The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, June 26, 1947, Page Six, Image 6
Teen Age Chatter Reporter Dotty Greene Asst. Ruby Lee Harper Asst. Loretta McWilliams Greetings Chums and Chumletts: Well the bike riding season has started (if you don’t own one you can rent one) many of our Teen Agers are taking advantage of this, among them were Freddie Powell, Kathryn. King, Phyllis Holcomb, Gladys Bradford and many more. • • • • Miss Kathrine Thompson gave a slumber party Sunday, June 22nd for the Girl Scouts (Troop 21) those attending were Iona Adams, Betty Rose Huston, Mar ion Bradford, Gladys Bradford, Ida Adkins, Barbara Moody, and Norma Dunn. Each girl brought a covered dish, they made a gin ger bread cake, sandwiches, Kool Aid, Monday morning on arising they had a very nice breakfast The menu was—V-8 Juice, Cin namon Rolls, Eggs and Cocoa. A nice time was had by all attend ing. * * * * The 4-H girls attended the demonstration day at Ag. College, those attending were Jeanette Vinegar, Ida Adkins and Iona Adams. * * * * Bobbie Graham is spending his summer vacation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, we know he is going to have a great time. * * * • Miss Jeanne Malone has re turned from the Campus YWCA Conference. • * * * Inever Knew 'Till Now Thai — Lois Hatcher’s nickname is Red— Charles Campbell wants his name in The Voice— Jeanne Ivory is very popular lately— Loretta McWilliams could play the piano— Delores Bowen played tennis— That girls Indian bracelets were made for girls to wear— That writing for a paper took brains and mentality. • • • • Picnicked on the river Spread cloth on the bank Dropped lunch in the water And it promptly sank. Ran for the bus Was almost there When I tripped on my feet And swallowed my face. Jumped the hedge Guess where I lit? T’was a mud puddle That I hit. Bob is stalwart Bob has brawn Yet how he does wilt Mowing the lawn. Went to the show What did I see? A great big hat In front of me. I take cars apart To tinker I ache Very few I can’t fix Not one I cant break. The boys on the street How they do flirt When they meet brown eyes And black and white skirts. (Taken partly from Irving News) • • • • Well I guess that is enough ’til next week. Bye Now Dotty, Ruby, Lorretta -o — Hawkeye Boys Elected Negro Governor I The Hawkeye Boys State, an I encampment of Iowa youths held at Camp Dodge, Iowa, sponsored by the American Legion to teach governmental processes, elected a Negro athlete as its governor during its encampment session last week. The newly-elected governor is Donald Clayter of Cedar Rapids. He received 385 of the 700 votes cast. His nearest rival was Dan iel Youngblade, white, of Sioux City, who polled 312 votes. -o The Tiber River is 253 miles long and its deepest point is only 20 feet. [noycar (wFhave no ax") > TO GRIND/ < WE GIVE YOU THE \ NEWS AS IT OCCURS ) -AND EDITORIAL / V, COMMENT AS f \WESEE IT/O' Driveway "hotspot." Backing dangerous. Remember you're on the spot and must stop.. This ap plies at gas stations or at any alleyway. Crossing sidewalks. Watch Pedestrians. -o Coast Physician on Board ol Planned $2,000,000 Cancer Hospi tal Dr. Warner Wright, outstanding surgeon, has accepted appoint ment to the board of directors of the Cancer Prevention Society, sponsors of the $2,000,000 Los Angeles Memorial Cancer Hospi tal drive .Campaign Director Mi chael D. Fanning announced last week. Well known as one of the top colored surgeons of that area, Dr. Wright has been an active citizen in Los Angeles for more than 12 years. -o Licenses for temporary thea ters were first granted in the reign of Henry VII of England. BEAUTY and FASHION HINTS Ann Watson Smitherman Summer is here, and the torrid days of heat cannot help but make you uncomfortable. Here are a few tips that will help you to en dure the heat and also keep you fresh and dainty. An extra shower, the splash of cooling cologne (instead of per fume) the fresh nylons and clean white cotton gloves, the mid-day flick of powder in your sandals, the extra seconds for holding hot wrists under the cold water tap after washing your hands are all so relieving. Try the new liquid deodorant instead of the solid form. Try Revlon’s fashion plate non-greasy creme face powder in stead of your usual powder. A lighter shade of lipstick for sum mer wear and by all means spend a little time on your toe nails be fore wearing your sandals. Fin ger tips, lips, and toe nails all in the same shade of coloring makes a good show at any time. Give your hair extra curl dur ing the summer months. The sun and wind is very drying to the hair and scalp. Brush it more often, wash it more often, and keep it oiled with a very light oil. -o GOP Still Silent on Negro Bills Sounding off loudly over the veto of their pet tax “slash” bill, Republicans are eloquently sil ent over bill that would benefit and protect America’s great minority group. For 15 years, the Repubicans in congress have been underdog minorities and in that time, they clamored loudly and long for the passage of the anti-lynch and FEPC bills. They blamed south ern Democrats for blocking the bills they had “nearest their hearts.” What they would do when they got in power with these bills would make the Demo crats look very cheap. With only a few weeks to go be fore the adjournment there is little likelihood that the Republi cans will enact any bill concern ing lynching, poll-tax or setting up an FEPC. There is no hope for them at this session. As one well known writer states, “_but now they are in majority, the Republicans are not so passionately eager to see these bills passed.” LITTLE REGGIE , By Margarita / YOU HAVE \ i NOTHING TO > - WORRY ABOUT, l i HISS GRAPEFRUIT, I ILL TAKE CARE g raft JITTER Ixv v ^ .w^\ V .w "x' vJ f^\wx\fil by Arthur Pointer BEAL BROS. GROCERY 1 Fresh Fruits It Vegetables Meats 2101 R TeL 2-6033 - 4 Danielson Florist FLOWERS 1306 N Si. 2-2234 SMITH PHARMACY 2146 Vine Prescriptions — Drugs Fountain — Sundries Phone 2-1958 Complete Line CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES All Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical Co. 117 North 9th St. 2-2434 For Everything in HARDWARE BAKER HARDWARE 101 No. 9th 2-3710 GOLD CUP BREAD LINCOLN BAKING CO. FREADRICH BROS. # • • Since 1902 Master Grocers The Best Place to Trade after all’ 1316 N Street — 9th & L Super; Market — Huskerville at Air Base ii i r.. WeMitUf StcUi&M&uf, Invitations or Announcements Many Unusual Designs | Double Envelopes - ! 100 Sets $7.95 and up "T1 1 i LYTLE PRINTING CO. 2-3839 2120 "O" Street j L-ry