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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1917)
HtHOHT uf I “t CONDITION OF the first national bank •.. *• " ^ - «• the !~«t of t»,*,„*«, on -^rt-mher il*. I' RESOURCES. ■ - .. *327.529 9« ... _____ . „.J!* liLx *49 1; .... ■to* sia A •■I’ »lc? ut lujfbtrdL^4k uW&ed and *- , ... 50 000 00 o**i 1 t* ------- ihrfi; Urn uu|.i-«iicea .......___ • _ r tfcju» I 8- bonds i not unhiding Wi> "•*** unpledged ... SJW03 Total m da- »■« •rants, rtf..... v f » ;*-r*I Honor?# Bank (50 per cent of sub »■!»<*■■ ... : * » S 70S 91 V009 t* tanking house . .. dnw* and tnatm _____ . -•tal raorrtre with. Federal It- . :•■* Hunk ..-t ta »au* and »e* amounts due from national banks k» o: otfeor back- in the -am- city or town as re port. t*g tank ... ■ an# • l.» ui-d out suit* of city or town of re poring bank and other tub it-ms ______ - i-«:;>• wo. fond * rh V. S Treasurer and due from r. S Trt-aauror . *495.398.85 LIABILITIES. $ 25.000 00 - —' 1 25.000.00 ' ;d—d probt* ....... t tty n 5105 2.074 ;• - utaliug note* uuiatandtbg 7,000.00 11.872.67 *• ' ■ - ■ jb»sl to * k 1S4.S3S.07 i f>] : T.m« ocp.»t» Iiutabl- afl-r 30 days, or subject to 3* data or more nuticet: *’—» -f dept—it 155.000 00 $495.398.S5 •u - of Nt-indu. County of Sherman. as: • ’ <>f Hi* u‘«.i. named bank, do solemnly swear that the i. *tat*... t a- I- tb» !*—• of uit knowledge and belief. L HANSEN. Cashier. - *.«. * -V *. .< r* !1 tills .'nth dal of Septelntier. 1917. "f l.AMONT 1. STEPHENS. Notary Public. X< <utnwi*- . a <-ipii>- June 1920 t«T»i1- At teat V\ T i bus. a H Outhouse, r H Uian. Directors. (27 3 445 l : 57.000.00 1 lO.OOU.tH 899.05 1.500.00 V 8.798 .61 1.852.70 ; 25.000.00 54.8S5.S9 373.93 3.S52 51 350.00 t Good Lumber at Louesi Prices KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. •- >' I. r A- ‘ .n. I. ku la. >d>au|»i» an 1 Arcadia I New Goods Just Received j | AH kinds of Brass and Steel Beds, priced | e from $3.00 and up to $40.00 i 1 Liggett & Platt Bed Springs: j S3.30 buys a bed spring that is guar- | anteed to last a life time. 1 I Mattresses: \ | Priced from $3.30 to $20.00. Our | Special is a good all cotton felt mat- l | tress for $ 10.00. f I COME IN AND SEE THESE I I GOODS I | E. P. Daily Furniture Co. | 1 FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING \ 16 Duroc Jersey Boars for Sale II, 4 King\ Choice Xo. 220S67- This herd of i,],i - i;» -prill-' ami one spring yearling. They ar. ..■!»,/ II i-trator. Critics Model, (J olden Model .% :i -1 \ r. daiii'. '«'i!!«4 being sired l»y •lack s Orion • . ,1 . • ,-r i*r* « d.lark's Orion is one of the latest hr . . «tat<-. Ihi! in age from (5 to 8 months, jp • ; . forepart of Septeud*er. trom l--> to ls<l lbs. |m ,s*,i,-li.uir i» - milr- wv>t and A mile south of Ash ton <h*|»«»t. All immune from cholera. Prices Reasonable. C. L KNOEFEL. Breeder E. F D 1* Box 10, Ashton, Neb. Phone 4823 Tta, Ford automobie has not raise*! J* pntv. I am selling Ford* every da> a* the aaine old price Get your> Try Chase's first—it pays. Our glasses make satisfied custo mers—H. M Eisner. Optometrist. Daily sella for less. Williams wants to sell your farm See the new coats at .Mrs. Henry’s : 1‘e. ring corn binder for >ale Phone -7021. Da was a Grand island p^s IS t t i ida . uiOHiiae, i he 1 cn d has ilu[ raised in pri. e. Order yours now. A. C\ Uele. Call Williams over the pjhone. No. Brown 15. Ask him to call on you. P T. Rowe and E. G. Taylor made| a business trip to Omaha. Monday. Seed wheat for sale at a reasonable! price. J. E. Otlewski. phone »S02. -1 W anted.—A neat, clean girl for din j ing room work at the Frederick Hotel., J. W. Conger went down to St Paul last Thursday to have his arm doctor ed. For Sale—One Maxwell 1916 Tour ing tar in good condition—Independ ent Garage. This is the time you have been look , ing for List your farm now. with H R j H. Williams. W P. Simpson left Monday morning for an extended visit with relatives ir Sunbury. Pa. Alvin Spelts went to Colorado last Friday to look alter his cattle and ! husinss affairs. Mrs L. Behthold went to Grand Is 1 land. Saturday noon to visit a few day? with her daughters. Mrs. Kate Stellmoi k was a passengei to Ashton last Friday morning to spend the day with relatives. Miss Rose Tapolski came up fron Schaupps last Thursday to attend ti:> fair and visit with friends Miss Katie Minnie went to Arcadia Saturday evening to spend over Sun day with relatives and friends I have a good paying business for sale or trade for a farm. Experience not necessary. H. R. H. Williams. Lamont L. Stephens was a business passenger to Grand Island last Satur day morning, returning in the evening Mrs. John Daddow and daughter Mrs a. V Cook and son. were Grand Island passengers iast Friday morn ing. The Misses Minnie Johnson .Neva McLaughlin and Eva Hile were east bound passengers to York last Friday morning. Clifford Hale came in from Schuyler. Saturday evening and spent Sunday with his friends, returning to work on Mondav morning W. J. McMullen came up from Grand Island Saturday and spent Sunday in our city visiting, returning again on Monday morning. Podge Roadster for sale:—1 wish to sell my Dodge Roadster at once. In perfect shape and will sell reasonable —Capt. H. E. Willis. Mrs. E. J Maus returned home Sat urdav evening from Lincoln, where she has been for some time visiting tt-ith relatives and friends. Hiram and Fred Folker returned to their home in Gothenburg last Friday after a short visit here with their sis ter. Mrs. H. R. Snider. Mrs. Wm. Bvl and daughter. Louise returned to their home in Chicago last Friday morning after a visit here with the W. O. Brown family. Mrs Madura and Miss Monica Kusek returned to their home in Duncan, las; Friday morning after a short visit heri with the Joe K rails family. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Bitner and baby returned home Saturday evening from Sc Paul, where they spent several days visitng with relatives. Miss Opal VerYalin came up from Hastings last Saturday evening to visit over Sunday with home folks. She re turned again Monday morning. Archie Brown cam up from Hast ings last Saturday evening and spent j Sunday with the E. G. Taylor family returning to school Monday morning Mrs. Elmer Chaffee and daughter returned to heir home in St. Paul or Monday morning after an extended visit here with her mother. Mrs. Han 'sel Miss Marie Olilsen returned home on Saturday evening from Lincoln. Oma ha and other points where she has been visiting with friends the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs A. P. Cully, who have been here visiting several days, re turned home with their daughter. Mrs J. K. Ward. Saturday evening to Ar cadia. Miss Nina Anderson, who has been here visiting with her friend. Miss Lil lian Johnson and other friends, re turning to her home in Aurora. Tues day noon. COL. E. A. KEELER, Auctioneer. Having devoted my time the past few months to ra sing food stuffs for ourselves and the allies. I am now prepared to give my entire time t, auctioneer business. At your service: sell anything anywhere Your busines appreciated M> dates will he taken < are of by either bank at Ashton or the First National Bank of bonp City Daily sells for less. P. O. Reed for repairing. WANTED—A man to work on thr farm —S. J Iossi Phor ■ 274-13 Floyd Janulewicz was a busines passenger to Omaiia. Tuesday noon. J. S. Pedler is oyer in Iowa this week attending the funeral of hit cousin. County Assessor O. F. Petersen tooi sick Sunday evening and is laid uj this week. School teachers—A new line ot bracelet watches, a: the old prices.—H M. Eisner. T. E Gilbert wa- an easthound pas ! i sender to lvatripe Tuesday moraine for a short visit. Baby Marie Osb< rne in. “Sun Shine and Gold" at the opera house. Thurs day. October 4. Do ::ot miss it. Miss Genevieve Welsch spent Sun day with her parents In Central City returning here Monday evening. ?<Irs Wm. Si hurt : n visited with rel atives and friends in Ashton. Tues day. returning on the evening passen ger. LOST—Between my home and B & M depot on Thursday, a kit o* auto tools | Liberal reward Return same to T hi Eisner. Mrs. Ashley Conger i> enjoying a vtsit from her mother. Mrs. Loi n. of Blair. N'eb. She expects to remain herf a week before returning. I. C. Smith and family autoed tc Lincoln. Sunday, for a short visit They returned home Monday via rail on a count of the heavy rains. For Sale:—A good 16 h. p. Minneapo lis threshing engine for sale. If taken a once will sell cheap. Also one second hand Studebaker car for sale.—A. C Ogle. City Marshal S. .F Reynolds, who has been very low the past ten days i; showing some improvement and thert is every hope held out now that he wir recover. Mrs. W J. McLaughlin returned home Saturday evening from Harvard where she has bene the past week visiting with her daughter and other relatives. \ Don't Waste Your Tires When your tires are worn out or nearly so. do not throw them away for we can rebuild them for you. and make them as good as new for one half the price of a new tire. Your tires will be rebuilt with all new material. All weak spots re inforced. Xew fabric reliner cured in to reinforce against blowouts. New tread, breaker and cushion. Machine wrapped with powerful pressure and cured with extreme care, in dry steam. No Two-in-One, or Sewed on pro cess used. We rebuild like the tire manu facturer builds his tire, and guar antee you Money Saving Milage and Satisfaction. PRICE LIST TO REBUILD 3 inch tires .? 7 30 3*2 inch tires . 9.73 4 inch tires _ 13.00 4*2 inch tires . 16.50 5 inch tires . 1S.50 A repair department with an ex pert in charge, is maintained for repairing blowouts and rimeuts. Start now to save money on your tire bills by tying into a bundle a few of your old tires and send them to us by express collect and we will do the rest, and you will be pleased. HART TIRE & RUBBER CO. 718-20 So. 16th St. Omaha, Neb. Agents and Dealers Wanted. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. J N Fisher was a passenger to; Dan>'ei'r''t Tuesday. returning is* thc: evening. Seed .wheat fer sale i ^ Fed No 42. $2.2S per c-enei. — E Chariton. 40-2 v. X C>.wk iriKmj t. fuiaha Top day noon w acre h«- i workup for K G. Taylor. Mrs. Lizzie Stark and son. Max vcre easthonnd pr.-.-eng rs to Omaha Wednesday month g on business. Joe Reiman. Joe Caddy and J. W Douga! were east hound passengers t< Omaha. Monday, returning again or. Tuesday evening. Mrs. Aug. Dietz came up from her home at Ro kville. Saturday and spent Sunday in our city visiting, returning h'.nie Monday morning. ■I. W. Zimmerman of I'pland. Xeh si—nt Sunday in our city with his bro th.*r, A. L. Zimmerman and wife H. le:t Tuesday morning for conference at York. Mrs Susan Tockey returned hem las; Saturday evening from Grand is land and Silver Creek where she has hem the past two or three weeks visiting with relatives. During the electrical storm Monday morning the home of Barneu Rojew j ski was struck by lightning. Very lit - tie damage was done and outside or a! good s.-are no one was hurt __ I On almost every intersecting street ! it Loup City, there are four duc k bonds - liter every rain. Why our streets are not pulled in better and rounded from the curb instead of hauling in ground ft a tremendous cost is something that is hard to understand. Mrs. D. E. Smith, who has been here visiting w ith her sister. Mrs. J. W Amick and family, left last Friday Homing for points in Colorado where 'he will visit a while before returning to her home in California. Miss Carrie Vinick a. ompanied her as far as Jrand Island. The local war board has another I quota of boys ready for the next cal! j which is expected to be made Oct. 3, j and will consist of another quota sini • ilar to the one that left last Saturday morning. Sherman county's local boar a has handled their work in a most sat isfactory manner and at no time have they caused the district or state board any delay. Robert Jenner returned to Loup City last Thursday after being absent nine months, being in England most of tin time while away. Mr. Jenner loek^ about ten years younger, and his journ in the old ouuntrv certainly must have agreed with him. He has many interesting experiences to relate, see ing several German air raids over Lon don and many other unusual things that are transpiring during war times ; The Sherman County fair was attend ed by good sized crowds last week and will run a little to the good financially.; All three mornings were cloudy and threatened rain which kept many away who would have otherwise attended The exhibits and free attractions were good, and the ball games delighted the crowds. Secretary Tracy has requested the Northwestern to announce that all premium money will be paid a week from next Saturday. We have at last entered into a rainy spell and the farmers are smiling be cause of the excellent condition of the soil for fall grain Sunday night it rain ed an inch and on Monday night it rained over two inches, niaking a trifle over three inches, most of which soak ed in the ground. It was the first rain since last June, but in spite of that many farmers boast that they will have! corn that will raise from thirty to forty; bushels per acre. l'p-to-date we have not had a frost and it looks like every; ear was going to rinen ud before frost comes. There is to be a non-partisan politi cal meeting in Loup City next Thurs day evening. The object of this meet ing is to organize along the line of the organization in Xorth Dakota which swept that state and elected a gover nor and state legislature in harmony with certain measures promulgated by the farmers organization. While we have a popular governor and a man who will be hard to beat next year, yet if the farmers put up the right kind of man on a platform who will cut out half the boards in the state house and curb certain corporations they will cut ouite a figure in next years election. The government has forced the price j of steel in two. acording to reports, j Surely the war is a terrible tning. hut ] aside from the victory that our army will win eventually, we have won an industrial fight, and that is to demon i strate that this government can cur' the price of every commodity and force prices that are jus; To the big farmers convention recently held in Minneapolis, is due the cut in steel, for they said that the government fixed the price of their wheat and demanded that the government fix the price of steel, which they did. The coal situa tion has been taken care of now. the government ought to curb the great Rockerfeller and fix the price of oil. LOUP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA >:> re We are glad to cash your cheeks We charge no ex < liange. It's one the small services specially in our line. if you prefer to start an account, mail them in. By return mail you will receive our acknowledgment, to gether with your bank book and a pad of checks. Its just that easy to have checking account at this hank, and most business houses really prefer your check to ofhmsey cash. Get Your Crop Money O. S. MASON Implements. Hardware. Farm Seeds, Machine Oils, Windmills, Pumps, Pip«s Plumbing and Heating a Specialty Five Disc Van Brunt One-Horse Drill Put your wheat in the corn, ami the corn in the wheat fields, with the five disc Van Brunt one horse drill. 1 do not claim to be clever but 1 do claim to know a good thing when 1 see it and that is why I bought 25 Van Brunt one-horse disc drills, to help you to get this wheat in the corn. I felt sure the proposition would appeal to you. Of course you know full well that extra effort must be employed to get more sowed this fall than ever, sitting down and waiting wont even catch fish, unless you throw out a properly bated hook on the end of a line Do not wait for rain to plow. Put your wheat in the corn field and take advantage of my buy. Come in and get one of these drills. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. Like all other Van Brunt drills, this is light draft because it is light weight, well balance, frame is heavy steel, well braced, has the famous Van Brunt adjustable gate force feed which compels an even flow of seed from hopper. Drill is provided with fenders so construct ed as to prevent cornstalk or trash from lodging or clogging The disc bearing is practically indestructible, as hard as flint and runs constant ly in a bed of oil meeting with minimum friction. We replace free of charge all bearings that wear out. One oiling per season is generally enough. Close fitting scrapers keep disc absolutely clean. O. S. MASON Electrified Homes Electricity is now fast superceding old methods in many departments of the home. The modern home—the COMFORTABLE home—now has Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Lights and many other labor saving and cost saving appliances. It is the ideal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure. You are losing half the enjoyment of life if your home is not electricified. Let us wire your house for lights. We handle the Almo Lighting systems for farm homes. Call and let us explain them to you. LOUP CITY LIGHT AND POWER CO. ;(Csi) DAILY BETWEEN CLEVELAND & BUFFALO >V Une - - - - 3 - MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS - 3 The Great Ship 5 F.E AND BEE”—"CITY OF ERIE"-'tCITY OF BUFFALO* CLEVELAND— Daily, May 1st to Nov. I5th — BUFFALO Leave Cliviuto - 8:0® P M. i Cbjttual \ Leave Buffalo - 8:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 A. It. $ Staupasd Tim* f Arrive Clbvzlaxd 6:30 A. M. Connection* at Buffalo for Xiagar.' Falla and all Eastern and Canadian point*. Railroad tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. A B. Line, if* T«*«r*»t Antoaobiie Trip, with 2 days return limit, for cars not exceeding 12? in. wheelbase. Beautifully colored sectional pnnie chart of The Great Ship Seeandbkk ” sent on receipt of five cents. Also ask for our 24-page pictorial and descriptive booklet free. I be Cleveland & Buffalo Traoii. Cc*npany dnrtu^.Ohi. Tk* Urmml Skip“SEE A S DBEE~ — tk* lar^rot u4 mm* mmtlj , pmmrmgrr Stemmmr mm blu4 »Mm«rtk»«wM. 81e«plBf lfcOO f——iyttm.