The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 09, 1917, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
| _ „ -. — ■ ' —
t are*- number of empty ke»*U|>
<(’ e* for i>*!e at ?h* Ideal Bakery
Mt»» IP True of Artadia i*
| her* tIit* week v lotting at the 'Cramer
I will .1 . -e»mr J all kind* at mj
•mm* 4 a . and - -* me or call Blue
"> _ Anna He»pthoid
v«:u; lire caiPe llOIBe Wed
e r from Aet’on where
I. • ii»«ted ■ ’he K D Sutton fatni
••• J 1' ~ r and daughter were
.tut j '"r;r*-r» to Sargent la-!
j'lla • -1- 1 t '■> »»»it a. tew day*
f- It . re t! • will go to Holt
... ' * week or ten day*.
jr* I. <• ..In. and two r-hihlren
k t* h> >i *ti and Mr* Viva
'.'-r »-■■ to Greeley Sunday
eet d a fe - da>* with friend ' M.■)•
h le-e .. .-a» over m M« ear and
ft !>• <i: .»!•*. e before returning
% r».i nt badly needed,
itiir liuii 1 Xearl? *j.i i:j> b fell it;
la a, t a;' :!.c fa;, varied Croat
i*' -...or !*;« i tt,»i*-- pia**-- r-t
■ :• t i •: ■■ a a. eat «l*-a! more
t »• ' ra. jmt a to the
> • «»'!!■ » h »a» fb-. aleninc the
#«/•, Tiff- «■! |»ro?|»t'ii't.s jh*» are (gsotxi
*jt r- S *ru*- of *!;*• i*oni i*
faEijrt a bui «itn i »r«jfvkl«* wea .
tfcer from * or. Sherman « Jnty j
• a *i.4 | ' *- pretty fair crop of j
- ,«m
• t . • .tie: VVlll Fox
. - 'bree child actre.M*;
jal *■•- - ■"•-rue The eldest of
eta s» Vimte*. IJteWrmri. thirteen year*]
»!■•! ;; • . . r. -d iitat.'if staze
ia fader Two Fl«> "* T in** otti**** tv**
f: dree ar» Jar. and Katherine l.e
.bo i.e*4 no mindtirtoo to lover- of
«K f . tar* The*, haw appeared in
• . a:.if La-• become fanuilar tc
... - . o 1 *T tile World See them
- a Ik ■ * . a'nrdajr tor!.:
V.2 JUT at the Baptist par
it- J L. I it; ii. *i'latiiic. Mr Har
i li*'.: » of fir'd Cloud Wh and
lis' Ji! - M of V*■'«. Neb The
*i*.; «os; *.. -.ipanted by
Jr, a»4. Mr- W !. Tea nr. The two
xph • wit) J*,er* ».-r. motoring
•:rh : iHintrv and made up
■ :*".r mind is the afternoon to be
• *r- ed that day and so arriving at
!*v Cttjr ia • >B the fig. aroused
! >!*> . :.d obtained a license and
'*11,;* a* the Baptist parsonage in
V the faaoH i tue wedding xh; !l
» USt X' 1 ' 3" After the
bride tasd been presented with a mar
si- ■ a’e they went on their
* n y i ojw,
Emmn) 8 Cowling was born at
arti-iettr NV brasha on Va. 21. 1»!*2.
d i;e»f at Chelsea Ma-sachu-etts.
lid**' • ' • aged 25 years. 8 mon
- and 15 days.
.tieral servi-e# will be held at the
<di»t * hur. It in lamp City on Fri
Au* :-t I*• at 2 |> m. coaducted
•• I A' .- . uii *i Interment will
e in |i; tiiaad lemetery at Mar
ti --t. Net.
■ •n: „ tied 'he navy * little
over a year ago. spending six months
at th- training nation at Great Lakes.
Illii : and later was assigned to the
hat h 1 Delaware where he was for
■ .-eml months before taking down
it1 the fever which caused his death.
'» • v taken sick he was imnie
!:a‘ ken to the government hos
, tat Chelsea. Ma s., death resulting
as above stated.
The news of the death of Fremont
1 .wiiri- inn- as a slio* k to his fam
and lo many friends in Loup Cltj
and ru mity He was a good.’ clean
a: . man with a splendid future be
!■ The bereaved parents, bro
•i - - and s.-ters have the heartfelt
sympathy of all in their dark hour of
Fort Kiley. Kan . Aug 1. 11*17
The North western
l*ear Ldttor:
I l.«- oilier day I received an issue
; »ur patier It was the first pa pet
i.oup City I had seen since I
’• ' ' ; . and it sure looked good
I found a letter in it that I had
■ ’ten home t the folks. It wasn't
t t*.r everyone, but. of course if
.' wa f any interest to the folks at
one- :*> know how we beys are get
tu a!omr. and are being treated. I
am you published it.
11. other day we t»oys were watch
:ue ' new rookies come in from
Fort Logan Colo , where all the Ne
era a atid Iowa boys are sent to be
-'r a’-d aid the firs’ man 1 saw
a~ Art Hancock ; was very glad
to see him and he seemed giad to see
me as well.
I - boy > who have been put into
. ate treated fine, fiut the
•'ii . ' #!. < ame this amp later
than 1 did have net received quite as
food m<nt as the first fellows.
I <an.e with the first detachment of
" •1 no n sent here, and now there
s over five thousand medics here
i a "Uple hundred m re comes in
aere every day.
I he company I am in is composed
f tile finest kind of young men. most
tin ni are high school, college, or
it c business men There is 84 men
in a Field Hospital which is just
: - u . ?'• make a good sized family'
v\ • have a base ball team, track team
a quartet, and a couple of fellows whc
* 1 make good comedians. They
P a- :: >d spirits, springing jokes
ail of the
\\ • never hear very much spoker
about the war here. The boys nevei
talk abou’ it. Once in a while a f I
lo» - ill ask. when we think we will
be sent east hut as we all know that
war department never tells any
ne ,!iout their business, we just have
' wait for something to happen.
are ail ready to leave, any time
but 1 doin' think we will move until
X u js ihe time that your hens will
' sh.-d their feathers. This pro
"■~s s rather slow and Nature should
be a-'i-ted B. A. Thoma-' Poultry
Reno dy will help your hens to mouli
< ausmg them to shed earlier and he
ready to lay when eggs are highest
in the winter. If this remedy does not
make good, we will.—J J. Sh minski.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
The pretty wrapper on the
box is not everything in candy.
Bad candy makes your skin sallow and brings
out spots on your face—not to mention the
damage to your stomach. All our candy is
|>ure. Ask her. We sell the candy she
Druggist Loup City
The Sherman county draft board has
been busy this week and will finish the
first batch of examinations today.
Forty men were examined on Tuesday,
forty on Wednesday and the last forty
are being examined today. The results
of the first two days' work are given
here. Out of the first eighty men ex
amined. fifteen failed to pass the ex
animation, and forty five of those who
passtd have claimed exemption on
various grounds. One man, Stephen
Ph.cek. failed to appear for examina
tion. This is a serious matter and those
who fail to appear are liable to arrest
for desen ion. The war department has
notified the boards that such men are
to be considered deserters and as such
pursued and apprehended, the penalty
i for desertion in the time of war being
very severe. The result of today's ex
!amination and the exemptions allowed
will be published in next week's paper
Those who failed to puss the phvsi
I cal examination:
Emil Holub. Ravenna.
flora e J. Eastal rook. Litchfield.
Roy H. Conger. Loup City.
Harry A. Fletcher. Loup City.
Marion E. Lane. Arcadia.
Albert \V. Zeller. Boelus
.Magnus J. Christ-:.sen. Rockville.
Ole J. Hansen. Loup City.
John L. Clancy, Litchfield.
Boh L. Peters. Ashton.
John J. Lewandowski. Ashton.
Alex Dzingle. Ashton.
! Xi. holas T. Fletcher. Austin.
Ewaid Krous. Litchfield.
Raymond G. Cunningnam, Edgar
Exemption claimed because a minis
ter of the gospel:
Rev. John F. Schliepick. Ravenna.
Exemption claimed because of de
pendent wife and families:
Clarence P. Jacobson. Litchfield.
Edgar B. Foster. Loup City.
Elias H. Butler. Litchfield.
Merrett E. Plantz. Litchfield.
Eddie Oberaiilier. Loup City.
Oscar E. Jewell. Arcadia.
George E. Stine. Ravenna.
Troy Sheehan. Litchfield.
Stephen E. Smalley. Loup City
Orville R. Stine, Litchfield.
Benjamin B. Grice. Litchfield.
Roy E Stephens. Litchfield.
harles O. Troy, Litchfield.
Harry XL Fisher. Loup City.
Loritz Sorenson, Litchfield.
Charles John, Loup City.
Elmer ReiHand. Litchfield.
Benedict S Badura. Ashton.
Ferdinandt W. Kuhl. Loup City.
Clare B. Roberts.Hazard.
Chris Bauman. Loup City.
Andy G. Engleman. Litchfield.
\mon Sonnenfeldt. Ashton.
Anton S. Larkowski, Rockville.
Earl A. Keeler. Loup City.
Arthur J Strom. Rockville.
Exemption claimed because of being
government mail clerk.
Edward Kostal. Ravenna.
Exemption claimed because of being
an alien (Austria).
Stanley S. Jonak, Ashton.
One man drafted in the first two
Jays has already enlisted in the -ser
vice whic h causes one more name to
be used here. He is:
John X. White, Litchfield.
The following have claimed exemp
tion because of dependent parents, or
dependent widow.
Benjamin Krakowski. Ashton.
Rudolph Zeller. Boelus.
Vincent Grabowski. Austin.
Frank F. Sherman. Rockville.
John C Meyers, Litchfield.
Peter F. Zoehol. Ashton.
Fred Schmidt, Ashton.
Alexandria Lewandowski, Ashton.
John Sc-hierling, Litchfield.
John J. Dzingle. Loup City.
Benjamin Kwapniowski, Ashton.
Leo Celmer. Rockville.
Max C. Stark. Loup City.
Wm. Snyder. Ravenna.
Louie O. Johnson. Sweetwater.
Ferdinand Jelinek, Ravenna.
The following have claimed no ex-,
emptions: .
Ernest D. Bauman. Loup City.
Edward Kuticka. Ravenna.
Fred C. Travis, Loup City.
Frank Homa, Ashton.
Albert Siebler, Boelus.
Vernon R Eastabrook. Litchfield.
Charlie F. Carstens, Ashton.
Henry P. Christensen. Loup City.
Lewis Martin Summers, Arcadia.
James H. Bowen. Rockville.
Duncan D. Charlton, Loup City.
Edward Hurt, Ashton.
Emmet M. McLaughlin. Loup City.
Bert E. Snyder. Loup City.
Willie W. Johnson. Sweetwater.
Chris Larsen. Loup City.
CarlH. Jensen, Rockville.
Walter Cadwalder, Hazard.
Roy Hennis. Litchfield.
To The Teachers of Sherman County:
The 1917 annual session of the Sher
man County Teachers’ Institute will
convene in the auditorium of the new
High School building in this city Mon
day. August 27, at 2 p'm. sharp, clos
ing Friday, August 31. This week is
sel^gted because the summer schools
are closed ,and vacations are not bro
1 ken into, teachers know definitely by
| this time where they are to teach and
the nature of their work. Teachers
need not return home but remain to
take up their work, and coming as
it does immediately before the open
ing of the term, the V.iiefits derived
from the institute may be carried dr
rectly to the schools.
All persons who intend to teach in
the county the. ensuing year are ex
peited to attend the in,ire session ex
eepl as stated below. Atendance at
'unimer school or any other institute
will not be taken in lieu of attend
(ance at this institute. Please do not
ask to be excused as such requests wil
not be granted. We find that one rule
I for all is a very good one in matters
: of this kind. While the school law
; makes it compulsory that teachers at
tend the institute. »> sincerely hope
I that all w ho are to teach in Sherman
! county the coming year will attend not
! because of legal requirements, but to
i take advantage of the opportunity of
fered for professional improvement
and to better prepare themselves for
the year's work before them.
l rcter Articie 14. Sc non ls7. of the
school laws, the eon ty superintend
! ent may revoke the i ■ rtificate of an\
I teacher who fails or refuses to attenn
the county institute. The following is
a ruling of the State Department und
j er Article 14. Section S7.
"This legal requirement for institute
attendance is construed to apply tc
all teaehtrs holding posiions organ
izecl under Articles 3, 6. 7 and 9. The
holders of State, professional, city or
life certificates are required to attend
the institute .unless excused by the
county superintendent."
From the standpoint of the greatest
good to the greatest number, I have
prepared the program this year for
grade teachers and for teachers teach
ing the first two years of high school
work I have decided, therefore, to ex
cuse the high school teachers of the
Loup City schools an principals of
town schools holding state, profes
sional. or life certificates. If applica
tion is made before the opening of in
stitute accompanied b the insttutc
fee of SI.00. Every teacl.->r who teache
in the county must pay this fee.
The schools of the county are not
yet filled and all home teachers whe
are qualified and wish to teach are
employed. Non-resident tea. hers win
wish to fill these vacancies or to fill
1 vaeanices that no doubt will occur dur
the year by teachers resigning or oth
erwise, should attend the institute in
Sherman county. I cannot promise vou
a school if you attend institute but you
cannot teach in Sherman county it
you do not attend.
The enrollment fee is one dollar,
and we will very much appreciate it
if you can find it possible to enroll at
the office before the opening day. It
you receive credit for institute attend
ance you must be present at every
period during the entire session.
In planning this institute it has been
our tnedavor to have presented, work
that is inspirational, professional and
practical. It has been our aim to pro
vide material for all classes of teach
ers. Special attention will be given to
reading, arithmetic, orthography, writ
ing and English. Note books will be
turnished in which a systematic record
of the work should be kept.
The following instructors have been
secured Dr. A. O. Tohmas. State Su
perintendent of Maine; Prof. J. F. Dun
can. City Superintendent at Osceola.
Nebraska; and Alice Henigan. of the
Lincoln schools This is a very strong
faculty and I trust teachers will show
their appreciation of the fact by dost
attention to the work.
Board and Room.
As there will be a convention held
in Loup City the week of the institute
teachers will do well to secure board
ing places as early as possible. The
county superintendent will be pleased
to assist teachers in securing desir
able boarding places.
In Conclusion.
i ne institute has been planned for
you, and planned with consideration
to suggestions given by some of you.
Its success will depend largely upon
you. Last year’s institute was a suc
cess because of the enthusiasm and
interest of the teachers enrolled. We
are expecting even greater success this
year, because the professional interest
and the spirit of harmony and coopera
tion has been keen throughout the
year. I am glad that we have very few
of the weak half-hearted teachers who
can see no good in attending an insti
tute. Sherman county has no place for
the knocker .who is the weak, stupid,
spiritless kind of a teacher. If you
have no love for school work do not
hope to lead your pupils to love their
work. The spirit of the school is the
teacher. The spirit of the institute is
the teacher. Come prepared for a good
institute and we will have it.
Yours very sincerely,
County Superintendent.
Previously acknowledged . ...$3,346.00
Frank Palu . 5.00
Frank Mickovv . 5.00
Fred Stamm . 5.00
Wm. Lewandowski . ?5.00
E. C. Kilpatrick . 10.00
F--ink Pruts . 10.00
Henry Kuhl . 10.00
We hear much of the desire of the
warring nations for peace .especially
Germany and Austria, and nothing
could give the people of this country
greater satisfaction. But a glance at
conditions as they are will convince the
most optimistic that peace is still a
long way off.
in me nrst place. Uie map ot Europe
and oilier parts of the world lias been
much (hanged since this war beean.
While Germany has lost her colonial
possessions, she has occupied othej
territory which, in the event she can
hold it. will doubtless mean more to her
than thar which she has lost Great P.n
tain will arcely consent to relinquish
the German territory she lias con
quered. nor will France make peact
without a restoration by Germany of
Alsace-Lorraine. Japan has Kia-Chau
taken from Germany, and German ar
mies are overrunning large portions of
Russian te ritory
Again th -e has been no intimation
that either the Central or entente pow
ers would agree to a peace without in
demniy. And the matter of indemnity
is a mountain of difficulty in the way of
peace negotiations. Billions have been
spent by each side, and the best blood
of all the nations has been spilled
That each would contend for indemni
ty unless conquered outrght there c-ar.
be no shadow of doubt That neithei
would even think of granting indemnity
there can also he no doubt.
With this state of affairs prevailing
and with the greatest bitterness and
hatred existing that me world has evet
experienced, it looks as though the on
!y hope for peace is a clean victory for
one side or the other.
That being the case, what is the
condition fat ing the allies?
First, it must be admitted that Ger
many is far from an exhausted natiut.
however much we may hope that such
is the case The tenacity with which
she holds to her position in the face
of staggering onslaughts of the French
and English is ample proof of this.
Again, it becomes more apparent
each day that little reliance can bt
placed hi Russia as a positive, aggres
sive force. She may keep up a sent
blaruce of offensive, but unless sht
greatly improves, that will be all Sht
has too many forces within her borders
pulling in different directions In time
she may harmonize these, but it will
take time, and her aid is needed now
if it is to be of any benefit
Viewed from whatever angle we may
view it. the conflict narrows down to a
fight to a finish, with the United States
as the deciding factor
And to he such a deciding factor, she
must throw such a force across the
waters as shall by sheer numbers make
a successful resistance by Germany no
longer possible
Every loyal citizen of this country
will dedicate his services and his life
to this purpose . The man who at this
time seeks to place obstacles in the
way of the government is not worthy
the citizenship he enjoy s. and should
be forever deprived of it
There is absolutely no use in this
country for the obstructionist
The Shermn county fair association
board met last Saturday night to make
arrangements for our county fair t
be held on September 19-20-21.
All the members of the board were
present and everything was gone over
in detail in regard to the attractions
and exhibits at the fair. While it is
impossible to say much in regard to
the fair this week, owing to all the
arrangeemnts not being completed, we
expect to have a full report of the com
ing fair's doings in next week's paper.
Xow is the time for everyone to get
busy and give all the aid possible to
the officers in charge in order to make
the fair this year the biggest and best
in the history of the county.
The size of the days’ programs and
the crowds exepcted on Roundup days
is beginning to loom up in the near hor
izon. Elmcreek will have a real round
up, the best horses and riders who
made the show at Cheyenne and Oga
lalla will be here and the roping and
bull dogging will be put on by the best
men in the west.
Lou Cogger will be here with six
teen of the best and wildest bucking
horses, and Mr. Cogger owns the
horses used at the Ogalalla frontiers
days. He makes a business of collect
ing the best horses for this purpose,
and will have here, besides some long
horn Oklahoma steers, these famous
horses: Cry Baby, I’ll Be Dammed.
Blonde, Lodge Pole Black, Dynamite.
Black Demon, Kaiser, Rooney, Black
•Tim. Death Valley, The Fly and Cy
t clone.
The program also will include free
platform performanes. girls’, boys’ and
mens' foot races, free for all horse
races, and local and professional buck
ing contests and steer tiding contests
This will make two full days of en
tertainmeni and you want to come
with your mouth [tuckered for a mouth
| ful of the real thing in a Round-Dp ex
The free attractions, engaged at big
expense by the committee of the fire
men. will furnish entertainment both
forenoon and evening Two balloon as
censions with parachute drops will be
staged and will be free to everybody
The dance in the evening will be pat
ronized until a late hour.
Take in the Round-Dp days at Elm
Creek on Aug. lti-17. Sherman county
people could easily make the trip b>
J. H. Mead went to Omaha. Tuesda>
j evening.
F. T. Richmond made a trip to Ma
son. Thursday.
The grain in this vicinity is badly
in need of rain.
Harvey Burtner and family were in
Loup City. Monday.
Clear Creek was refreshed with a
gentle rain. Monday.
The oats harvest is done and some
are stacking their grain.
Ross Gothe is engineer for Frank
Kusek's threshing outfit.
Thressa Weller visited with Letha
Hickman. Tuesday evening.
Bessie Conger of Loup City, visited
Mrs. E. J. Garnett a few days.
Miss Bulah Zink is visiting with her
folks on Clear Creek a few days.
The hum of the threshing machine
is heard again in this locality.
There was an ice cream social held
at Beulah Chapel Friday evening.
Frank Kusek threshed for George
Ellinger and Ross Gothe. Saturday.
Clear Creek aid society met with
Mrs. J. C. Hill Thursday afternoon.
E. J. Garnett threshed laSt Friday.
His oats making 40 bushel to the acre.
Mrs. Paul Jones of Ulysses is here
visiting her daughter. Mrs. Hickman
south of Litchfield.
There was a lawn party held at the
home of S. C. Eastabrook Tuesday
evening. There were about fifty pec
pie present and enjoyed the evening.
Axel Henderson visited at Martin
LindeU's, Sunday.
Gabe Shildstrom is at the Chas. Eek
lof home this week
Hayden Burns visited at the Fagen
home one day last week.
Ed Welty and Arthur Hurder visited
at the Geo. Triz home, Sunday.
Alfred Malm. Bill Anderson and Eo
Welty started threshing. Tuesday.
Miss Ruth Sears and Ed. Mills visit ’
td at the R. P. McClarv home. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Welty and Mr.!
and Mrs. J. W. Harrow autoed to West
erville. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purvine visited
with the Wm .Anderson family one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nordstrom and
family visited with the Eric Ericson j
family, Sunday.
Mrs. Malm and Edith. Jessie and
Irent Anderson and Amanda Carlson
visited one day last week at the J. W.
Harrow home.
Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson and j
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purvine and Mr.
and Mrs. William Anderson were at
the river. Sunday.
Miss Marie, and Albion Malm and j
Mrs Bill Donner and Geo. Welty and I
John Anderson visited at the A. P. j
Malm home. Sundav.
John Orent and Joe Orent were in
Loup City last Thursday.
Frank Manchester was transacting
business in Ashton last Thursday.
Frank PelanowskJ neiepd John Car
vel stack his oats the first of the week.
Wm. Kinger was in Grand Island.
Tuesday and Wednesday on busine;-;
Upward Stillman helped Frank Man
Chester stack his barley last Wedn*>s
Roasting ears are ready to eat. It
is high priced but yum vum they are
Mat Ignowski threshed for Mrs.
Mary Sperling the latter part of last
Mrs. Tony Zaruba and cousin peter
Orent. were in North Loup last Wed
Clarence Stillman of Loup City was
visiting with home folks on the Creek.
Ed Manchester hauled four or five
loads T>f com to Ashton the middle
of last week.
Several of our boys went to Loup
City for examinations this week from
the draft list.
Grasshoppers sure are doing lots of
damage to gardens and some corn and
other small grain.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tony Good
man. formerly of Davis Creek, a charm
ing daughter, on July 21.
John Orent and sister, Judia. visited*
at the home of their aunt and uncle,
Mike Sowokinos and wife last Sunday.
Gee, but we were sure glad to see
the hot winds stop for a while and get
a little rain The corn is suffering in
this part of the country for rain.
John Pulson has moved the house
occupied by Mike Sowokinos near to
his place making it more convenient
for the children to attend school.
Frank Pelanowski autoed to Ord,
Saturday, to take examination tor the
army but his number was too high so
he will have to make another trip.
A very fine rain visited this locality
Monday, which was most welcomed by
all and makes the- farmers feel that
their hard work hasn't been for noth
This writer and his family drove to
upper Davis Q-eek. Sunday, for a
visit at the Tony Orent home. He
found that corn in some places look
nice while others was In need of a
rain badly.
Walter and John Kaminski and two
sisters. Maggie and Victoria, also Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Zaruba and daughter,
and Joe Palu and cousin. Victoria Za
ruba. were visitors at the Joe Sowo
kinos home a week ago Sunday.
Bad Eggs Don't Pay.
One day last week a farmer living
several miles from Loup City was ar
rested and fined for selling bad eggs
The state food inspector was here that
day and caught the man in the act of
selling the eggs. The fine and costs
amounted to $13.25. There is a strict
law against selling old and ancient hen
fruit, and the inspector announced that
everyone selling bad eggs would be
prosecuted to the full extent of the law
While not many of our citizens would
be guilty of knowingly selling bad eggs
it would be a good plan to be careful, as
the fine might be a great deal more
than the one mentioned above.
Wanted—A good experienced girl to
clerk in general merchandise store
Girl who can speak Polish or German
or both, preferred. Good wages and a
steady position fqr the right party. In
quire of L. C Weaver a: Rockville.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it Days.
Flag envelopes at the Northwestern.
Cooper’s Flour and
Feed Store
Located iu the old opera house building. We
will endeavor to carry a complete line of flour and
Our prices are reasonable and every sack of
flour guaranteed or money refunded. This flour is
milled from good hard winter wheat.
Call and see me before you buy your winter’s
C. C. COOPER, Loup City