The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, January 17, 1947, Page Five, Image 5

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    *Teen Age Chatter
Reporter Dotty Greene
Fiction and Fact No. 3
Most babies in 1947 will be born
young! ! ! L. H. S. A.
q Puzzled look, mixed up word
what could that be, oh its just
some teen-ager that goes to L. H.
S. and it is final exam week.
(Don’t let it get you down kids it
only comes twice in nine months.)
Misses Robbie and Freddie Po
well were honored by a gradu
ation party Friday, January 17,
given by Mrs. Ralph Johnsons.
Guests invited were Ruby Harp
er, Dorothy Green, Betty Bow
an, Marguerite Gill, Richard Hol
comb, Albert Bowen. Donald
Botts, Bertrum Cooke, Frank
Nevels, Frank King, Lovanda
Wallace, Billie Mosley and George
Alexandra. The evening was
^pent informally.
The Corn Is Green
Dad—“Son. I’m spanking you be
cause I love you.”
Son—“I’d sure like to be big
enough to return your love.”
“If I cut a beesteak in two,” ask
ed the teacher, “then cut the
halves in two what do I get?”
“Quarters,” said the boy.
“Good, and then again”
“Correct, again?”
“Exactly, and then?”
“And once more?”
^‘Hamburger!” cried the little boy
Parson— “Do you know where
bad little girls go?”
Nellie— “Of course I do!”
Parson— “Where do they go?”
Nellie— “They go down to the
railroad station to see the trav
eling salesman come in.
“If the Dean doesn’t take back
what he said to me this morning,
I am going to leave college.
“What did he say?”
He told me to leave college.
Fullback— (looking at semester
grades) Well I’m as famous as
Washington now.”
J3ertrum—“How do you figure
Fullback— “I went down in His
Till Next Time
Gleanings from Urban League
by Katherine Thompson
I would like to take this oppor
tunity to express my deep appre
ciation for all the assistance we
have received from the commun
ity with our various groups. Ev
ery seed of kindness sown by you
will help some plant to be a pic
ture of beauty.
The Rhythm Band gave sever
al numbers for the University
Town Club, Monday evening. It
was their first trip away from the
League. The trip was fun, but the
highlights of the evening was the
ice cream bars they were served
after the program.
This band is open to all chil
dren under six years of age. It
meets every Saturday at 10.00 A.
Janet and Leon Byrons repre
sented the Urban League Bible
Class at the party given for Miss
Eleanor Posegate. Miss Posegate
is leaving for Africa in March.
The 4-H girls are trying hard
to finish their books so they can
start a new project. They are
planning to have a style show in
February for their parents.
The Teen-Age Club has been in
vited to attend a basketball game
and party in Omaha, the 25th of
All members of the Girl Scouts
and their fathers have been in
vited to attend a father and
daughter banquet the 23rd of
January. We are all looking for
ward to this as what can be more
fun than doing things with dad.
The Brownies had a delightful
time at their Sack Party. We had
a program with Phyllis Bradford
serving as Mistress of Ceremonies.
Most of the members participated
in the program.
Ionna Adams received a badge
last week in scouting. We are just
looking forward to her being a
first class scout.
Mrs. Davis Speaks
The Voice is synonomous to
goodwill in the superlative—and
the sublimity of its publication is
highly commendable.
I think by all means it should
be in every home in the city of
Lincoln. Every man, woman and
child should read it. More power
to the editors and best wishes for
continued success.
Mrs. W. B. Davis
2nd Vice President of the
Board of Directors of
The Urban League
Speed is a killer. Why rush
ourselves into the unknown?
Nebraska road laws limit auto
speeds to the conditions which
exist; such as road, weather, ve
hicle, driver.
“Our Goodwill Subscription Campaign”
Now in Progress
1st Award
orwr 150
3rd Award
For most subcriptions over 100
I Contestants: £
o ~ 1
2. Betty Rose Huston f
3. Melsena Goolsby
4. Winifred Winston (I
5. Doris Powell
6. Loretta McWilliams g
7. Charles Campbell I
Boost for your contestant
“Our Goal is 1000 Subscriptions”
January 18, 1947
2225 S St., Lincoln, Nebr.
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THE VOICE at the rate of $2.00 per year. The Voice will be mailed
to the subscriber weekly.
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“Our Goodwill Subscription Campaign is now on!”