The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 16, 1917, Image 2

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lUprtwntit>*et E> pec ted to Prevent
Fraud •#> Evodmg Service—Each
Count/ Ha* Ohicial.
Dlmdlt—.V-till* U|v*li tin* Miuml
»*f Utr »«r •Jrj.j.r : • ui liuirnue Nl
t'Uir attiviuwril lllr u|>i«illiUu<-ltl Ilf
■furSal it: ntrb mdWt$ in Nr
hru>4a >!nl ita null r«tfi-tntiinii iti*
ItM, aim *» ill iv|irrv»iii tin- l nit«v|
(Stain j . :.J In |4Mrtililid In
mi.11 rirup'i* luanlv ami l«»
•Itn: l.iiaNi >U'ti ittfnraumnti u*
*U) led In uiuru f nxu*luli-til •AM|i’
tue • • , - Tti. «r in* ii ar- ri|Mi'd
taw wmv all #»f I In' i-viiirt.iv whi*t»
tW> r.u In |.rn\alil turn fr*Mll •—lull
IMlUa. —• * ...mix* l.»r *-M*tU|iti<*U.
Aft-i-W (aeuri tudui lun- l«v* m»*l«
wNeavt-t a uiati inhjrrl to I hr lirufi
aat£ixt .. m rtrluttua and a|*|** t*i
«Ur ul .» »tat«- t**«ar*l» lit <•»**♦• hi» r*‘
dm! I* afc-laJwl. It i» lluaUjfltt nlllj a
|»r* <|«-r NiUtlurd t«» im 'rtil Hmti M
Out n. u—l **u itus>rn|i*-r sr**uu*l<.
threet-i rnf«rUl( adldtf* In In* ilru« ll
It* Jiuar pi***.-- llul lln-re »h*i in*
nut:.* |. 'MU* ill rtrf) i-muil) In Sitlil
«f nf ••ctuattaMi <« ni ll»»- tm
df ii iti. The «§►- ii He*
lit. • . . ***•!»!!*'•. • l- • |al I •*M.."ln- UllU
Luwinirr are:
AttrW|w -i»k 1C Jarkawti Nriiglt
irti»«» Ifnum 3 tu»ri Arthur
ii***«f If A£ !>A«fw H«rruii.urf
»n*J— fc «« Hr**«rr
tf* «i Mat van* AM-lmii.
JtW« hwtt*- KwUM ‘WAluru. AUUlIh*
frWiMl—tlpi%««*»-r t» P»r •» dpi ■ r‘«HT.
!•#**» *>.t>t. M tMarrttt. Am#n<>rtli
%t I* « «tCtia». K**n-r»
Ikit .A M TVkamati
ttatWr M J I Htthl t*Hf .
• am A
«W. ' «i'Wf r f. v**i. IIartstiirtwn.
CfcMMP |>«<4 M«*?*»t*t«rr l»j|*rtuU
• »*Mr' T M »«.«««#4f Vali i t t»*r
«>. - **. J tmumh Hut pry
« > - - » i' m% •'ttter.
< «1*»—It f lllaft *S» r
*"*: J * t. -HU U •*#!
CmI«i 11 * Hri'kiu Hu«
fhkturt*. T*.tmmm A»* f*r4 Mnmmmht
!•«•>* n (• < n*i • • bA«1»f'>»
I - • •**» *i . • <’ * .:*»•• - »
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J * * % P.lifllttJMa. 1C 111- (mall
I* • * ijfttrd *V*rt*-r
T f* * t» **•»•*» .NoMTth Platt*,
ft f. H*'Lrr (UlMl)
i‘i »tt. T»*■ tar
j u - U»r Trytm
* - « II Hi)>- Norfolk
l> * »* vlaurf in t'.oifil <"»ty.
•i i M tat. Hri4<r|i>rt
■ T PeUrtl«f
.ItJ" *' «r4 P N#*l A ul'urii.
J ■ «■»« %#■!•*r«
H l. VrU uakA fltr.
4* a .*■ . j*»*«! Pnatir* «*tty.
— »■» P H r'lttn <«ran(
A* m<fi M<4drrgfe R
M M !«#» i«r,
I* M /k H »f«fa,
I H * *«*.». «rlit •
m, r 14*a* ifr'Jrt PtJlf <’»ty.
I 1 r**rlft*
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0 •»» •* • d I Oriflf
**>•» a*J 3 Ttwwma*, :>* *r4
Mia* — -** »*a4f •- r»«wB Rmitot III*
*■ r, ^ v. . i'tty
IRMitii *
*>* im «• - Vt p KtantwT'
T T M PtMta^r t#» hr***
Ttwnt* J H r. -•*« T* . «tf«wd
T'.-t,' ra* T 0.4* It alt hill
t t M Mi. A • -dip.
Wmrnt, epM Iff T !.«•* « Wrtr
1» *ic« T »'.r. — r W«v«m
m.'W.» r.1 %! \-f. H-*t
» *« • Bartlrtt
Hrl T 1 Umlta 1«ft
l.M l.
If . rr ..
%*» •
VatatA s
R> ^ %.
S-*'i Mi/ F.g*t Petition.
r«.*».I«i#- ir^:)! jh*1 ftttll r*• til**
►tllrt- •«< *4 III*' Itttrfial ^tiflTmc** l:»w
et»4rr flt*- wbirli
* . . » ,* ■ • • ! f»> :tf»f -uflTru^i^f
m itli »»f Si lie |*««4 lIKl tt|r
l*r«». ■*! l»% htii! »* *f |»\ pnmtl
h**fif *».trac»- n**rk**r«. Tli»* ^uftrsi
v-4 'Vt I»mI Tutt •K'f^r
•iihrd • -f» t» h:»f «**«tsraUK u-*ll«! lit* fill
!m«m| I. * *1!t Iim«| |»l*-4ity of l«fnl
l l»al« i»>♦ »- :f »: * fiiiatl) *h-t*l«l***! f*» I
flhr t f** w h«*t li»*r I It*
|M-tk* *ri» "wf 'SMffiHefil. Tli*
mrifmr oaantr itfl ’H**rr nr** n mnii*
fw-r of irT*-r^iIiintir^ in fH*
State'* tMMirt Valuation Grows.
. t<4al r>«w«w«l valuation
of |.r flu* year will rearli .
<*••>••• itniriltA; to fletirt-* wtiieh
Hwntlf. l'«T!«ltrf «f Ihr sllllf
1miH*l of M|tBlletl!<« ti:>«
VRfc '•! n<tni(ii>< rettorTittC Hfl|rintl]T.
IV total emltn * I'lti 1 * $T*£7 YT'V'rJ."* Al
Vrliii a -tuall Itwtvaw for the two
i otilrti hate u»*t horn offif'iitlly h.nnl
from tlo total otate valuation trill
rtts •«*-r *njs»«a»i«at La«t year It
a a* a trlflr m>r (TOIIIIMto. Every
nwan lb tbr **«te J»*«» an iiirrraw
Hare C.dit Causes Trouble.
Hard .-eb-r ««r a lawafaetnr <1 ant*
atttatr for it it .itini; at; and
nMUiit ««ll»*ritir> trioilde In
eltetr effort* I" ooforrt- |ir«llililliull.
im4 tt |e>«iii«r* a1*** t« make Irotllil*
for •loi'i-ft In »nft drink* aim hart*
(torn wdltnr it- ttf llit- tiufl
wktrti bate rovillljr toil trill in to
Irarraur Siolllr front I'mirei atnl
fia-itns*, fettled iwpoliirty. 4 p**r
rotit and lilt |«*r rent of aii-oliol It
; l» unlawful to make or *••:! any bt-r
mgr it it rootaln* more Ilian one
ltatf of 1 |o*r rant »loiM.
Halier Caae to Washington.
liriilmsBHrivrnaT H'lttanl bat
rrt»»1o! Ilirftart! I- | nih
il »i*er ttf lli*- iHaalu Xrliratk*n to
■stbsiiit li.» rltr»nf*o tfalntl Frank L.
Haller of ttouaha. praafdrwt of Hie
■T.itt-rait; hoard of regent. to the f.*d
ml aatb-rflii-t* The lllutrtiant r-v
rtoHina that while Mr. M.*t
r»lfr rrtwno-atotl be *•* *i<e»iki|.f
for i inrn-if H la bl« <HowartTa> In
formation <*at etrerythiup Metcalfe
tea written or a***-" «i,h
to Mr Haller hn« »•»* spprora! of
Ite .N’ebraaka roearJl of defense.
Formation of Reserve Organizati ons
to Be Pushed With Vigor.
Brlmdler General Harries, com
manding the Nebraska brigade, an
Dotniml iHniitlTrly that the brigade
troops will mobilize at their home
stations and will proceed from there
to Doming. V. M.
He also said there will he no an
te o lin emen I of the tiiin- they leave.
With the taking into the federal
service of the new Sixth regiment, all
stale troops are now in the federal
Following tin- departure of the Na
tional Guards the work of organizing
Home Guard companies will he push
ed with vigor.
Following Is a letter to the ehair
*iien of the county councils of defense,
i rilling attention to the urgent neces
s ty of ortcaiiizing home guard units:
"Many onjuiries have readied tlie
S- • Council of Hefetise relalire to
Mi#- formation *>f tin* Home Guards in
il s..vcral cotnniiinities of the stiitc.
I lie state council, sifter consultation
with Governor Seville and Adjutant Steele, is authorized to give
>o.i ila* following information:
-That as soon as the National
ft*: ■ *1 r ginn tits of Nebraska leave
t! stat« the adjutant general, at the
re#|iies| of tin’ governor, will im
tii'sliatelv c. amietice the organization
of r.-s.-i'i •• !iti:i forces, under rules
and regal.-itions ns pro\ided by iaw.
This reserve tnilltln will take the
plnoo of the Jiresent National Guard.
\V* • ii the rcserv.’ militia organlza
tjoi.s arc ''oiupleted. if il becomes
in .. s.:|c .a the smaller communi
ties of the state, the governor will
ci1 mission officers who will he uti
tt ri/.cd to organize Home Guard
contingents for local puriMises of pro
tection :tii-! patriotic endeavor.
Counties Should Help.
“Tin- s.veral isuinty councils are
nrg.-.| >.■ ••n«t>urnB«* the work which
Ada ■ General Steele lias under
t: i'i , n. nizing reserve militia
etc • jeiit- nrl to as>i-r him as niuch
as p..»»il , n uci-oiiiplishilig tliis spe
cial task.
"Ttie st;it*- council also tails the
aft. it.on **f tin- county councils to
t! ■ tiea» fund movement which seeks
to . ddit'oiml |»mvision for the
...i f.*r - : ' need** of tin* enlisted
’ *.f tin s.'vertil National Guard
r.-gi' • Ms which are almut to leave
\,.i ~:,t' p j< very necessary and
cot mend Id- thing to *!o and we ask
tl .• s. n r I county councils to assist
K*-t . rously tics particular patriotic
el fort."
Vicksburg Commission Meets.
T: \ .-nurg commission met in
. < o.vei nor Neville last
c. .*-»!. and disails-iml plans fot
NI'ic rain to tlie Vicksburg
i li-.ii's of peace" celebration
• . t‘ oli. r Id to 111. The lust
. ■.. •■ ! SJi 1.4MMk to send Ne
hraski v. ;* i'..ns to the celebration.
• ami forty Nebraska
\*t. ti- civ. registered for the trip,
.t a t more than oiili arc expected
• _■*. It he necessary for the
• era ns |mi> their own expenses to
the < part from which the vef
*i n- will leave for the south. Even
11 • u it uoi In* |Missihlc in pay ail
*.l tin. far.- ml tin- commission will
t! • n ■ to" i*. u ; ui 'ii" men going on
the trip.
Demands of Labor Reasonable.
I' nciiul of t uui.iia labor unions as
t» bon a. s and tmprov
•si . ing conditions were not un
r* i. • .j unions at the present
:im«- are ng to accept conditions
as they . d before the war. ac
cording to the report of the state
l.*.ard of mediation filed with Govern
or Neville.
Tin report rehearses tile history of
. <c mil.. I lildi-ig trades strike, and
i: a.- tin- g cinor and state council
<*l «lefensc to take some action,
wlici . ic. i unaha employers may tie
I*:-*;iijilt to ag.--c to return to “before
the war" .s.ndilions ami livi* up to
tl.* -lions made by Secretary of
I. ...r WiMon and indorsed by Presi
dent Wilson.
Coun,.y Agent Medium of Defense.
Nndcr tin* provisions of admin
i-tration - food control hill the
- ini of >11'»«I has been si r aside
for county agent work in Neliraska.
This win lc sufficient to put a county
a sent in every county in the state,
ami lo provide a food emergency
mlo nt for each district where regular
'■.unity agents are not employed,
l oiiiiI\ agents and food emergency
a-c-nts w; | |,.. put to work organizing
am! u..c ilizing agricultural Nebraska
for miixlmuiii production.
Ordered to War Strength.
TIi" W: r «I4-jrt»iii*nt lias Instructed
k. ll i-ormanics «.f tin- National (Ittard
to r**", • m> to war strength. accord
ing to orders rwvivrd at <>uard head
quarters in Lincoln. War strength of
coiiijianli s is ire mon.
Receives Interest On Bonds.
TIi** stale's first interest payment
on Lllierrv loan investinent was
reeei | vleri Treasurer Mall got a
draft for SKSTi. covering the interest
• n the siate’s siiliseription for half a
liinn dollars of the la mils.
Profescor Offers Services.
I’rof. l-'ogg of the t'niversity of N<*
hr: lias offered 4is services to
■ s|« "i lies over 'h‘* state on the
l.ateaiul defense Wlilt.
Defense Connect) to Meet.
Tile Nebraska stay council of de
f-sris.' has planned a **ig meeting to
la* held at the state raJr grounds dur
ing far week to take an inventory of
tlie progress made In organizing tin*
state for effective participation in the
Urge Women to Carry Parcels.
Nebraska women are asked Us carry
their own parcels home. In a state
ment just issued h.v the woman's couti
• II of defense. The state eouncil will
take steps to ask stores for rebates
when packages are taken by the pur
chaser. Instead of delivered.
Preparing for Winter.
Three hundred bushels of corn,
produced by inmates of the state hos
pital of the insane at Lincoln will he
dried to feed the tnstitution lmpula
tlon during the winter months.
i • i'. well-known Washington artist, who is lecturing at the officers' training camp at Fortress
Monroe on cMUiouiinge. :1—Belgian soldiers crossing one of the many canals in their country in a ferry barge, S—
American soldiers in France loading a train with their equipment. 4—F. Trubee Davison, son of IT. 1*. Davison, na
tional director of the Red Cross, who was seriously injured when his airplane fell into Long Island sound.
Food Control Bill, Giving the
President Extraordinary
Powers, Now Is Law.
Government Predicts Record-Breaking
Corn Crop—German and Russian
Ministries Re-Formed—Elihu
Root Returns With Confi
dence in the Russian
The senate last Wednesday adopted
the Conference report on the fond eon- j
tml hill, lhe measure was signed by 1
Speaker Clark and President Wilson, j
and is now the law of the land, a law }
conferring on the president tremen
dous powers over tile food and fuel
supplies of the country, and d< signed
to protect the people from extortion.
Sixty-six senators voted for the bill j
and seven against it. Those who per
sisted in their obstructionist tactics to
the end were France, Gronna. Hollis.
Hardwick. La Follette, Penrose and
Reed. Sherman and Gore both were
paired against the hill.
The law contains drastic prohibi
tion provisions. Thirty days after the
date of its approval it will he unlaw
ful to use foodstuffs in tile manufac
ture of distilled beverages or to im
port distilled spirits for beverage pur
poses. and tlie president will lie em
powered to commandeer for military
purposes distilled liquors now held in
bond and to regulate or restrict the
use of foods in the manufacture of
wine and beer.
The senate also adopted the con
ference report on the food survey bill,
designed to stimulate production and
to give the country information on
food resources, and thus the adminis
tration's food control program was at
iast completed.
i-oai erices ana rroms.
Coal prices are causing a grent stir,
especially in the Middle West, and in
Illinois the state council of defense
advised Governor Lnwdeu to seize the
mines because the operators would
not sell at what was considered a
reasonable profit. The governors and
defense councils of 15 Middle West
States were asked to meet in Chicago
to confer on relief measures.
President Wilson last week made a
personal visit to the federal trade
commission and the department of
justice to urge the hastening of ac
tion to curb high prices, anil made it
evident that he intends to do every
thing in his power to stop the exact
ing of exorbitant profits. The war
industries board followed up this by
announcing that American producers
selling war necessities to America's
allies would be permitted to make
only reasonable profits, provided that
the allies must reciprocate in selling
to the United States and to one an
other. The president, moreover, has
said that the prices to the public must
lie made the same as to the govern
Record-Breaking Corn Crop.
< 'heering news came out of the de
partment of agriculture in the form
! of the August crop report, whicii in- [
dieates a corn crop of 3,15)1,000,000 j
bushels, the largest in the history of I
the country. The prospects improved 1
during July to the extent of 66,000,000 j
bushels, and general rains over the :
corn belt since the reception of tlie !
J data on which the report is based en- I
| ha nee still further the expectations of
the farmers. The oats yield also will
be a record breaker, but the report ,
on wheat is a bit disappointing. The j
government already has under way a
campaign for the raising next season
of a crop of more than a billion hush- ,
els of wheat and 83.000,000 bushels of
rye. The food control law authorizes
the fixing of fair prices fit- wheat and '
the sale by the government to the
farmers of nitrate of soda from Oldie
to he used as fertilizer. Every state
is asked to plant as large an acreage
in wheat and rye a> is possible with
out upsetting proper farm practice.
The experts in Washington say that
while fertilizer may he scarce, there
will lie no shortage of seed, farm ma
chinery or transportation facilities.
On Thursday Provost Marshal Gen
eneral Crowder issued the regulations
for calling the National army to the
colors. The first 200.000 are to he
called up to September 1 and sent to
cantonment camps by September “>.
The government wishes the first day
of the mobilization appropriately cele
brated throughout the country in or
der that the citizen soldiers may be
fittingly honored.
Some Antidraft Riots.
Taking the country as a whole, the
exemption boards are having mighty
little trouble in carrying out th, ir du
ties In the drafting of the National
army. Part of Oklahoma and some
districts in the Southeast, however,
are glaring exceptions to this rule.
Serious riots have occurred and hands
of draft resisters have armed them
selves and taken to the woods. P.ut
they are being captured by the score
:.nd subjected to the proper punish-*
meat. Much of the trouble is stirred
up by the 1. XV. \V. anil by certain
un-American publicists who argue con
stantly that American soldiers should
not be sent abroad to fight, but should
be kept at home to await the invading
Germans after they have whipped the
entente allies.
Among those arrested last week by
the federal agents was I»r. Fritz Berg
ineier. president of the Volks-Zeitung
of St. Paul. On orders from Washing
ton he was put in jail on charges of
making disloyal utterances, to be held
until President Wilson directs his re
lease. He is an enemy alien.
Canada also is to have a drafted
army, the Canadian conscription bill
having been passed by the dominion
parliament. Cnder its provisions 100.- :
000 men between the ages of twenty j
and thirty-two years will be drafted,
and it is the expectation of the an- j
tliorities that they will he in training
by autumn.
Herman ministry vnanges.
Chancellor Michaells remolded the
imperial and Prussian ministries to his
desire, or that of his masters, but the
many changes aroused no semblance of
enthusiasm in the empire. On the
contrary, they are commented on by
the liberal and radical press with dis
trust and dissatisfaction, and no one
who has talked for publication has !
given them his approval. They offer
no hope for parliamentarism nr any
other marked change in internal pol
icies, and so far as can he seen, the
war policy of Germany is not likely
to be altered. Doctor Ktiehlmnnn. who
has succeeded Zimmeminnn as foreign
secretary, is supposed to he opposed
to ruthless sill)marine warfare, but
Doctor Helfferich is retained as the
representative of the imperial chancel
lor, and as he Is ambitious and power
ful it is feared he will more than coun
terbalance Kuehlmann.
Germany’s latest peace suggestions
having met with the disdainful recep
tion they deserved, it is unlikely that
any more such proposals will emanate
from the kaiser for some time. Sev
enty-eight professors of Bonn univer
sity have signed a petition urging the
German government never to make an
other peace offer.
Root Has Confidence in Russia.
Premier Kerensky last week succeed
ed in completing his coalition cabinet
and obtained the pledges of all fac
tions that they would support him. He
lias promised many reforms, and also
has assured Russia that discipline and
authority must first he restored. That
he and his colleagues will win. out and
that Russia will continue in the war
until Germany is whipped is the confi
dent assurance of Klihu Root who has
just returned from his mission to
Petrograd. The disorders there, he
says, are not alarmingly serious and
are not typical, and the loss of morale
in the army he is sure is only tem
Already the resistance of the Russian
troops to the advance of the Germans
and Austrians in Galicia and Bukowina
is stiffening, and though in general the
retreat continued, it ceased to be a
rout and In some Instances the Teutons
were thrown bark. General Korniloff
who succeeded T'.russiloff as genernlis
simo. says the first static of the war is
over and the sec.aid stage has opened
and intimates that the Russian armies
will yet give an excellent ticcount ol
themselves if British and French ofii
errs are sent to help drill the mil
lions of men under arms. They will
need this help, he says, if they must
meet the massed Germans instead ni
the comparatively weak Austrians.
On the Western Front.
Activities in Flanders during the I
week indicated that the allies were I
following their usual course—attack,
consolidation of positions won, and
preparations for another attack. The
heavy rains hampered operations con
siderably, but the British made many }
trench raids and toward the end of ■
the week their artillery fire increased :
to a tremendous volume. Meanwhile,
the Canadian troop- pushed up close
to Lens and had that important coal
center nearly surrounded.
The German resistance in the coastal
region is powerful, for the command-1
ci-s of course realize le w dangerous tc
them is the turning movement. Along
the ('heroin des T tames the crown
prince continued his attacks, all of
which were beaten off by the indomit
able Frenchmen.
In the Asian fields of combat there
was little doing last week, but it was
reported that General von Falkenhayn. |
now German commander in Turkey, is
planning an attempt to recapture Bag
dad. General Maude's Mesopotamian
army, however, is now so strongly en
trenched that it has little to fear, and
the same may he said of the British
forces in Sinai, which also have tht
support of the fleet.
Kttropean dispatches say that the
high military authorities in France be
lieve the war will last through the j
winter and spring, at least, and that
the policy of the allies will he to ham
mer away at the Teuton lines contin
ually and wear the enemy down as
much as possible until America gets
on the field in full strength. Then the j
advantage of numbers will be with
them to so great extent that victory
hy force of arms will he in sight.
American Troops to Russia?
Senator Lewis of Illinois declared |
last week that the next hie contingent
of American troops would be sent to
Russia, which would he surprising in j
view of the fact that Russia now has
under arms more men than she can ,
handle effectively. The Sammies now 1
in France are proving themselves quick
pupils and have won the praise and ad- j
miration of the British and French offi- i
cers who are instructing them in the i
methods of modern warfare. They are
happy and eager to get into action hut
are walling for American tobacco.
In England is another big contingent
of American troops—made up mostly
from the operating and construction
divisions of American railways. They j
will he ready to rebuild and operate j
the roads in France and to fight, too. j
if necessary, and in preparation for |
this are receiving intensive training in 1
a peaceful English valley.
The navy department has made an- |
other change of policy, dropping the ;
construction of the small E-boat elms- :
ers and concentrating on the produc- t
tion of destroyers, which are to he ■
turned out in great numbers. They
seem to lie the most efficient enemy of
the submarine.
Argentina, dissatisfied with the prog
ress of negotiations growing out of the
sinking of the Argentine steamer Monte
1'rotegido by a German submarine, has
sent a peremptory note to Berlin, de
manding a clear and final reply within j
a reasonable time. I.iberia. which j
some time ago severed relations with
the central powers, has now declared
war against them. This, like the ac
tion of Siam, means that the diplomat
ic representatives of the small nations
have made up their minds as to which
group of belligerents will gain the ulti
mate victory. What perhaps has an
gered Argentina most is the recent dis
covery of an extensive German espion
age system.
Ellina, too. has decided to cast in
lier lot with the allies and the cabinet
resolved to declare war on Germany
and Austria-Hungary; the assistance
of the great oriental nation is far from
Coal Also Will Be Abundant in the
French Capital During
Next Winter.
I’aris.—France has abandoned her
proposed civil mobilization.
The new move is taken to mean in
ninny qunrters that the Ribot govern
ment lias the war situation so well in
hand that it will not be necessary to
draft French citizenry between the
ages of sixteen and sixty for war work.
_1 I liana
miiio (i rnnH aav «
War work will remain voluntary in
Tlie dark economic cloml accompa
nied by sinister rumors of a bad win
ter to come, following the fuel short
age of 1016-17 also has been shunted
to an inconspicuous p'aee on the hori
zon. Paris has the word of the prefect
of the Department of the Seine that
the great metropolis will not feel the
pinch of either hunger or cold during
the coming winter. This official an
nounces that the coal supply is as
sured and that food supplies will be
I L._A
plentiful. The conditions which caused
Parisians to stand in line before food
emporiums and coalyards will be fore
stalled. he declares, thereby emphasiz
ing that France is suffering no great
amount of worry over the ravages of
German submarines.
Another piece of good news ema
nates front the ministry of commerce
to the effect that Parisians will soon
be supplied with “national footgear"
and “national cloth” for clothing. This
promises to be a real boon for modest
nrama of the Southlar
Speculation Will Be Curbed and
Price Aubses Corrected. — Dras
tic Measures Unlikely.
Washington, I>. C.—The American
iovermuent assumed control of the
muntry’s food supply last Friday
with iht* signing by President Wilson
of the administration food survey and
regulatory hills..
Formal announcement of Herbert
Hoover's appointment as food admin
istrator was made at the Whitt* house
soon after tin* measures were, ap
proved. and immediately Mr. Hoover
set forth tile aims of the food ad
ministration in a statement declaring
its purpose will be to stabilize and
not to disturb conditions.
“Every effort will In* made to cor
rect priee abuses made possible by ab
normal times." Mr. Hoover said, "but
drastic measures will not be attempt
ed until it is seen the purposes of
the administration cannot be ac
complished through constructive co
operation with food producing and
distributing industries.”
Tile very existence of corrective
powers. Mr. Hoover declares, will tend
to check speculation and price infla
“The business men of the country. I
am convinced.” says Mr. Hoover’s
statement, “as a result of many hun
dreds of conferences with representa
tives of tile great sources of food sup
ply, realize their own patriotic obliga
tion and the solemnity of the situa
tion and will fairly and generously
co-operate in meeting the national
Tilt* two measures recently signed
give to tin* government sweeping war
time powers. The regulatory bill is
designed to put food distribution un
der direct government supervision,
and a provision added as an amend
ment extends an even more drastic
government control over coal and
other fuels, including the power to fix
prices and authorizing government
operation of mines.
The survey hill is intended to en
dSirage production and gives riie gov
ernment authority to keep up a con
tinuous census of the amount of
foodstuffs in the Fnited States. It
will be administered by the depart
ment af agriculture.
Exemption Officials Removed.
Xew f ork.—Three members of local
exemption board No. •«». in the heart
of the east side were summarily re
moved by Deputy Attorney General
Onkling. acting under orders of Ad :
jutant General Stotesbury, who is in
charge of the operation of the select
ive draft machinery in New York
state. There have been reports that
efforts have been made to bribe mem
bers of exemption boards in this eit>
to grant registrants exemption from
service. The removal order direct'd
"that the charges now made lie pros
ecuted to the fullest extent."
Bills to Insure Fighting Men.
Washington.—Authority to make ef
fective the government's program of
insuring the armed forces of the na
tion was sought of congress in bills
introduced in both houses by Senator
Simons and Representative Alexander.
The proposed legislation would pro
vide insurance, tit minimum cost, for
American soldiers, sailors and ma
rines, the insured men paying the
premiums: family allowances to de
pendents of men in the nation's mili
tary or naval services; indemnifica
tion and rehabilitation, at government
expense, of injured men.
Farmer Prevents Terrible Disaster.
Richmond. N'eh.—A red bandana
handkerchief tied to a cornstalk thrust
into a six-inch gap In a broken rail
on the t'nion Pacific main line a mile
east of here, saved the Pacific Limit
ed. train No. I’d. from almost certain
disaster and its 3oo passengers from
injury or death. To John Moore, a
farmer living near Richland, the'
train and its precious cargo owe their '
safety, who discovered the defected
rail and flagged the train, which was j
traveling at the rate of sixty miles I
an hour.
May Change Draft Date.
Washington.—Tin* date for calling
the first increment of 200.000 men
into the ranks of the national army
may he changed from September 1 to
4. September 1 is followed by Sun
day and Labor Day,
Canada Restricts Foodstuffs.
Ottawa.—Definite regulations for '
restricting the use of beef, bacon and !
white bread in public eating places j
and for prohibiting the use of wheat
in the distillation or manufacture of
alcohol, have been promulgated by
order-in-council at the instance of the
food controller. The serving of beef
and bacon is prohibited on Tuesday
and Friday and at more than one
meal on any other day. Substitutes,
such its corn bread, out cukes, pota- j
toes, etc., must be provided.
Hard Drive for Russian Crops.
London.—Recent reports that the
present tierman offensive in south
west Russia is aimed at the capture
of Odessa are strengthened by a dis
patch received here from thni city
saying the belief is growing there
that the port is Germany's main ob
jective and thnt Bessarabia will soon
become the principal theater of oper
ations. The dispatch adds that the
harvest is now being reaped ip south
ern Russia and the enemy doubtless
will try to secure it before it can b«
and ununnwa i«>iii«uj m m«
The central part of Nebraska was
visited by one of the worst storms in
the history of the state last week,
which done thousands of dollar'
worth of damage to growing er.e >
and property. Exeter, York and
Charleston were in the path of i.a
storm and suffered the heaviest •
agp. Hail beat down crops in
path of the storm and broke ta
windows, while the accompany
wind toppled over it number of wi
mill towers and dcstre -d several
ifarin houses.
Arrangements for the second an
nual national swine show, to be held
October 3 to 10 in South Omaha are
rapidly being perfected. I ft-on
thousand dollars In cash and tr>.;•>.
for prize hogs will be offered i■>■
year. A hog judging contest bet wi . n
student teams representing state
ricultural colleges in the torn In it
will he'a new feature of this year’s
exhibition. Six colleges have already
signified their intention of seinlii g
Bancroft, with a population of 742.
bolds the high record to dan- for a
town of its size in the state foi Red
Cross activity. Over .$2,000 h:e- l> eti
taken in in memberships, lla ■ roft
has four patron members of <ioo
each and more than forty life nu m
bers of $25 each.
R. S. Van Tassell of Van T.i"- I.
Wyo.. sold a shipment of eattb- >>n
the South Omaha market tin "t r
day. 40 head averaging V-*'- f”
bringing $12.50 per cwt., and o
head weighing 1.455 pounds
commanding the high price of $i:
per hundred.
The highest price ever paid for r
tle on the South Omaha market vn
paid to E. T. Graham of (’rest,
when he sold a carload of Herefor
that averaged 1,558 pounds, for 81 i 15
per ewt.
i.ancaster county moos uie po
bilitv of being compelled to hold
special election as the result '
1 County Judge Wilson being «lr:ift■
i The election would cost $2,500.
Lancaster county commlssion*'rs
have authorised the paving of lit
Lincoln-Omaha road from Lincoln to
Waveriy, one of the largest districts
ever created in this state.
Victor Hailigiiu of North Piatt'- ox
captain of tiie Nebraska univ« r-ifv
football team, has been cbosen can
tain of a company in tile Sixth n-g?
The Adams county com crop in t!
district of Ttoseland vicinity, is a t
tal loss, as the result of the p ci
Itail and wind storm that visited tit
Nebraska's corn crop is estimated
at 22'vOOOOOO bushels, as ■- o ar d
With 102.4110.000 last year, by t!t- g iv
ernmenr crop report for August.
A blue heron, something rarely seen
in this ptirt of the country, was killed
near Avoca. It will be mounted at
the state university.
Rev. F. f. Wilson, formerly editor
of the Cortland Sun. lias again turned
evangelist and has opened a series of
meetings at Crab Orchard.
Prof. .T. S. Brown, for over thirty
five years a member of the faculty of
Donno college at Crete, died ar
Hogs sold for S10..10 a hundred
pounds on the South Omaha market
tiie other day. a new record for tin*
More than 000 Nebraska hankers
are expected to attend the state con
ventions in Omaha next October.
Agnew is to have a new hank—
the Farmers' State Bank, with a cap
ita! stock of Si0.000.
Much farm land near TIartington
is being cut away by the current of
the Missouri river.
Or. .1. W. Thomas, the only physi
cian at Nehawka. has enlisted in the
Omaha ambulance corps.
Government and state officials after
a lengthy investigation report the dis
covery that farmers and shippers in
Nebraska are careless in transporting
eggs, the loss averaging from 20 to
rtO per cent, which is about 50 per
cent above the normal loss. Fnless
the conditions tire bettered, these au
thorities say. prosecutions will follow.
Farmers around Beatrice who lost
their corn crop as tin* result of the
recent hailstorm, say they intend to
dispose of their stock before winter
because they will have little corn for
Nine horses died in n pasture near
Grand Island from thirst during the
recent hot spell. They were watered
from a windmill and a tank. In some
manner the water plant was put out
of service and the horses could get
nothing to drink.
Former Major Evans and Mr. San
dall of North Platte, who recently
joined the navy, accepting work as
stokers, rather than stay out of the
service, have been named as appren
tice seamen and will be given ship
Throwing crews at work over
Johnson county report that wheat is
turning out from fifteen to twenty
bushels to the acre. One farmer near
Tecumseh threshed wheat from a
field of twenty-five acres which aver
aged thirty-five bushels to the acre.
Loans applied for at the Federal
Land bank at Omaha up to July 31
total .$0,96.r>.fi-t0, of which $5,631,175
came from Nebraska farmers.
The Fremont Tri-Weekly Tribune,
established in 18GS by J. N. Hays,
and one of the oldest newspapers in
Nebraska, has suspended publication.
Omaha hank clearings for the year
ending July 31 totaled over one bil
lion and a half dollars, more than a
half billion in excess of the previous
Guy Harris, n stock raiser near
Stella, sold two carloads of Angus
cattle on the Kansas City stock mar
ket last week that brought $13.90 per
hundred pounds.
The corner stone of the new Cath
olic parochial school at West Point
was laid last Sunday with appro
priate ceremonies. The structure,
when completed will cost $00,000.