The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 02, 1917, Image 4

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    Wherever you 00,’ TAKE AN ANSCO CAMERA WITH YOU
Entered at the I-oup City 1’03 toff ice
for transmission through the
malls as secoud class matter.
Every subscription is regarded as an
jprc account. The tines of subscribers
I* moved from our mail
li.g list St : e evplt ' 'll of time paid for.
U publishers shat! i*e notified, otherwise
trie subscription will remain in force at
tie des.sualrd subscription nice. Every
a.:i>*-nber i: _st understand that these
conditions arc made a part of the oon
tra-t between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertisement*;. 15 cents per
inch, for annual and six months con
tract. 20 ceute per inch for irregular
and occasional advertisers. 2*2 cents
per inch discount where plates are
tarnished. Local notices. 10 cents per
Lae. each insertion. Black face locals.
15 cents per line, each insertion. Read
li.g notices, over 25 lines. 25 cents per
inch Minimum charge for local 20
• cuts per week Xo display ad run
(or less than $1.00.
Resolved That because of the kind
tie,* of Mr. Jenner in granting the
Woman'* I'nity Club of Loup City
the prnlb-re of holding their Library
da' imfnn in his park, the mem
bers at the dub wish to extend tc
him their heartfelt thanks
Resolved. In behalf of the Ladies
Tatty Club of l^oup City thanks is
extended to the members of the Ar
radia an-i Loup City ball clubs fot
their kindness in assisting in the pro
gram on library day
Ax*-| Hendrickson visited with Mar
tin Lindall last Sunday
“Ss-ad" Kemptieid rtf Arcadia is work
in* f«r Arnold Johnson.
Mr- Archie Purvine visited at Frank
McCarvel’* place on Friday
Mis* Le»ma Hail visited la-; week
at the home of her uncle. J. 1». Burns
Wilford Anderson ami Ed Welty vis
Bed at Vincent Fagen's place on last
Gietih and Hazel Burns visited with
the Kay Smith family on Clear ('reek
Last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs u. p. McClary and fant
By visited at A E. Sear's place ner>i
I'umsluck r»n Sunday.
Mr and Mrs John Nordstrom. Mrs
Cecilia Malm and Alfred Malm visitec
in I»ry Valley last Sunday
J W Itarrow and son. Vaughn, ane
Mr and Mrs G W Anderson were
lamp City v. si tors on Monday.
Helen and Leonard Lindall returner
tn»tu St Paul last Saturday, when
they have been attending college.
Hayden Burn* and John Anders,a
attended a dan, e on Clear Creek Iasi
Saturday night and report a tine *ime
Alhin. Willie. Edith .Marie and Betti
Malm and Han- Peterson visited at G
W Anderson's place Sunday afternoon
Oscar Jewell. Oscar Olsen. Lewi:
Summers and ISiwning Charlton wer<
one of the first drawn in the first draft
The two former will no doubt be ex
• mpt as they both have families but i
i» not likely that the two latter wi!
even r latm exemption.
Bring Me Your Poultry.
I am (eying the highest cash prici
for poultry of all kinds.
Fias envelopes at 10 cents per dozet
at The Northwestern office.
Daily cell* for leas.
E < - it hound t<> he high and coal scarce this fall, =
5 lay in your 'apply NOW. =
Our w ished niggerhead nut the best cook stove coal =
£ in town. E
E Hard eoal practically out of the market. jj
E I seCOKKtii. Ideal Fuel cheaper and more economical =
S than hard coal. E
= Both furnace and hasehumer sizes. j
E |»,.a Coal, Canon City. Boutt County lump and nut. =
s Phone t>7. =
The communion of the Lord’s sup
per will be observed Sunday morning
at 10:30 and hope every member of
the church, both young and old. will
endeavor to be present. This is one
service you should not miss. If there
are any who wish to unite with the
church they will please meet the ses
-ion at 10:00 o'clock at the church
or any parents who wish to dedicate
their children to the Lord in baptism
it this service will please notify the
The subject for Christian Kndeavot
at 7:00 o'clock will be: “How Men
Cheat Themselves." B G Travis is the
The pastor will preach at the union
service which will be held again on
the court house lawn Sunday evening
at 8:00 o'clock The subject will be: "A
Question of Serious Consequences.’
Hus is a delightful place to hold ser
vices, and there should be a large audi
■nee at each of these services.
Th subject for our prayer meeting
during the month of August will be.
Trees Hills — Mountains — Rivers'
•aking them in the order in whicl
they are named These meetings wil
be held in the basement where it it
•ool. so come even if it is hot.
The parsonage folks feel very thank
ful to Mrs. Howard Smith for two bit
buckets full of fine cherries After try
ing in various places to buy cherries ii
.vjs a pleasant surprise to have hei
phone in and offer to give them away
Mrs. Romeo Conger and Miss Ade
; line Leininger sang "The Old Foun
tain" as a duet last Sunday morning
It just suited us. At the same service
we baptised Fern Evelyn Gross, tht
infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. J
Gross. Any time parents desire to have
hildren baptised if they will brinj
•hem and let us know before serviet
■egins we will be glad to at t ommodait
hem. The \V H. M. S. meets this Fri
lay afternoon at the home of Mrs. H
R. H. Williams.
Tiie pastor is enjoying a trip to Kan
sus City this week with H. R. H. Wil
liams. in his auto. He will be awa>
over Sunday. Miss Adeline Leiningei
will have charge of the morning ser
vice next Sunday at 10:30. She will di
rect a musical program entitled “A
Morning With <Bix Familiar Hymns.'
>'iu will find the service helpful. Brill}
your friends and fill the church. Sun
lav St hool at 11:45 superintended In
Albert Johnson. Kpworth League at '
/clock led by Miss Florence Leininger
1'nil'll meeting on the court house lawi
at o'clock with sermon by Rev. Eliii
\1 Steen. You will enjoy the open aii
meeting. Rev. Ounn will preach at Wig
gle Creek Sunday at 3:30. He will havt
a good message.
We are glad to announce that tht
auditorium of the church will be it
readiness for our Sunday morning ser
vice, anti Sunday School. Every men
her of the church should be glad ant
tie found at the post of duty, at tin
first service held in our newly con
strutted house of worship The nev
basement is not quite complete. Le
us remember tha the Grand Island As
<ot iation meets with us Aug. 27-28-29.
Cnion service of the churches wil
be held in tiie court house square ot
next Sunday evening. Rev. Steen, pas
tor of the Presbyterian church wil
preach. Everybody that can be presen
at this service. Those who have auto
mobiles, deny yourself the pleasure o
riding about for one hour, by lining ui
around the square anti hear Brothel
Steen's sermon.
B. Y. P. C. will meet at the churcl
at 7 o'clock sharp, where half an hou
will be given to bible study, etc.
On account of inability to get tht
church in readiness for Sunday morn
ing. we will hold our morning sevict
again in the opera house.
Washington, August 1.—Too man;
cooks spoil the broth they say, bu
Cncle Sam's Marines can't get tot
many cooks for their little mess ovei
l seas. Word has gone out that the C
S. Marines need cooks There's extr:
money in the job and there will pro
i ably he hundreds of applicants.
j Choice Corn Fad Beeves Studh
j; Grass Cattle 10-25c Lower
Rather Liberal Receipts of Sheep and
Lambs and a Rather Slow Trade__
Fat Lambs Were Lower, the Best
Going at $15.00 While Feeder
Lambs Were Steady the Best Bring*
I ing $15.25.
Uuiou Sauck Yards, South Omaha,
Nebraska. July 31, 1917. Cattle re*
; ceipts Monday were rather liberal,
about 8.700 head, the bulk of the sup
ply being grass stock. Corn fed beeves
1 were scarce and steady, as high as
j $13.70 being i**tid. Grass cattle went
i Blow and 10@23e lower and so were
: the cows and heifers. Rest grass
j.beeves brought $11 .NO. Trade in stock*
I ers and feeders was badly demoral
! ized on account of the possible dam
age to the corn crop by the hot winds
of Saturday and Sunday. Prices were
! 20 @ 50c off.
; Quotations on cattle: Good to
choice beeves. $12.50® 13.70; fuir to
• good beeves, $11.50® 12.50; common
to fair beeves, $0.50® 11.00; good to
choice yearlings, $12.50® 13.50; fair
to good yearling*. $11.50@12.50; com
mon to fair yearlings. $0.00@11.00;
good to choice grass beeves. $H>.00@
11.50: fair to good grass steers. $8.00
@9.50; common to fair grass steers,
•$(>.00@7.75: good to choice heifers,
$9.00@ 10.00; good to choice cows.
$8.00® 9.00; fair to good cows, $7.00
@7.75; canuers and cutters, $5.00®
7.00; veal calves. S9.00@13.00; beef
bulls. $; bologna bulls. $6.00
I @8.00; good to choice feeders, $8.00
@9.00: fair to good feeders, $7.00®
7.75; good to choice Stockers. $7.50®
8.50; fair to good Stockers. S7.00®
7.50; common to fair grades. $6.00®
6.75; stock heifers. $G.00@ 6.75; stoek
ep'.vs, $5.50® 7.00; stock calves, $6.50
A pretty good Monday’s run of hogs
showed up. 8.000 lead, and there was
a good demand for them from both
packers and shippers. Best hogs were
about a nickel higher and packing
grades mostly steady. Tops brought
$15.65. as against $15.40 last Monday,
and the bulk of the trading was
nrouud $14.5*> H 14.85. as against $14.45
@14.80 a week ago.
There was a very fair run of sheep
ami Iambs, 9.000 head, and the re
ceipts ran very largely to lambs. De
mand was good, but packers wanted
to buy the fat stock lower and it sold
about a quarter off. Feeder grades
sold higher than fat stock, the best
fat stock bringing $15 ami best feeder
li'abs going at $15.25.
Quotations on sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice. $15.00® 15.25;
lambs, fair to good. $14.75® 15.00;
lambs, culls. $1o.ih>@14.75; lambs,
feeders. $14.25'?? 15.30; yearlings, fair
to choice. $9.50® 10.75: yearlings,
feeders. $ 10.5O@ 11.75: wethers, fair
to choice. $9.oo@ 10.25; ewes, fair to
i choice. $8.50@!).39; ewes, culls and
feeders. $5.00ft 7.5o; ewes, breeders^
Oil ages, $S.50@15.oo.
State of Nebraska. Sherman County.
, In the County Court.
, In the matter of the estate of William
H. Hughes, deceased,
i To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court room in Loup
City in said County, on the 5th day
, of December. 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said Es
tate is the 5th day of December, A. I>.
. 1917 and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from the
28th day of July, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal ot
said County Court, this 28th day ot
July, 1917. 33-4
, County Judge.
Hughes Establishment)
To Whom It May Concern:
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the north
west corner of Section 9-13-16, in
Sherman County, Nebraska, and run
ning thence east on the section line
between sections 4 and 9 one-half mile
and there terminating, has reported
in favor of the establishment thereof,
and all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be filed in the
County Clerk’s office on or before
noon of the 13th day of October, A.
D. 1917 or such road will be estab
lished without reference thereto.
Dated this 31st day of July, 1917
County Clerk.
33-4 By S. H. RICHMOND.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
at the post office at Loup City, Ne
braska for the month ending July 31,
Ladies—Mrs. E. J. Dunn. Miss Mary
Gentlemen—Walter May. Henry W.
Wright, C. N. Smith
Persons claiming any of the above
will please say “Advertised” and give
date of this list.
C. P. Beushausen. P. M.
Hii-iun A1U1FU. WHO ivmiur i i
You can buy Bell telephone
stock or bonds through your
local bank.
Bell telephone securities
are considered a conserva
tive investment because they
pay a reasonable return and
are not "watered.”
Bell telephone securities
are fully protected by physi
! cal property in excess of all
nut standing utilisations.
There are more than TO.dOO
men and women in this and
other states who own Bell
' telephone stock.
In addition to these. 4”.0tX>
Bell employees have invested
their savings in Boll tele
phone securities.
Sealed bids will be received up t
and until nine o’clock a. m. of the 1st
day of August. 1917. at the office c
the County Clerk of Sherman Count;
Nebraska, for the furnishing of a
materials and labor, except haulin
materials, for the construction on th
Sherman County poor farm, describe
as the East Half of Section Thirty-fiv<
Township Sixteen. Range Fifteen, i
Sherman County. Nebraska, of a fram
hog house with concrete floor, siz
20x48 feet, finished complete, accorc
ing to the plans and specifications o
file in the office of the said Count
Clerk. A bond in the sum of $500.0
with approved sureties will be requi:
ed of the successful bidder. Buildin
to be finished complete by Novemhe
1, 1917. The board reserves the rigli
to reject any or all bids.
By \V. O. BROWN. Chairmat
32-3 ti. L. B. POLSKI.
County Clerl
The Fullerton Chautauqua Associatio
Invite you to attend their ISth at
nual session at Chautauqua Park. Fu
lerton. Nebraska, August 9th to 19t
inclusive. The Chautauqua gives Fullei
ton credit for having “the best balam
ed and strngest program in the west.
Eleven days of enjoyment in an ides
summer resort.
Chautauqua Park—the famous Bui
falo Leap witli 90 acres of ground no\
owned by the association. Every da\
See managers if you desire a perms
nent cottage site or tent site.
Season tickets if purchased befor
Aug. 1. $2.00.
Season tickets after August 1. $2.2
and $2.50
Season tickets for children $1.00.
All day admission, adults. 40 cents
children. 15 cents.
Grounds and driveways lighted b;
electricity. Automobiles carefuly pari
ed and guarded. Write for 1917 prc
E. B. PENNEY. Pres.
State of Nebraska. Sherman Conntj
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Bet
Nelson, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I wil
sit at the County Court room in Lou]
City, in said County, on the 7th da:
of December. 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against sdid Es'
tate, with a view to their adjustmen
and allowance. The time limited fo
the presentation of claims aaginst sai<
Estate is the 7th day of December
A. D. 1917, and the time limited fo
payment of debts is one year fron
the 30th day of July, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal o
said County Court, this 30th day o
July. 1917. 33
County Judge
house and six lots. Also six lots ii
cherry and plum trees. A tract of 4^
acres of land and other tract of 3Vj
acres all in alfalfa and fenced chicker
tight.—Alfred Anderson.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
uc MU.It'Vt U1 MCOiiUK ww «•• •••*!*«%• •
Slate of Nebraska, Sherman Coun
ty, S3.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Arehi |
bald J. Kearns, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court Room in Loup
City, in said County, on the 24tli day
of November, 1917 to receive and ex
amine all claims against said Estate,
with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
Estate is the 24th day of November.
A. D., 1917 .and the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from the
20th day of July, 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, this 25th day of
July. 1917. 32-4
County Judge
State of Nebraska. Sherman Coun- i
tv, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of Gull- j
nel Olsen, deceased.
To The Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notified. That I will
sit at the County Court Room in Loup j
City in said County, on the 26th day |
of November. 1917 to receive and ex-1
amine all claims against said Estate, j
I with a view to their adjustment and al j
lowance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said Es
tate is the 26th day of November, A.;
n. 1917, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from the!
12th day of July. 1917.
Witness my hand and the seal oC
said County Court, this 25th day of
July, 1917.
32-4 County Judge.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a public road commencing at a
point S12 deg. 30 min. W 1.42 chains
of station Xo. IT of Coming’s survey
of road 15T and running thence S 12
deg. 30 min. W. 7.07 chains and term
inating at road on east side of irri
gation ditch has reported in favor of
its establishment therefore all chains
= for damages or objections thereto;
| must be filed in the office of the Coun '
tv Clerk on or before noon of the 11th
11 day of October A. D. 1917 or such road
* will be established without reference
* | thereto.
'•! Dated this 16th dav of July A. D.
1 1917 ' 31-4
l (SEAL) L. B. POLSK1.
. County Clerk..
e To All Whom it May Concern:—
e I The commissioner appointed to lo
1- cate a road commencing at northwest
i corner of section 15 and southwest cor
y ner of section 10-15-13 and running
0 thence on section line miles and
... terminating at the southwest corner of
j1 the southeast quarter of section 11 and
r the northwest corner of the northeast
t quarter of section 14-15-13 has reported
{in favor of the establishment thereof.
| Therefore all claims for damages or
: i objections thereto must be filed in the
office of the County Clerk on or before
L : noon of the 11th day of October, A. D
! 1917 or said road will be established
Without reference thereto. 30-4
L. B. POLSKI, County Clerk.
1! -
• To all whom it may concern:
i The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a public road commencing at SW
• corner of section 4-16-13 Sherman
County, Nebraska, and running thence
1 due north between sections 4 and 5
to the N\V corner of section 4 and
there terminating has reported in fa
! vor of its establishment therefore all
claims for damages or objection there
- to must be filed in the office of the
County Clerk on or before noon of the
; 11th day of October A. D. 1917 or sucn
road will be established without ref
j erence thereto.
Dated this 16th day of July A P
1917. 31-4
County Clerk
t _
George Tack
No male quartet has a
i more versatile and tab
ented member than this
young man, who comes
with National Quartet
... __
Oil our Lines West, in Nebraska, Colorado, W y. ng '• n
Montana, there are thousands of acres of prairie L \ Hint
should lie cultivated. If you want to
BUY—I will post you on correct prices.
KENT—1 will help you to get best terms.
HOMESTEAD-—I’ll tell you where best selectioi
My services are free to you. Drop me a postal card for an; <
the following free literature.
■'There's a Farm for You in Colorado.”
"Go to Southwestern Nebraska.”
“Cheyenne County, Nebraska."
“Box Butte, County. Nebraska.”
“The Wheatland Colony.” (Wyoming).
"The North Platte Valley.” (Nebr.-Wyo.)
"The Big Horn Basin.” (Wyoming).
"Free Government Lands.” (Wyoming.)
Tell me what you want, the kind of land you need and :
it for you.
1004 Famam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
manufacturers of
JACOB RITZ, Rockville, Nebr. I
When looking for a good lunch or short order
drop in at the
We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten
tion given to all special orders.
Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin !• 1
cakes. In stock at all times.
GAN a man of simple and
inherited tastes, born and
raised in the country, in the
solitude of the hills, with no desire
for the cities and crowded places of
the world, with no longing to mingle
with his fellow men or to absorb
their conventional vices and virtues,
understand the call which prompts
men and women to work out their
destinies in the melting pots of the
world — to strive for the things
which the multitude seeks? .
The Hillman
iihiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiihiiiiiihiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiii mi
is a remarkable romance of a young
man of agricultural inclinations and
desires who is swept into the mad
maelstrom of a metropolis through
love of a beautiful woman. You
will not be content until you know
how this master of story-telling has
worked out a most umasual plot.
It’s Interesting \
All the Way t
Our New Serial! Watch for the
Issue With the First Installment!