The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 09, 1917, Image 4

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tillered at iti« Loup City 1’ostulTice
for transmission through the
mails as second class matter.
Kterjr subscription I* resurded as an
n account The natti-s of subscribers
will bo Instantly removed from our m.til
i .* list at t. r ,>n of time paid for.
if publisiier* shall Iw notified, otherwise
the subscr.prion will remain in force at
the designated subs, ipnua price Kvery
attbscriher must understand that these
* ms " * part of the con
tract beiween publisher and subscriber.
Display advertisements. 15 cents per
inch, fur annual and sis months con
traef. 2® cents per inch for irregular
and occasional advertisers. 2th cents ]
per inch discount w here plates are i
furnished, iax al notic es. 10 cents per j
line, each Insertion. Black face locals.!
15 cents per line, each insertion. Head
ing notices, over 25 lines. 25 cents per |
inch. Minimum charge for local 20
cents per week. No display ad run
for less than 11.00.
Rev U V. Slorunsb will preach at
tU«- M E rhurch next Sunday. Aueii't
12 He would be phased to see all his
friends in the congregation.
The pastor will preach Sunday morn
ing at the usual hour. At the union
service Sunday evening Rev. Slocumb
former pastor of the M. E. church
will prrai h. Mr Slocumb is here on
a visit and I am sure We will all be
elad to hear him again. Let us give
him a good audience. The services
will be on the court house lawn if the
weather is favorable, otherwise in the
Baptist church.
Christian Endeavor will meet at the
usual time and Miss Elizabeth Lein
inger will be the leader. The subject
of the meeting will be: ' The Sin of
Uossip and Scandal ”
Sunday morning preaching service
ami Sunday school will be held in
our newly remodeled church. On ac
count of unexpected delay in the fin
iwhltig we were unable to occupy the
building last Sunday as at first adver
ti-ed We feel sure that every mem
ber of the church who has so freely
and gladly contributed both of their
means and labor for this much need
ed improvement, will thoroughly enjoy
this first service in the church. We
desire to extend our appreciation to
our frieuds ouside the church who so
generously and kindly helped us in a
finam tal way thank you. We most
earnestly invite you to come and see
what your offering has made possible.
B Y I’ T will be held in the church
We hope every member will be present
at 7 o'clock sharp, after which all
will go to the court house square and
hear Rev Slocumb preach.
Bankers Realty Investment Company
to Build S80.000 Masonic Tem
ple at Riverton, Wyo„ Und
er Its “Single Contract”
Also Starts Work on Another North
American Hotel Company
Budding at Ogallala, Ne
The Hankers Really Investment
• ompany has just announced that it
is to build complete a fine new three
story Masonic Temple for the Mason
ic Lodg<- of Riverton, Wyoming, to
• owl c lose to fhO.OOO.
Thi* is the best evidence of the
growing popularity in the west and
middle west of this Company’s “Sin
gleContract" system of conducting
all of the many parts of a building
operation under a single managennuit
■»»«) prominent Masons who have
seen the Riverton Masonic buildinf
plans aav the keen foresightednes*
displayed by the Hankers Realty In
vestment Company's architects in de
signing this building, so as to be ia
pable of earning sufficient rental in
■ otue to make it a revenue-returning
investment, makes it a model well
worth patterning after by anv lodge
organization which is seeking a home
tapable of produi ing sufficient ren
tal income to make their building not
only self sustaining, but productive of
profit as well.
The Riverton Masonic Temple plans
call for a very handsome semifire
proof building of the most modem
type with an exterior finish of ma'
brick and terra cotta
The entire ground floor will be de
voted to a fin.- group of modem bank
ing rooms and four store rooms, and
the second floor will have twenty-one
very fine ofTice suites, the most of
which have already been leased tc
professional men and a number of
progressive firms, of which thev are
a considerable number in that vicinitv
The lodge room, which is seventy
five feet by forty feet, is located or
the third floor, together with para
pbernalia rooms .cloak rooms, a largt
and very' beautiful banquet room and
a modem kitchen in which to pre
pare banquets, luncheons .etc.
There will be a fine suite of club
rooms for the Masons in the basemen'
and a barber shop..
Together with the announcement
of the Riverton building, the Bank
Additional Red Cross Members
Ivor Lyhnne Wm. Fagas, Arc. Mat Ignowski H. W. Brodock
Dan McDonald J. J. Synak Mildred Kennedy Mrs. Daddow
Annie Lyhnne Vaughn Darrow. Agnes Kowalski Lula Brodock
Ed Flynn Arc. John Kennedy Elvie Daddow
Harry Lyhnne S. E. Gallawav W. H. Rettenmayer Mrs. Jessie McFad
Mrs. Ed. Flynn J. W. Darrow. Arc. Mrs. F. E. Kennedy den
Mildred Lyhnne Airs. S. E. Gallawav Mrs. W. H. Retten Ered Daddow. Jr.
John Flynn Mrs. J. W. Darrow mayer Hazel McFadden
Cliff Hale Arc. Mrs. A. E. Charlton viola Daddow
1 Milan Flynn C. W. Burt Mrs. W. T. Gibson yergje McFadden
Mrs M. A Gilbert G. W. Anderson A. E. Charlton Mrs. C. W. Burt
Charles Flynn Arc. 1. C. Smith Elmer Larson
Marie Gilbert Mrs. E. B. Corning G. W. Dunkle ^jrs Henry Good
Alice Flynn Jessie Anderson Andrew Kowalski ' wjn
Everett Gilbert Arc. Mrs. S. N. Sweet
Stanlev Flvnn A. P. Cole land „.... ,,,
Airs Marv I. Pinck- Irene Anderson Airs. Andrew Ko- “?*{;"
nev Arc walski ™ • Koctl
Willis R. White R. Rowe S. N. Sweetland
Bethine Liney Marion Fulliton. Pete Mendvk “•
Abbie G. White Austin Ray Sweetland Jt®"a
Burdette Pinckney Elvira Daddow Joe Mendvk ‘
( has. E. Whitt Mike Mendvk Aug. Gozinski u™°srvnim.i.«H
Raymond Pinckney Mable Daddow Jack McCarville V
Lucv G White Madge Holmes Ludwickson Gozin ,!>e rwowaiewski
Emma Nelson Anna May ski Kowa.ewski
Alice H White E. A. Johnson Pauline Lewaudow-,, T , 5,
John Nelson J. A. Thompson ski Wash Peters ^
R. H. Buss J. C. Prichard joe Lewandowski vl, Wash Peters
Clem Sinner \\. H. Stremme Mary Lewandowski <; h Plumbeck
O L. Swanson A\ es Carpenter Geo. Mostek ij’a i pamD
Altred Bailie M. S. Steen James Gilbert Fnos Camn
° ^ Swanson Mrs. Wes Carpen- Stanley Mostek Leonard Camp
Mrs. H. Hessling ter Mrs. S. F. Rev-Mrs I eonard Camr
George Johnson Geo. Schwabauer nolds ’ „a^v A Woodv
K M. Scharnow Airs. Andrew Fran .. T . „ , . , V i xr i> V
Clara C. Bangs zen ?IrS £ A. D?me,son Arvld ^ Kron
Anna Scharnow Pete Rowe m
Wm Rogers AV P Tavlor Dessie Danielson A. E. Holmberg
/• ,K , Fabina Moritz I). Holmberg
( arlos Lamlon r. M. Henry T „„„„ i ** ^ TT , ,
C K. Curtis Stewart McFadden ^rs-.D. Holmberg
C. H. Kee H. R. H. Williams £ w s Archie Pumne
w* w.w i i i... . Mrs. W. S. Steen Mrs. Archie Pur
” _ a d John Alornson John Wall vine
Mrs. C. H. Lee A. is. ^Iain >»■* nA«i..
Edwin Angier John Sekutera Francis Mendvk ™ w- Bi, kerson
Emma Kee ('. U. Bitner !,”np Mrs- Dickerson
Jacob Albers Mrs. Sekutera \ • * p 1(L. es A. R. Zavgren
Leo Celmer James D. Bowman i°®!® skl Geo. S. Zavgren
Mrs Amelia Crise Lewis Palu M Bessie McDowell
Jess Mam heater R. S. Young Airs Alfred Mms-wm. Behrens
Nellie Stanczvk Airs Palu u 1 Mrs. Wm. Behrens
Mrs J Manchester H. L. Hancock Aiyrtle Holmes Mary McDowell
\ |> Kowalewski E E. English Leonard Jcnulewic? Airis. Edgar Foster
Orin Manchester C. H. French Catherine Hughes Frank Zwink
Naomi Criss Sam Green Alartin Janulewicz Chris Zwink, Jr.
David Manchester G. W. Jackson Homer Hughes Mrs. Chris Zwink.
John Krolikowski Harry Phillips Stanley Czarnek Jr.
Peter Larsen Elmer Chaffet Russell \\ ilkie Mrs. Elba Smalley
Wes Fowler Ben Zents Mrs. E. E. Todd j r. Killian
Lena Larsen James AV. Conger -Alice Daddow Mrs. Anna Miller
R. C. Plants Airs. AVm. Dolling Charles Johnson m. Biemond
Dora Larsen Mrs. Jas. Conger Emmet Alleman Emma Rowe
Mrs R. C. Plants D. L. John Rev: E- M. Steen w. S. Fletcher
Annie Larsen Alvin Spelts Lloyd Alleman Laura A. Fletcher
Philip Clark A’iola Sickles Airs. E. M. Steen AA'illis E. Holcomb
Carrie Larsen Gerthrude Dietrich Albert Snvder Lottie M. Holcoml
Alfred Minshull Paul AA\ Travis Elva Roush Harvey B. O'Bryar
Thos. Jensen Airs. Jake Albers Frank Daddow Mrs. H. B. O’Bryar
S. N Criss Alonzo Daddow Arthur A. Casteel g. AA\ Collipriest
Caroline Jensen Airs. Della Johnson Alice McBeth Mrs. Collipriest
Sara A. Criss Florence E. Dad- * iark Alleman Gertrude Collipriest
Margaret Jensen dow Janies McBe‘h Helen Collipriest
A. H. Newhouser George E .Aliller Aliidred Alleman James Collipriest
Charles May Niels Jensen Rud Airs. Jas. McBeth Fay Collipriest
C. G. F. Johnson Air. Douglas Dennis Cash Fern Collipriest
Mrs. Floyd Janu- Mrs. Jensen Rud Leroy McBeth Ella Odendahl
lewicz Howard Smith Emma Daddow A'iola Odendahl
Mrs. Emma John- Gust Flodman Grace McBeth Ernestine Odendah’
<on Alorris A'oungquist Airs. Lulu Burke Mrs. Wm. Hancock
Dr AV T Chase W H- Amable 5’il,ie M®Beth Mrs. AV. H. Hughes
w \ s™i,h Leota Youngquist Henry Goodwill joe Sowokinos
A'irginia Amable Aaeda McBeth Airs. ATarv Svnak
\ v v 'l nn \ , Lawrence Danczyk fin Goodwin Frank Lorchick
m m tSn.M Carrie Amable AA ayne McBeth Lillie Eggars
Rcn Nelson Trc Mrs. D. C. Grow Elsie Goodwin Stanzie Lorchick
‘. n rseison. Arc. Frank Jurkewicz Bert Snyder Mrs C. J Domgard
Fciith \elsonhArc A R Jark M,rs- Albert Snyder julia Shipley
Winnie omhouse' Helen Jurkewicz b loyd Goodwin Cecil L. Travis
Chas Hogue Arc lrene Jatk T ™ Dad Carl G ^ic klund
Matie Johnson ’ ^aR Slabasczewski dow Mrs. John Jezewski
Mrs. Hogue. Arc. ”an> J|®k Gurtl8J. Rou,s]h Mrs. Wm. Daven
Amelia E. Hansen Frf.nk Slabasczew- Ernest Daddow ])ort
Arthur Aufrecht s !* °>c? B’iTt. James McDonald
Atavnard Beushau- Bernice Daddow ...
„Are„ „ sen Mrs. J. E. Roush G1*re“ce Sinner
Mrs. M. P. Shettler „ virtrie Dartclnw John Lindstrom
Alice Aufrecht. Arc. Steve Slabasczewpern Roush Airs. Clarence Sin
Mrs. \\. T. Chase s 1 Lila Goodwin ner
Mrs. Johanna Pier-Elizabeth Beushau-j E Rousb Jr Harold Rowe
son. Arc. sen Eva Goodwin John Fredrickson
I.. E. Knapp Frank Kowalski J. E. Roush, Sr. Charles Briggs
Oscar Pierson, Arc. F. E. Kennedy C. AV. Burt H. L. Bell
Mrs. C. O Waggo- Anastacia Kowalski Clifford Roush Mrs. H. L. Bell
ner Hazel Kennedy Fred Daddow Mrs. C. H. French |
er-i Realty Investment Company alsc
announces that it has recently com
menced work on another very fine
hotel building of the modem fireproof
type at Ogailala. Nebraska, for the
.North American Hotel Company.
The hotel building work completed
and that now under way, either under
actual construction or on the table?
of the architects of his firm of archi
tects and builders for he North Amer
ican Hotel Company, already repre
sent several millions of dollars worth
of contracts.
Published under direction of the
Bureau of Publiciy of the Bankers
Realty Investment Comoany. General'
Offices; Omaha, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby givtn to property
owners to cut the weeds along their
premises as provided by law, or the
work will be done and costs taxed
against the property—J. D. Callaway.
All 1910 personal taxes not paid by
the 15th of August. 1917, will be col
lected by distress warrants. Come in
and save costs. 32-2
D. C. GROW, Co. Treas
Special examinations in county and
professional subjects, also Elwood’s
Sociology. August 17th and 18th.
L. H. CURRIER, Co. Supt.
No end of misery and actual suffer
Ing is caused by disorders of the stom
ach and liver, and may be avoided by
the use of Chamberlain’s Tablets. Give
them a trial. They only cost a quarter.
Because It’s For One Thing Only, and
Loup City People Appreciate This.
Nothing can be good for everything.
Doing one thing well brings suc
Doan’s Kidney Pills are for one
thing only.
For weak or disordered kidneys.
Here is Loup City evidence to prove
their worth.
Mrs. Chris Johansen, Loup City,
says: “I don’t hesitate recomending
Doan’s Kidney Pills, for I found them
to do just as advertised. I used them
for backache, nervousness and kidney
weakness and they brought quick re
lief. I get Dohn’s Kidney Pills at
Swanson's Drug store now and I al
ways take a few when I feel in need
of a kidney medicine.”
Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don’t
simply ask for a kidney remedy—get
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
Mrs. .Johansen used. Foster-Milburn
Co.. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
State of Nebraska. Sherman County,
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of William
H. Hughes, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified, That I will
sit at the County Court room in Loup
City in said County, on the 5th day
of December, 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said Es
tate is the 5th day of December, A. D.
1917 and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from the
28th day of July, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal ot
said County Court, this 28th day ot
July, 1917. 33.4
County Judge.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a public road commencing at SW
corner of section 4-16-13 Sherman
County, Nebraska, and running thence
due north between sections 4 and 5
to the NW corner of section 4 and
there terminating has reported in ta
vor of its establishment therefore all
claims for damages or objection there
to must be filed in the office of the
County Clerk on or before noon of the
11th day of October A. D. 1917 or sucn
road will be established without ref
erence thereto.
Dated this 16th day of July A D
1917. 31-4
County Clerk.
“Central" Appreciates
Your Kindness
There are three operators
concerned in every telephone
call—you. the party you are
talking to and “central.”
All three parties must co
operate if the best service Is
to bediad.
The telephone operator*
are human, just as you are.
Being human, they appre
ciate kindness and courtesy,
but resent unkindness and
discourtesy just as any of us
Kindness begets kindness,
courtesy creates courtesy and
patience encourages patience.
If you wish to get the best
out of your telephone, make
It a point to be kind aud
courteous to the operators.
Sealed bids will be received up to
and until nine o'clock a. m. of the 15th
day of August. 1917, at the office of
the County Clerk of Sherman County.
Nebraska, for the furnishing of all
materials and labor, except hauling
materials, for the construction on the
Sherman County poor farm, described
as the East Half of Section Thirty-five
Township Sixteen, Range Fifteen, in
Sherman County, Nebraska, of a frame
hog house with concrete floor, size
20x48 feet, finished complete, accord
ing to the plans and specifications on
lile in the office of the said County
Clerk. A bond in the sum of $500.00
with approved sureties will be requir
ed of the successful bidder. Building
to be finished complete by November
1, 1917. The board reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
By W. O. BROWN, Chairman
32-3 ti. L. B. POL.SKI,
County Clerk j
State of Nebraska. Sherman Connty
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Ben
Nelson, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Loup
City, in said County, on the 7th day
of December, 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Es
tate, with a view to their adjustment
and allowance. The time limited for
the presentation of claims aaginst said
Estate is the 7th day of December,
A. D. 1917, and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
the 30th day of July. 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal ot
said County Court, this 30th day of
July, 1917. 33-4
County Judge.
Hughes Establishment)
To Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the north
west corner of Section 9-13-16, in
Sherman County, Nebraska, and run
ning thence east on the section line
between sections 4 and 9 one-half mile
and there terminating, has reported
in favor of the establishment thereof,
and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the;
County Clerk’s office on or before
noon of the 13th day of October. A..
D. 1917 or such road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
Dated this 31st day of July, 1917
County Clerk.
53-4 By S. H. RICHMOND,
house and six lots. Also six lots in
;herry and plum trees. A tract of 4^4
acres of land and other tract ot 3%
acres all in alfalfa and fenced chicken
light.—Alfred Anderson.
Bring Me Your Poultry.
I am paying the highest cash price
tor poultry of all kinds.
State of Nebraska, Sherman Coun
ty. ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Archi
bald J. Kearns, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court Room in Loup
City, in said County, on the 24tli day
of November, 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
Estate is the 24th day of November.
A. D., 1917 .and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from the
20th day of July, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th day of
July, 1917. 32-4
County Judge.
State of Nebraska, Sherman Coun j
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Guh
nei Olsen, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court Room in Loup
City in said County, on the 26tli day
of November, 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and al
lowance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said Es
tate is the 26th day of November, A.
D. 1917, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is t>ne year from the
12th day of July, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th dav of
July, 1917.
132-4 County Judge.
—— ~ —
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a public road commencing at a
point S12 deg. 30 min. W 1.42 chains
of station No. 17 of Coming's survey
of road 157 and running thence S 12
deg. 30 min. W. 7.07 chains and term
inating at road on east side of irri
gation ditch has reported in favor of
j its establishment therefore all chains
: for damages or objections thereto
must be filed in the office of the Coun
ty Clerk on or before noon of the 11th
day of October A. D. 1917 or such road
will be established without reference
Dated this 16th dav of Julv A. D.
1917 31-4
County Clerk..
1 have a small house with five lots
Tor rent at $6.06 per month.—R. H.
Mathew. 25 tf
In Nebraska, Colorado and Wyoming, there an. thousands of
acres of prairie lands that should be cultivated.
If vou want to
BUY—1 will post vou on correct prices.
RENT—I will help you to get best terms.
HOMESTEAD I’ll tell you where best free i'40-hciv
selections are located.
PL BLIC SALE OF TOWN LOTS in August; this town u
he the trading center for 30,000 acres of Govemment-irrigaP
Big Horn Basin lands. First Unit of 12,000 to be drawn f«.i
early in September; lands free; pay for Government water right
on such easy terms as to make these lands the finest prize I nch
Sam has for yon. If you will go with me into the Big Horn Ba
sin and see the wealth in that locality from oil, reclamation and
irrigation, you will lose no time trying to get hold of
one of these new farms. They are free; likewise im
personal service for the Burlington Road.
1104 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
manufacturers of
JACOB RITZ, Rockville, Nebr.
\\ lien looking for a good lunch or short order
drop in at the
^ e carry a lull line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten
tion given to all special orders.
Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil
cakes. In stock at all times.
Sherman County Fai
September 19-20-21
August 19,20, 21, 22 and 23
Only through the Chautauqua system can so many expensive and high class
lectures, musical concerts, entertainments and “The Melting Pot” be produced
in 10 wonderful programs, at the price of one good show or concert in a city.
Charlie Cox, one of Clever Members of the
National Quartet, in a Character Sketch
Make Chautauqua Your Vacation Week
Let the whole family enjoy the great musical numbers, the cartoonist and
entertainer, the drama, the illustrated lecture, the inspiring lectures, the patriotic