The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, February 21, 1947, Page Two, Image 2

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“Dedicated to the promotion of
the cultural, social and spiritual
life of a great people”
Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare
Publisher and Owner
2225 S Street Phone 5-6491
If no answer call 5-7508
Rubie W. Shakespeare
Advertising & Business Manager
Mrs. Joe Green
* Circulation Mgr.
Dorothy Green
Lynnwood Parker
Special Writer
Member of the Assoc. Negro Press
Subscription rate $2.00 per year
10c per copy
says Southern Rabbis
that race hatred is ordained by
God is blasphemy, said the com
mission on justice and peace of
the Central Conference of Amer
ican Rabbis here last week.
“The Central Conference of
American Rabbis reaffirms its
faith in the brotherhood of all
men and urges the removal of all
barriers to the achievement of
one humanity under one God,”
the statement read.
Exhorting “every Jew who be
lieves in Judaism, every man who
believes that God is the Father of
• all,” to take up the struggle a
gainst discrimination, the state
ment continued: “Man, we believe
is created in the image of God.
Therefore, no man may say of
another man, created in that same
image, that he should keep his
place. We who believe that to
love our neighbor as ourselves is
life’s highest aim must lead in
efforts to ameliorate the condi
tions of our colored brothers.”
Contrasting yie gains in inter-j
racial brotherhood, with the re
birth of hat.e propaganda and
actions, the commission asked
federal legislation to outlaw
lynching and abolish the poll tax,
establishment of a permanent
FEPC and other measures to af
ford full opportunity to all Amer<
“We hope to see our country
lead in this effort by our fair
treatment of the inhabitants of
our possessions, as well as by
initiating liberal and constructive
policies in the United Nations.
But we must first of all set an ex
ample by just treatment of the
minorities within our own bor
ders,” the commission said. “Only
by the achievement of a truly
free America in which .all men,
regardless of color have equal
opportunities for life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness, can we
lead the world toward a society
in which all nations may live to
gether in harmony and byild to
gether in peace.” f
Campus News
by Jeanne
Jeanne Malone had the good
fortune of being one of the re
presentatives sent from the Uni
versity of Nebraska Y.W.C.A. to
Kansas City, Missouri to study
labor conditions and race rela
tions in that city. Thirty stu
dents from thirteen different col
leges and universities were repre
sented at this conference.
Jeanne, with four other repre
sentatives from Nebraska, left
Lincoln Friday morning and
arrived in Kansas City in time for
dinner at the Fellowship House,
headquarters for the conference.
Fellowship House is a house
maintained by various interracial
organizations for such activities.
Saturday morning was spent tour
ing a coat manufacturing factory
and Armour’s meat packing plant,
which gave us a first hand obser
vation of labor-management con
ditions. In such an interracial
group as this was, it is usually
advisable to plan some sort of
work project which will bring
about a feeling of cooperation.
Our project was the painting of
funiture and walls in a Negro
community center. Saturday
night was highlighted by a panel
discussion on labor by three of
Kansas City’s leading citizens,
and a party at the Y. W. C. A.
Sunday morning the entire group
visited St. Stephens Baptist
church, which is one of the larg
est Negro churches in Kansas
Jeanne thought this was a won
derful experience and one she
would never forget. It proved to
her and to others that all races
and creeds can get along profit
ably and happily together.
The Social Action Council met
at the Urban League Monday
evening to complete plans for the
job survey which got underway
immediately. Bi-racial teams were
paired and instructions given, and
a territory assigned to each team.
Charles Goolsby and Bob Han
| ley were chosen to represent the
Social Action Council at a Sunday
School Meeting Sunday morning,
! as a result of a request by per
sons anxious to know the work
of the organization.
Calvary A.M.E. Church, morn
ing service was very inspiring
and well attended. Rev. M. L.
Shakespeare preached a soul stir
ring message. His subject was,
“Power from on High.”
The evening services were well
attended. When again we were
treated with an unusual message
by our pastor. His subject was,
Mr. and Mrs. Lightsy had as
their guests Sunday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Beckwith who lives at
Spencer Park. The four attended
evening services at Calvary.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore had
as their guest, Mr. Cannon Kin
Rev. M. L. Shakespeare an
nounced the preaching of five
sermons on the subject of “Love,”
starting Sunday night February
23rd when his theme will be,
“Love to God.”
Continued Success
I-- *
F. K. Fulton
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
New Location — 201 So. 10th
For Everything in
101 No. 9th 2-3710
Any Kind - Any Time - Any Place
Phone 2-4984 218 No. lllh
little date shoe that adds glamour—
removes inches (really!) Black of
brown calf and Black patent.
1107'O' Street 2-1677