l Noli-Essig END-li- Qälä WILL-R Rot-LA w r H Wonnen-s Ida Hauche-edles c for 250 Leu than half resl vslue. A las-ge duckt-sicut of decidedly Music-ne deiigns of flne swiu emdroidessed Ins nsrtsow hemstitches Handkerchlssx Very pretty essen-has- pstterns, also »du-bat- and embroideres set-, plain hemstitches with and without sum-I, and crust-bat- with Zum-L No Isu than Iix handkechiefs wiss be sols Ins II many II you want In quantsties s mustlpse of stic. com-stieg Its Mond Hopi Insliplcnown by every wo man in the land, 36 juches wide-· a yet-d ...... .. .......... 7zc Gern Motiv-A good qualjty of not qnits so tamlliak a draus-L a Fiktch «1.I." Musik«-Extra heavy qualuy. anwesend yskd . ............. sc III-ekelt sit-ob ORDNUNG site 81 : 90 lachen each ......................... 53c Blecchech sjze 81 : 90 suche-, each CI Psppoksll Pillow Osts sjze 42 x 36 suche-, each 13c: site 45 I 36 inches. each 1 Dwishts. Ariel-ok- sud Pesquon atmet-. 31.00 atmet-. sjzo 81 190 hebe-, tot each .............. 70c TM Ins few-Isa cnsHlose woveth platt- ok will od. bleached or nahte-check 18 lache- Iftde, a ysrd .......... Iz th tust-Uns 18 lud-es wide, Uesehod or nobIs-sched. very do sit-sue qui-Hex Jst-d ............ sc chotce ot c bis lot ok Tut-Malt and klsack towels, regule sxc value-. each ......................... sc Tut-USE and Huck Towels Eil-sc value, ehe-ice each ............ Sc Urge, generous sizeekl blesrhed Tut-leU Towels. regulak 25(- value lot- each ...................... We A Aue lot ot all links-L trinng and botdered Towels. legal-r Ltäc and25c Many-. chojce each ....15e: An assortmem of nicses Isatkems in Damask Towels. seither hemmch or irding 35c qualtty. rholcse 28c Mc Dzika and Hut-R Tasse-is heim med and krjngest bot-ders. rkpducpd to each ...................... Zsc 650 Damaslsc and Hut-sc Ton-AS. hemmt-il and kringed bonI-im re duced to Esch ................ 490 750 Domask and Huck Ton-As dem med and Muse-d hohl-Hi te duced to each ................ We 850 DIka and Ruck Tausle dem mail and frjnged bot-Jena rckilucsed to each ...................... cSc 81.00 Damask and Ruck Tod-ehs, hemmeil and trlnged vorders. re duced to each ................ We 3125 Damaslt and Huck Ton-eis. hemmed and iringed vordem te duced to each ................ Isc N We have Agathered toLether wide assortments of the most worthy T able Linens and will sell them much below regulak prices during our annual linen event Our sale prices on admirable Linens are not the result of ordinary merchandising methods. We bought these Linens months ago before the advance in pkices and further-more we only traded with manufactureks whose Lmens we lcnow to be wokthy and good in every particular-. We know and you can prove. that at no other store. can you secure Linens so satisfactory at prices so small. The Linen stock of salety and savings Some-visit our Linen Department——compare the prices listed below with other-s you see printed. And better-, compare qualities. And rest assured —that our assortments are wide enough to give you ample choice from the most desirable patrems and designs. AN ASSURED sAVlNGSssREAD HOW AND WHY l WI- csonss «- -«-:ss-.:.s-:.s:s: ;:.:-·;7«;.:..k.::sss»s..::.«s-ss«] Ue first- sed feile Ists-I sor. s Jud Is Pirst quelity good-. s · lly selected new-. either florsl or diee. splendid weis rund act-in fini- . cumnteed sll oil boiled nnd tut colors. 54 incdes wide, specisl priee, 25 per yet-d .................................... . ........... c Scs Ilss Glu- celms Its-M Infl- Inllmm sc Tlie but there is in colored dem-ein Etelusive kauern-. las-b satin linisly gutmteed all oil boiled colors, in turltey red, 40 ber end ten. Widtb. 68 wehe-. specisl price, per yet-d - c soc crust sluclnd fehlt dass-h yml Ade A splendid, good cloth that will give excellent sen-ice- Pat rerns are sll desirsble. florsl or Spot essen-. Widlh 60 40 lockte-. special priccz per ysrd . ( . . ..... , « . . , - - c Sce fehlt Ums-h ists ssc Bleached or unbleaclied union table damale Iris-h good- ok s depends-He uality. Splendid mortment of Horal or spot 48 parte-nis. T idtn 64 inches. Special Drin-, n wird . . . . - c cse km- Ilse slnelml fehle III-seh ysrd 520 sxxlendid value. All good pstternh including ssmt nnd s select ran eof florsl work. Une of our most popu ar selling 52 qua dies-. Widtly 70 wehe-. specisl price, a yard . - » . c lsc seresrltstl fehle Ists-Oh ysrd Sile A iine quality cloth that find- e read sale for notel nnd hoc-»d jng bouse use-. kliglily mercerized an splentiidles blesclmd So A good stocky cloLli m s Maine collection o part-ermi— o csc Sm- qu Tal-l- Issuh yml csc All ure seotcli linen uble dann-sk. equsl in every way to 31.00 elsewhere Extra beavy weist-h bign finish. gross glecched end woven of good fluc. Pan-em- nre all desirs 68 able. Width, 64 meldet- specisl price, I yet-d . ..... c INC. Illi. um sur-. lile tun-h Ist-l III The quality you are ulged s UJO and sl.25 ordinsrily. Art-ric tive in qualitzz weignt end style. ln many pouerns ok 790 enoice designs. Widtb. 72 incliet Special pnee, yet-d . . MS stlks ils-s blos-las Issmh ital Mc An all pure flnx scotch uble linen, kru- bletched nnd pure know Unite. Excellent utin Qui-h nnd n splendid piece oi good- in evety way. spot centek with In unmunl nttknetive vnkiety of bot-der Ottern-. including dnisy, kluek de Lis, ine npple. Inten- lllly, nemll nnd kose dgl-oh A grent volus do nt such n pkice, ynkd ........ - ........................... c anltins w mai-eli. XIV inclieth texulsk 83 value. nos- 82.40. Jus um quillly dinolml clmuh Ist-l IMI Higlkclm sntin lablo darnach good widtb nnd plming viel-klit Wnrknnted all pure flnx nnd a gkest value at this pries. A mde thut will meet your every expectstion Handsome pet dsms in tastesul deslgns of Ums-, s t, pnlm, davon-, 81 oo pansy and onl( lenk. Wjdth. 72 inckzh special, ynrd i » Nsplcins to muri-, 2-lx24 incth reguer vulue 84.25, now ZZJCL Zshsc list-sum blos-Ins lsbls ihm-h Ums sl.2ll A sine. all linen damals, gms bleaelied, snow whlte. Uean weight nnd passe-sing many desiknble festukes that are found only in the very sinest impokted cloths. cnrelully selected eenter pattems of spot, oppy. party-, kaise. kusehitk Imtunis. sckoll nnd tigek lilly. wit matched bot-ders- 72 inclies 81 20 wide. spectslpkice. a yet-d-« · anlcins to mai-eli, 24124 helle-, regulnk value N.75, now stile Izctl inc- Ilsllo blast-lud sum-h full sljc A bezw-, sll Frass blencbed satsn dem-sk. 72 inchcss wide. The pattems nke tiixek linksher-kroch sluer de lis, poppy, 81 Ho elovek lenk nnd dsisy kdeks and plain muten s. ynkd s Nnäikins to mstcly 24121 suche-, resolu- vnlues 85.00, schö» nnd Os. , keduced to, s dozen M.00. UJO nnd 84.80. s Ell-unt il AM- ss III Ispilu ssklss tlsls uls l F samt-us wiss mio kn loI Muts Any for further Instit-altes lnqniko II fsnoy Wust sopsrtmsnh Aligfhshkscls finis- Plllow Tot-s Zco For Franc and back REGULAR soc VALUS This tatest disk-Mos- ln pulow ums-. Wo Ihm-v onst sen-iknts-Ove patronu in Un- sslrswrisst Hin-l most catrhy de sglan tncskniling lmizw sammka mut to(-.·3 with zummprlutis Inn-Muth all kinda ni fluml kam-rus- in natur-til pol 0rs. srhsniishkp and putriotks »Hm-W and this now hanc-abwi; and nor-U tot-de Many us fhtssss mitteer are in hsimnjkul disk-Hing us Um msw Wollt-rh ian sicut r··-pnns.-sc- work Tour Nimm-. Heu-h, Isc. Whlto soc III-Ilion We erres m our ins-erneut In mak irig purem-es of whits »san«-n »Im wool blank-is Wo have not has the rucky Mo on then II on colorss blsukets ins to entwer the sales of wo Amte ones wie's-e reckuced the prlcei twemy per cont. 82.75 Wool Maus-eth. 10-4 sitze-, ..82.20 istp Wool Mann-h m-( sho. 8200 sum Woo! man-um IH zip-. 8220 85c couon Martin-ts« ll-4 also ...Csc stpr com-m Wanken-, U-( slze »Okt 81.50 cotton Munka 11-4 alte »Ist-V 81.75 cotmn Martia-L U-( stu- ..I1.40 8225 Couon Maul-oh UH size . EIN 8500 Wool Mantis-L ltH slzcs ...-hoc III-(- Wool Musket. Us( slze JUOO 810 Wook Mann-U 11·4 sm- »Ist-C »Es-O Wooi Manle 114 salzi- fis-do Z III syst-III- In our Ill Ilnsry Depart-vom The hats often-s in these lots be Iow sro the originsls or copies of Int especisply desssnod for us by the but millineri in St. Louis, Oblcsqo Om New York ans the scyles sri Ohio lutely the very tatest. Wo such-vor to offer uylei suitahlo for III III sns tosen Im- you Iurely can sind what you want It these Ipecssl sov pries-: « ssc .!.n:-(-Ht:««!«ssl thust-s us all dirs-ist and nimm-us hat«-; »Im formen-is Hut-l for ils-CI, il 75, 82.0t). 82 25. min 82541 As Itss (·h»l(-t- from lot Of nimmt-il Ums that konnt-rh- solil for 8275 ins-l up 10 UJNL At Is.sc (.’dolce from one lot of hats mal formt-rle void for 85.00, 85.50 satt 86.00. Esse- Immäs Uns We have outsone all pur es sen-. Om- ttock for beauty shcl variety now iurpauei anything we have ever ils-own. There Its a« kinsi of elaborstsiy work-s seit-m of cluny Late, Mexico-I ans Japans-o Dis-tm Werk Freuch Embwidery, Ins lrish Hans Smbssolsery ln Deine- ans all sin- In Lunch Noth-, squskes ans Jede-km ICUARSS C LUNcH cLOTHS. 75(x 30 inch sqnares. cikawn work Dattel-m tot- ........ W 81.50 Drawn Worin 30 juch Sinne-, for ............ 81.20 81.75 Dravm Werk. 30 such squares tot ............s1.40 ..— 83.00 Dkuwu Uforh 30 weh squares tos- ............ QLJO QZZZ Dis-Im Was-L 30 tue-h squakes for ............ OTTO 81.75 Drum Wort. 36 inch squakes tot- ............ 81.(0 82.75 Dis-Im Woklt. 36 weh · san-use- kok ............ 82.20 8350 Drum Wort-, 36 lockt Squaros tot- ............ QM 84.00 Drum Wort-. 36 lnch squckes tot ............ OTTO «83.25 Drum Worl- stack Frei-eh Bands-manch 30 Sonn-es tot ............ 0200 8150 Drum Wort and Frei-eh EmbkomereC 32 weh squares tok ........ QILO ils-'- Dkavu Wotk and Frei-eh throiderech 32 toch squakes tol- ........ Itsc 82.50 Drum Wokk tust Frei-eh Studiums-roch 32 weh squuei tot ........ M s2.95 Drum Wort and Freund DmhkoicketetL 32 web squates kor ............ 8350 Drum Wort satt III-euch smhtolckekokL 32 incl sqmuses tot ............ M 8335 Drin Was-I satt from-h Smhkoltlekesh 32 such sauste-z tot- ............. ULC 8350 Dkawu Wort and Frosch smhwitieted, 45 lveh Lage-h Gott- sok ......... M 84.00 ann Wort sml Frei-eh Etat-roteme 45 weh last-eh Cloth tot ........ 8820 85.00 Drum Wotlt sod Preach Smhtosckeked. 45 such Mach cloth tot ........ NO i7.50 Drin-a Worl- sød Frei-eh smhkoidoked, 45 Incl Umch cloth tot ........ UO U.95 All Frei-oh sind-somet ed· « loch Weh Cloth tot- .................... Ohio 82.50 All kkevch Dmhkolderetl 44 tach Lage-h Statt-. FAM 83. 50 All Frevel- emhroldereck « such but-eh clmä kot- M U 50 speist ad ist-each sm hkoldsmC 45 such Mach cloth tot .............. Otto s7.50 unt kkeuch kmbkmäekock 45 incl- Wh OMII taki-OR 8950 Maler ad Its-Ich em hkottlswä 45 nich Luni-h clotd tot .............. IIU Wo Plai- lloautltebocL Naioa Use-, « Isch- sqme tot-M 8125 Plslu Uemgutcheti. Un lon Umw, « tat-d Luni-b ctoth Iok .............. NO 81.50 Plato Kemstltcth All anx « Imsh bunt-h Clottk lot- .............. Itz 82130 Plain Henisttlchecj, Pulse Unen. « incb Las-ob Noth kot- .............. W 8125 Damale 36 soc-h Sqaam kos- .................... NO cl. 45 Ohms-It 45 mel- Lands cloth tot- .............. 01 Js U. 75 Dstmnh 45 Dach bat-eh Cloth kot- .............. M Its-sc D-muk. 54 such Lust-h cum-, tot .............. W he Drum Werk. 24 weh Sauen-, tot .............. soc Il. 50 Drin-n Wokit 24 iach squkc. tot ............. U 82. 50 Uns-n Wori- 24 such Mie, lot- ............ W 350 Plain Homstltched. Unioa Uns-, 20 incl- spann-JUN 8125 Drum Wort-, 20 weh Sau-ro tot- .............. NO 1.50 Drum Worl- sad sm drohte-ed 20 lach staut-Ja 81.7s Dksvn Wort satt km f breit-leitest 20 meh Saus-ex for .................... 1 40 35c Dis-wo Wori. 18 such sum-re kok ............. Be 750 Drum Wort. 18 such Amser for ............. soc sum Drum Wort, 18 incl squdke. tok .............. soc 81.25 Dtawn Wort and Sm htolckered. 18 lot-h Squske for .................... 0100 8150 Drum Woklt and sm drohten-d 18 imsh sama-o kot- ..................... II löc Plain liemsmcbsd Unen 12 laeh sonste. tot ...... 12c 250 Plain Nematltchod Mast-. 12 tue-d sauste-« for ...... 12c 250 Plain liemstlttrded Liven 12 tue-h san-»s. tot ...... Ade KSNAIIIANCS WOKKLD »Ich » Q1.?s Werks-I prim- seskb is n U sacht-. Itss Without clouht the bess- Val ue wet- ofleked in s. site-Her or aus«-Mut costs crust-teures with u damit-come Joslsaosi deckt Baeeaburs Mo mise, tin-es nquskos of wen-s drum vol-I Iponom- ln contes-, slvlas lt u rksh ansl esse-the appear-ace lusxulak Ql.75 value kor .. IDII Otso Wes-keck sttsabukp set-i is it M lot-hu Ist An eurepuoaully eluhokule des tilgst-il ilxsgp Batoqhukg esse with mal ualon link-n contes-. The materials are all sclectpcl uml dlonchecl verlor-Hy. An et kssllent value-. Comku ln other kouncl anil stumm slzes to mstclh see-, llst below-. llexular ..I.50 value tot .. . .Osc Rose-cis Pflu- ln Werkes sont-dur- Pstskns to »Ist-h sei-If Als-Iw 75(- square buttenburg place-a 18 I 18 lachen for edeh..460 7.-c Rom-il Boten-barg I)leeo, 22 inclws lot- eaeli .......... Ost 350 stumm llatumbuks place 15 1 l5 inch kot- gsch .·..25c 25c Rouncl Bauer-hats vier-z 12 lnch tot· each . ....... ist 15c squsko unt Rot-ad Bau-II liurix met-ist« 8 suchet kot- Mc ssk sozia stinkt-I sen-list l cis ssls kac sitt-riss Ums-hoc 2 I if