The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 02, 1917, Image 5

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    ta£ BUY YOUR GAS by NAME
"'ft Say Red Crown—then you get the best.
"I''’ Always of the same high quality. Look for
HH the Red Crown sign.
I_ F / 0:1 prevents overheating.
Good Lumber
I _ „ _
Lowest Prices
'■ - *• L . «: An. K t.\i e. .'■'ct.aupps and Arcadia
| New Goods Just Received I
| All kinds of Brass and Steel Beds, priced \
I from $3.00 and up to $40.00 |
| Liggett & Platt Bed Springs: \
$3.30 buys a bed spring that is guar- |
anteed to last a life time. |
| Mattresses: |
| Priced from $3.30 to $20.00. Our 1
Special is a good all cotton felt mat- i
|| tress for $ 10.00. \
| £. P. Daily Furniture Co.
Daily sella for less.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
All kinds of hardware at Bartunek's.
For satisfied glasses see H. M. Els
ner *
Theda Bara at the opera house Sat
urday night.
Insect powder that kills flies, at
i Swanson s.
Carl Mickow of Austin, was in our
I city. Wednesday.
.1 W. Dougal was a business caller
at St. Paul last Friday.
Miss Klea Lee as a passenger east.
Wednesday to Grand Island.
Larnont Stephens was a business
passenger to Rockville. Wednesday.
J. W. Arnick was an eastbound pas
senger to Omaha. Wednesday morning
W. G. McNulty was a business pas
senger to St Paul last Friday morn
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zwink,
Sunday. July 2k. a son. weight about
S pound'
Miss Emma Rowe went to Austin.
Monday to spend a week with Mrs
Lula Burke
Henry Jenner was an eastbound pas
senger to Lincoln last Thursday, re
turning home Friday.
Mrs. Clara Cox left last Friday foi
Aurora, where she will remain for some
time visiting relatives.
Mrs. Frank Sobiesrzyk and children
went to Iioelus. Monday to spend a
few days visiting with relatives
Mrs. Viva Gilbert returned home.
Saturday from B-atrhe, where she at
tPtided the funeral of her brother.
For rent: — About 150 acres for
' wheat. Have plenty of seed, come
early if interested.—V. T Wescott.
Mrs John Jezewski was a visitor at
Ashton last Friday with relatives, re
aming on the passenger in the even
Mr. and Mrs. Wu, Jung and three
children went to Rockville last Friday
morning to visit with the Aug. Jung
i family.
Floyd Mason returred home Thitrs
day evening from Rainier where he
lias been the past two weeks visiting
at the Hinsdale home.
Miss Rose Tapolski came up from
her home at Si haupps last Friday
evening to take examinations and visit
at the Matt Janulewicz home.
Miss Gladys Swanson returned to
her home at Murphy last Thursday
morning after'a short visit here with
the Misses Bernice and Bessie Ogle.
Word was received here last Thurs
day from John Johns at Cedar Rapids,
who was operated on for stomach trou
rile, is that he is getting along nicely
Mrs. Samuel Haddow and daughter.
Evelyn, were passengers to Midway
last Thursday morning to visit with
their daughter and sister. Mrs. Edna
Lambert, and family.
The Swedish Aid society met last
Thursday afternoon at the home o1
Mrs. Rev. Smythberg. A large crowd
was present. Refreshments were serv
For Sale:—A good lti h. p. Minneapo
lis threshing engine for sale. If takei
a once will sell cheap. Also one seconc
hand Studebaker car for sale —A. C
! Ogle.
The Misses Lois and Eunice Steei
returned liomp Saturday evening fron
Nashville. Tenn.. where they have beet
for several months visiting with rela
Mrs. Elmer Chaffee and daughtei
came up from St. Paul. Monday even
ing for a short visit with the Hanse
family. Troy Hansel accompanied then
t here after a visit with them
Mrs. J R. Hughes and children ant
Mrs. J F. Donivan. who have beet
here visiting with their daughter anc
sister. Mrs. Lee Bly. and family, re
turned to their home at Greely Iasi
Friday morning
Rev. Schulze and wife are going
t out to Colorado on a vacation Friday ol
this week and will make the trip it:
their auto. There will be no services
in the German church until the second
uSnday in September
; D C. Grow is now a great-grand
father, a distinction that not main
men can claim, and Mr. Grow wa.=
"setting up" the cigars because of this
j Tuesday. The birth of a son to Mr
;and Mrs. O. L. Toe-key makes the fourth
generation in the family.
The confessions of the Wiliam F03
star Theda Bara, now appearing ir
the film drama "The Eternal Sapho.’
seem to promise much that the public
wishes to know. So heavy is her tnai
asking for early copies of the ston
that she and her maid cannot earn
the big bundles, so she sends her cai
and the big machine goes home eacl
night with the front seat filled witl
letters. See “The Eternal Sapho" a
the opera house Saturday night.
Alton Packard,
Cartoonist— Entertainer
! I
Daily sells for less.
P. O. Reed for repairing.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
Johnston's Candies j,-e cold at i
A. B. Outhouse a business cal
letr at Rockville. Tuesday.
Alvin Speltz was an eastbound pa
j senger. Tuesday, on business.
No. 1 B at 75 cents a
long as they last at B rtunek's.
See Theda Bara ::i "The Eternal
Sapho" at the opera 1 use Saturday.
Clifford Hale retu; ed to Schuylet
; Monday morning wh< e he is working.
Mrs. L. Bechthold was a jiassenget
to Grand Island. Tuesday to visit a!
i few days with her daughters.
I Mrs. Rincker came up front Grand;
Island last Sat.i:day and spent Sun
i dav a: the J. B O'Rn n home.
Miss Fern Rowe came home from)
Kearney, Saturday evuing. where sh<-.
has been attending s turner school.
Judge Aaron Wall returned home.
Tuesday from Omaha, where he had
been to look after son e local business
Charles Gerkin of Company I came
j over from Ord, Wednesday, to ste- i
! his many friends, returning again on
i Thursday.
Mrs. 1. X. Syas returned to her homej
at Comstock. Wednesday evening af ’
ter a visit here with Jjor daughter
; Mrs. R. P. Prichard
The Misses Mable Daddow and!
Leona Mav went to St. Paul. Monda'
* !
morning to spend a few days with1
relatives and friends.
Janies Johansen returned home on
Tuesday evening front Galesburg. 111.,
where he has been the past ten days
visiting with relatives.
“Tailoring First” in
Palm Beach
The genuine Palm Beach
j Cloth has merit—that is an
established fact—but the
i first essential to satisfaction
, in clothes made of this fea
ther weight mid-summer
j cloth, is tailoring.
'I here is hardly anything
cooler than a Palm Beach
suit, one who would enjoy
mid summer comfort, should
buy a
“High Art
Palm Beach”
"\\ e have all sizes and models
including sport backs. Cast
; off that woolen suit and
know what real hot-weather
comfort is.
Gus Lorentz
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Ten per cent off on fly-nets at Bar
The best Fly Repellant for live
stock at Swanson’s
’The Eternal Sapho” at the opera
house Saturday night
If you want to sell your land, list
it with W D. Zimmerman.
You take no chances in buying glass
es from Henry M. Eisner.
Jas. Roushe ship;, d a car ot cattle
to South Omaha markets last Frida>
C. Biemond returned home Wed- j
nesday from Omaha, where he had j
been with stock.
Mrs. W. H. Morgan went to Ravenna
last Friday to spend some time visit
ing with relatives.
A. O. Zimmerman came down from
A; .tdia hist Friday morning to attend
to mne business matters.
Mrs. R. F. Campbell was a passen
per to Omaha. Wednesday to visit for
a while with her parents.
Now have on sale the Wetter steel
range cook stove. Come in and see
them —James Bartunek.
Mrs Nick Hansen and children
spent the day visiting at Boelus. re
turning again in the evening.
Miss Clara Fullerton returned to
her hone- at Austin. Monday after an
over Sunday visit in our city.
Envelopes with the flag printed in
the lower left hand corner—10 cents a
dozen at the Northwestern office.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Synak returned
home Iasi Friday from Omaha, where
they spent the past week sightseeing.
r -—
S. E. Gallaway and family visiteci
over Sunday with their daughter and
sister. Mrs. Turrentine. at Central City.
Several good residence properties
in Loup City for sale on the install
ment plan. See R. H. Mathew. 25 tf
J. W. Con?nr returned home Satur
lay front St. Paul, where he has been
confined in the hospital at that place.
Mrs. C. O. Waggoner and children
left last Friday morning for Boone.
Iowa, where they expect to remain for
?ome time.
John Cowling went to Aurora last
Saturday morning to spend a few days
visiting with relatives. He returned
home Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pageler and babe
were east bound callers for Fremont
Monday to spend a few days. They
returned home Wednesday evening.
Miss Dora Olilsen returned home
last Saturday from Grand Island anu
David City, where she has been the
past ten days visiting with relatives
and friends.
Miss Hazel Squires who has been
here visiting at the C. P. McLaugh
lin home, returned to her home at
Aurora. Wednesday morning.
For sale or rent:—My restaurant
and rooming house is for sale or rent,
as I believe 1 would like to take a rest
after seventeen years in the business.
—Mrs. Minnie Jung.
Mrs. Ed. Radcliffe and daughter.
Vera, were eastbound passengers last
Saturday for Julesburg. Colo., to sepnd
a few days with her husband. They
returned home Monday.
Cliff Thornton. Lou Spahr. Henry
Dolling. Mi\ and Mrs. Wm. Dolling.
Ira Close and others from here were
among those attending the Barnun A:
Bailey circus at Grand Island, yester
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coletrane
and baby and Fritz Leschinskv and
Miss Mable Depew were westbound
passengers to Sargent last Saturday,
evening to spend Sunday with the
Coletrane family, returning home on
Monday morning.
The Misses Cecil and Gladys Ling re
turned home last Friday from Au
rora and other points where they had
been visiting relatives and friends for
a while. They were accompanied b>
their cousins. The Misses Margaret
Ling of Kenesaw and Florence Smi
ley of Hastings, who will visit here
for a while.
The wheat meetings held by the
Sherman County Defense Counsil
throughout the county last Tuesday
were attended by large sized crowds
at Litchfield. Hazard. Rockville ana
Ashton while at Loup City r.o meet
ing was heid because no on" attended
It is a pity that a meeting of such im
portanee would be totally ignored
by the farmers in this vicinity.
Peking. China. Aug. 1.—(By Mail).
Hark! ye diners of palatial hotels and
travelers of leisure. Hark! and list to
a tale of faraway Cliina. the land of
mystery, which incidentally revolution
izes the much touted "high cost of liv.
ing." Again the U. S. Marines are
heard from but this time in regards
fo "eats!” Let it be suffice to say that
they are living good for eggs are now
selling there for thirty cents a han
State Bank Deposits
State bank deposits in Nebraska have been increasing more than
$5.000,000,000 per month, and are now over $00,000,000,000 in excess
of a year ago.
This is specific evidence of the well warranted confidence placed
in STATE BANKS by the people of the State of Nebraska. The reason:
Deposits in State Banks are protected under the state laws of N'ebras
ka. Deposit your money in this STATE BANK
Implements, Hardware, Farm Seeds. Machine Oils. Windmills, Pumps, Piprs
Plumbing and Heating a Specialty
- — —
The Agricultural College of Nebraska shows corn fod
j . der cut and cured at right time carried 012 per cent fat
or as much nutrient as prairie hay. sorghum or millet,
almost as much feed value as alfalfa hay. You can sell
your alfalfa hay from $14.00 to $1(5.00 per ton, prairie hay
$N00 to $12.00. 1 would advise cutting your coni fodder |
and save your hay.
Having bought several Peering corn binders early, can
save you $10.00 to $lJj.OO by placing your order now. it
is the only binder made that will cut and bind all sizes of
corn, (’an see samples at my store.
Can furnish you with two and four rolls shredders that
will shuck and shred your corn that a six and eight horse
power gas engine will run.
0. 5. MASON
------- III
Electrified Homes
Electricity is now fast superceding old methods in
many departments of the home. The modern home—the
COMFORTABLE home—now has
Electric Heaters
Electric Irons
Electric Lights
and many other labor saving and cost saving appliances.
It is the ideal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure.
You are losing half the enjoyment of life if your home is
not electricified. Let us wire your house for lights.
We handle the Almo Lighting systems for farm homes.
Call and let us explain them to you.
CLEVELAND — Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th — BUFFALO
Le»re Cletiuso - 8:00 P. il. i Cshtkal j Lost* Breriixj - 8:00 P. M. 'I
Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 A. M. \ Standard Tim* < Arrive Clkvkland 6:30 A. M. *
Connection* at Buffalo for Niagara Falls and all Eastern and Canadian points. Railroad
tickets reading between Cleveland and buffalo are good for transportation on our
steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. A B. Line. kew TourUt Automobile
Mate — to.QQ hound Trip, with days return limit, for cars not exceeding 127 in. wheel base.
f Beautifully colored sectional puzzle chart of The Great Ship “ Sbeandbee ” sent on
receipt of five cents. Also for onr la-page pictorial and descriptive booklet free.
The Cleveland & Buffalo
Transit Company
j Cleveland. Okie