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About The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1946)
THE VOICE A NEGRO WEEKLY “Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritual life of a great people” Rev. Melvin L. Shakespeare Publisher and Owner 2225 S Street Phone 5-6491 Rubie W. Shakespeare Advertising & Business Manager Mrs. Joe Green Circulation Mgr. Dorothy Green Reporter Rev. Trago T. McWilliams, Sr. Special Writer Joseph V. Casmer Special Writer Member of the Assoc. Negro Press Subscription rate $2.00 per year 5c per copy Editorial Comments The most important duty of every individual today is to do his part to make this a better world. Some may say, “What can I do? What good is iny little bit in the vast scheme of things?” True—the individual contribu tions is very small compared with the magnitude of the problem, but multiply it by the hundreds of millions of people in this world—and it can make a better world. I think the first step is for each of us to do our bit to rectify the conditions about which we are constantly complaining. “The Voice” is just one of the means by which we may make a worthwhile contribution, and we here express our gratitude to our advertisers who are making this publication possible. We also acknowledge with greatful ap preciation the many letters, words of encouragements and contribu tions of interested persons who are helping to make this project a success. Someone has said, “the paper can be a help or it can be a curse.” Anything is like that. Education itself is like that. But we are determined that the pur pose for which this publication is intended shall be upheld. “Dedicated to the promotion of the cultural, social and spiritual life of a great people.” We urge the people here repre sented to be mindful of their buy ing power and patronize those persons who make your paper possible. Laura Lee wishes to say that she will soon be back answering the many questions coming in. -o Children brought up in Sunday School are seldom brought up in cburt. Guest Column | By I Delight Killinger graduate Hastings College "Re-creation" In th$ last article, we suggested that recreation may often be in terpreted to be “re-creation.” Let us examine further the meaning of “re-creation.” David, the psalmist of old, realized the im portance of re-creation when he said, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalms 51:10.) In a world in which there are so many things upon which we depend for our physical, mental, and spiritual growth we are like ly to become like those influences which surround us—both good and bad. Sometimes we have a desire to become a different per sonality. It is human nature to be constantly planning to develop something bigger and better than has already been advanced. Why could not this principle of de velopment be applied to our per sonalities? One of the most wonderful pri vileges of the human race is that we have a right to choose much of what is to become a part of us. Choices, then, must be made with care. If we were to buy a car or a bicycle, we would choose the best. So must we in developing our personalities choose that which is the finest. A body broken by disease or accident can .be rebuilt by food, rest or exercise. A spirit, broken by sorrow and disappointed can be nurtured by love and under standing. In this weary war-torn world where each person is of vital im portance in building for an en during peace, it is necessary that each one create within himself a new spirit, an alert mind, and a healthy body. We must be the world we want! -o Louis Singleton, Dies Louis Singleton, Burlington Chef for more than 30 years died at his home in Kansas City Sun day. Having worked out of Lin coln for a number of years, many Lincolnites will be among those who will mourn his loss. In attendance at the funeral in Kansas City on Friday will be: Mrs. Margaret Hightower, Mrs. Elsie Cooper, Mrs. Alberta Cooke and daughter, Stephanie and Mrs. Walter Rife. To the Editor of The Voice Fairbury, Nebr. We enjoy The Voice very much and it seems so good to hear news of our home town. Please find enclosed a money order for two dollars for a year subscrip tion. Thanking you, I am, Mrs. Donald Stith What can I do to help? We like the Voice so very much and want to help to make it a success. Mrs. John L. Humbert Letter to Mrs. Lilly Can see that you’re trying to bring the Lincoln Negroes closer together. Sincerely hope that they appreciate your efforts, by contributing in every way to make The Voice a successful ven ture. I enjoy my copies very much. Mrs. John Q. Adams 31 October 1946 Mr's. Brevy Lilly 309 So. 20th St . Lincoln 3, Nebraska Dear Brevy: I was very pleased to receive the first issue of your paper “The Voice”. It is an excellent publi cation devoted to a most worthy and urgent cause and I wish it unlimited success. Your column is very well writ ten and should be of considerable assistance to the homemakers who read it. Your picture is very well posed and does you a fair amount of justice. If it only had sound effects to carry your wholesome laugh, it would be exactly like you. Once again, best luck to you and the new publication. Sincerely, Charles O. Bruce Colonel M.C. - Since 1916 • MIDWEST ROOFING COMPANY 2-5512 ROOFING SIDING INSULATION 20 YEAR BONDED ROOFS M. E. Allensworth, Mgr. 2128 O St. Lincoln, Nebr. fT* ^ ^ ^ f T V V •*' V » y w » y ^ ^ • ; W&hiiHXj, StatiOH&Uf > Invitations or Announcements ’ ^ Many Unusual Designs i ^ Double Envelopes ! 100 Sets $6.95 and up < : LYTLE PRINTING CO. - 2-3839 2219 "O" Street! w MAKE Chris Beck’s Your Stopping Place For GAS, OIL, GREASE Tire, Tube Repairing and Recapping The latest in HOME RADIOS Come in and see us at 12th & P Streets With Smiling Service S & H Green Stamps JOHNSON * SUPPLY & COAL GO. i ri€ IIOTilc of Good COu!” 2-7236 932 No. 23rd If Ii Comes From The Lincoln Market IT MUST BE GOOD We Deliver 2201 O 2-7349 COX PLUMBING & HEATING CO., Inc. Retail Plumbing and Healing Supplies, Contracting and Repairs Licensed Insured Plumbers Phone 2-3077 140 No. 14lh -I- Patronize Our Advertisers -•*