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About The weekly review (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1933-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1933)
THE WEEKLY REVIEW Published Weekly 10S1 N Street Trago T. McWilliams Editor and Publisher Millard Woods __Associate Editor Jennie Edwards-Associate Editor Loretta Swanigan Associate Editor Guy Wiley .Circulation Manager Subsrciption Price 50c per Annum Advertising Rates Display, per inch ...». 35c Contract, per inch . 25e laicals, per line . 06c Phones BGltfO B2084 B1308 L9677 AS OTHERS SEE IT Conducted by Mr. Gaitha Pegg, 1942 Vine Street, Lincoln (Send letters to W. Gaitha Pegg, 1942 Vine St., Lincoln. Letter writers will please sign their names, but they will not be revealed i£ so desired.) Dear Sir: Before the last election I was constantly worried by somo com munist seeking to convert me to his atheistic religion or beliefs. It seemed strange to me that these jteople would lowerate the cujntal lsts as much as jtossible, yet every thing they wore and all the modem conveniences which they seem to en joy as much as anyone were .due to production by capitalism. I am also wondering why it is that these radi cals seem to choose the ignorant and the dejected to practice ujton. A little smooth talk will easily be guile an ignorant man and a vivid imaginary picture will influence a disheartened man ns does a mirage l'ool the thirsty. It seems a bit ab surd at this day and time to try and picture communal ownership and people herded together and be ing driven nbowfc tvn cattle, not hav ing the intelligence to recognize a supreme king. When 1 spoke of religion and cited examples of destruction of churches in Russia and asked if they believe in God, the reply was, “We question that,” and with that the argument broke up. Yours truly, JOE CAMBELL Dear Sir: f I know a number of people in this town who do more talkingafter an election about who should have been put in office and why, than do the executives in office. I had listened to ju«t a lot of such stuff one day, and I happened to ask the “jawer” whom he voted for, and he replied that he hand’t registered and could not vote. As foolish as this is, it is done time and again by those who are too lazy or disinterested to take their rightful part in an election, yet they expect things to turn out as they desire them. T noticed in last issue of the paper a reminder that it was time for eligible voters to register. I think this was a very timely reminder and that if it were heeded, it would lend more weight to the self-esteem ed politicians talk and would make better citizens out of a lot of us. I believe that the people should be constantly urged, through your paper, to vote. SAM COLEMAN WESTERN UNIVERSITY REFUSED FUND Topeka, Kansas—The state of Kansas House appropriation com mittee left out recommendation for an appropriation for the upkeep and maintenance of Western University, the A. M. E. school located at Kan sas City, Kansas. Coryell 70 IS BETTER BIG RALLY TONIGHT, ELKS South Africa's Headquarters The «ent of government In the Union of South Africa Ib Pretoria, In the Transvaal, while the seat of legisla ture la Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope province. The Dutch, who founded South Africa, seemed to favor the separation of the executive and legislative branches of government In two different cities. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, which In point of blood Is one of the mother countries of thr South African state, has the same arrangement—The Hague, In South Holland province, being the seat of government, while the legisla ture sits at Amsterdam. Taxi Telephone Number Big Taxi users In Budapest, Hungary, have gotten what they desired—a cen tral taxi station for all machines. But the number given it by the telephone company, they say, Is Just too much. It Is 44444. Imagine, declare those who enjoy Saturday nights, feeling that you need a taxi, and then have to tell central you want “four-double four-double-four." Originators of Patents Thomas A. Edison received more than a thousand patents and was re garded as the most prolific of Ameri can Inventors. John F. O’Connor has been granted over 850 since 1004, and Dr. Ellhu Thompson, Carleton Ellis and Dr. Reginald Fessenden each has over 500. Cause of Blushing Blushing Is merely a form of "side tracked” thinking, says a professor of philosophy at Swarthmore college. Blushing, he asserted, Is caused by blood rushing to the face. Thinking Is caused by the same process, only that the blood rushes to the brain. How Mantes Protects Eggs The mantes (predatory Insects) em ploy the same principle as that which makes the thermos bottle effective, when they protect their eggs from changes In temperature by surround ing them with masses of air bubbles. "Be Sure You’re Right” The origin of the phrase “Be sure you’re right, then go ahead,” Is at tributed to David Crockett, one of the Intrepid defenders of the Alamo, Tex as, who was shot under the direction of Santa Anna March 6, 1836. Rabbit Takes Desperate Chances *’A hunter,” said Uncle Eben, “hates a pore little rabbit dat’s trying to git (away. Do rabbit don't mean no harm, but Is compelled to act like he thought he was smarter dan a shotgun and a dog and a man, all three.” Rifle Bird Is Colorful An Australian forest bird related to the birds of paradise Is called rifle man, or rifle bird, because Its colors and ornaments reminded the Colonists of the old uniform of the British rifle brigade. More Female* The actual male and female popu lation of the earth is not known, hut It Is estimated around two billion per sons and it Is also presumed that fe males slightly outnumber males. Artery The word “artery" harks back to time when men thought that these blood vessels contained air. The word Is taken from “aer," meaning “air," and “tereln," to keep. Enameling Improved An Improved enameling Iron Is said to have exceptional bonding qualities, reducing Imperfections and giving greater resistance to chipping and flaking. Eskimo*’ Height, Age Eskimos are usually between 62 and 64 Inches In height. They are a short lived people, Individuals rarely attain ing an age much beyond sixty years. Central Heating “Central beating,” by means of heaps of leaves and other decaying matter. Is used by the termites, or white ants, In warming their nests. Lets Dog* Rida Fra# Dogs used to guide blind persons In California are permitted free transpor tation on trains, street cars and other public conveyances. Foreign Boxer* Won Much Cuk Starting with Georges Carpentier, foreign boxers have earned some $5,000,000 in fights in the United States. Grape Production California produces over 85 per cent or the country's grapes, New York ranking second with 9 per cent. Why Not? “A thing of beauty is a joy for ever”—still remains the best working definition of the beautiful. REST, 8:00 p. m. COMEf NEBRASKA CITY NEWS Rev. W. 8. Metcalfe due to his wife’s illness did not arrive for services Sunday. Both the Junior and Senior mis sionary societies held call meetings, in preparation of the First Quar terly meeting of the Ladies Mite Missionary' Society which convened March 24, at Bethel A. M. E. Church in Omaha. Misses Winifred Robinson, Isabella Ellis, and Mrs. Mattie Dean and Lulu Letcher at tended. Paul Fields exhibited a cigarette stand, foot stool, lamp and end table, all of which were made of Walnut, in the Nebraska City High School Manual Training exhibition. Dorothy Letcher has attained hon or in the sewing department. She inado a “chic” silk crepe blouse. Also she has begun work on a wool en sport skirt. Margaret Smith has been highly esteemed by being elected captain of hrr home room basketball team, known as the “Pirates.” Mary Adams is taking part in a “Holland ” play, to be presented for the benefit of the Parent-Teach ers Association. Miss Lucille Fields has been ill, but is much improved. Joe and Mary Adams have missed several days of school because of illness. Mrs. Mattie Dean spent the week end visiting relatives in Omaha. Visitors in town Saturday were Rev. Alfred Newton and son. Miss Edith Robinson, a teacher in Rosedale, Kansas, visited her home over the week end. THIRD CHURCH Sarah J. McWilliams, Pastor The repeal of the 18th amendment was the topic of discussion at the morning service. The Junior girls class will meet Friday evening with Misses Hel£n and Elizabeth McWilliams. Mr. Jeff Stepnoy is somewhat im proved. His son, Morris and wife Francis, were here last week from Sioux City, Iowa, Mr. S. Taylor was a Sunday morn ing visitor.. i * Mrs. John -McWilliams has been quite ill the past week. Mrs. Robert Jackson passed thru the city Thursday enroute to Kan sas City to visit her son, Robert and family. Mrs. Blanche Leo Holmes, pastor of the Church of God, is one of the strong supporters of the Lincoln Urban League. The mass meeting Thursday night filled the church to overflowing and many were turned away. FORMER LINCOLNITES HERE Mr. and Mrs. Boss from Mexico, Missouri, were the house guests of Mrs. Blanche Johnson from Sunday to Tuesday. They were entertained Monday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Holmes, and at a luncheon for six at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Dean. CHAPMAN For Commissioner _ I John 0. Chapman, 1931 So. 17tli St., who has filed for Commissioner has been engaged in business for the past 20 years. He was the founder and owner of the Chapman Motor Co., which he operated until last September. During the present session of the state legislature Mr. Chapman has served as Assistant Secretary of the Senate. He has been a member of the Salvation Army Ao nsorv Board for 12 years. If elected. Mr. Chapman intends to devote .'\is entire time to the duties of his office. > Save Money TRAVEL BY BUS Fairway System Lowest Fare* to All Cities EAST AND WEST On Comfortable Coaches BONDED AND INSURED Buses leave at 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. daily SAMPLE FARES Omaha ... $1.25 one way $2.25 round trip Des Moines. 3.75 Chicago . 7.25 One Washington, D. C... 18.00 Way New York . 18.00 Only Denver . 7.00 BUS DEPOT, Central Hotel. Phone B 4224 Bar-Be-Que - - Bar-Be-Que Barboque—To smoke, dry or cure—process of Broiling or smoke roasting meats in open for a least. Whole hog or ox—large pieces. We get the abovo information from Webster, whom we believe is right. But we are here to tell you that it doesn’t mean a thing unless it has the swing. THE ROCK ISLAND BAR-BE-QUE INN J. W. (Bill) Nelson, Prop. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE We Write All Kinds of Insurance Phones B-6190 — B-2084 McWilliams and woods FOR THE NEXT 60 DAYS! We will call at your home or business, check your tubes and set FREE OF CHARGE and you are under no obligation to purchase merchandise, but if your Radio needs repairing we will give you 10 per cent discount on tubes, parts and labor. All work guaranteed. When in trouble call M2870 day, night or Sunday LINCOLN RADIO SERVICE CLUB 1016 No. 66th Street Phone M2870 Protect Your Loved Ones EVERYONE ELIGIBLE Join the Needy Benefit Association REASONABLE RATES Get Information from Mrs. Maude H. Johnson M. T. Woods T- T. McWilliams President, L7859 P. President, B2084 Secretary, B6190 American Cafe Featuring Mrs. Hightower and Mrs. Wiley in charge of the cooking. Special attention given to all. Fried Chicken dinner ev ery Thursday, 25c. Friday is fish day. Bring your parties to the American Cafe. We are fully equipped to take care ot you at a low price. Try our Special Sun day Dinner. Why cook at home when you can eat here for 25c? We will soon be prepared to serve you with soft drinks aud ice cream. Home made pies, 5 and 10 cents. HIGHTOWER & WILEY 223 No. 9th Street Lincoln, Nebraska FENTON B. FLEMING . Candidate for Mayor at the Primary next Tuesday. Your vote appreciated. Wm. FOSTER Candidate for re-election aa City Councilman.