one Day To Wi» One of The « special Priz es. Now ls tne time to get in tne Free Press and istnzeiger llerold Zinto Gontest, wina prize tor a lew days ettort and lay a tonndation ol’ votes ior tne grand prize. Yonr iriends will nelp you il· yon nelp yonrseli. Many votes are eoming to tlsis oiiiee ior eontestants, and no one snonld iail to grasp tnis opportunity ior rien reward. Malce an eiiort to get in 325 oy Mar. lst and yon are snre oi a prize » a litlle more tnan tliat amonnt may win yon a diamond ring or one ot tlie otner tine specials, and tnis eitort may pave tlte way to otner and oigger sneeess in tnis oig eons test. 'l’l-e Ford Zintomooile is on display at Glass and Evan’s Garaga One Genuine Diamond Ring, set in 14 karat solid gold mounting. One Gold LaVaIliere, set with French Pearls and Rub ies, One German silver non-brealcable Mesh Bag, and one Friendship Platinoid Brooch, set with French Pearls and Tourmal— ines. All of these prizes were purchased from Aug. Meyer Zz son, one of Grand Island’s leading jewelry firms. They are on display in their window and are guaranteed by them. Zl Gold Lock-et to each Geistes-kan- mrnmg in HZZUG These lour special prizes will lpe awarded to the contestants who tut-n in thi largest amount of money over 825 collected on new and renewal suliscription.—. Any contestant turning in 825 darin-—r this special period. who does not win »m of the above special prizes, will recxivc a beautiful locket· This special prjzc period dates from the beginningof the contest. Febr. lst, and closes March lsL at six o’clock p. m. All money tut-nett into this oftice by the subscribe-« will count for the contestant whom he votecl for-· The regular schedule of votes will H H he issued un wery subscription tumcd in. These von-.- wijl g» loward winning the grand prize. Remcmher il is thr- mesnczs that counts in this special offer-. Contcstants who ji«-se in other tuwns out-»L- Of Grand Island can send their money via mail. but the postsmark must shnw that the subscriptions are mailed not later than March 18t. at h oc1()ck. p. m Everycontestant has an opportun ity of winning a speciak prize for a spisciixl esse-n. EÄNDLDZI TEs II« Govtestants Wiss-se name-s are blank-, bat-e 1000 votes. cis-s- til-Is. Mk- li B, Mille-· XII-J- Block Its-· Esie Mccnnoagls Mit-se Sksdy Miss- Jsmes scholdek Urs. Pred Dreibus Urs. Alles Baues Bei-is Bitbee Jessie Brom Mks. W. T. LIMIle Urs. Lsun Barbee But-h Ost-sen Lilith Mär-ich Hm J. L. Hirn-lass Jslks II.(·.(Z«1UH-11ir mis- er Pisa-er Mit Pknnk Unodwin Mk- E C« Ruhmes lsshje Parpet Ast-s salyer MI- Wm Harren Mk- Msrths dioellet na.x11-zu;zh1iu kas Adams Msbjes Hilbert stam- Ham Cskkoiige Julmson Hält-b Lohe-soll Volum Turm-r EIN-je Zuku Gkscts Bau-ic Msky Kaufmann Mk- Tdsesr Mem-ou ALUI Dnhru III-s IS J Kleinksul Mks (.’ F Bist-lind Ists-· Mkj cvsa smith Aggs Poehlek 1330 2500 WIL 4750 Ins-Ier i sci- I I l CAN 10900 15050 16450 128 50 Gssssss »Ist-. s. I Anna Schultz 115450 Esther stehend-ers , Xsøcy stelk 1100 Mira-is- stullex 1 ZJIIT Lin-ja Ewolilt Cis-s- tatt-. s. I. Bei-Um Man-k Amands List-gewisser Miit-U crit- sstsss. s. s Lem- «;oesttsche IO50 läh- stoppkotte 2300 Als-ins Tags-e - disk-je Rossi-kostet- 12950 Len- siebet-L Icmmd Hort-ke- · 10050 ist-Is- tsssts. s- s M Ort-hu W ji«-st Friedti Kunst-: bis-« staun- Metpesnbkimk 2900 Anna XENIEN 11250 est-possi Msjssi Nichts«-sei I »V Mids spekk Cis-o Hm »in-Ist set-zu Its-I Hist-ehe Hahn-! Luella Uletm bit-h Albekt MrPquuKh imst tirsce Juch disrie seier 19 0 Alice Den-tun »Zw st. Pius Michel Unrat-s Minnir Iwmenschlmsgrr Mk- l) M Blsik Un Magus-et colling Uns DwikkhtU"i11i-tns Milch-ed steea mgs Judas-on. lä. 1 Glas-u blaude K. : Usml Smitis lä. 2 slms Jedwed-. R CI clsrd swam Alius llill Mic» terms-s Hmma liixon Les-its Rath-z lststiusr Hut-kitz P««»ss III-Inst Kjkk cost-st (’lsrs Smstb Mit-S Erz-« Psunms Pest-REI Wcoci k- »ei Kdtise III-umst CIHZF NPLNUI HIRS- XVIII-st sk. Ochs-» PsilIirir Heller Mir-»Im III-sum Msry Hut-ki Horences Karl-ro Mer Hm Zs set-»Ist sup Xets liabier c« Plle Rockle i ZUND . -. ·Z«.)« its-: '-» mit-« Hut. « Ist-DIE H650 Rot-d Tom-»O Gar Five Passe-»Ker 1st Prizes 2mi ’ psz sezo I wxs G »Es-e PIZIJVO llvies Coverstsk tsls come-I Any lady is -e1igib1e. providing cooditioos set forth below are com pljed with, but the contest manager reserves the right to reject object forschte nominatiom. No candidate will be permitted to transfer votes to auother after re ceiving them for herselk. Ballott sent in for name- not property nomiastod will be destroyed associated Every candjdote should be regu f iarly nominated on a tienik printed in this paper or a iimiiar blank kurnished by The Free Preis and the Anzeiger und Her-old. A coupon vili be printed the first Ieeks ok the echte-L This coupon IiU count for the votes designated therein All coupons Iili be dated and will he void unless received at this office on or before the expira· tion of the time Iet, as printed All hailots must de sent to the Contest Man-get care of The Free Pres and the Anzeiger und Aerold with the postage prepaick No employee of The Free Preis and the Anzeiger und Herold will be eligjble as a candidato. Any quettcon or controveriiet that may arise are-to be settled by the conteit Man-gen la accepting nomtaatsou. all can didstes must agree to abide by the share est-Mittern- 1n me ok a tie vote the prise will be sold and the money equally diviclech The con p— H test Unnager resekves the right to govern the cloiing date in case of siclmeu or deoth The Iay to secun- votes is hy pay ing money for iulscription or out ting out free votes lkokn «ihe Free Press and the Anzeigek und Herold. Positively no votes Iill he solci tot cuh without subtctiptions to the paper-. concidatei can solicit votes in any part of the United state-. The kegular vote schedule Iill not he increasecl during the content ex cept in tpecial bald-n pekiods. No young lady should hesilate to so into this come-t. as evekyohe hu s kair chance to win a handsome and valuable prize. The main ohject the Ftee Pren end A:.zejger und Zer old has in vier is to get subscrib en, nnd the gitl who voll-s the hat-den is the one we want to have the beut pkize. Don't hesitate to ssyk your iriends and neighhon if thezs take The Free Fugu and the Ahzeiget und Her old. Hostie and there will be nothing to deieat you. 50 M Frass contast Ballot50 6000 Eos FIFTY VOTES »n- ssmu « vo« means-mei- «s. mm FotM .............. Addkesssp This btuot is good tot- ;'sts kotes on the « kamt l the-. Ml fllled Jud sent to brec- l res-. »Wie-« by mail or se before cis-te of expintjon No ballt-U n j« be Il Hm m day wsy or transfer-km after being received b) 50 M Isc. c-» km Pross 50 scllkllllli llf Mk III sllsscslPTlW You-» will be given on ever-)- cshh subscriution psisj into Use Frosc- Free-s and Anzeigepklemld »Mot- hy out-dichte »k« subscribe-u sccunling t» Un kollowimx schedule of von-i « " s sen-«- wk «- rns »u 1 1 year 81.00 ............ 300 mich « 2 zesns 2.00 ............ 700 von-d I Lt Feer IUIO ........... lM rotes s il you-s ........... IW sowi »-·- Jst-inst- 5.ll)............2-3(l) tote ; 6 »veer fi.00 ...... Jst-O fode « 7 years 7.00 ............ 4260 rotes , 8 yeer 8,00 ............ 5M bkums , 9 Feer 9 »l) ...... .« ..... MI) tote 10 years 1000 ............ Ist-from — set-ist«- sok IIIOLLOssstsoss l Jesu- BLZZ ........... stät 2 yeer 2.50 ....... . .. Am J years LS 75 ........ 1500 4 yet-·- 33.00.,.. M 5 years fix-M ........... III-» ei years 7 50 ........... 4000 7 yet-·- AJZIJ ........... Jovi s you-s 10.00 .. .. NO 9 satt-s H.2-3 ...... . 75 10 Fest-« 12.«’ you-s solt-g vate voies Ist-tei rote-« muss vom soc-tm »Me f Nomfnatfott Blank Tlse Free Press stumm-wiss Eos-Les I herehy Nominsitc and tust Ins-« mtcs fur M Address its the most popular randidatc in the Great Pupular Vuting Crmtegt