THE VOICE A NEGRO WEEKLY "Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritual life of a great people” Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare Publisher and Owner 2225 S Street Phone 5-6491 If no answer call 5-7508 Rubie W. Shakespeare Advertising & Business Manager Mrs. Joe Green Circulation Mgr. Member of the Assoc. Negro Presa Subscription rate $2.00 per year 10c per copy Application for entry as second class matter at the Lincoln Ne braska Post Office is pending. Business Address, 2225 “S” Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Special recognition is always given persons whose emphasis lie in good citizenship. Lincoln is a fast moving city, rapidly making civic improve ments and providing opportuni ties for cultural developement and recreation. Hundreds of our families are displaying active participations in community pro jects relating to such matters as health, safety and beautification of their homes, thus making a definite contribution to the city. The beautiful lawns, flower gardens, shrubbery, porch and yard furniture were all evidence of this fact. During the difficult job of judging in the recent an nual Urban League Yard Clean Up Campaign. The Clyde Coulter home 2444 South 9 is outstanding .with its beautiful iris hedge in full bloom and the retaining wall on either side making the place seperate and distinct. The care of the yard is comparable with Mrs. Coulters idealistic housekeeping. At the Page home 336 South 20th Street display of superior color schemes and orderly ar rangements was outstanding. The property at 1029 Rose St. has been completely revolu tionized during the year of the Randols occupancy. A lawn front and back with beautiful lilacs in keeping with the “Lilac City” that Lincoln has become, as well as other shrubbery, is an al most unbelievable transforma tion. The Caesar’s, 1922 “T” not only shows great improvements in the re-arrangement of the yard but the new driveway and walk, also enhance its beauty.. t Both the Lintz’s and Starks’ yards were individualistic and marvelously significent. Both families are newcomers and mak ing a welcomed contribution to our city. Teen Age Chatter Reporter Dotty Greene Asst. Ruby Lee Harper Asst. Loretta McWilliams I [ Greetings Mates. Whats new with you? # * * • This week we pay tribute to the 9A graduates from the Junior High Schools, those graduating are Delores Bowen, Loretta Mc Williams, Jeanette Vinegar, Mar guerite Knowles, Birdie Powell, Gerraldine Nettles, Charles Cam pbell, Lester White, from Whit tier and Jeanne Ivory from Ev erett Junior High School. • • • * Miss Freddie Powell won honorable mention in the Regent Scholarship test given by the University of Nebraska. * * • • Your roving reporter (Dotty) made a trip to Fairbury, Nebr. last week-end to see Maxine Stith. Four Hastings boys were in our fair city last Sunday, they were Dan and Lowell Smith and Can non & Lloyd Kinchelow. The Kinchelows are originally from. Denver. • # • • The Girls Soft Ball Team won their first game last Sunday, 20 . to 2. Their coach is Raymond ■ (Shorty) Botts. • • * • We wish Bettye (Mike) Tarpley much success in her new column in the Omaha Star, it has started ’ out to be very interesting. • • • • ' Miss Jean Smith of Chicago, » Illinois was in Lincoln this past ■ week to attend her grandfather’s ■ funeral, Mr. John Smith. • • • * > Miss Dorothy Scott from Han ; nibal, Mo. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. > Frank Williams, Dorothy will be in Lincoln the remaining part of ’ the summer. I • • • • L The Lincoln Urban League held i its annual Picnic * t Antelope IPark, Friday, Mav ** Some of the Teen-Agers seen at the pic nic were Joyce Williams, Robbie Powell, Bettye Tarpley, Jackie Hubbard, Muriel Harris, Ralph Wilson, Billie Mosby, Bill Whit mon, Ernest Taylor, and there were scores more. Ice cream and sandwtches were served by the League. • • # * Teenagers that are on the Whit tier Junior High Scholarship Honor Roll for 5 semesters are Loretta McWilliams, for four sem esters, Delores Bowen; three semesters, Marguerite Knowles, Loretta McWilliams and Delores Bowen. We think the girls have done good work. * * • • So long until we meet again. Dotty, Ruby & Loretta Patronize Our Adyariizers SHOWALTER ROOFING CO. Dealers in Inselstone and Inselbrick Insulation See us for price on BUILT UP ROOFS 233 North 22 2-2493 Lincoln, Nobraska ROSCOE HILL'S CHICKS Improved Breeding From Fin est Trapnest Blood Lines. POPULAR BREEDS BLOODTESTED Bargains in Started and Day Old Chicks. FREE CATALOG HILL HATCHERY 910 "R" Lincoln,* Nebraska PIANOS RADIOS SEWING MACHINES WASHERS SWEEPERS Gourlay Bros. Piano Co. 212 So. 12' 2-1636 KUSHNER’S STORES TO SERVE YOU No. 1 No. 2 No.3 27th & 626 1733 W No. 22nd "O" STAR VAN Wishes THE VOICE Continued Success MONTE AND SONS AUTO PAINTING BODY-FENDER-RADIATOR REPAIRING Phone 2-5097 2222 "O'* • COMPLETE FUR SERVICE HORACE E. GOLLEY “Trust your furs with a furrier” 1745 South 11 3-6582 "To clean is to conserve” PEERLESS CLEANERS Geo. H. Lemon 2-6731 322 So. 11th St. 61 Special Purchase Famous Makes BLANKETS 3" Nashau .... solid colors of rose ^ blue, green and cedar. 75% cotton and 25% wool in 72x84 size. Ray on bound in matching colors. Esmond "Slumber Rest"... 50% cotton, 25% wool and 25% rayon. Solid colors of rose, blue, green and cedar. 72x84 size. Nashua "Bokay" ... .75% cotton and 25% wool. Block plaid design in blue, cedar, green and rose. 72x84 size. Some “seconds" While They Last # Basement