CHAUTAUQUA The Vacation Week LOUPCITY, AUG. 19,20,21,22 and 23 Ini luditi in ten hig programs of inspiration, instruction, patriotism, entertainment and happiness, the Chautauqua presents musical attractions and entertainments of high class and great \ariety. These include THE ST. CLAIRE SISTERS F«-ir beautiful ynuusr ladies present ;i i ; arni'ni: program <1 instrumental ami vocal imHi.M-r- t.. Chautauqua patroBii. They are ti:.- Si. < 1 i-n Sifters, all ot‘ wlmm are artists <>n tv, matidol in a ml lianjo. ami t l^ir eombin at . -.v- -iii'lii*I<- th. >e iii-tniniei ts a< well as the piano, violin ami lie- void*. A piquant charm, aeu-a i! and a sparkle and briirllt n« '> all tin ir own have marked their pro tr»— through three Miccessful seasons. ALTON PACKARD This i- a wonderful program, brimful with fun. humor and entertainment. Alton Pack ard i* a wonderful cartoonist hut lie is also a miht.-t and a pianist of‘extraordinary abili ty. Through hi' program there is a rapid fire of remark', ke. pim. the erowd amused and delighted every minute. r DR. CHARLES A. PAYNE Dr. Payne, with his beautiful pictures, lias the rare gift of converting wide ranges of knowledge into romance and poetry. He helps us to sec tlie beauty and glory of the world through his wide open eyes, and through it all, we fool the love of a great heart that is heating in sympathy with God’s needy chil dren of every age, race and clime. “America —God’s Country” is one of the most delight ful and beautiful, as well as instructive il lustrated lecture ever given. THE NATIONAL QUARTET The National Quartet, featuring George Tack and Charley Cox, put on a program that is full of life and vigor. There are many hu morous selections and many fine solos, as well as some of the classical, sacred and patriotic selections. This is one of the greatest pro grams of the Chautauqua. Scene from “The Melting Pot,” to Be At Chautauqua. See the Big Feature “The Melting Pot” Hup Roadster For Sale X a 11 u|* i '■.!•!-• i r. 1 cylinder, 4.'> li. p. This car was >n •_>at tin r. i~ ■ in price and I will make you a tr«»>«I price mu it. A]*m 11,• t\. tw«* s< » "iid hand Ilup>. in good running or der. for sale. '14 and To models. 1 ii.iiniIliipii 'inl. . Liberty Six, (.Vow-Elkhart and l*ri - ear>, ears iliat are a> good as any on the mark et for the price. » ’ail at my garage and see these cars. Will l»- -iad Tm demonstrate them at any time. W. R. HENKENS, Rockville, Nebr. j PHONE RED 12 inuiiiiiiiiiimmiuniniiHiiiimiiuiiimiumiiimiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiimuiHiiiiiiiii: LUMBER i- the otilv commodity on the market today that has not E increased i - proportionately. 5 Take ad. antage of iiiis fact and S . BUILD NOW I * all and let ns show you how your products will buy = ■tore lumber now than ever before. = le ally t*h« aper to build now than a year ago. = Special prices all this month on all kinds of Paints, § \ arm-: t s, I aukLaddm, Gates and Fence. = Phone G7. {= HANSEN LUMBER CO. I COAL | uiiiiiiiimiiiMiiiMiiimiiimiiiuiiiiiiiuiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir A VARIED LIST OF SUMMER TOURS GLACIER The climax of the rugged grandeur of the Rockies—an ideal vacation land. YELLOWSTONE—The land of geysers, painted canyons forests and water fall- via the Cody Way in automobiles — the scenic adventure of the summer ESTES PARK—Colorado's most beautiful vacation land, by automobiles from ,,r Lyons . Burlington service offers both routes. THE BLACK HILLS—Picturesque and cool; the land of scented pines and medicinal wat- cool nights, trout streams and automobile drives. THE BIG HORNS—1 he W. -tern Adirondaeks; locality of quaint mountain ranches THE ABSAROKAS—Reached via Cody Scenic Road to Yellowstone. Big ■ gan.' coiintr> and locality of splendid tourist ranches Send for puldi at ion- "Glacier.” "Yellowstone,” “Estes,” “Scenic Colo rado "Ran h Life- in the Buffalo Bill Country.” “Dude Rauches, Big Horn V Mains.” “The Black Hills.” Let us help you plan your vac ation in any of these attractive localities. L. W. WAKELEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT. 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. SUMMER COMPLAINT. During the hot weather of the sum mer months some member of almost ; every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural looseness of the bowels, and it is of the greatest im portance that he be treated promptly, which can only be (tone when the med icine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. F. Scott, Scottsville, N. Y., states, "I first used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as much as" five years ago. At that time 1 had a severe attack of summer complaint and was suffering intense pain. One dose relieved me. Other members of my family have since used it with like results. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. State of Nebraska, Sherman Connty, In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ben Nelson, deceased. To The Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Loup City, in said County, on the 7th day of December, 1917 to receive and ex amine all claims against said Es tate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims aaginst said Estate is the 7th day of December, A. 1>. 1917, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the 30th day of July, 1917. Witness my hand and the seal ot said County Court, this 30th day of Jtdy. 1917. '33.4 (SEALf E. A. SMITH, County Judge. TWICE PROVEN. It you suffer backache, sleeklss nights, tired, dull days and distressing urinary disorders, don’t experiment. Read this twice-told testimony. It's convincing evidence—doubly proven. E. J. Viele, retired farmer, St. Paul, Neb., says: “For years 1 was subject to sharp, shooting pains over my kid neys and often my back was so weak and lame I could scarcely stoop over or lift anything. My kidneys were dis ordered and caused me much annoy ance. Doan’s Kidney Pills took away all the pains and aches and made my back strong and well. I was relieved of the trouble with my kidneys and again could work in comfort.” (State ment given May 4, 1910.) On April 10, 1916 Mr. Viele said: “Sometimes when I nave caught cold 1 have noticed a slight return of the old trouble I have always used Doan’s Kidney Pills and have never failed to receive prompt relief.” Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Viele has twice recommended. Foster-Milburn, Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo N. Y. ASK ANYONE WHO HAS USED IT. There are families who always aim to keep a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house DAVIS CREEK NEWS. Chas. Glauss had hogs on the Ashton market last week. Johnny Kaminski hauled a loud ot wheat to Ashton Monday John Pelanouski took a load of corn to Ashton last Tuesday. Gladys Manchester visited with the Kaminski girls last Thursday. Billie Gruger was an over night guest of Prank Manchester Monday John Pelanouski and Frank Munches ter have btegun to put up their wild hay. John Kaminski was helping his brother Walter stack hits oats Iasi week. George Pelanouski and Kaminski's young folks attended the Sekutare dance. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Glausa and baby and Tony Garvel were in North Loup Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Zaruba and chil dren spent Sunday with Will's brothel and family. The North Loup veterinary was out to Ed Stillman's treating some teeth for his horses. Several of our neighbors went down on section one to gather choke cher ries the past iveek. Miss Maggie Kaminski spent Tues day afternoon with Mrs. Frank Man chester and daughter. Mr. Hutson, the well mon of North Loup was out and pulled Ed Stillman's well one day last week. The dance at John Sekutare a week ago Sunday was well attended and ev erybody reports a dandy good time. Mr. and Mrs, George Barnett and daughter Nettie and Steven Zaruba autoed to North Loup last Thursday. Quite a crowd from rhis part of the county took in the Lenouski dance on Sunday evening and had a dandy good time A few of our young folks took in the show at North Loup several nights the past week and report the show a good one Fritz Voglor has a new Mitchell cat He is one of those bachelor farmers girls, so you want to give him a few of your smiles ( lias. Clauss has traded Ins .Max well car and bought him a dandy Ov erland much larger than his old one. He knows what looks nice. Mrs. George Barnett has been quite sick the past two weeks with heat trouble and dropsy and only wish and hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs Art Stillman of nea: North Loup were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's brother Mi and Mrs. Ed Stillman, and family. George Barnett autoed to Loup City Saturday and brought out our flag for District 24. And now the kiddies can sing "Rally ‘Round The Flag Boys”. John Chipp and daughter-inlaw Mrs Walter Chipp. was out from Scotia gathering choke cherries and took dinner with Ed Stillman and family The farm sale which was held at Ashton Tuesday was well attended but the farms did not sell well Tom Jamrog purchased the Tony Fridrick farm being the only one that sold. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kaminski, Mr. and Mrs George Barnett. Mr. and Mrs Tony Zruaba and Lorence White Frank Manchester. Frank Pelanouski and several others attended the sale in Ashton last Tuesday. John Lewandowski, Stanley Jonah and Charley Clause were some of Davis Creekers who went to I^up City for examination for services in the arm> Wednesday. Oh. this miserable wai sure works on the nerves. I’ll teir*you Mr and Mrs. Howard Stillman and baby loft the find of Ink! week for I