The voice. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1946-195?, October 11, 1946, Page Seven, Image 7

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By Mrs. Brevy Lilly Phone 2-4051
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We would like for you to share
your choice recipes with us. They
will be printed with grateful ap
preciation, with your name.
Rare indeed is the day when
a modern housewife could not
find in her refrigerator some sort
of odds and ends in the way of
food and it is these leftovers that
stimulate the imagination of the
alert homemaker. She has found
the importance of their utiliza
tion for food value as well as
economy. Never a piece of veg
etable or fruit so small that it can
not be made into a garnish or
added to soup. Meat is not just
something to be made into hash
but an adventure in ingenuity
with a choice as wide as the im
agination ranging from fluffy
tirnballs to lovely mousses so
from time to time I will try to
give some of the various ways
I have found to use up these
leftover bits you may find in
your refrigerator.
Combine broken up chocolate or
t angel food cake with whipped
* cream, marshmallows, chopped
meats and chopped candied or
^ cooked pineapple. Chill for
three hours.
Patronize Our Advertisers
1 cup corn meal
4 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1 medium onion
1 green or chili pepper
3 tablespoons Mazola oil
2Vz cups cooked tomatoes
2 cups ground cooked fowl or
other leftover meat
1 teaspoon salt
Dash cayenne or chili powder
Cook cornmeai, water, and salt
in top of double boiler 45 min.
Chop onion and pepper and fry
in hot oil. Add tomatoes, meat,
salt and cayenne or chili and
cook until thickened.
Line a greased baking dish with
half of the mush, pour in meat
mixture cover with remaining
mush and bake in moderate hot
oven (375 degrees F.) about 30
minutes or until top is lightly
browned. Serves 6 to 8.
Delicious Dishes from Leftovers
4 cups broken cornbread
4 cups boiling water
1 onion grated
1 cup diced celery
2 eggs beaten
*A cup salt pork fat melted
salt and pepper
Combine bread and water and
squeeze out water while still hot.
Add remaining ingredients, mix
well and stuff fowl. This amount
is sufficient for a duck or a four
pound chicken.
Date ....... 1946
2225 S St.., Lincoln, Nebr.
Enclosed find $_ for _ yr.(s) subscription to
THE VOICE at the rate of $2.00 per year. The Voice will be mailed
to the subscriber weekly.
Name ---- Phone_
Address _ _
Looking Ahead
By Laura Lee (your secret pal)
For the past few weeks our
attention has been called to the
greater interest in education.
There seem to be more students
both young and old than ever
before. Most of our elementary,
secondary and schools of higher
learning are packed to capacity.
Those who did not complete their
high school work are now going
to adult, day, and evening classes.
Children under 16 are com
pelled by the state law to attend
school but what attraction does
the schoolroom have for older
students? Many veterans and
their wives are working and go
ing to school. Why are these
couples making this sacrifice?
Many of our boys in army
service could have served their
country in more pleasant posi
tions had they finished at least
four years in High School. Some
could neither read nor write. This
illiteracy not only prevented their
progress while in the army but
also kept them on jobs in civilian
life that were difficult and menial
In many cases these jobs pro
vided a mere existence financial
Today we must all look for
ward to the time when positions
will not be so plentiful and when
only preparation, good moral
character and efficiency will be
the means of securing and retain
ing those worthwhile positions
which enable us to reach a higher
standard of living.
Congratulations to
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