* HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Mrs. Brevy Lilly Phone 2-4051 mmKBKSsmm- ‘Safi Tuna Fish Loaf 1 tablespoon chopped onion xk cup finely chopped celery 3 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons enriched flour Wz cups milk lVi teaspoons salt, few grains pepper 1 Vz cups fine soft bread crumbs 1 egg 1 -13 ounce can tuna fish Cook onion and celery in but ter over low heat for five minutes stirring occasionally, add flour ipnd mix well. Add milk and cook over low heat stirring con stantly until thickened. Add salt and pepper and combine with the bread crumbs, slightly beaten egg and finely chopped tuna fish. Pack in a buttered small loaf pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 50 minutes. Serve with horse radish sauce.—Serves 6 -o Worth Remembering To keep soft cookies from dry ing out store them in a covered jar with a piece of apple or orange. * * * * Green vegetables should stay ^green if cooking water is salted or one or two lettuce leaves are cooked with the vegetable. m .tniiaiEa—vksZW'j** mi \ -■»» Beside its use as a beverage canned grapefruit juice makes a good base for gelatine dishes, particularly for molded vege table salad. * * * * Calavo Grapefruit Salad 1 package lemon gelatine 1 cup boiling grapefruit juice a/2 cup cold grapefruit juice 4 tablespoons lemon juice 2 avocados, diced 1. cup grapefruit segments 1 cup diced celery V\ teaspoon salt Dissolve gelatine in the boiling grapefruit juice, add the cold juice, lemon and salt, chill until thick, then add the diced avo cado, celery and well drained grapefruit segments and mold. When it is firm turn out the mold and serve on shredded lettuce with mayonnaise to which 1 tablespoon cucumber has been added. -o Mint Parfait This is an easy dessert sugges tion, it looks attractive and has a distinctly different flavor. Put crushed mint jelly and vanilla ice cream in alternate layers in parfait glasses, top with whipping cream and mint candy. rw->n<->f><->n<->o<-^or^QOOQO SUBSCRIBE NOW! April 4, 1947 THE VOICE 2225 S St., Lincoln. Nebr. Editor: Enclosed find $ .. for _ yr.(s) subscription to THE VOICE at the rate of $2.00 per year. The Voice will be mailed to the subscriber weekly. flame _...._ Phone Address Credit subscriptions to _ JOHNSON SUPPLY & COAL CO. “The Home of Good Coal” 2-7236 932 No. 23rd “To clean is to conserve” PEERLESS GLEANERS Geo. H. Lemon 2-6731 322 So. 11th St. LOTMAN’S GROCERY 1945 R Street Meats and Vegetables SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED SUPPORTS and Breast Supports. Fashion and Health Supports. Doctors' prescriptions accurately filled. Frances Sharp, Mgr. Mrs. Dorothy Story, Asst. 2-2549 1127 Sharp 206 So. 13th St. PAINT IS SCARCE We appreciate your patronage and hope we soon can supply all your requirements VAN SICKLE GLASS & PAINT CO. 143 So. 10th For Everything in HARDWARE BAKER HARDWARE 101 No. 9th 2-3710 BOB’S MARKET F. K. Fulton Fresh Fruits 8c Vegetables New Location — 201 So. 10th HILTNER FLORAL GO. "FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" 2-2775 135 So. 12 It Those beloved, classic specs in blue ^ and white, brown and white, black and white? with typical Debonaire flattery. BARKERS 1107 'O' Street 2-1677