The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, September 11, 1947, Page 4, Image 4
It -r ~ V V ~ ± J IP w v V - - - v^r - J 5 SOCIAL BRIEFS Miss Mary C. Nelson, who has accepted a position at Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Mo., spent a few hours in the city Sunday morning, September 7, after a business trip to Washing ton, D. C. • • • • / Miss Melsena Goolsby has re turned to Lincoln after spending the summer in Colorado. Miss Goolsby, daughter of the Rev. L. S. Goolsby, will leave Saturday, September 13, for Seattle, where she will enter the University of Washington for her Junior year. » • • • Mrs. A. G. Smith is recuperat ing after several days illness. * * • • Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Ann Smitherman to A. D. Meehan of New Haven, Conn. Miss Smitherman has operated a beauty shop in the city for the past year. * * * * Mrs. Basilia Bell was called to Kansas City due to the death of Mrs. Mattie Taylor. * * * * Mrs. Bell will motor to Kansas City on Friday to accompany her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Alexander to Lincoln. Mrs. Alexander of f Los Angeles, California has been visiting in Kansas City. * * * * The vacancy at the Post Office due to the resignation of Mrs. Kathryn Conway, was filled by Mrs. Basilia Bell. * * * * ^ Miss Katherine Thompson, for mer group worker at the Urban League, left Wednesday morning for Pittsburg Univerisity. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. Winters and Mrs. Eltra Crews left Sunday for -California where they will remain indefinitely. Mrs. Crews will visit her son Walter and Mrs. Winters will visit her father who is reported quite ill and other relatives. I * # * • Rev. and Mrs. Trago McWil liams Jr., and party have returned after spending a week attending the National Convention of the Church of Christ (Holiness), which was held in Los Angeles. Rev. and Mrs. T. T. McWil liams Sr., were also in attendance. / • # • • ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Banks, 2119 T, were hosts Thursday eve ning, September 4, to a number of their friends. The occasion was the twentieth birthday of Mrs. Banks. 'Games were played. Mrs. No lan Self was awarded first prize and Mrs. Margaret McWilliams was awarded second prize. Mr. Chas. Brooks of Beatrice Nebr., father of Mrs. Banks, was among the twenty guests present. » • • • Mr. Wendell Thomas of Omaha was noticed among the out-of town. guests at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. • • • • Mrs. Hobert Botts spent two weeks traveling with her hus band, who is an employee in the Burlington Dining Car service. Mrs. Botts stopped at Alliance Nebr., Casper, Wvo., and Denver Colorado before returning. * * * * Mrs. Kimbrough of Tulsa, Ok lahoma, former Lincolnite, and mother of Sam Kimbrough, was a guest the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kimbrough. She was accompanied by her grand-daugh ter. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of North Platte, Nebr., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mr. Rogers has been employed at the Buick Co. 40 years. * • * • Mr. and Mrs. Estelle Powell returned on Wednesday from Minnesota where Mr. Powell has been employed during the sum mer. V * w * Tuesday saw Mrs. Cordia Walker, and Mrs. Agnes Adams off to Omaha, to attend the Rose of Sharon Council meeting . As house guests of Mrs. Jessie Brooke, they were entertained Wednesday at a lovely brunch. A late buffet supper was served at the home of Mrs. Bennetta Cleveland before they returned for home. * * * * Mrs. Dan Hill has returned to her home in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, after spending three weeks as house guest of Mrs. Basilia Bell. * * * * Mrs. John Adams served a buf fet supper Sunday evening, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roache, J^Iiss Dorothy Abrams and Mrs. Carl Bone of Omaha. They were also visiting friends Mrs. Woody Coo per and Mrs. Edgar Foster. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Woods of Muskegon, Michigan, were Lin coln visitors during the past week. Mr. Woods was former Executive Secretary of the Lincoln Urban League and is now Executive of the City Recreation Association of Muskegon, and came to assist in the operation of the Woods Dining Hall at the State Fair. Mrs. Woods is secretary and bookkeeper of the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. Woods and her son Mitz returned to Muskegon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Woods were Lincoln visitors last week end. Mrs. Woods is in the school sys tem in Omaha. The Woods Dining Hall was the scene of a party given in hon or of Millard “Mitz” Woods. Mrs. Williams Woods and Mrs. C. R. Johnson were hostesses. Patronize our Advertizers The Sports Front with Howard “Smoky” Molden Flowers to the Independent Soft Ball Team on their winning the Single A Championship for the city of Lincoln. Hank Mc Williams, Calvin Rodgers, Dunc an “Shorty” Botts and all the boys showed championship class all through the season. We are proud of you boys. Lavageiio Replaces Jackie Jackie Robinson’s hopes of play ing in every game this season came to end when the Brooklyn first baseman had to stay out of the fourth and final game against the Giants due to an old back in jury. Robinson had played in 135 games when Manager Bert Shotten decided that he needed a rest. The injury was sustained last wimer while playing golf. Robin son hurt his >:ack swinging a golf club on a Los Angeles course. Throughout spring training he was troubled with the injury and at one time in Cuba had to be ex amined by one of Havana’s lead ing physicians. Robinson was ordered to “take a rest” by the Dodgers’ pilot Sun day and Cookie Lavagetto, vet eran infielder, took over the first base chores as the Dodgers lost to the Giants, 7 to 6, cutting their lead over St. Louis to 5 ¥2 games. IN CLEANUP ROLE Jackie Robinson, was placed in the cleanup spot in the Brooklyn lineup Wednesday by Manager Burt Shotton, and the Dodgers proceded to wallop the Cubs, 5 to 1. The Brooklyn outfit moves into St. Louis Thursday for their crucial 3-game series with the Cardinals. CHILD’S CUP 1881 ©ROGERS® ty ONEIDA LTD. SILVERSMITHS Ideal gift.. . Child's Cup hand somely silverplated on a durable •ickel silver base ... quality un surpassed 'at this welcome price I Its graceful beauty will grow more precious with the years. Each cup cellophane wrapped ia Gift Box. $1.75 ea. Plus 20% Federal Tax *Tr»de-«n*rk PRESTON’S CREDIT JEWELERS 937 O HILTNER FLORAL GO. "FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" 2-2775 135 So. 12 GREETINGS from EARL WOOD’S DAIRY 15 Stores All over Lincoln UMBERGER'S 2-2424 1110 Q. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Roy A. Sheaff, Darold Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger families. 2-5059. VINE ST. MARKET Groceries 8c Meats 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 COMPLETE FUR SERVICE HORACE E. COLLEY “Trust your furs with a furrier” 1745 South 11 3-6582 QUALITY PHOTOS Lower Prices — Faster Service PHOTO NOOK 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 1443 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebr. STAR VAN Wishes THE VOICE Continued Success 120 So. 13th St. Lincoln For Better Values • Drugs • Cosmetics • Stationery • Candy ^ • Prescriptions I CHEAPPER DRUGS 1325 O St. Lincoln Our Super Market * 1717 R St. Telephone 2-3160 "Eddie" Neiden, Manager “Food to Suit Your Taste” For Your Furniture Needs Capital Furniture Co. Open Evenings Until 9 3101 "O" Street 2-2580 -:- Patronize Our Advertisers ROSE MANOR STUDIO 1029 Rose Street Phone 3-2046 Portraits by Appointment George Randol. P. A. of A. Prices reasonable — Work guaranteed DONLEY STAHL CO. — PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY — 1331 N Street 2-3248 LEMON AIDE PITCHER—2 QUART CAPACITY HEAVY WHITE ENAMEL WITH A STAINLESS STEEL COVER— 4 SPECIAL ____$2.47 *