The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, August 14, 1947, Image 1

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Rev. John Favors to
Mark 2nd Anniversary
Plans will be made at a meet
ing Sunday for the observation
of Rev. John S. Favors’ second
anniversary of Mount Zion Bap
tist church. The anniversary
services will be held Sunday,
Aug. 24.
The planning meeting will be
held at 4 p.m. Sunday at the
home of Mrs. L. B. Henderson,
545 No. 22nd.
Among Graduates
Mrs. Edith Hassel Hill was gra
duated from Lincoln High School
along with others this summer,
and will be enrolled as a regular
student at the University of Ne
braska in September.
Scholastic Achievements
Mr. William Lockhart, Baton
Rouge, La., received his M. A.
degree at the close of the summer
session. The degree was taken
in School Administration.
Mr. Moore is principal of Union
Central High School, Columbia,
• La
Mrs. Maud Currie Coggs of Lit
tle Rock, Ark., completed work
on August 8 for her Masters de
gree in Food and Nutrition, and
School of Home Economics at the
University of Nebraska.
Mrs. Coggs will begin work on
her Ph. D. in September.
Miss Mary Bass, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Bass, left
Wednesday for Los Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. Willa Lou Clark and chil
dren, Norma Jean and Clifford
Dunn, returned Sunday from a
I weeks vacation. In Leavenworth,
Kansas, they visited Mrs. Bernice
Clark and in Kansas City, Mo.,
they were guests of Mrs .Alice
Mrs. Lonnie Bass will motor to
Little Rock, Ark., accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. Phyllis Bass.
They will leave Aug. 23.
Mrs. Frank O’Neal of Omaha
arrived Tuesday to be the house
gu«st of Mrs. John Miller.
The following is a list of those
who are New Subscribers or have
Renewed their subscription to
How does your SUBSCRIPTION
New Subscriptions
Mr. W. Winston
Mr. Levi Whitebear
Mrs. Hazel Black, Omaha
Dean Hassel
Mrs. E. Williams
Mrs. Roosevelt Bass
Mrs. Irby Stephens
Mrs. Agenese Adams, renewal
Mrs. Willa Lou Clark
Mr. Frank Williams
Mr. Donson Thelman
Mrs. Essie Roland
Mrs. Ben Brown, Chicago
Mrs. Vella Ellis, Oakland, CaL.
Rev. T. A. Friend, Mooresville.
North Carolina
Nebraska City News
Mr. Luther D. Givehand, of Vi
gen’s ball team, broke bones in
his left foot when he slid into
home plate in a game at Weep
ing Water, Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adams
and daughter Jeannette were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo
Adams over the week end.
Miss Arlene Kerr of Omaha is
the guest of Miss Patricia Lapp.
She will remain until Wednesday.
Mrs. Josephine Fields had as
her guest Monday Rev. and Mrs.
L. S. Goolsby. Quarterly Confer
ence was held at the Mt. Zion, A.
M. E. Church, Monday evening
. Mr .Alonzo Adams attended
the softball game in Weeping Wa
ter Sunday evening. Vigen’s won
by a score of 12-5.
Attends Funeral
Mrs. B. Moss has returned from
Wichita, Kansas, where she was
called because of the death of her
brother, Sherman S. Wilson, who
had lived there for 14 years and
was a member of St. Paul A.M.E.
Funeral services were held
there August 2, and she returned
Mr. and Mrs .Wm. Blackwell and their two children,
* Wm. Jr. and Ray, .from Parsons, Kansas, left Sunday after
spending a week with Mr. Blackwell’s brother and sister
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blackwell.
JEKLdm haMu m ii - ^
The wedding of Miss Bettye
Louise Tarpley was held at the
home of the parents of the bride,
Aug. 10, 1947, in the presence of
about 50 friends and relatives.
The bride wore a beautiful
white gown of polk-a-dot nylon
with a finger tip veil. Her bou
quet was of white gladiolas and
satan tapers. In attendance was
her sister, Mrs. Ruth Williams,
matron of honor. She wore a
lovely pink evening gown with a
corsage also of white gladiolas.
The groom looked very hand
some in his dark blue suit and
black shoes. His best man was
Johnnie Duncan.
After the wedding a reception
was held at the Urban League
lounge, serving 200 people.
A very lovely 3-tier white cake
decorated with dainty-little roses
and topped with a cute little
brown bride and groom.
Mrs. Elmira Robinson and Mrs.
Margie Turner were hostesses.
Mrs. Juanita Cozan, Miss Jackie
Smith, Miss Jackie Farr, Mr. Wal
ter Bell, Mr. Bud Turner, and
Mrs. Dorothy Dean assisted Mrs.
Basilia Bell in the kitchen.
Conways Will Move to Cheyenne
Mr. and Mrs. Bradfield Con
way, 2117 T, have rented their
home furnished and will move
to Cheyenne ,Wyo., about Aug. 15
Mrs. Conway who has worked
under Civil Service at the Lin
coln Post Office has resigned to
become hospital attendant for
the Government in Cheyenne.
They will live with her aunt,
Mrs. James Smith.
<CsL. & * • ^ Wm
Those in charge of the gift
room were Miss Clintana Smith
and Miss Marguerite Gill. Many
beautiful gifts were received.
After the reception the bride
and groom left for Benton Har
bor, Mich., to spend their honey
moon for one week. After they
return, home to their friends will
be at 1945 Vine St.
Out of town guests were Mrs.
Clyde Rodgers, mother of the
groom, Miss Jackie Farr from
York, Nebr., and Miss Wilma
Starnes of Omaha.
A shower in honor of Miss Bet
tye Tarpley was given at the
home of Mrs. Basilia Bell, with
27 guests attending.
Games were enjoyed by all.
Miss Tarpley received many love
ly gifts.
Refreshments were served and
a lovely time was had by all.
The evening was closed by a
mock wedding with Mrs. Ruth
Williams marrying Mrs. Maude
Williams. The “wedding” was
performed by Mrs. Margie Tur
Photo by Randol
Aug. 4, 1947
Rev. Shakespeare
Dear Sir:
Please find enclosed $2.00 to
renew my subscription to The
I think this is a wonderful pa
per. And words can’t express
how my family and I enjoy read
ing it.
I pray your progress and suc
cess will be endless.
Rev. R. L. Moody Attends
Camp Meetings and Conventions
Rev. Robert L. Moody, pastor
of Northside Church of God re
cently attended the annual In
terstate Camp Meeting and Con
ventions of the Church of God.
These meetings were held at
Topeka, Kansas. They were very
good and many souls were help
ed. Some were saved, some san
ctified, and some healed.
The twenty-odd congregations
,,, '-if*.. “'jtfiHiJ
and missions are located in the
states of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri,
Nebraska, and parts of Illinois
and Oklahoma. The Interstate
Association plans to buy a beauti
ful ten acre camp ground just on
the outer edge of the city of To
peka. The plan is to buy four
government barracks units which
will be used for, (1) Dormitories,
(2) Dormitories for women, (3) A
unit of private rooms, and (4) A
unit for dining hall, kitchen, and
Rev. Moody left Aug. 6 for
their National Camp and Con
ventions for the Sunday School
and Youth Fellowship at West
Middlesex, Pennsylvania. There
is a fully developed camp ground
of 127 acres, with a great taber
nacle, several large dormitories,
and scores of homes and cabins.
It is really as nicknamed, a
“Mount of Blessings.”
The Youth Fellowship was in
charge of the 2:30 p.m. services
each day. Able young preachers
from various parts of the U. S.
were chosen to preach on differ
ent aspects of the theme, “Christ
Pre-eminent.” Rev. Moody had
for his subject, Monday, Aug. 11,
“Christ Pre-eminent in the
Personal Mention
Mrs. Mary Donaldson of Cam
den, Mo., is residing in the city
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wiley, Mr.
and Mrs. Corey Hopkins, and
Mrs. Brewer, all of Omaha, were
guests of Rev. and Mrs. John S.
Favors, Sunday.
Mrs. Patricia Caswell of Mar
celinal ,Mo., and Mr. Elmer Mar
tin from Hannibal, Mo., were
united with Mt. Zion Baptist
Church, Sunday morning.