The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 09, 1917, Image 2
PRINCIPAL EVENTS IN THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR Aug. I. lyid.—Merchantman U-boat Deutschland leave* Baltimore home ward bound uu first trip. Somme bat tle continue*. Russians in heavy bat tle after crossing Slokhod river. August Z.—Russians within ten ■die* of KoveL August X—French recapture part of Fieury. near Verdun. Sir Roger Casement hanged in Loudon for par ticipation In Irish revolt. August 4.—French take Thiaumont. Bear VerdutL August X—British overwhelm Turks at Romani, near Suez canal. August 6.—Russians cross rivers fcrsth and Graberka and take six vil •ages Austrians. August 8.—Italians take Gorizia bridgehead and capture 1(I.(WU pris ec-rs Rus-:an General Letehitzky take* two towns and many villages. August V.—Gorizia falls to Italians Ifi great offensive. Austrians near RtaUisiau withdraw on wide front. August lO.—Russian* take Stanislau. August 11.—Allies seize iv.iran in Balkan drive. August IT—Austrians evacuate line of the Sirypa river. August 14.—Russians capture Tusto hahy. August IT—Russians take Jablon itxa. near Carpathian pass. As.-ist lti Allies take three miles of trench.-* near the Jsoumie. An t»oen«>-d ltu".aa* have taken TKiS.WO pr.s.*;..-rs s.r.e June 4. 1M1G. when drive began. August Is.—Uussnuis advance three ■dir* into Hungary. August 73u.—British advance on 11 tuile front at ThiepraL near Somme river. Aide* attack <m l.Wiuile front In lia.kans. Two British light cruis er* and .me or two Gentian U-boats sunk in N< rth Sea tiattle. August 77g -Announced big Russian -••u'.ngeBt ha* lauded at Salouiki. August 73.—The I>eui*<-hland r.-ach M Bremen. August 774.—Russians recapture Mush. Armenia. August 77*.—Routuania declares war oo Teuton* and lavad.-s Transylvania. Italy formally declare* war on Ger many. August 72*.—Kaiser makes Von Ilin dcui.urg chief of staff of all German arm..-* in piace of Von Faikenhayn. August 31.—Roumanian), cross Dnn #•* nisi ompjr Uustriiuk. Bulgaria. Austrian* fail back in Transylvania. Sej-tembrr 2—Roumanians. far in Trat.-ylcama. take llermaun»tadt. Zrpj»4ins raid London and one is brought down in flames. September 2—Allies take three vil lages oa S-jiame. Roumanians capture «»rso»a. Austria. Germans and Bui gar* invade the Dobrudja. liejxctjtber 4.—French take five more village* on fcarnt; allies' prisoners U two days. ^rptrtiiler 6.—Teutons take L*unut>e ritjr of Tunukai and 20.000 Rouma nians. KepTemt er 8.—Roumanian* and Rus sian* drive foe back a little in Do brad Jn. yiopieiaber lu.—Teuton* lake Rou manian fortress of Kilistria. ts-jtrtubrr 11.—British drive across Rtruma river in Balkan*. Srfrteait-er 12—Alii.-s capture three mile Use m S< •tiitne. Roumanians over whelmed in Dobrudja. step:ember 15.—British take Ger man tv-a-ine positions on six-mile front. IV “tanks" for first time in warfare. Septter Is—Allies lake Flo. .aa, Macedonia. Krpteuiber 13.—Serbs fight their way bark onto their own soli. September 21.—Russians and Rou manian* am once they* have throw n Usek the invader* In Itobrudja. September 22—Announced allies took prisoner* in Somme battle between July 1 and September 18. September 21—RouUiauiaas in Do brudja driven back in disorder. Zep l«4m* invade England; one burned, an other capture*!. Vj-irBitef 22*.—Allies advance along ne front on Sola me. Venizelos leave* Athens to lead revolt against Ring « oust an tine. November 20.—Allies take Combles and Thii-pval in Sorniue battle. September 30.—Von Falkenhavn rout* li •< -.unians at llermannstadt, Transylvania. Octuber 1.—A Roumanian army crossed the Danube. ticiuber 2- Another Zeppelin shot dow n near Loudon. October 4.—Ma> kensen drives Rou manian invaders of Bulgaria back to ward luvnube. Octuber 5.—Roumanians flee across the Danube. Serb* cross Cerna river In drive on Monasiir. October 7.—Gorman submarine U-53 visits Newport. R. L, on mysterious mtarion. Smk* five ships off .\arrn ganaett Light night of October 7-8. in-tuber 8 — Roumanians driven back to Transylvania frouth r. October 1U.—Roumanians in rout flee through mountain passes. October 11.—Greece turns over her fleet to France on allies' demand. Ital ians. resuming Canto drive, take 5. UUi prisoner ». •yctober 22— Roumanian* In Do brudja retreat hastily. (tctober 22—Teuton* occupy Con •tanxa. principal Roumanian seaport. German • throw Russians back across Xarayuvka river. October 24.—French take 3.500 pris oners at Verdun. jaji*_n_(xnj-u-iri*i* * * * i ~u-ij~Li~u~i_nj October 25.—Kounianlan city of Cer nuviHla fulls. Defenders blow up great bridge across Danube. October 2C.—Light craft clash in English channel. Six British drift-net boats, a transport and a destroyer and one German destroyer sunk. Xovemlter 1.—Deutschland reaches New London, Conn., on second trans Atlantic trip with cargo worth $10, 000.000. U-53 arrives in a German port. November 2.—Germans evacuate Fort Vaux. at Verdun. Italians take 4.731 in new offensive. November 3.—Italians tuke 3.495 more prisoners. November 5.—Central powers pro claim kingdom of Boland. Italians announce, have taken 40.305 Austrians since fall of Gorizia. November 9.—Teutons driven back twelve miles in Dobrudja. November 13.—British advance north of Aucre; take 3.300 prisoners. November 15.—England announces i food controller will lie appointed. November 17.—News received of | wholesale deportations of B* Igiaus for i forced labor in Germany. November 19.—Allies take Monastir, j Macedonia. November 21.—Emperor Francis Jo seph of Austria dies and Charles Fran cis becomes ruler. Teutons take Crai ova in drive on western Uoumania. November 23.—Russian dreadnaught Iniperntrita Maria sunk by internal ex plosion ; 2U0 killed. November 24.—Teutons capture Tnr nu-svverin and Orsova from Rouma nians. Xovemlter 25.—Teutons cross Alt river and sweep rapidly through Rou ninnfa. November 2d.—Venizelos party de- | ' hires war on Germany and Bulgaria. . Teutons Invading Uoumania from nortli and south form junction. November 27.—Teutons take Alex andria. Itoumania. Zeppelins raid England; two downed by gunfire. Novel..her 29.—Beatty replaces Jelli coe in command of Brifisli tleet. IWomber 2.—French and Greeks clash in Athens streets. Teutons win gr» .it battle for Bucharest. Dec ;, her 6.—Bucharest falls. Dee. mher 7.—Lloyd George becomes premier of Great Britain. Is e mber S. — Twenty-seven thou sand Roumanians surrender. De-cmber 10.—Deutschland arrives home. I o-eember 12.—Germany announces she is ready for peaee parleys. I Veen her 14.—Russia officially re buffs German peace offer. i > r jo.—i-rencn under .Mvene »ake 9.(«0 prisoners on seven-mile front :it Verdun. Sivelle tlien leaves to become commander in chief of nil Tran••• - home armies. Buzcu and all Wallaehia lost to Roumanians. I*.mi er 18.—Russian troops take over whole Roumanian front. December 19.—Lloyd George tells muons Germans must make resti tution and reparation to get peace. December 20.—Wilson sends notes to both sides in war asking their aims. December 24.—Switzerland officially indorses Wilson’s plea for statement of war aims. December 25.—Teutons take 9.000 Russians in Roumanin. December 20.—Germany replies to j Wilson, suggesting peace conference, ' but not stating own war aims or terms i of peace. December 30.—Allies in reply to Ger- j man peace proposal call offer empty , and Insincere and refuse conference. December 31.—King Constantine of Greece thanks President Wilson for his note to the belligerents. January 4. 1917.—British transport Icernia sunk by U-boat in Mediterra nean: 130 lost. January 5.—House of representa tives rules committee begins investiga tion of Wall street “leak” of Wilson peace note news. January 6.—Russians retreat across Sereth river in Roumanin. January 8.—Russians launch offen sive near Riga. January 11.—Allies in reply to Wil son note outline aims, but refuse to parley with an unbeaten Germany. Janm ry 17.—Learn German raider Moewe has stink 21 ships and seized | three others in South Atlantic. En tente. in supplementary note to Wilson, amplifies wur aims. January 19.—British steamer Ynr rowdale, Moewe’s prize, reaches a j German port with 4*19 prisoners. January 22. — Wilson makes his “lieaee without victory” address in sen ate. demanding United States enter world league at close of war. January 24.—After initial successes, j Russians are forced back near Riga. January 25.—Mine sinks British aux iliary cruiser Lnurentic off Irish coast. January 31.—Germany declares ruth less submarine war, revoking all pledges to the United States. February 3.—United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany. President Wilson in address to senate outlines crisis. United States seizes interned German warships. February 4.—Wilson asks neutrals to break with Germany. United States reserve fleet ordered in service. February 5.—Announced American seaman was killed when German sub marine shelled lifeboat of British steamer Eavestone. February 6.—Learned Germany is | holding United States Ambassador Ge | rard. February 7.—British liner Califor nia. one American aboard, sunk, uu : warned, off Ireland; 41 lives lost. Spain calls new U-boat decree unlaw ful. February 8.—Germany tries to get Ambassador Gerard to sign a paper re , affirming Prussian treaties with the United States, but he refuses. February 10.—Gerard finally allowed to leave Berlin. i February 12.—Announced officially Germany has asked parley with Unit ed States through Swiss minister at Washington and been snubbed. Ger many masses five army corps to over awe Holland. February 13.—British hem in Turks at Kut-el-Amara, Mesopotamia. February 15. — Germany releases American Yarrowdale prisoners. February 17.—Learn German em bassy gave orders for crippling of Ger man merchantmen here before publica tion of ruthless warfare note. February 20.—Austria backs Ger many in ruthless warfare. Food riots In New York, probably stirred up by German agents. February 22.—Germany torpedoes seven Dutch ships leaving Falmouth in violation of her pledge. February 23.—British stringently re strict imports to fight submarine war. February 25.—Germans make “stra tegic” retirement on Ancre front. La conia, British ship, sunk unwarned off Ireland; two American women killed. February 20.—President asks con gress for authority to arm American merchantcraft. British capture Kut el-Amara. February 2S.—Germany’s plot to ally Mexico and Japan with her against j the United States and her promise of three American states to Mexico re vealed. March 1.—President Wilson con firms story of German attempt to in cite Mexico and Japan. Tokyo de nounces plot. House passes bill to i arm ships. 403 to 13. March 3.—Russians take Ilamadan, Persia, from Turks. March 4 — President Wilson de nounces “willful men” in senate who filibustered against armed ship bill, killing it by ending of administra tion term. British take over 25-mile Somme front from French. President takes oath of office for second term. March C.—President’s advisers tell him he has power to arm ships with out action of congress. March 7.—Berlin admits sending in tercepted Zimmermann note to Mex- ' ico. March 0.—President calls extra con- i gross session for April 16 March 11.—British capture Bagdad. Russian revolution starts. Petrograd troops desert government. March 12.—German U-boat shells and sinks United States merchant ship Algonquin without warning. March 14.—China breaks diplomatic relations with Germany. March 15.—Czar abdicates. March 1C.—Grand Puke Michael of Russia renounces throne, bringing Romanoff dynasty to an end. Duma in control. March 17.—Germans begin big re treat on west front. Announced vote of Russian people will decide form of government. March IS.—News received of sink ing of American ships City of Mem phis, Illinois and Vigilancia by U- i boats; 22 men missing. March 21.—Wilson calls on congress to meet April 2 instead of April 1C. Twenty lost when United States tanker Healdton. bound for Holland, is sunk by U-boat in North sea. March 25.—President orders partial mobilization of National Guard to pro tect property from German plotters. Navy ordered to get ready. March 27.—Fifteen thousand more National Guardsmen called out. April 3.—Wilson asks declaration of state of war by congress. Ger- I mans drive Russians across Stokhod river, taking a large number of pris- I oners. April 4.—Senate passes war resolu- j tion, 82 to 6. April 5.—House passes war resolu tion 373 to 50. April 0.—I’resident signs congress resolution and proclaims state of war. Government takes over German liners. April 7.—Cuba declares war on Ger many. April 9.—Austria-Hungary breaks diplomatic relations with United States. British storm Vlmy Ridge, taking 6,000 prisoners on first day of battle. Wilson joins fight to raise new armies by universal service prin ciple. April 10.—British prisoners at Vimy reach 11.000. Brazil breaks diplo matic relations with Germany, Brit ish advance 50 miles beyond Bagdad. April 11.—Herbert C. Hoover, ac cepts offer to direct food supplies of United States. April 13.—British cut into Hinden hurg line. President defines war zone off coast. April 14.—House passes seven bil lion war loan bill. April 15.—Wilson calls on nation to support him in war. April 16.—French in 25-mile of fensive townrd the “Ladies Ronrd” and in Champagne take 10,000 prisoners first day. April 17.—Big war credit passes sen ate. German wounded die when U-boats sink British hospital ships Donegal and Lanfrano without warning. April 18.—French prisoners in new offensive total 17.000. April 19.—Fight is started for pro hibition during war. American freight er Mongolia sinks a U-boat—the first American victory of the war. April 20.—In confused night battle of destroyers in English Channel Brit ish and German vessels lock, and crews fight with cutlasses. April 21.—Balfour commission from Great Britain reaches United States. April 24.—French commission ar rives in United States. April 25.—U-boats sink 64 British vessels In week, it Is announced, caus ing alarm in Britain. Wilson tells Bal four United States will not make a separate peace. United States makes first foreign war loan—$200,000,000 to Great Britain. April 28.—House votes conscription army bill, 397 to 24, and senate, 81 to S. Guatemala breaks oil relations with Germany. April 29.—Petain chosen to lead French armies in place of Nivelle. Joffre asks United States army in France without delay. May 2.—Announce first Liberty Loan bond issue will be $2,000,000,000. Sec retary of State Lansing warns U-boat sinkings are serious. May 2.—Russians abandon Mush, Armenia, to the Turks. May 3.—News received of mistreat ment of Jews in Palestine by Turks. May 4.—French take Craonne from Germans. May C.—French in second battle of the Aisne take 6,lot) prisoners. May 7.—Orders given to raise 11,000 engineers here for work in France. May 10.—Critical situation in Rus sia and civil war is feared. May 14.—Great Britain turns over to United States 1.024,500 tons of ship ping building for her here. May 15.—New Italian offensive be gins. May 16.—Announced squadron of \ American destroyers is assisting the British; U-boat losses sink to 26 in week. May IS.—President proclaims con scription law, calling on 10.000.000 men. aged twenty-one to thirty-one years, to register June 5. Italians announce 6,432 prisoners. May 25.—Italy launches renewed Corso offensive, taking 9,000 prisoners first day. German airplanes kill 76 persons in Ihiver and Folkestone. May 26.—Germany announces she will sink hospital ships without warning unless they obey certain strict rules about the courses they take. An nounced Italy has captured 22,414 Aus trians since May 14. June 3.—General Chang Hsun named dictator by royalists of China. June 5.—United States registers for the army draft without disorder. General Brusiloff made head of Rus sian armies. June 7.—British blow up Messines ridge; explosion heard in London; 5.000 prisoners tak> a on first day of offensive. June S.—General Pershing, com mander of Americ; n expedition, ar rives in England. Secretary of War Baker plans for 100.000 American air planes. One hundr< d American avia tors arrive in France. June 9.—Wilson tells Russia what United States is fighting for. Japan offended by United States note urg ing China to maintain order. June 11.—Lord Northcliffe, famous publisher, arrives to co-ordinate Brit ish missions in United States. June 12.—King Constantine of Greece abdicates in favor of his sec ond son, Alexander, at command of the allies. June 13.-—In greatest air raid so far on London. 153 are killed and 430 in jured. Pershing reaches Paris. Elihu Root and American mission in Pe trograd. June 15.—Liberty loan oversub- | scribed. Great Britain frees all the Irish rebels. June 17.—Doctor Ivers, who wrote Germany’s official reply to the Bel gian atrocity charges, is sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment in Berlin for extorting $30,000 from the mother of a soldier by threats; evidence shows he is a chronic drunkard and morphine fiend. Duma demands imme diate offensive by Russian troops. June 19.—United States Admiral Sims put in command of allied fleet off Ireland. June 22.—Announced Liberty loan subscriptions total $3,035,226,850. June 25.—American Red Cross cam paign closes, with subscriptions over the hundred million dollars sought. June 26.—Official Mesopotamian re port scores British civil and military leaders. Canadians within one mile of Lens, great French coal center. June 27.—Arrival of first United States army in France announced. June 2S.—Brazil joins in war by an nulling her decree of neutrality be tween the entente nations and Ger many. June 29.—Greece breaks diplomatic relations with the central powers. June 30.—Russians begin big offen sive in Galicia. War Minister Ke rensky leads attack. Haig gains mile on four-mile front before Lens. July 1.—Washington announces United States is ready to equip army of 2.000.000. July 2.—Russian prisoners counted in her offensive number 10,273. Chin ese empire re-established. July 3.—Government tells of two submarine attacks on transports bear ing Pershing's men; one U-boat sunk. Russia announces 6,000 more prison ers. Germans make vain five-mile of fensive at Verdun. July 4.—Eleven killed in German air raid on Harwich. July 5.—Republicans and monarch ists battle 35 miles from Peking. July 6.—Leaders of German spy sys tem in United States arrested. July 7.—Twenty-two German Gotha airplanes, mounting four guns each, raid London, killing 43 and injuring 197. July 8.—Wilson orders export em bargo on food, fuel and many other things to prevent supplies reaching Germany. British foreign office states German crops this summer will not be above 40 per cent of normal. United States shipping board states expects to build 5,000,000 to 6,000.000 tons in IS months, instead of the 2.500,000 to 3,000,000 originally aimed at. July 9.—British dreadnaught Van guard blown up; all but two aboard killed. July 10.—Germans in sudden drive along seacoast beat British back to Yser river and capture 15150 men. Crisis over electoral reforms and war aims in Germany. Russians take Hallcz, Galicia. , July 11.—Russians se»— town of Kalusz. July 12.—Widespread labor disorders in West caused by Industrial Workers I of the World; German agents suspect- | ed. Chang Hsun, leader of Chinese ! monarchists, flies to Dutch legation in i Peking. July 13.—British bring down 30 Ger man airplanes on west front in big gest air battle so far. July 14.—Chancellor Rethmann-Holl weg resigned and Dr. G. E. Michaelis succeeded him. Germans took French I posts south of Courey. House passed $640,000,000 aviation bill. July 15. — French took important bills positions from Germans south of Reims. July 16.—Russians took Lodziany 1 from Austrians, but evacuated Kalusz. July 17. — French took German trenches near Melancourt. Three members of Russian cabinet resigned; riots in Petrograd suppressed. Shake up in British cabinet. July IS.—Increased activity on Rou manian front. Russians took part of Xovica. July IS).—Great German attack be tween Craonne and Hurtebise partly successful. Chancellor Michaelis de clared for submarine warfare. Rus sians driven back in Vilna region. Teu tons make advances in Galicia. July 20.—Draft for American Na tional army held. Premier Lvoff of Russia succeeded by Kerensky. Ger many called 2,060,000 of her youngest men to the colors. July 21.—Senate passed food control and aviation bibs. Russians in disor derly retreat, burning villages. July 22.—German aviators raided England, killing 11 in coast towns, but were driven away from London. Siam declared state of war with Germany and Austria-Hmiuary. July 23.—Kerensky given absolute powers as dictator of Russia. Ger mans lost heavily in attacks along the Chemin des Dames. July 24—Goethals, Denman and W bite out of shipping board ; Rear Ad miral Capps, E. X. Hurley and Bain bridge Colby succeeded them. Mc Adoo asked congre-^ for $5,000,000,000 more for war. Russians evacuated Stanislau. their whole line periled. French defeated Germans on Craonne front. July 25—Division of traitrous Rus sian troops blown to pieces by own artillery as part of General KomiloflTs measures to restore order. Lenine, Russian pacifist agitator, captured af ter greatest man hunt Russia ever knew. !G0 MOST IMPORTANT EVENTS IN GREAT WAR June 28, 1914.—Archduke Ferdinand, heir presumptive to Austria's throne, and wife assassinated at Serajavo, Bosnia, by Slav student. 1‘rincip, giv ing the pretest for war. July 23.—Austria delivers famous ultimatum ti. Serbia, charging assas sination plot was hatched on Serb soil. July 2S.—Serbia having agreed to all Austria demands save one, Austria declares war. August 1.—Germany declares war on Russia. August 3.—Germany declares war on France and invades Belgium. August 4.—Great Britain declares a state of war by act of Germany. August 21-24— Battle of Mons-Char leroi; Germans victorious. August 23.—Japan at war with Ger many. August 27.—Germans burn Louvain, Belgium. August 29.—Russians crushed in battle near Tannenburg. Prussia. September 5-10.—Germans turned back by French and British in the battle of the Marne. September 12.—Battle of the Aisne begins. October 9.—Germans capture Ant werp. October 21-31.—First battle of Ypres. October 30.—Russia deelart-s war on Turkey. November 1.—Germans sink Ad miral Cradloek’s British fleet off Chili. November 10-12.—Second battle at Ypres. December 1.—German General De Wet captured, ending South African revolt. December 5.—Serbians defeat Aus trians. December 8.—British sink German fleet off Falkland islands. January 24, 1915.—Naval battle in North sea; German cruiser Bluecher sunk. February 8.—Russians suffer sec ond great defeat in East Prussia. February 17.—Germans begin sub marine blockade, despite American protest. March 22.—Russians take Przemysl, Galicia after long siege. April 22.—Gas first used in war by Germans at Ypres. April 25.—Allies land at Darda nelles. May 4.—Beginning of great German offensive against Russia. May 7.—Lusitania sunk unwarned by C-boat; 1,000 die, of whom more than 100 are Americans. May 22.—Italy declares war on Aus tria. June 2.—Teutons retake Przemysl. August 5.—Germans capture War saw. September 1.—Germany promises United States to sink no more liners without warning. September 8.—Czar succeeds Grand Duke Nicholas in commend of Russian armies. September 15.—Germans capture _-- (i n ^*-*^1* I’insk—high tide in invasion of Russia. September 24-25.—Allies in drive in France capture 25,000. October 5.—Ajlies land at Saloniki. October 0.—Germans occupy Bel grade. October 10.—Bulgaria attacks Ser bia. December 9.—Germany announces Serbia is entirely conquered. December 19.—Allies evacuate Gal lipoli. , February 14,1916.—Russians capture Erzeruin, Turkey. February 23.—Germans open Verdu offensive. April 18.—Russians take Trebizond, Turkey. April 24.—Irish revolt in Dublin. April 28.—British besieged in Kut-el Amarn. Mesopotamia, surrender. May 30.—Battle of Jutland; 14 Brit ish and IS German warships sunk. June 5.—Lord Kitchener drowned when cruiser Hampshire is torpedoed north of Scotland. .Tune 17.—Russians retake Czerno witz. capital of Bukowina, in great of fensive. June 20.—Arabs rebel from Turkey, capture Mecca; new kingdom estab lished. June 27.—British and French in great drive in west. July 9.—Submarine merchantman Deutschland reaches Baltimore. July 27.—Russians retake Brody, northern Galicia. August 9.—Italians take Gorizia. July 10.—Russians take Stanislau, Galicia. August 28.—Roumania enters war on side of the entente, and invades Tran sylvania. September 6.—Germany begins great squeeze on Roumania. November If).—First great air bat tle of world's history; 67 British, French and German airplanes brought down. December 5.—Teutons take Bu charest. December 11.—Germany openly prof fers peace to her enemies. December 21. — President Wilson asks both sides to define their war aims. January 17. 1917.—News received German cruiser Moewe has taken 24 ships in South Atlantic. January 22.—Wilson asking “peace without victory." demands United States enter world league at close of war. January 31.—Germany declares ruth less submarine warfare or. all ships, whatever nationality, in the war zones. February 3.—United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany. February 26.—President asks con gress for authority to arm all Ameri can vessels. February 26.—British capture Kut el-Amara. February 28.—Zimmermann note suggesting alliance of Mexico and Japan with Germany against United States made public. March 11.—British capture Bagdad. March 11.—Russian revolution starts. March 15.—Czar abdicates. Starch 17.—Germans begin big “strategic retirement” on west front. April 3.—Wilson asks congress to declare a state of war with Germany. April 6.—President signs congress resolution proclaiming war. April 7.—Cuba declares war on Ger many. April 9.—Austria-Hungary breaks diplomatic relations with United States. April 9.—British storm Yimy Ridge. April 10.—Brazil breaks diplomatic relations with Germany. April 10.—French in great offensive near Aisne river. April 19.—American freighter Mon golia sinks a submarine, this being the first American victory of the war. April 28.—Both houses of congress pass selective draft army bill. May 15.—Big Italian offensive in Carso begins. June 3.—Chinese royalists name Chang Hsun dictator; Germans assist plot. June 5.—Americans register for army draft without disorder. June 7.—British blow up Messines ridge; explosion heard in London. June 8.—General Pershing roaches England. June 12.—King Constantine of Greece abdicates; nation prepares to join allies. June 13.—153 killed. 430 injured In London by German airplane raid. June 15.—United States Liberty Loan closes, with billion oversub scription. June 27.—Announce arrival of first American army in France. June 2S.—Brazil joins in war. June 30.—Russians begin big offen sive in Galicia led by War Minister Kerensky in person. July 2.—Chinese empire declared re established ; republicans prepare to re sist. July 7.—Twenty-two German air planes of immense new type kill 43, injure 197, in London. July 8.—Wilson orders export em bargo. July 12.—Chinese empire fails; Chang Hsun flees to Dutch legation in Peking. July 13.—In biggest air battle so far British claim downing of 30 German planes on west front. July 14.—Yon Bethmann-Hollweg, German imperial chancellor, resigns and the kaiser appoints Dr. Georg Michnelis in his place. July 19.—Russians in Galicia mu tiny and are routed by Germans. July 20.—Draft for American Na tional army held. July 20.—Premier Lvoff of Russia resigns and Kerensky succeeds him. July 21.—United States senate passes food control and $640,000,000 aviation bills. SAVEO BY BOOK OF SERMONS Canadian Soldier Still Living Because Me Mad Volume In Pocket and Was Not Reading It. From the trenches un the western front by way of Canada comes the ■tary of a eoldier'* narrow escape from death and the levity dispU^ by a comrade, illustrating bow viewpoints change when men get on the firm* “^cate Mac of an Alberta regiment had a pious upbringing in his early home in Scotland, and his religious in clinations did not desert him when his family settled on a farm in western Canada. All through the wur he has carried “Spurgeon's Sermons” In his breast pocket, and occasionally he does some preaching, with his comrades In arms as the congregation. Private O of the same regiment larked the upbringing and the book of sermons, but possesses a sense of humor. The two were in a group resting and smoking when a shot from i a German sniper hit Private Mae in : the breast, the bullet being deflected by the book. *’’’ Fearing that Mac was about to im prove the occasion, G “beat him- to it” and in a fair imitation of his friend’s best preaching manner started in: “Oh, dear friends, what a blessed thing it was that our dear brother wasn’t a-readlng of his book of ser mons—ns he ought to have been—in stead of engaging in worldly conver sation with sinful soldier men. For If dear Brother Mac had been a-readlng of his book of sermons, where, oh, where, my dear friends, would Brother Mae (priceless old thing) have been then?” Cheap and Good. Some of the best foods are the cheapest. There are carrots, salsify, parsnips, lettuce and such stuff. They have not advanced in price very much, and they are the best food that grows, says the Columbus (O.) State Journal. Carrots have the rarest combination of food qualities of anything that grows. It Is so healthful that It Is said a steady diet of it will cure many i distempers. Parsnips are cheap, good, ! wholesome. Anybody who doesn t j like the taste of a parsnip has his palate put in wrong. Lettuce is cheap and a lettuce sandwich is royal food. Anyone who starves while these things are oa tke market, to be bought for a few cents, has not much of a claim on life. There is more health in them than in porterhouse steak or oyster cocktails. Some people affect to think they are a low-brow food, but .... . -.Mat'll | •*•••* ‘T.'i - It might be said in retort that they ! are low-browed people who think so. Live on carrots for a week and you win the prize offered for the best song on Ohio. At Last! “There is only one thing in this war that gives me any comfort,” remarked Mr. Cumror. “What's that?” “At last I am permitted to come right out in public and say I don't approve of Wagner opera.” Western Canada 1917 Crops in Good Shape. .tile it is a little early ig predict ..iiut the Western Canada grain crop will produce- there is every indication at the present writing that the 191" crop will give an excellent return. Re ports received from’ all portions of Manitoba, Saskatchewan ami Alberta speak of good growing weather, a fairly advanced stage of all groins, with prospects as good as In the post two years. Should conditions ,,;i. finite as at present, it is safe to , elude that Western Canadian farm ers. already free of debt, as a re suit of the splendid crops and prevail ing high prices, expect from this, sea son's returns lo lie in a position that will place them away beyond any fear of the future. The acreage of Western Canada will lie about the same as last year. Seed ing was somewhat later than last year, hut germination was quicker. The only possible drawback now wonld seem to be a scarcity of harvest hands, hut it is felt by the authorities that the situation will be pretty well cared for by that time. Land values are increasing, but there is room for a much greater increase than in the past, owing to the re: . : s that farmed land will give when com pared with its cost. In some distrws land that could have been bought l:\ • years ago for $15 an acre is changing hands st $CiO an acre, the seller satis fied that lie is giving the purchaser good value for his money. And why not. when it is known that in a great many cases during the past two years crops have been grown on this land that have produced a profit of forty and fifty dollars per acre, over and above cost of production. These cases, while not general, were not excep tional. in siudition to tin* lands that are offered for salt' by railway companies land companies anti private individ uals. the homesteading areas offer great inducements for those who are willing lo do a little pioneering for a year or two. By that time settlements | would come into existence, and this ! means a condition similar to that en j joyed by many of the older settlements | of today—schools, churches, railways. | I lie land Is of h’gli-class quality, strong and vigorous, easily worked, and capable offnodueing the very best | of crops. The demand for all grains for some years will be great, and it will require all the resources of man. beast and soil to meet it. That the prices will be good goes without saying, but at the present time there is something more appealing than the lucrative prices that prevail. That is, the desire to assist in winning the world war. The man at the plow is doing his "bit." and the spirit of patriotism that prevails will lead hfm into a broader sphere of action. No matter where he may tie he will look about him that he may find land to further develop the country's resources. It is possible that his own state may furnish the land, in which case he will be quick to take advan tage of the offer. If land in his own state Is not available. Canada (now our ally) will be glad to furnish it in unlimited quantfty. as she is vital ly Interested In largely increasing the supply of foodstuff which is now as urgently needed and is as valuable as ammunition to the allied countries. The appeal made by Mr. Hoover. United States controller of foods, and also by Hon. \V. J. Hanna. Canadian controller, emphasizes tire need of the allies, urges economy and the preven tion of the waste in food, and lie speaks whole-hearted public co-opera tion, Speaking of Great Britain. France. Italy, Belgium and their Eu ropean allies, they say: "For nearly three years their man power has been engaged in the direct work of war. and in some cases large areas of their most productive lands have been overrun by the enemy. Their food shortage and the food to supply the armies of Canada and the United States must be wholly provided from this side of the Atlantic. The supply must also be sufficient to cover losses at sea. Australia. New Zealand, the Argentine Republic and other coun tries are not now available to relieve the situation because of their remote ness and the shortage of tonnage. “The crop of storeahle foods grown in Canada and the United States suit able for shipment overseas threatens to be entirely inadequate to meet the demand unless the whole people de termine by every means in their power to make up the shortage. Every indi vidual is under a direct obligation to assist in rationing the allied forces. There must be national self-denial and national co-operation to provide the necessary supplies."—Advertisement. She Didn’t Have One. Mrs. Worrimore—Why can't you get lip as early as the cook? You both oc cupy the same room "1th an alarm clock, hut you’re always at least an hour late. Tilly, the Second Maid—Yes’rn, hut the alarm clock belongs to the cook an’ I ain’t got one. Preliminaries. "I want, dear, to give u blow-out." “Then first, my own, wo must raise the wind.” Often bric-a-brac Is sold for Junk, but more often Junk is sold tor brio a-brac.—Milwaukee Journal. Spain last year Imported 16,383 tons of coffee, compared with 15.974 tens tu 1915 and 13,873 In 1914. CAVIA Graaulated Eyelids, 9lirc Eye* iatUuicJ by cxpo lure to Sun, bust and 6lad M_’m r ^ quickly telievcdby Mwtoc 1CVCS NoSmitusa, dr just Eye Comrort. At Druggwti or by mail 50c per Bottle, murine EyeSnlvein Tube* 25c. For Beak el IBs Eye fiW «k Hwtan Eva Bemeay $*.. Cklcas*