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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1947)
* p-TTTT-rF. .i. , '= , , SOCIAL BRIEFS i1 t....I Mr. and Mrs. Jewell R. Kelley Sr., will leave Friday morning for Langston, Okla., and will return with their daughter, Barbara, who has been a student there for the past year. ♦ • • • ^ Mr. Wm. B. Davis spent Mon day in Omaha. * * * * Mrs. John Robinson is confined to her home as a result of illness. * * * * Miss Virginia Davis spent a two-week vacation visiting in Chicago and Des Moines. She also spent some time in Omaha. Miss Davis returned to the city last Friday. * * * * Misses Delores and Marilyn Bowen are spending their vaca tion in California with relatives. They are daughters of Mr. ahd Mrs. J. D. Bowen. * * * * • Mr. Larmon Brame, is of Cres cent, Oklahoma and has come to our city to spend the summer. He is the son of Mrs. Edwin Todd, 2267 Y Street. The teen-agers can add another name to their column. * * * * Mrs. Alonzo Adams and Mrs. Virgie Ellis motored to Lincoln Thursday afternoon from Ne braska City. They visited Mr. Sanford Hern who is a patient at the Veterans Hospital. AA A A A A A A A ♦% *%♦% ♦!♦ 4, A number of interesting out of-the city personalities were pre- j sent at Quinn Chapel A. M. E. Church Sunday morning services. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomas, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Williams, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brookins, Chicago; Mrs. Bertha Peterson, Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Madison, Oakdale, La.; J. N. Mil ler, Oklahoma City and Stanley Clayton of Spring Grove, Va. * * * * Mr. John Miller and Donovan Ray Gatus are motoring through parts of the south and east for an extended vacation. * * * * It was reported to us that Mrs. John Adams, 540 No. 22nd St., is recuperating at her home after undergoing surgery at a local hospital, several weeks ago. * * * * Mrs. Harold Stith has returned home from a recent trip to Calif ornia. Mr. Stith is employed there and Mrs. Stith and Darryl Lee will return at a later date to make their home there. * * * * Retu’ ning to her home in Den ver, Colo., recently was Mrs. Ed win Delaney Sr., who attended the wedding of her daughter, Orpha, who was united in marri age to Delma King June 27. Mrs. Delaney, until recently lived in the city for many years. HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Mrs. Brevy Lilly Phone 2-4051 . .. ■ ■■■ ihiji -■ • i ilium iflMMl—MS— •>>>; > V < * ,4 Orange Sherbet 1% cup evaporated milk V2 cup orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice % cup unsweetened pineapple juice 1 tablespoon grated orange peel 3/\ cup sugar Chill milk in refrigerator tray until ice crystals form around the edge. Combine fruit juices, or ange peel, and sugar, stir to dis solve sugar, beat milk until stiff. Add fruit juice mixture, beat well 0pour into refrigerator tr.ay, freeze until firm, turn into chilled bowl beat until fluffy smooth but not melted return quickly to cold tray. Freeze firm. Serves 8. Tuna Salad Tomatoes 6 medium bright red tomatoes 1 cup tuna flaked 1 cup diced celery Vz teaspoon salt 3 hard cooked eggs, diced 3 sweet pickles, chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice Vfe cup mayonnaise Peel tomatoes turn bottom side end down; cut almost thru in 6 ^sections, sprinkle with salt, chill, combine tuna, celery, salt, eggs, pickles and lemon juice, moisten with mayonnaise, serve in tomato cups on a leaf of lettuce. \ Cracker Crumb Crusi for Pie 16 graham crackers V4 cup sugar V4 cup softened butter or oleo For a crumb crust that’s easy to cut and serve without crumbl ing roll out graham crackers into fine crumbs. Put crumbs softened butter and sugar in a bowl and blend together. Mix thoroughly and evenly using a fork for last Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hubbard Jr., and Children are visiting the parents of Mr. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hubbard Sr., * * • * Rev. and Mrs. Cole of Cleveland, Ohio stopped over several days recently visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Cole, 1029 No. 23rd St., They had been attending the Bap tist Congress and Sunday School Convention in Oakland, California Rev. Cole was a Lincoln visitor last summer, during which time he preached at several of the lo cal churches. Rev. R. L. Moody who was re cently reelected board member of the State Holiness Association attended a meeting in Topeka, Kansas over the weekend. Rev. Moody is the only race member of the board. We noticed that Rev. and Mrs. John Favors of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stith were among the guests at tending a lovely reception given in Oakland, California by the Rev. Charles Favors of Omaha, and his sister, Mrs. Candace Sad dler. The affair was given for the Nebraska, Minnesota, and Arizona delegates attending the Baptist Congress and Sunday .chool Convention. Mrs. Virginia Botts is confined to her home due to illness. She is reported somewhat improved. Mrs. Loretta Swanigan and Mrs. Evelyn Knowles were accompa nied by Mr. Lonnie Carter on a trip to St. Joseph to attend the Missouri State Convention of Postal Mechanic and Maintain nces Employees Association, on Saturday. Mrs. Swanigan is State Organizer for the Nebraska Or ganization. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Givehand end Mr. Alonzo Adams of Ne braska City attended the Kansas City Monarchs and Sandy’s ball game on Tuesday. blending. Pour well - blended graham cracker mixture into a 9 inch pie plate, then press mix ture on the bottom and around the sides of the pie plate into a firm, even layer, shaping into rim around edge of plate, bake eight minutes in moderate oven. TIPS & TRICKS You can eliminate most of the odor from cabbage, cauliflower or onions if you cook them in half milk and half water. An easy way to melt paraffin for sealing is to drop pieces into teapot, then set teapot in hot wa ter until paraffin is melted and pour from spout or use an old pitcher. When carrying a fiber rug, to keep it from buckling in the mid dle roll it from corner to corner. rWVWWTmt—r »**»** **»•••*••»»*»•*** ROSE MANOR STUDIO 1029 Rose Street Phone 3-2046 Portraits by Appointment George Randol, P. A. of A. Prices reasonable — Work guaranteed DONLEY STAHL CO. — PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY — 1331 N Street 2-3248 RAUTEX FACE MASKS, 3 for ... ..25c Light, Comfortable, Boilable Protection against Spring Colds and Coughs OUR CHILDREN (Continued from poge 2) ture Book merely bores him, but he is fascinated by the story-tell ing pictures in such a book as Peggy and Peter. He demands stories and is ready for many simple stories of experience and for one or two simple folk tales. Rhythm and repetition still hold a strong place and the child en joys joining in refrains. Parents are often astonished, sometimes harassed, by the way in which a three year old child insists on repetition of a favorite story or rhyme. PAINT IS SCARCE We appreciate your patronage and hope we soon can supply all your requirements VAN SICKLE GLASS 8c PAINT CO. 143 So. 10th PIANOS RADIOS SEWING MACHINES WASHERS SWEEPERS Gourlay Bros. Piano Co, 212 So. 12 2-1633 QUALITY PHOTOS Lower Prices — Faster Service PHOTO NOOK 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 1443 "O" Street Lincoln, Ncbr. LOTMAN’S GROCERY 1945 R Street Meats and Vegetables HILTNER rum C2. "FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" 2-2775 135 So. 12 GREETINGS from EARL WOOD’S DAIRY 15 Stores All over Lincoln UMBERGER'S 2-2424 1110 Q. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Roy A. Sheaff, Darold Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger families. 2-5059. VINE ST. MARKET Groceries 8c Meats 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 STAR VAN Wishes THE VOICE Continued Success COMPLETE FUR SERVICE HORACE E. COLLEY “Trust your furs with a furrier” 1745 South 11 3-6582 120 So. 13th St. Lincoln KUSHNER’S STORES TO SERVE YOU No. 1 No. 2 No.3 27th & 626 1733 W No. 22nd "O" _ You'll like— Weaver’s Potato Wafers Lincoln's Favorite POTATO CHIP For Better Values • Drugs • Cosmetics • Stationery • Candy • Prescriptions CHEAPPER DRUGS 1325 O St. Lincoln MEADOW GOLD Means Just The Very Best Grade A Milk Ice Cream — Butter BEATRICE FOODS CO. • Patronise Our Advertisers