The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, December 13, 1946, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Literary Column
It isn’t far to Bethlehem town—
Just over the dusty roads adown.
Past Wise Men’s well, still offer- I
Cool draughts from welcome
wayside spring;
Past shepherds with their flutes
of reed
•. »■ t. t. .t, _♦—
Veterans Edit
New Magazine
NEW YORK— (ANP)—“Essen
ce,” the fashion magazine for
women, hit the stands here this
week. The attractive publication
has as its editor Bernard Knight
en, former Dillard university
graduate and ex-pilot of the 99th
Fighter Squadron and associated
with him are other veterans of
This is the first sepia magazine
to feature designs by and for ul
tra smart women including arti
cles both humorous and clever.
Revisions will be made in the
next issue in accord with the
many contributions of merit from
talented writers.
Millikin is Puzzled
By Appointment
Washington (AP)— A critic of
fair employment practices legis
lation, Senator Millikin (Rep.,
Colo.), set to work Saturday to
study the problem of racial and
religious discrimination for the
Republicans in the new Senate.
Associates reported Senator
Millikin somewhat puzzled as to
why the Republican Steering
Committee handed him the as
signment in view of his outspoken
opposition to coercive FEPC legis
The most recent official Repub
lican Party declaration on the
subject was in the 1944 platform,
which declared:
“We pledge the establishment
by Federal legislation of a perma
nent Fair Employment Practice
Senator Millikin plans to con
fine his work to a factual review
of the whole legislative problem.
It will be presented to the full
Republican conference for study,
along with the results of his re
search on the poll tax question.
Sun. Dec. 8. World Herald
If you wish to be agreeable in
society you must consent to be
taught many things which you al
ready know.
Job Equality
Widely Backed
Even in South, Majority
So Believes
By Dr. Henry C. Link
(NANA)—Eighty-four per cent
of the Nation believes that giving
Jews and Gentiles, Negroes and
Whites, an equal chance at any
job is good Americanism, accord
ing to a Psychological Barometer
Men and women from coast to
cost were asked:
"Jews and Gentiles, Negroes
and Whites, all should have an
equal chance at any job: Is that
good Americanism or not?"
The answers were:
Per Cent
Good Americanism 84
Bad Americanism _12
Don't know _ 4
Even by geographic area, the
belief is much the same, although
Southerners are not so strong in
indorsing the idea of equal job
opportunity. This is shown by the
Per cent Per Cent
East Midwest
Good Americanism 90 85
Bad Americanism 6 11
Don't know_ 4 4
Per cent Per Cent
South Far West
Good Americanism ...69 88
Bad Americanism_24 9
Don't know _ 7 3
Sun. Dec. 8 -World Herald
Juanita Hall, Creighton Thomp
son, Wilson Woodbeck and Helen
Ferguson have been cast in the
new musical version of Elmer
Rice’s “Street Scene.”
Leigh Whipper, cinema king
and noted dramatic star, is dick
ering for another Broadway opus
in a featured role.
Brilliant Percy Watkins sets for
the Duke Ellington opera are on
the ball and are executed with
the same finesse as those done for
other Broadway shows.
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