The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, April 18, 1947, Image 1

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    Volume 1, Number 28 Lincoln 3. Nebraska April 18. 1947
by George Randol
There are days in the cultural,
spiritual and political develop
ment of the nation that are red
letter days and they are marked
in history to be remembered by
posterity. April 15, 1947, will
surely be marked as such a day
by all who had the privilege and
pleasure of hearing Miss Ander
|v son at the Coliseum on that date,
presented on the Newspaper
series to one of the largest music
I loving audiences ever assembled
in Lincoln. Miss Anderson
1 ^hrilled the more than five thou
sand (estimated) listeners again
and again with her superb artis
I try and glorious voice.
The program was studded with
) gems of the old masters—Johann
Ahle, Gluck, Bellini, Schubert
(group) and Massenet were all
represented. There were, of
course, the usual English airs
after intermission and the Negro
1 Spirituals. The last group in
cluded a new work by Hall John
son that the writer has heard a
number of times under Mr. John-!
son’s direction, but never has he'
^heard it to better advantage.
Miss Anderson is known
throughout the world for the ex
| cellence of her vocal equipment,
j' Last night, there seemed to be an
inspired quality to the perform
ance that lifted one out of the
Hpresent surroundings and trans
ported one to another world.
With the dignified grace and
poise of a ruling monarch and the
humility of a truly great and sin
cere artist, Miss Anderson floated
majestically to stage center and
captivated the large audience at
once. With brilliant bell-like
high tones and dark warm mys
terious low ones, Miss Anderson
The music of the masters, the
accompaniment of Franz Rupp,
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Pteoieut o{ Gamut*}. ZoettU
Lincoln Urban League
Friday, April 25 8:15 P.M.
Music, Entertaining
Sponsored by
Mary Bethune Literary and Art Club
Friday, May 2 8:15 P.M. j
Urban League Bldg. j
Christ Temple Church j
Sunday. April 20th 3:00 P.M. j
the beautiful voice and un
matched artistry of Marion And
erson combined to make an en
semble as near perfection as we
could hope to hear until the
Angels sing. Running the gamut
of emotion, from the stark cold
tones of death in the “Young Man
and Death” by Franz Schubert
to the light coquetry of “A
Maiden” by Thomas, the artist
showed complete mastery of style
and technique. Of course, as is
usual, the German Language
group reflected many years the
artist spent in Germany, living
among the people, learning the
language and studying Lieder.
There is so much that should
be said about the Anderson con
cert and yet when it comes to
the actual putting down the
phrases one finds that words can
not express the sensation that
comes with hearing miss Ander
son sing.
Fourth of the spring singfests
sponsored by Lincoln Ministerial
Association and Women’s Division
of the Chamber of Commerce,
will be held at St. Paul Methodist
church Sunday evening, 8 to 9
o’clock. The Hub of Harmony
singers will present musical
numbers under the direction of
Frank Hale. Camp Fire Girls
will serve as ushers, and O. H.
Bimson will be song leader. The
brief meditation will be given
by Rev. Howard Buxton of Trin
ity Methodist Church, and Rev.
Virgil Anderson, associate pas
tor of St. Paul’s, will preside.
These interdenominational sing
fests are sponsored by the Lincoln
Ministerial Association and the
Women’s Division of the Chamber
of Commerce, and are open to
I everyone.
by Katherine Thompson
The 4-H girls had a lot of fun
learning how to judge various
articles. The group was taught
how to do this under the super
vision of Mrs. Rachel Gerloff, who
is the Lancaster county Home
Demonstration Agent. Later on
the girls will use this same
method to judge their products
in cooking.
There was a leadership training
course given on the Ag Campus
last week, the course was very
helpful and informative. There
were leaders from various Nebr.
counties attending the sessions.
The style show given Wednes
day afternoon gave us plenty of
ideas to carry back to our groups.
The suggestions for trimmings
and the inexpensive way to make
them was very good.
Troup 21 and 31 participated in
the children’s folk dance festival
given Saturday, April 12. The
Brownies were asked to come
back that evening and give their
dance for the adult group.
We would like to extend an
invitation to everyone to attend
the Spring Variety Show which
will be given Friday, April 25th.
There will be all kinds of enter
tainment including music and
skits, in addition there will be
several outsid(e groups partici
The program will begin at 8:15
P. M. and the admission will be
twenty-five cents.
Grand Island
Sgt. and Mrs. Daniels left
for Ft. Sill, Oklahoma where Sgt.
Daniels is stationed.
The Hub of Harmony will give
a Concert Thursday, April
24 at the High School Audi
torium. The program is spon
sored by Solomon A. M. E. church.
The Sarah Allen Missionary
Society will have a luncheon
Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Leslie Barnum.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton Hender
son were in the city recently.