Highest Priced but the best you ever used. We also have the Face Powder, Talcum Powder and Toilet Water of the same odor. LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loup City Postoffice for transmission through the mails as second class matter. FRANK B. HARTMAN. Publisher *1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Every sut'scr;-; oil is refarltd as an ap. n account Ti.c ' im.»s j! subscribers will be instantly removed from our mail ins .‘1st at the csplr .non of time paid for. If puloiShei- shah :-c i.-itMed. otherwise the aubsetnprion will remain in force at the doifnj■ * .1 si. Option price, livery e itascnber mutt :• rstoioi that these f indlrtntii a a part of tiie con* f act between publisher and subscriber. ADVERTISING RATES. Duplay advertisements, 15 cents per inch, for annual and six months con tract. 2# cents per inch for irregular and occasional advertisers. 2% cents per inch discount where plates are tarnished. Local notices. 10 cents per line, each insertion. Black face locals. 15 rents per line, each insertion. Read lag notices, over 25 lines. 25 cents per »n«.h. Minimum charge for local 20 cents per week. Xo display ad run for less than $1.00. ROCKVILLE HAPPENINGS. Mi-* Florence Taagerman is teach la* the Stein s< hool this term Mr*. XV. C. R- n:«*r> celebrated het i-irthday at h* r home last Sunday. Klmer Koch purchased a Ford from the Rockville Auto Company Monday Harry Treot. vent to Grand Island Monday to have some dental v ork done. Mi's Lola Bushhausen went to th< I'land last Monday to have her tonsils : -moved. Miss Lena Anderson went to Grand J and Monday wh-re she a ill tak* ■•-King lessons Mrs Sorn < . • -.-n has been report ed seriously ill and we hope for hei speedy recovery Mr. and Mrs Frank Tompson and daughter are visitiny the former's mother for a few days. The Mi«ses Aueus*a Lorenz and \n na Bugi.o went to Grand Island Mon d“r and family visited w ih friends at Hazard Sunday. J E. Roush was seen coming honit with a new corn binder Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Daddow and family are back from their western tour. I ! This chart shows the extraordinary increase in Ionir distance ca s in the Bell Telephone System <-au»e nry Kaiser sold fourteen head of lattle to 1 J Kalkowski last Friday. 15. H. Xilku. agent for the S F. Ra ker medicines and extracts of St. Paul, has been soliiciting here the past few days. Geo. Ritz and family autoed to Loup City in their big Reo to take in the fair. Miss Caroline Carsten went to Lamp City last Wednesday to attend the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Xowicki visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Anderson on Sunday. Miss Mary, and Alfonso and Vincent Suchanek visited with Stanley Xowic ki last Sunday. F. J. Maciejewski sold one of his horses to a horse buyer from Grand Island last Saturday. Alfonso Maschka accepted a posi tion with his brother, Bennet. working in his store at Farwell Edward Hurt and Misses Thresa and Clara Xowicki autoed to Loup City last Wednesday to attend the fair. A good two inches of rain fell last Monday morning and done little dam age to wheat on plowed ground. Leon Bvdalek. son of Geo. Bvdalek arrived here last week front Momeaee. 111., for a short visit with relatives. Tony Bonczynski autoed to Loup City last Wednesday to appear for physical examination for the Xational Guard. Mrs. Peter Jezewski and daughter of Ashton, visited with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Maschka. Sunday. Miss Helen Isaacson, school teach er in District Xo. 12. was a passenger for Loup City last Friday to attend the fair. Chas. and Geo. Carsten have been in Have a Beautiful and Restful Bed Room Idea, have changed about Bed Room Furniture. Today the average bed and 'vM °Vf°T; with furniture, but is made delightfully resttiai and beautiful with well designed and simple pieces. C ;oose Just Enough Pieces To Make The Room Comfortable Ai ong our immense displays of furniture for the Bed Room are manv at tractive Queen Anne and William and Mary suites in dull mahoganv'and £23T trW alnu'"in,shes ,hat. *> "« sK°w wear. . Their designs are restful to the eye—their prices within the reach of every purse. Qvtdge^G\iexvzcl Co WWVWV'V^WLINCOLN, NEBRASKA A Reliable Specialist 15 Ynn in Grand Island CHKOMC DISEASES OF MEN AND dr OMEN AND DISEASES Or THE SKIN AND BEOOD I CURE Rupture and Piles I i*tula FI*- £ sure and other J Keotnl lli*easej* ! without an oper ation. \o Iom* of tinir from homr or ba*ia«*K». ( urr cunrantrrd i n all ranrn ac* rr|Unl for trout Diseases of Men \rnon% and Prixate Uiiumiini of >len—Skin mid HUmmI Dioraom Slrieforr — arirmvlr — Hydro* celt*—Kidney .imi lllndder lHs rOM's — iili>‘umntieer Creek i four piece orchestra furnished the mu - sic. I CHURCH NOTES. BAPTIST. The subject Sunday morning will be I one of importance to every Christian. 1 Young peoples meeting at 6:30. We had a five audience last Sunday , evening. Rev. John Zimmerman preach ing a very in'eresting sermon which ' was enjoyed bv all present On account of stenographers mistake we announced Sunday that the dedi I catory service would be postponed, but a letter this week from Rev Ray E. York of Lincoln, states that Rev. J. D. Collins and Rev. Bancroft of Omaha will be here Oct. T. for an all day ser vice. as previously announced. We hope that a good large delega tion will go from here to the Nebras ka Baptist State onvention. The pro cram is the strongest that is possible to arrange. Dr. Trewitt. the leader of i the devotional hours is probably the greatest living preacher. At Hastings ! Oct. 13-11* There will be no preaching service in the evening on account of union ! service at the M. E. Church. Let us all go and give Bro. Slocumb a hearty welcome. Presbyterian. The subject for the sermon Sunday morning will be: "The Christian's' Life-Robe." In the evening, in accord ance with our custom, we will dismiss, our services and go to the M. E Church to welcome the new minister We hope every member of th£ church ' will go Christian Endeavor will meet at the 1 \ usual hour. “Home Mission Work , Among Immigrants • ts the subject, j and the Missionary committee will; have charge .of the program Remember that the first Sabbath in ! October will be Rally Elav. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. See Mrs. Henry’s new fall millinery I am paying the highest cash price for poultry of all kinds. F. M. HENRY. HOUSE FOR RENT. I have a small house with five lots for rent at $6.00 per month.—R. H. Mathew. ;5 tf GREAT FAITH IN CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DIARRHOEA REM EDY. "Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy was used by my father about j a year ago when he had diarrhoea. It relieved him immediately and by tak ing three doses he was absolutely cured. He has great faith in this rem edy,” writes Mrs. W. H. Williams. Stanley. N. Y. For Sale—Saxon Roadster On account of having two cars I will sell my Saxon roadster at a bargain. This car is in A No. 1 shape, never been hurt in any way, it is up-to-date with electric spot light, electric dash light, starter and self primer, also four new tires, chains and top cover. In quire of I. C. SMITH. Loup City Tailor Shop. SO DECEPTIVE Many Loup City People Fail to ResiiC* Tue Seriousness. Backache is mo deceptive. It comes and goes—keeps you guessing. Learn the cause—then cure it. Possibly it's weak kidneys. That’s why Doan's Kidney ITUs are so effective. They're especially for weak or dis ordered kidneys. Here's a Loup City case. Mrs. Mary Lofholm. says: "I had been having some trouble from my kidneys and occasional attacks of backache. Every little cold I caught seemed to settle on my kidneys and made me worse. Two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, which 1 got at Swankon's Drug store, ended the trouble and 1 haven't been bothered since.” Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney F*ills—the same that Mrs. Lofliidm had. Foster-Milbum Co Mfgrs.. Buffalo. N\ Y. HAZARD NEWS. David Don&hoe went to Pleasanton. Saturday, and returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cunningham were Hazard visitors, Monday. Alfred Rvinertson and brother. To bias, went to Loup City. Thursday, to attend the fair. Mrs. Arthur Brewer of Hoffland. ar rived in Hazard. Monday for a visit with relatives Miss Viola Lake of Oconto, neice oi Chas. Boldt. is visiting her aunt and other relative' in Hazard. Wm. Spang'berg went to Kearney Sunday. He drove the car recently purchased fron. 0 J. Walthere. Mr. and Mrs Charles Boldt and son. Walter Cadwa :er .autoed to Grand Is land. Sunday. To visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs L. H. Hennis and Mrs. Wm Peterson ond son, Kmest. autoed to Grand Island, Thursday to attend the Hall county fair. More new cement sidewalks have been made recently in Hazard to the amount of two whole blocks and seve ral crossings. Oh yes. Hazard is still j improving. Ernest Peterson. David Donahoe. Lawrence Wade. Joseph Erazim and Francis Thompson. Hazard high school boys, autoed to Loup City. Friday to attend the fair. They reported a fine time Mr. and Mrs Ally Betts of Arcadia, who have been here visiting with rela lives, returned to their home one day last week. Mrs Betts parents. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and son accompanied them for a short visit. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for help and sympathy ex tended to us at the funeral of our be loved mother. Mrs. Jacob Albers. We also wish to extend our heartfelt thanks for the many beautiful floral offerings received. Mr and Mrs Jacob Albers .and Family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Albers and Family. HAS HIGH OPINION OF CHAMBER LAIN’S TABLETS. "I have a high opinion of Chamber Iain's Tablets for billiousness and as a laxative," writes Mrs. C. A. Barnes. Charleston. 111. “I have never found anything so mild and pleasant to use. My brother has also used these tab lets with satisfactory results.” FOR SALE. FOR SALE: — MY EIGHT ROOM house and six lots. Also six lots in cherry and plum trees. A tract of 4^ acres of land and other tract of 3^ acres all in alfalfa and fenced chicken tight—Alfred Anderson. THE MODERN BROOM / ^mst lx twins or triplets, i Ten thouxmj times or rn.m. Cause poo can find me any day iit Here’s the Difference In the ordinary wi,. t-vrv—.. •he fibre i* curved oeertherhoul KA i FENCE to fence lbO acres for $22o.00. We carry all heights Woven Wire Fen. >• Wood Posts. Barb Wire, Steel (rates. mil Bull dog Fence Anchors never let gn. Wire and slat corn cribs. Redwood Tanks guaranteed twentv vear>. HANSEN LUMBER CO LADDERS. ROOFING. PAINTS. < "A! LOW SUMMER FARES WITHDRAWN SEPTEMBER 30 TO EASTERN CITIES AND SUMMER RESORTS: The entire - ern summer fares will be available during September, with i good until October 31st this is the last opportunity of tic the East at reduced rates. TO THE PACIFIC COAST: The low-rates circuit tours are also avail to September 30th; these are much lower than the winter fares O Colorado California route is especially attractive during the Au: TO WESTERN RESORTS: You can go to Colorado and E.-te, . , cheap fares during this month. Estes Park in September is a: for a "rapid-health-come-baek ” The National Parks will be open until September lath. The Ilia available throughout the month. The ranches about Sheridan. Ranchester and Cody will all lie “ =“ take excellent care of you. after the departure of tie crowds. inti Send for publications descriptive of any trip vuu i.a , and let us help you. L. W. WAKELEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGEN 1004 Faraam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS Wo carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin I',, cakes. In stock at all times. Business and professional Guide ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA AARON WALL Lawyer Practices In All Courts LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA LAMONT L. STEPHENS Lawyer First National Bank Building LOUP CITY- Nt. fcsKA ROBERT H. Bonded AbstiMcter Only Set of Abstract Boof