The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, June 26, 1947, Page Three, Image 3
0 jj^ V 4 W , » » .'VV'i-. fT=»'T»T.'. »* '. '■» 1 SOCIAL BRIEFS m ~ ~ ^ ^ ^---— -~ ~- ■ Mr. and Mrs. E. Winters, 1931 U Street, returned Sunday after spending a 15 day vacation visit ing two brothers of Mr. Winters that live in Chicago, 111., and his father and sisters who live in Memphis, Tenn. .Mr. Winters had not seen his brothers for 27 years. • * * * * Frank Burden Jr., June gradu ate of Lincoln High School and son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burden has joined the Armed Forces and his parents are awaiting his location. * * * • Mrs. M. Wells of Denver, Colo., has been in the city for several weeks attending her husband who is in St. Elizabeth Hospital the result of an automobile accident which resulted in one fatality. • • * * Mr. A. E. Simms who spent Wednesday in Omaha attending # the Mid West District Conference was dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Voner. He also visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perkins, former residents of the city. • • • • Mr. and Mrs. Willie Lomack, 1921 T, are new comers to Lincoln. * * * * Mrs. Lee Chung and son, An thony from San Diego, Calif, are visiting Mrs. Chung’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Brooks. • • • • * George T. Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Brooks recently received his Masters Degree from Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. * * * • Mrs. Irene McWilliams former Lincolnite of Denver, Colo., spent Saturday in the city visiting friends and relatives. Mrs. Mc Williams stopped in Fairbury and Omaha before returning to Denver. * • • • Mr. James Bradley of Seward is now a patient at the Universi • ty Hospital in Omaha. Mr. Brad ley was taken ill at his home in Seward several weeks ago and was removed recently to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dean, 1018 Rose Street, have been caring for him. * * • • Mrs. Dena Malone Ormes, Min neapolis, Minn., was a recent visitor in the city. She is a sis ter of Mrs. J. H. Dean and Mr. Clyde W. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Stith have been visiting for several weeks in Oakland and Berkley, California. They will remain in definitely. • • • • The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Posey has been hospital ized for several weeks. + * + + Mrs. Ralph W. Johnson is re ported somewhat improved at St. Elizabeth Hospital. • * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. Moseley of Monroe, La., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Edwards while attending the Summer ses sion at the University of Nebr. * * * * Mrs. Fred Bradley honored her husband with a birthday party Saturday evening. There were fourteen guests invited. -u FAIRVIEW. KANSAS by Edna Bell Trinity Chapel A.M.E. Church Rev. S. Davis, pastor, Sunday School, 9:45, Mrs. Emily Davis, Superintendent; Services at 11:00 our Pastor in charge. Services were very inspiring and well at tended. Reports from the Dele gates to District Conference were made at the morning service. An nouncements for the week. An entertainment will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bell by Club No. 1 for the benefit of the Parsonage. Missionary will meet at the home of Mrs. Vernon Reese, Friday, June 27. Progressive Club met at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Vernon Reese with President Lillian Hutchison in charge. All members were present. Mrs. Lula Denton and daughter, Sandra and Mrs. Walt er Patterson of Sabetha were guests. Announcing the Opening of ARENSON’S MARKET Complete Stock of Groceries OPEN SUNDAYS Morris Arenson, Prop. 23 and R St. Phone 2-3994 HILTNER FLORAL GO. "FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" 2-2775 135 So. 12 J—J—5—5—5—J—§—5— , ROSE MANOR STUDIO 1029 Rose Street Phone 3-2046 Portraits by Appointment George Randol, P. A. of A. Prices reasonable — Work guaranteed DONLEY STAHL CO. — PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY — 1331 N Street 2-3248 RAUTEX FACE MASKS, 3 for -:-25c Light, Comfortable, Boilable Protection against Spring Colds and Coughs 4 The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln 10th fc "O" St. Member F.D.I.C. I RECORDS VICTOR—COLUMBIA §J DECCA—CAPITOL «V and others I A Superior Musical Service I Won't You Call Today? f I Schmoller & Mueller “4 PIANO CO. I 1212 O St. 2-6724 PIANOS RADIOS SEWING MACHINES WASHERS SWEEPERS Gourlay Bros. Piano Co. 212 So. 12 2-1636 QUALITY PHOTOS Lower Prices — Faster Service PHOTO NOOK 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 1443 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebr. LOTHIAN’S GROCERY 1945 R Street Meats and Vegetables GREETINGS from EARL WOOD’S DAIRY 15 Slores All over Lincoln UMBERGER'S 2-2424 1110 Q. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Roy A. Sheaff, Darold Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger families. 2-5059. VINE ST. MARKET Groceries 8c Meats 22nd and Vine 2.6583 — 2-6584 You'll like— Weaver’s Potato Wafers Lincoln's Favorite POTATO CHIP •J* *5* V *4* *4* 4*4^ V* *4* *4* 4* *4* *»4 *4* *4* *4* %* V 4* *4* */ V V *4 Gilmour - Danielson Drug Co. Prescription Druggists 142 South 13th St., Lincoln, Nebr. Phone 2-1246 For Better Values • Drugs • Cosmetics • Stationery • Candy • Prescriptions CHEAPPER DRUGS 1325 O St. Lincoln _m MEADOW GOLD Means Just The Very Best Grade A Milk Ice Cream — Butter BEATRICE FOODS CO. * *** *** *•* *** V* \* \* *1* *** *4*****4* *** NEW CENTRE FOR STUDY AND PLAY IS OPENED , . _ . Built and donated by a British firm, a new community centre has been opened at Asamankese, Gold Coast, British west Africa. Run by a local committee under the guidance of a welfare officer, it has already 340 members. Activi ties include educational classes, lectures, sports and entertainment. For women and girls there are classes in child care domestic training and dress-making. The men’s favorite pastime is boxing, which attracts the largest audi ences The centre has a well-equipped cafeteria, library, and reading room Dances are held every Saturday Mem bers are also taking an active part in social work, raisingmoney for local hospitals, homes for destitutes and for a Leper colony, and paying personal visits to the sick.