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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1946)
Our Children By Mrs. W. B. Davis // ^ /// Thus far children have been pictured as having a great variety of interest and eager for their ful fillment—for recognized accom plishment and companionship and approval. It was stressed that the development of an interest de pended upon the extent and na ture of that fulfillment; and in terest might grow greatly if nourished by success experiences, or wither if meeting only failure. Such outcomes must now be giv en more detailed consideration, with special reference to the comulative effects of repeated experiences of one type or the other. What are the effefcts of continued failure and frustration of interests, of chronic neglect or disapproval from teachers or as sociates, or of continuing un certainty and insecurity? How much difference does it make if, instead, a youngster usually has reasonable fulfillment of his in terests, is usually approved, and feels that his world can be de pended upon to act consistently in these respects? Here is a prob lem of out standing and pervasive importance, on which much im portant work has recently been done. For teachers, the problem is central as regards their rela tions with their pupils—and their own success. Emotional strain and frustra tion may cause attitudes of timi ity and withdrawing or of irrita bility and aggressiveness. Such attitudes may appear significant ly only in certain situations or in the presence of certain people. A sensitive child who has been criticized and humiliated for fail ing a recitation may soon come to dread reciting, then teachers and school, may play truant, have trouble at home—and become a runaway from all authority. Moodiness due to distress at home may become the habitual emo tional tone. ! Gold’s TOYLAND j I IK I NOW OPEN! | I t 0 Buy Now On j Our Convenient f Layaway Plan | 1 Come visit our new Toyland ? and see the wonderful indoor T ' and outdoor games and. toys i Have the kiddies mail their letters > to Santa in our Direct-to-Santa ? Claus mail box. T \ o e t © »-o Campus News I b by Jeanne Malone fii B ■Rl_J One of the biggest annual at tractions of a state university is its homecoming week end which took place at Nebraska Univer sity last week. It is the time when the alumni of the uni versity are welcomed back and when the fraternity and sorority houses are decorated in keeping with the big home coming game. This year’s was bigger and better than ever. Seen attending the big Nebraska-Missouri game were Ruth Norman, Charlotte Preston, Bernard Grice, Felix Williams, Elouise Jones, Courtland Bivens, Juanita Hanger and Attorney and Mrs. Saybert C. Hanger of Oma ha. Mr. Hanger is an alumnus of Nebraska University. At the big homecoming affair after the game, Ruth Norman, Elouise Jones and Juanita Hanger escort ed by Stanley Cooke, Wilbert Wil liams and Samuel Lee, respective ly reportedly had a grand time. Each week from now on we’ll try to give you a little thumb nail sketch of one of the univer sity students. This week we’ll tell you a little about Miss Charlotte Preston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Preston of Omaha, Nebraska. Miss Preston graduated from Technical high school in 1944 and entered the University of Omaha in September of the same year. In 1945 she entered the University of Nebraska, mojoring in Commercial Arts. One of Char lotte’s main interests is music, particuiary voice. On November 18 she will sing with the Elk’s chorus of Omaha which is direct ed by her father, Mr. H. L. Pres ton. Charlotte lives at the Inter national House which is just what its name implies and she says that it is a grand exeperience and one that shows that all races can live together in peace and harmony. ***‘w^^ DONLEY STAHL CO. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY _ 1331 N Street J-S24S „ WE HAVE ELECTRIC HEATING PADS Wet proof—30 positive heats, nite light switch— New zipper case. Sfi 11 ♦» t i Also the Super Safe 3 speed electric pad-by CASCO Co. "siM The store devoted to better Nebraska living ITItLLER t PAiOE * UMBERGER'S 2-2424 1110 Q. Funeral and Ambulance Service. Roy A. Sheaff, Darold Rohrbaugh. Floyd Umberger families. 2*5059. 120 So. 13th St. Lincoln QUALITY PHOTOS * Lower Cost — One Day Service PHOTO NOOK 9 s.!s. to 9 p.nt. and Sunday* 1443 "O" Street Lincoln, Nebr. FREADRICH BROS. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 1316 N 9th 8c L Huskerville Air Base The Best Piece to Trade After All Everything for the Table . The FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Lincoln 10th 8c "O" St. Member F.D.I.C.