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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1946)
HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Mrs. Brevy Lilly Phone 2-4051 **!*&*£,:*£;* left - <._•* ... We would like for you to share your choice recipes with us. They will be printed with grateful ap preciation, with your name. Noodle and Cheese Casserole Dish Mrs. Jeff Aikins 725 No. 20th Lincoln, Nebr. 1 sixteen ounce package noodles 2 cups grated cheese 3 eggs ^2 cups milk Salt and pepper to taste Cook the noodles in rapidly boil ing water until tender. Drain Butter your casserole. Add noodles and cheese alternately until casserole is filled then add beaten eggs and milk. Sprinkle the top with grated cheese. Bake in moderate oven until set. Serves 8. Steamed Date Pudding 1 pound dates % pound suet 3 cups bread crumbs 1 cup white syrup or % cup sugar 1 egg beaten Vz cup milk 4 tablespoons flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Grind dates and suet very fine. Mix with bread crumbs and add syrup or sugar. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Fill greased pudding mold 2|3 full, cover tightly and steam 2Vz hours. Serve hot with vanilla sauce, that can be made with vanilla pud ding. Tomato Surprise Salad % cup diced cucumber 6 tomatoes Vz cup diced cooked chicken V4 cup chopped nuts V4 cup mayonnaise dressing Lettuce parsley. Cauliflower buds Select medium-sized smooth tom atoes. Scald, peel and chill. Carefully scoop the inside out of the tomatoes. Remove the seeds from the pulp. Chill all ingred ients, and when ready to serve mix the chicken, cucumber, tom ato pulp and nuts with the may onnaise dressing. Add more salt if needed. Fill the tomatoes. Ar range on lettuce leaves, garnish with a fluff of mayonnaise and decorate each top with parsley and cauliflower buds. Tuna fish may be used in place of chicken. -o Patronize Our Advertizerz SUBSCRIBE NOW! Date ....._ 1946 THE VOICE 2225 S St., Lincoln, Nebr. Editor: Enclosed find $_ for _ yr.(s) subscription to THE VOICE at the rate of $2.00 per year. The Voice will be mailed to the subscriber weekly. Name - - Phone_ Address _ _ Gertrude Tyler Piano & Voice Studio Chorus Specialty 808 D 5-6260 PAINT IS SCARCE We appreciate your patronage and hope We soon can supply all your requirements VAN SICKLE GLASS & PAINT CO. 143 So. 10th VINE ST. MARKET Groceries 8c Meats 22nd and Vine 2-6583 — 2-6584 W© Can Show You DRESSES for every occasion 1 For school, going to church, housework, and parties . . . $3.95 to $35 p» AN ALL-AROUNDER Black wool jersey that feels \ so soft, and falls in such sup- ^ pie drapery. Artfully tailored by Anna Wall. Sizes 14 to 18, $29.95. Neioly enlarged third floor