The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, December 06, 1946, Page Three, Image 3

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Miss Helen Silvers of Denver,
Colorado was special Thanksgiv
ing day guest of Misses Phyllis
and Beverly Holcomb.
Mr. and Mrs. Haven Clark, aunt
and uncle of Miss Silvers, also of
Denver motored to Lincoln Fri
Mrs. L. S. Goolsby is spending
a few days in Kansas City, Mo.,
Returning from Des Moines,
la., recently was Mrs. Alice But
Mrs. Mildred Saunders was
rmong Thanksgiving day guests
^n Omaha.
Among persons receiving medi
cal attention during the past
week were Mrs. Joseph Dunn
and Mr. A. C. Morris.
The Turkey Raffle, sponsored
by “We Moderns” club will end
December, 12 at the parsonage
instead of the Urban League as
printed on tickets. Persons not
present will be notified immedi
ately as to results. Watch This
Paper for the Announcement of
the Winner.
Mrs. Richard G. Huston was
hostess on two occasion to her
nephew and his wife, Mr and Mrs.
Edward Harris of Berkley, Cali
fornia during their 30 days visit
to Nebraska and Kansas. The
couple who spent Thanksgiving
Day with their parents in Frank
fort, Kansas where a family re
union was held, made the trip
from Berkley by plane. Mr. and
Mrs. R. G. Huston and daughter,
Betty, accompanied by a cousin
John Logan of Omaha motored
to Farnkfort, Kansas to be in at
tendance at the dinner.
Before the couple left on Friday
by plane, Mrs. Harris was honoree
at a lovely party given by Mrs.
Huston. Those present were: Mes
dames Marie Copeland, Chester
Harris of Kansas, Dorothy Allen
of Omaha, Willard Shepherd,
• Mary Lois Pierce, Mabel Shep
herd, George Randol, Clyde Ma
lone, Roland Young, Walter
Young, J. D. Bowen, Raymond
Holcomb, Loretha Shepherd, An
etta Smith and Miss Pamona
Mrs. Henry Sherron of Omaha
spent Thanksgiving with her
mother ,Mrs. Lulu Walker.
Mr. Joe Green was an Alliance
visitor recently. He formerly liv
ed in Alliance. v
Mr. Otis Young left Tuesday
for St. Louis, Mo., where he will
remain for several days.
Little John Lee Robinson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson
will be admitted to a hospital
on Friday for medical attention.
• He has been ill for about a week.
Mrs. Virginia Lewis is still con
fined to her bed.
Mr. Nimrod Ross, a patient at
Lincoln General, is slightly im
Madeline (Jackie) Hubbard is
reported improved.
Mr. F. E. Caldwell, first sub
scriber to The Voice, has been
working in the vinicity of Casper,
Wyo., for several weeks, will re
turn to the city about the 8th.
Mr. and Mrs. Reinald Murry of
Omaha spent Thanksgiving with
Mrs. Eltra Crews, mother of Mr.
Murry. He anticipates complet
ing his aeronatical training in the
The Soil Conservation, whose
office is located in the U. S. Post
Office presented Mr. Victor Mc
Williams with a purse as a re
sult of the fire at his home in
which he lost all of his clothing.
It fe reported that Mr. Walter
Murry, formerly of Lincoln, is
engaged in ministerial work. He
is on the coast.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Newton and
Rosa, sister of Mrs. Newton, all
of Beatrice, Nebraska, were Lin
coln visitors recently. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Otis P.
Washington, who will leave very
soon for Los Angeles, Calif. ,to
visit her daughter and son-in-law.
Mr. Dan Smith of Hastings was
in the city Wednesday on a busi
ness trip. He was accompanied
by Mr. George Smith and Mr.
Leo Woodard. They were guests
of Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Shakes
Mrs. William Becks of Bea
trice, Nebr., is receiving medical
attention at the home of Rev.
and Mrs. John Humbert. She will
be admitted to a hospital as soon
as there is available space.
Mrs. Maude H. Johnson was
hostess to a lovely Thanksgiving
reunion dinner for her family and
friends. The tables were both
beautifully decorated and heavily
ladevn. A most enjoyable time was
had by all present.
The guest were; Mrs. Gussie
Shelby, Kansas City, Mo., Mr. J.
W. Thomas and daughter Shirley,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomas and
small daughter, Janet and Mr.
Lonnie Thomas, all of Omaha.
Mrs. Vashti Mosby and son,-Wil
liam, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel
Thomas and nephew of Mrs.
Thomas, Ronald Edmonds of
Washington, D. C., Mr. John
Reid, and Donavon Gattis. Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Craft, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Holcomb and daughters,
Phyllis and Beverly and son,
Richard; Mr. Sam Holcomb, Mr.
and Mrs. Granville Cogs, Little
Rock, Arkansas; Mr. Edward
Madison, Oakdale, Louisiana; and
Miss Helen Silvers, Denver, Co
Mrs. Gussie Shelby, elderly
aunt of Mrs. Holcomb and the
Thomas boys recited the 91st
psalm and blessed the table and
all present.
The Sports Front
With Smoky
By Howard
With all major football games
being played except the bowl
games which will afford plenty of
excitment on New Years day, we
now turn to basketball. Here on
our own home front we find the
U. of N. getting under South Da
kota. Joe Brown who was leading
scorer on last years team is the
lone vet. Coach Good has been
giving the boys a good pre-season
work out so they should be in top
condition for some fast snappy
ball handling.
Lincoln City League is now
underway at Everett High School
gym. i
The Urban League Cagers who
have been hard at work will
swing into action Thursday night
against Burgens. Most of the fel
lows who are playing on the seni
or team are returned vets. The
Junior Cagers have entered the
church league. And from what
I’ve seen of the junior line up
they have a snappy outfit and
should cause plenty of trouble for
their opponents.
Father C. J. Flanagan’s Boys
Town football team arrived in
Maimi, Fla., to play Saint Peter
and Paul in the Orange Bowl. But
Tom Carodine, quarter back and
Jake Williams left end couldn’t
play because of race prejudice,
but acted as equipment men. I,
like many others wonder why
Father Flanagan permitted his
team to play.
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