four hundred and eighty-six different branches of the Christian religion in the Uni ted States. Our country is divi ded in its thinking . North, south, east and west. The world is divi ded into two armed camps. Dem ocracy and totalitariannism. There is a woeful lack of harmony in this old world. A piano unproperly tunned will only give off nnotes that are hurt ful to the ears. Men and women who are at tracted toward each other should see to it that their ideals are in harmony. Even in the worship of God ideas clash, and there are too many isms in the institution that Christ founded, who laid as the foundation stone, “One Lord, one Faith, one Baptism.” World lead ers can not apply the Sermon on the Mount. We will never have harmony in the home, the Church, or the world until we tune our living with the Great Organ of God’s Love. e • WALLY’S USED CARS TWO LOCATIONS 1126 "P" 13th fle "Q" Can Guns Shells Scooien Trailers House Trailers Trucks Pick Ups Beats Lincoln. Nebr. Phone 2*7770 Complete Line CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES All Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds - Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical Co. 117 North 9th St. 2-24S4 HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Mrs. Brevy Miller Phone 2-4051 mm-- ■ Meal Rolls Vz Pound ground ham V4 Cup milk V4 Cup sifted enriched flour 2 Pounds round steak, cut Vz in. thick 1 Tablespoon prepared mustard Melted butter or vitaminized margarine Flour, salt, pepper V4 Cup cooking fat 1 Cup hot water Combine ham, milk, flour, and mustard. Mix thoroughly. Brush steak with butter or margarine. Spread with first mixture. Roll as a jelly roll. Skewer. Dredge with flour, salt, and pepper. Sear in hot fat. Add water. Cover. Bake in moderate oven (350° F.) 1 hour or until tender. -o Corn Oysters 1 No. 2 can cream style corn. 1 Egg V4 Teaspoon Salt 2 Cups Cracker crumbs 5 Tablespoons cooking fat Combine corn, egg, salt, and crumbs. Mix thoroughly. Form in small rolls. Roll in crumbs. Brown in hot fat. Serve with tomato sauce. Tomato Sauce 1 No. 2 can tomatoes 2 to 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 Small onion 1 Green pepper diced V4 Cup cooked rice Salt and pepper Combine tomatoes, vinegar, on ion, and green pepper. Cook un til mixture begins to thicken, stir ring frequently. Add rice. Sea son to taste. Cook 5 minutes. THE EVANS CLEANERS — LAUNDERERS Sat* Money Use our Cash and Carry Plan 333 No. 12th St. Dial 2-6961 OCDOCDOCDOCTDOCZDOCZ^OCIDOCID SMITH PHARMACY 2146 Vine Prescriptions — Drugs Fountain — Sundries Phone 2-19S6 1 m i, MTig-V » » < i~»TT; ....... MEADOW GOLD Means Just The Very Best Grade A Milk Ice Cream — Butter BEATRICE FOODS CO. ADVERTISING PAYS mm* i Steamed Frankfurters Place frankfurters in large saucepan. Add 1 cup water. Cov er. Steam 10 minutes. Cut in halves lengthwise or leave whole. Place in buttered bun. Add bar becue sauce to taste. Serve at once. Barbecue Sauce 2 Cups canned-tomatoes 1 Large onion, chopped 1 Clove garlic, chopped 1 Tablespoon butter or margarine Vz Cup tomato catsup 1 Tablespoon sugar Vz Cup Worcestershire sauce Red pepper, black pepper, salt, and mustard. Vz Cup vinegar Rub tomatoes through sieve. Add an equal quantity of water. Add onion, garlic, catsup, butter, or margarine, sugar, vinegar, and Worcestershire sauce. Cover. Sim mer 10 minutes. Season to taste. Simmer 5 minutes. Thicken with flour if desired, and cook until blended. -o Roquefort Cheese Dressing % Cup salad oil Vi Cup vinegar Vi Pound Roquefort cheese Va Teaspoon paprika Vz Teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Few grains salt Combine ingredients. Beat un til blended. Serve on meat or vegetable salad. • .^•{M{M$~'.«$.«$..j..{.v>*j..j»<>$»4,*5**J*,§**J**i**»**i,*5*,i**5**i*,J**J,*i,*J,,{,*S**i**J**J**i*,5**5**5M$**WMl**8**5**5Ml**$M$,*5* SAVE MONEY on SANI-WAX SPECIAL t» j only $QI5 t gallon until September 27 the miracle cleaner For Furniture, Woodwork, Bathroom, Kitchen A rich, smooth cleaner that wipes off in a flash, raking awaY all dirt, dust and grime and leaving a lustrous sheen. Cuts down housework, protects surfaces. Only once a year at this special money-saving f; price, SANI-WAX Gallon Sale ends September 27th; Get yours NOW! HOUSEWARES FIFTH FLOOR -- Even Crocheting—Before crochet ing an edge around scarf ends or pillow cases, I unthread the sew ing machine needle, lengthen the stitch, and sew around edge to make holes through which to cro chet evenly. Be Wise And Advertise Jess Williams SPRINGS 2215 O St. 2-3633 Springs for any Car, Truck, or Bus We Can duplicate any spring THE COTTON SHOP JUNIOR DRESSES 9-17 LARGE SIZE DRESSES Sizes 38-44 46 - 52 Prices Always Reasonable— $7.98 down to $1.98 You'll like— Weaver’s Potato Wafers » Lincoln's Favorite POTATO CHIP