The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, January 03, 1947, Page Five, Image 5
• Teen Age Chatter Reporter, Dotty Greene Fiction and Fact No. I Every man has his girl, but the ^.ice man has his pick. * * * * We had a teen-ager from Kan sas City, Mo., Miss Edna Berry. She is visiting Mrs. Polk. * * * * Doctor: You have a cute appendi cites. (acute that is) Joan: Listen Doc. I came here to be examined, not admired. * * * * A little bird told me that Billie Mosley made quite a hit with Beatrice Motley of Alliance, Nebr. * * * * For Whom The Bell Tolls t Come on kids lets see how many of these phone numbers you can find: Most Failthful 5-4632 Cutest Freshman _ 5-7416 Good Singer . 5-8554 Cutest Sophomore 2-4654 Handsome 2-1519 Inseparable Twosome . -.- - . 2-4654—2-1565 Good Personality (girl) 2-1519 Cute Figure ._ 5-4032 Smooth Talker.. .3-2084 The Brains . 5-9872 Bashful ... 2-5631 * * * * Miss Loretta McWilliams and Susie Mae Whitehall had a New ^ Years Eve party. Thirty guests were invited. The evening was spent informally. * * * * Maisie: Do you know, I wouldn’t trust Bill too far. Daisy: I wouldn’t trust him too near. * * * * Question for next week will be. If you inherited $5,000 what would you do first. ♦ * * * I want to thank Maxine Stith for the good ideas she sent me for my column. Maxine is a Reporter for the Fairbury High School paper. * * * * Teen-agers on the sick list are • Kathryn King and Ida Adkins. We all wish them a speedy recov ery. Bye Now, Dotty College Students Conference (Continued from page 1) (Mo.), Bennett, A & T (Greens boro), N. C. State college, John son C. Smith, S. C. State, Fisk and Hampton. Among the white in stitutions that sent interracial delegations were Columbia uni versity, Hunter college, the Uni versity of Chicago and the Uni versity of Michigan. In all, 50 Negro students were in attend ance. Three of the Negro students were members of the American delegation to the World Student congress at Prague last summer. William Ellis, a recent graduate from Harvard where he was treasurer of the student council and a track star, was elected an international vice president of the International Union of Stu dents. As a leader in the student section of the YMCA and a mem ber of the National Intercollegiate Christian council, he will go to Europe again this winter to at tend the executive committee meeting, and also to represent the student protestant movement at the World Student relief. Walter Wallace, one of the group from Columbia university, represented Youthbuilders, Inc., at the congress last summer and is a member of the International Council. Charles Proctor, formerly o f Fisk, but now serving as an in structor at the University of Illi nois where he is working for his master’s degree in chemistry, was vice chairman of the delegation to the congress last summer. He is a prominent member of the Com mittee for the Chicago Students’ congress which acted as host to the group. -- Joe Louis Starts Central, South American Tour Feburary 5. NEW YORK—(ANP)— Fight fans of Latin America will get a chance to see Heavy-weight Champion Joe Louis in person, when he brings his Central and South American exhibition bouts next February 5. Mexico City will be his first stop. He will take over his former opponent, Arturo Godoy, for a four round exhibition bout. From there, he will visit Guatemala City, Guatemala; Managua, Nica ragua; San Jose, Costa Rica; Bo gota or Cali, Colombia; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires; Argentina; Montevideo, Uruagauy; San Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Caracas, Vene zuela and Saj Juan, Puerto Rico. In charge of the Latin Ameri can tour is Bill McCarney, Broad way boxing figure, and one-time associate of Gene Tunney. He was retained by Marshall Miles, co manager of Louis. GOODWILL SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN The Goodwill Subscription Campaign of “The Voice” will get under way early Saturday morn ing January 4. The goal is one thousand subscriptions by Jan uary 31. Six girls and one boy are par ticipating, each with a view of receiving the diamond ring offer ed as a first award. Each contestant will be support ed by an organization or group of persons interested not only from a competitive point of view but in the promotion of the project as a “builder of goodwill” and the advancement of the largest minority group in the United States. Contestants are Dorothy Molden, Doris Powell, Catherine King, Loretta McWilliams, Melsena Goolsby and Winnifred Winston. Charles Campbell will also work, and will be assisted by Bobby Graham. Second and third awards will be made. -o This is what Mr. R. T. Malone, president of the Lincoln Urban League has to say: There is certainly a need in the community for such a publication to cover the things not being covered by the existing mediums of publication. It is the only way of getting the complete coverage of news in order that the public may be informed as to the economic, social and educational welfare of the negro people. I am a subscriber and have read every issue of “The Voice” and commend the staff on a fine job. Our Super Market 1717 R St. Phone 2-3160 Was formerly Hanley's Cash & Carry Market Full Line of PORK and BEEF at very reasonable prices Complete Line CLEANING and SANITATION SUPPLIES All Types Brooms—Furniture Polishes Mops—Floor Seal and Wax Sweeping Compounds Mopping Equipment Kelso Chemical Co. 117 North 9th St. 2-2434 It's not to late for Christmas Photos Lower Cost — One Day Service PHOTO NOOK 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sundays 1443 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebr. MAC DONALD STUDIO PHOTOS Any Kind - Any Time - Any Place Phone 2-4984 218 No. 11th PERSONAL STATTONERY BETZER CO., Printers 115 So. 14th Si. -:- Patronise Our Advertisers -t SUBSCRIBE NOW! Start the NEW YEAR right with a subscription to "THE VOICE." It is your only way of a complete coverage of community activities and social news. It will also be a boost for a worthy project. January 4. 1947 THE VOICE 2225 S St., Lincoln, Nebr. Editor: Enclosed find $.— for —.- yr.(s) subscription to THE VOICE at the rate of $2.00 per year. The Voice will be mailed to the subscriber weekly.* . Name ... ........ Phone ...