BVERYBODY TRADES AT ÆW OWAND Ist-AND Ne-· s. N. Wolbaeh å Sons Attractiuns are Low Prices — W Tllls ls THE csllllsflsss stillst cl- SIWM Ist-MS It II more ils-n ever this you-, iillccl Ililk splsncklck littes of llolitlay gtmäs M — EVERYBODY TRADBS AT TM HPWD Ist-AND neg S. N. Wolbach ä- Sons Attmctions an» th( n Low P Hem s R - E T M . U = Q D = A ) E H In fact, headquarters for everything givable in the gift-giving line. The doings here tX « s season are unparalleled in the history of the Big store. This is a S Christmas store," where all the vexing gift problems may be solvedz where every permy will do it’s work surprisingly well; and every dollar will buy two dollars worth of satiskaction. This page is filled with suggestions that will make suitable ancl pleasing presents for everybody. We cannot discribe evekything, we couldn’t do it if we filled this entire paper-, but we can give you a few hints from each department which hinges on holiday presents. Do not forget that this store is packecl with merchandise of every descripton, especially suitable for Christmas giving, and our pkicss are always antl umle- all cikcumstances absolulely the los-est Wams-IF 88.50 Long costs 85.00 Gray mixtures. plaids and broken plaids, of HEF an extra heavy cloaking, 45 and 50 inch lengths, worth up to 88.50, now. ... .sS-00 - Wams-V- slzsc tong costs THIS A dressy. swell 50 inch coat, made of the same quality material put in 20 and 825 garments. comes in brown and black and black and gray plaids and checks. Velvet trimmed collar and cuffs. It is the biggest value ever offered at 812.50, but our price is only ................. s7.85 Fihotl and sann-rissest Losts These are the tatest New York styles, part of a lot received late last week by express They come in blacks and dark gray mixtures and plaids. Prices from 7.85 to 825 latws lese-i stylc Ioclmeak Sc—usual pklce 256 Daintily silk embrojdered stock col laks. Range of pretty colors in every sbade, and exqusite group— ins-s of the varried color etkects sollt-IF of thut Isglns san-»Is sig foy drum 250—usual pries Scc It is an excellent toy drum value and ts only one of the many bar— gains that can be had in the toy department on the second fioor lots of room and good light » list son andre-satt solls 250——ususl pkice Sllc ln our endeavor to convin(:c«. you that this is the cheapest und hest toy store we want you to Hei- this doll. Full kid, stout hoch-, curly hair and moving eyes. Only s25c. The Fetcbiest Iof Clothing F ashionsl »Er-— cwmlcwltsn «·-- fis-» MADE IN NEW YOU-c You cannot help but take delight in wearing our clothes, because they are smartly bunt-they have a elever air and hung to them -- they have an originaljty about them and are So cleverly constkucted that it isa pleasure to wear Wolhaeh’s clothes. The clothes that seore a complete triumph --BEN-IAM1N’Ss-«pjctured here and bujlt as no one else hujlds their clothjng. The picture is a ljve Sketch it is not a copy or an jmitation of anyone else, but a Durelv original sketch. The Alfred Benjamin Fz Co-’8 clothing comes in all the checks and gray mixtures in all thelk resplendent clothes glory. Pklcess S I s.00- s I 6.50. S l 8.50 320.00- 822.50. 525.00 satt 527.30 other III-ratlos 55.00. s7.50, 810.00 satt 512.00 clsllLDRElWS cOATS Polac- sear skin costs, sites l to s years. So popular and sujtable for little folks wear, and they are the very same style and qualjty you are asked 8300 and 55360 for elsewhere. In cream white, reseda, navy, brown and gray. sizes 1 to 6 years, each ......... 52.35 cis-IS Lang storm costs, Sizes 6 to 14 years. This ) handsome coat is made of an all wool heavy Zibeline, Nearly trimmed with braid and velvet to match. A very serviceable, warm garment. Bach .......... 32.75 cirls Full Longth costs, Sizes 10 to 14 years. An exceedingly handsome garment made of all wool kersey cloth and represent a value greater than we ask. Come navy, brown and red. . . SZ.00 - » «.« W l til l- CI 0UR TOY DEPARTMENT Embraces every conceiva ble thing which the invent- , ive genius ok the age has VIEI»-"«9T produced. Everything is is here to make the little « ones happy. Dolls in great variety, childken’s bureaus a n d dresseks, sleds, express wagons, patrol wagons, blank hoards, tool chests, children’s desks, rocking chaiks and horses, doll trunks and carkiages, toy pianos, horses and wagons, locomotives, zlkish mail cars,whirIy-gigs, sea-saws, tin, granite and china toy dishes.