| ■ __LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. AUGUST 2. 1917_ XTMBER 33 - * r Cl Ti >EWS >OTES ta 'B'* aw Mi At L TB****™ » *** v :i -mL ■, ipiM a ?«*■ (la** * trt tMBU »■ Si, * **! mi-- r-*:'Hf Tn*. .,i„« "f *" »' a (ft lilt 11 Of <1 Mottd. ratarbMc W«4 ■ »* *>«-?. u# t: * ' 11 nail "■ iisi*" r-t.n. S' - Ft-*adaF (wad & f-a 'da»"» *- .i. I" aaai B«tM tw S' MV • - niom '.t ■ vtait u » 4a** antu "rimsH’r* »! ■ V Qf w aiiiii n»yc! --,j*a waati I li»i !<§ Citf MoimU* to -■it * *"*•»" 4a* vi-ttMlE • • If. i» wi.- m fsaat'Bow.d ' ' 4 lulu. M'MMIB'* ttvilifc f ** a i«h a itk rata w* H. fr » i *-'* *t pfffail i . *. I a* ITmitil I-.land. tt O Mr "*u ..ii* '.. ■» . „ * .. till ■ • MifcO .tUUal* L. <7fi " < ..if <41 »t»»M th- day ... -■ l -' P- . ' r* 'urtt a» '*» i" ,%* a ii*- hi* Ti.-" Ml**'*- l*i* afid Hilda Sit***. 1. ll«»' M'<94R«mMF ** KIMftHt ... !.-» ill.-* *" ■ 31* with Irlmaia A U Htiti’ *r:'arti*4 tu«M* Wpint - ■Js« fruaa ta* ««. N*r* part ««f t!wi» > »:•■ a Mfa Mr Bad M«f, «* BaaiM’** M:»* ! .-"a -'*rr ?• .rt Boat' rwi»* Man k«■».*»#■*. wm** •*» tat " .aft ti- ■ »i ■ 4 tMr |ta*l i*»A .■?» 3H tijMiiwa*. • '" it !«*** v t> iMMt SatCbriap *ims re- £**d*f vs*; tan wstts tfc# lotit, Mr* CMfwr liaMAs-w and ikMm -r—d • :...«* ■ Sam-et wt tw*4* ♦ •wilii* aftar * wait lw * :k -wlam Min - t,iii* RattlmA. Mb* b*» barn l r» rt ;Umi «. *, Sum Mrda €M r’W -d bUff. b'4»a t» tiUHl t aMd T<***«Mn» » .a r ,i* r» jbm b> »ii «u .mflBK Okina mttmrr -k* '4fc‘ ««. u ftttt bar Mr*. Mr* Carl li-tiw rafiirrrad t«* bar ‘ «*»» at It«! S*»T#rd»T attar * *.« tv-fa «M* bar Mr. im Mr* M" o Bnm dr* Jk-i-i IU>a ■**-- r*‘*Mruad to » as tin- kwlltr iaat Fn4ar at MHat 4*"'*. MM baa* wttji bat • ,s/birr Mi*- '-end T \ R: Ji« . tlw ba* h«tt fear* . » ■*: tar n* T A ttupr. ana fwfwrs.-ac u- t...t-r bi-Btr it Frank 14 " iM-wda* Mvmitr ' • Theda Hein -The Eternal - liuue Saturday. M t\ , . .am - was an east E;> —t.r-r to Omaha. Wednes :,-r nether. who is m the u R s Ryan arrived her* ' *" “ ever ;.t from Orange - -I. 1 .r a visit with their son 1 H Hya: and family J f X. >s#u and daughiei -n.e last Saturday evening ** Kearney wnere she has been ..♦tending summer s'hooL .Vla-u-L. -et Ronnenfeldt. who - .. !.♦ f vi-ititig at the Fete: • • : I: • -eturtied to her home in ijtand Island last Friday. ' - 1 •••;-e Ii. jw w to-turned home Satur-iar evening from Kearney. • has le-en attending State N >nnal and tawing niusit S F Reyi dds returned burnt >a*u**i:t\ from Clueagti and other - ol interest where sin 1" • 'he pa t two weeks vis.ting ' v i:n relative*. arne Am k returned home! ••n.ng from Grand lslaim -he !:a- been ''or some time ni.i w ;b her sister .Mrs Anhui •inat l family set. ...... 1 ■ 1 R ed * a- i : • based the Inti-* ’-•■-•a-' asO.i possession Hie iin-i. .. Mr Mau.- wl,o ho t! • • • •■■■ gu-fig- will give ui», ti 'iition i" 'lit- sale of auto. Bit tlule*. o I. Swanson ha- received a candy) •eft.i ra’or cn-e ant! now his hot wea-; ■ . i : ' r '.it',-- a • •• over. He now t ■!v :: good condition dui ’ ••v tio not w .•attic and also please' . * i # " itfri om*r» \ 'or 1 .1 •!.:.. : of I * Nib .. - . • ; t»-,! » ;n - it ■: in O 1. Swan -■ time store anil has begun hts ■ • 'in;.' V. John-ou is a regis ■ i j»fearni*« ■«* and is a graduate of. Sect Ka Sta’e In versitv in lha' department I*: O K l* t.ca tv h*> received hb 0.8, - >: with the midi Of Brel pec* Sena®* will report #! Port Riley.1 -a- th<- e t of \mrust l»r l.c-nr r. »;'! probably In «KKitl| the vet' -'t • ct > t.» P-an • as hi' prey mu* - ■ ratal:*.- n ik. > hint a \. v»; sable mast in the wnhe • tv. "*c. nr • a po, vktbo Ik »rr«..t ttc Severn! dollars SB halts ’ey st-.-din even11 c and on Thitr-.lci' - ■ c ;!. •b.'hI 'he Northwestern to n.,i • id ad in Us* ;»aj at Jenner's Park Tues was : •: pa trot-, red as well as it have b«-en but a fair si*o ;-h •.-••'sons is wn below. They win report at the office of this Local Board for physical examination on the 7th. 8th and 9th day of August. 1917. at u o’clock a. at. Any el; .m for exemption or discharge must :*e made in fo-m - which may t v procured, or the form of which may be copied at the office of the Local Board, and must be filed at the office of this Local Board ox or before the seventh day after the date of posting of this notice. ^ our atteneion is called to the penalties for violation or evasion of the Sei, tive Service Law approved May 18. 1917. and of the Rul •> and Regula tions which may lie consulted at this office. The following are to report on the 7th day of August. v.i!(ier o Serial No Name Address. 1 * 258 Ernest David Bauman. Loup City, Neb. 458 Benjamin Krakowski, Ashton. Neb. • 83 Rudolph Zeller. Boelus. Nebr. 35 • Vincent Grabowski, Austin. Nebr. <6 Clarence Peter Jacobson, Litchfield. Nebr. 2'5 Edgar Brownson Foster, Loup City. Nebr. •’"9 Horace J. Eastabrooks, Litchfield, Nebr. ’04 Elias Howe Butler. Litchfield, Nebr. Merritt Everest Plantz. Litchfield. Neb: ; 536 Eddie Obermiller, Loup City, Nebr. ;'4S Frank F. Sherman. Rockville, Neb. 12 126 Oscar Edward Jewell, Arcadia, Nebr. • 84 Albert William Zeller, Boelus, Nebr. 14 • Edward Kutieka. Ravenna Nebr. 15 107 Fred Clarence Travis, Loup City, Nebr. j 616 John N. White, Litchfield, Nebr. Frank Homa. Ashton. Nebr. 5 George Eugene Stine, Ravenna. Nebr. j >4:-u Albert Siebler, Boelus. Nebr 1 o2 John Casper Meyers, Litchfield. Nebr. 21 6oo Troy Sheehan. Litchfield, Nebr. 22 >o. Vernon R. Eastabrook. Litchfield. Nebr. 2; 300 Stephen Elba Smalley. Loup City, Nebr. 24 ■• Charles Frederick Carstens. Ashton, Neb. 25 604 Orville R. Stine. Litchfield. Nebr. 26 43 Henry Peter Christensen, Loup City, Neb. 27 430 Peter T. Zochol, Ashton. Nebr. 28 514 Benjamin B- Grice, Litchfieid, Nebr. 20 453 Magnus J. C. Christensen, Rockville, Neb. 10 Stanley S. Jonak, Ashton, Nebr 51 487 Fred Schmidt, Ashton, Nebr. 52 140 Louis Martin Summers, Arcadia, Nebr. 433 James Harvey Bowen, Rockville, Nebr. 34 IS Alexandria Lewandowski, Ashton, Nebr 35 653 Roy Edgar Stephens, Litchfield. Nebr. 56 730 Emil Holub. Ravenna, Nebr. 601 John Sehierling, Litchfield, Nebr. 58 600 Charles Oscar Troy, Eitchtieid. Nebr 183 Roy H. Conger, Loup City, Nebr 4o 513 Harry A. Fletcher. Loup City, Nebr. The fullow.ng are to report on the 8th day of August 41 Harry Nelson Fisher l.oup City; 42 John Joe Dzingle. Loup City; 431 D..iu«i Downing Charlton, Arcadia. Neb.; 44 Lauriis Sorenson, Litchfield,; N< ‘ . an n Kwapniowski. Ashton; 4*'. Stephen Puuvk, l.oup City; 47 j Ke\ John 11eiie' .Schbcpiek. Kaveuna; 48 Leo Ccimer, Rock\ ie; 49 Ewalt I k au Litchtic d; bo Chaties John. Loup City; 51 Edward Kostal. Ravenna; Nicholas Ta ot 1 etcher, Austin; 53 Eward Hurt. Ashton; 54 Elmc; Retsu •: l.itrh a .;. Emmett Marion McLaughlin, Loup t sty; bo Be ; E. Snv-j . Loup Cite; o7 Hob Loyd Deters, Ashton; oS Willie Waiter Johnson, i • oilwater; bo Chris l-arsen. Loup City; 60 Raymond Gee gv Cunningham. ■ Neb ; 61 John J, l vwandow-ki, Ashton; 62 r ail H Jensen. R.vkviHe; Benedict S Hadura. Ashton; 64 Feivlinandt \\ Kuhi, Loup City; 65 Clair; . 'tram Ro:-er;>. Hazard; 66 Chris Raumam Loup t ?y; 6 j,,*, Emus ' ianoy, Litchfield; 68 Mas C. Stark, l.oup City. «h» Andy Glee Kngleman. tehfi* <1: <■ Anton Sonnenfeld. Ashton; 71 W am Sty .er. Raw sia; 72 Lome Oscai Johnson. Sweetwater; 73 Ferdinand Jehnek, R, venna; 74 Ole J, Hansen. Loup City; 75 Anton S. Larkowski. Rockville; 76 Wa .or Cadwaia .let. Hazard; 77 Earl A Keeler. Loup City; 78 Ray Menu is, Litchfield; 79 Alex Dzingle. Ashton; 80 Arthur John Strom. Rockville. The following are to report on the 9th day of August 81 Harry William Hodgson, Loup City; 82 John E. Sheehan. Loup City; x't Frank Earl Eastman. Rockville; 84 William Holub. Ravenna; so Guy Ellsworth Mining, Hazard; 86 William Harrison Met une. L tchfeid; 87 Hot - U-rt Dunning. Hazard; 88 Johnnie Christian Christensen, Loup City; 89 Law rence Martin Larson. Hazard; 90 John Allen Gregg. Austin; 91 Thomas Ed ward Taylor. Louisville; 92 Walter Ewalt Koch. Austin; 92 Ignac Kosmicki. Ashton; 94 Edward Stanley Adamski. Ashton; 95 George Nicholas Mushach. Litchfield; 96 Joseph Bednach. Ashton: 97 George William Eagleman. Litch field; 9> Steve E. Slobaszewski. Rockville; 99 Tobias Christian Re; ertson. Hazard; 100 Joseph Placek. Loup City; 101 Leon R. Beza. Ashton; 102 Joel Hayden Burns. Arcadia; 103 Marion Charles Lane. Arcadia; 104 Hans Olufsen Krichau. Hazard; 105 Alexander Kuszak. Ashton; 106 Frank A. Garstka. Ashton; 107 Anton Fridrich. Ashton; 108 John Olney Bow^n, Rockville; 109 Edward Lee Chapman. Hazard; 110 Lee Czarnek. Loup City; 111 Carl Fred erick William Mickow. Austin; 112 Carl Frederick Stamm. l.oup City; 113 Vau! Ambrose. Litchfield; 114 Dwight Harrison Chamberlin. Loup City; 115 Edgar Marion Houtbey, North Loup; 116 Frank Bachkora. Ravenna: 117 Charlie Schroll. Ashton; 118 Charles Otto Olson. Loup City; 119 Ignatz Jos eph Kulkowski. Ashton; 120 George Washington Skochdopole. Ravenna. L. A WILLIAMS. Chairman. WARREN T. CHASE. Clerk. married. On Sunday evening. July 2S. Henry Schuman. of Glenrock. Wyo.. and Miss Hazel Winkleman of Loup City, were united in marriage at the Presbyterian church manse. Rev. E. M. Steen saying the words that united them for life. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schuman are well and favorably known by almost etery one in Loup City and vicinity and congratulations are extended by all. They departed for Glenrock. W yo.. on ] the Monday morning train and pulled off a surprise on their many friends who were at the trains to see them de part by going to Rockville in an auto and boarding the train there. However, the ones who were fooled so nicely decorated the train in good shape witli banners and plenty of rice scattered and fixed up a seat and gave the train men instructions to escort the newly weds to that seat when they boarded the train at Rockville Mr. and Mrs. Schuman will make their home on Mr. Schumans home stead near Glenrock. Wyoming. monument to our heroes. a beautiful monument has been niaced in Evergreem cemetery' in me morium of the soldier heroes of 1S61- j 5. The monument, stands about ten I feet high and a bronze eagle, with wings spread, adorns the top. The eagle is forty inches from tip to tip. The money to purchase this monu ment was raised by popular subscrip tion and ali doners and the amounts given will be published in the Loup City newspapers in the near future. • The monument was purchased from the Pesch Monument Co., of Central City and the work on the monument | was done by Mr. Palmer their sales ! man. who is an expert in that line. I The monument is made from what I is called berry granite and is a tit ting and silent tribute to the brave j boys of 1861-65. who have gone to their reward. The bam on Wm. Lewandowski's farm ten miles northeast of Loup City was completely destroyed by fire last Saturday afternoon. It is believed that the fire as caused by spontaneous combustion in alfalfa that had heated. The farm is occupied by Charles Pet erson. who lost a large quantity of alfalfa, com. oats and some harness and farm machinery in the fire. - .- -- »iciu close t RED CROSS WAR FUND. a« know h-aced .<* \Y G Tucker_ 1*.<* Frink Pgpeiemik . 5j Har.' M Ohermiller_ M* J H W«Ht__ Km* Ed Flynr _ H*Ab Louis Fain_ MU* Am oa K esm ki ... 1 (t.(* John Pioutkowski . Mm* Frr.r.k Rossa _;__ 1()M Exn Aafrecbt . Mm* John Chilewski . Mm* Joseph Gasbala . 5.0b Herman Fiebig . 5.0b Phil!;- Grabovski . 5.00 Mike Mendyk . 5.0b W. Palu .. 5.00 Joseph Golus . 5.00 J. J. Golus .r. 5.00 Detlef Peterson . 5 00 OPERA HOUSE Program Commencing Thursday. Aug. 2. THURSDAY Pathe presents Florence Lebadie in "Her Life and His" Gold Rooster Play in Five Parts SATURDAY. AUG 4 VYiliiam Fox Presents Theda Bara in. "Tiie Eternal Sopho" A virile photodrama of the soul stag ed by Bertram Bracken. TUESDAY. AUG. 7. Frank Powell Presents motherhood, a story of Woman—W ar--Love Featuring he famous Marjorie Ram beau, celebrated star. NOTICE. All 1910 personal taxes not paid by the 15th of August. 1917. will be col lected by distress warrants. Come in and save costs. 32-2 D. C. GROW. Co. Treas HOUSE FOR RENT. I have a small house v.ith five lots for rent at $6.00 per month.—R. H. Mathew. 25 tf THE HONOR ROLL. Navy Hal Jenner Fremont Cowling (Ferdie) Emil J. Schoening Earl Miller Regular Army (Bnjj) uasjeT jsojjoj Guy Martin John Janulewicz (Caleb) Frank Janulewicz Fifth Nebraska Company M Joseph C Prichard (Cash) Harold Hancock (Handy) Lelon Lofholm -Swede) Dw ight V\ 'His Dick' Clifford Con (Corporal) Fifth Regimental Band James G ibert (GUI) Co. I W ilium Meryhew (Bill) Charles Gorkin Lloyd Bulger tBung) Medical Reserve Corps Dr, O, E. Longacne Canadian Laneters sure them that as fast as he receives them they will he distributed to the troops. Colonel McCarthy asks the editor to say to the ladies that he is so ex tremely busy in caring for the troops that he simply can not get time in which to answer all of the letters that are reaching him. hut that he is deepl> grateful for all that is being done b\ the women of our country. He trusts they will keep up the good work so nobly begun. From now on w-ristlets as knitted should be sent direct to Colonel McCarthy himself. He request that you address your packages as follows: COL. DANIEL E. MCCARTHY. Chief Q M. American Exp Forces in France, care Depot Q. M., New York City. N. Y. The Depot Quartermaster a: New York will forward them on to Col. McCarthy in France, and they will be distributed among the soldier boys who are fighting our battles. The edi tor hopes the ladies of this community will be generous in their responses. We can not do too much for the sol diers who are doing and giving up so much for us SPECIAL TEACHERS’ EXAMINA TIONS. Special examinations in county and professional subjects, also Elwood's Social Sociology. August 17th and ISth. L. H. CLRR1ER. Co. Supt. SOLDIERS VwSrtaRED \ The la'*it- City V-vs *!•(' srv bicbs ; ->.'!> 'jkjvsxv .V. ..■ Grand Island : samSBed and musterf-d Sale itx -x e V, dr day • - • n.r.c of las: "ek All passed •.!>• ex*nv: cation ex p: In.:. Rowe, and he was j> • :arped because of n:s arm. which was broken, a lew years age Itnf was greatly disappointed ai his fail ure to pass the exaniin;-. .son. Charley May was discharged because of de pendent relatives. Company M w soon leave Grand Island for For; Crook, near Omaha and from then w ill go to For; Doming. Xew Mexico for a few months' training and then ti France Cash Prichard. Dwight Wil hs. Harold Hancock and Lelon Lof holm were home over Sunday, which will probably be their last visit here a- they expert to go to For Crook this week. A LETTER FROM STREMME. New York City. 7-24-17 Hello Old Top:— Well—The navy is the best in tin world now—I like it fine too. but they sure do believe in "Early to bed ami early to rise”—We got ui at 4:30 this a. m.—Awful coffee Mablel Tomorrow we go to Harvard Uni versitv and that is right near Boston I am glad too—We wont be so crowded and will have better quarters and will feel permanently located—If they dont make an electrician of me hert it will be my own fault— The course is good—Address me at W. H. STREMME. , Company 3, C. S. N. Radio School. - Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. FIRE WITHOUT MATCHES. Port Royal, S. C.. Aug. 1:—How to light a fire without matches is an im portant part of the training given to United States Marines at this station The primitive flint and steel, used long ago by our forefathers, and the old "wood friction" method borrowed from the Indians have been revived so that the sea soidiers may dispense with matches when dampness renders them useless. U. S. Marine in the tropics can start a fire almost instant l.v by using a hollow piec e of bamboo This is done by slitting the bamboo stuffing it with dry moss, and drawing a stick to and fro across it as a vio liuist uses his bow These resourceful world-wide soldiers are expecting tc find a substitute for the useful bam boo. in Fram e NE3RASKA PATENTS. Offic ial list of letters patent of 'in vention issued from the United States Patent office at Washington. IV C, it iuhahitants of Nebraska fiw the week ending July 2s. fSRT. as r«i»orteo through the patent off lee of Struges. .v Sntrgess registered patent lawyers Suite SS2 Bee Bids.. Omaha. Neb Tura Bowman Uehling. clothes pin Mattie Rnders, Redhird, eleaner William Kohlmeier, Lyosis self -feed er for alfalfa Theodore R Malm, Loomis. spice j container Frank L Whitney, Lincoln, leaf spring lubricator. Some folks would give anything it they could get rid of constipation. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do the work and no it quick. Take it once a week to be regular, happy an3 his Utrrv. the past week Plow pushers have boyar, to do some thresh t - »fl-k tho past »*eok C■vr.rrt,1 Jaknbov 'ki of Ashton, vis:' e»5 with the Peters family Sunday Ho;.-' By.:,., k has Peer. helping thv Gartska Bros., thresh tho pas: week. F J Mat iejewsk. sold a few loads of hogs to the Ashton n a: kct. Monday Joe Lubash autoed t > Ravenna last Sunday on business, r.-turning home the same day Robert Platek of near Farwell visit ed with his sister. Mrs Stanley No W'cki. Sunday A large crowd of youngsters attended the wedding dance at Rockville last Saturday night. Joe Lubash and Paul Kryski autoed to Loup City Monday to look after buiness matters. A few guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Woiteczv ski last Sunday afternoon. F J. Maciejewshi returned from Omaha last Thursday where he has been with a ear of cattle. Maggie Peters came up from Far well last week where she was called on the illness of her mother. J. W. Peters and son. Adam, and Thos .Lubash. autoed to Loup City on Monday on important, business. J W. Peters and Thos Lubash each sold a few head of cattle to 1 J Kal kowski of Ashton last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bonczvnski and family and Stanley Kuharski autoed to Rockville to visit with Peter Xowicki. We understand tliat Paul Kryski has purchased a large tract of land near Columbus Consideration we were un able to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Palu and family autoed from Davis Creek, in their big Reo and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Bydalek, Sunday. Mrs. Anastasia Kwaxczynki and family front St. Paul autoed up one day last week on account of the sick ness of Mrs. Watham. Plambeek Bros., began threshing last week Any one wishing to have some threshing done call on them and they will be there on time Mrs. Lawrence Peters was taken sick last Thursday with the gait stones. Dr Pearson was called to aid and she is much better now. Mrs Maggie Guczynski and baby ar rived from St Louis. Mo last Thurs day where they were called to the bed side of her mother. Mrs Waltman. who is quite low. A good soaking rain is very badly needed on l>eer Creek and vicinity About two inches will sure make a tine crop hut if no rain comes within ten days the cons will he gone Mr and Mrs Stanley Dymek and Mr, and Mrs Harry Ma« seyew ski au toed to Grand island. Tuesday, where Mr and Mrs. Dymek were called to the b-’dside of Mrs Dymek's brother. Mrs Constance Waltman was called to the Great Beyond last Sunday, She has beer, failing in health for some time Sugar disease was the cause of her death. She leaves to mourn her loss, five sons and three daughters and a host of relatives and friends. The funeral was held Tuesday at the Posen Catholic church conducted b> Father Jasozynski and the remains laid to rest in the Posen cemetery. CHAUTAUQUA LOUP CITY AUGUST 19,20,21,22 and 23 Buy a season ticket and hear every number of the Five Days' Big Programs. Patriotic, Delightful, Programs of Humor, In struction and Inspiration. The Melting Pot. the greatest American drama, bv the New York cast. Dr. Charles A. Pavne, il lustrated lecture. Alton Packard, famous cartoonist anb entertainer. The St. Claire Sisters, the best la dies quartet. The National Quanet, featuring Char les Cox and George Tack. Lawrence Lewis, the famous baritone soloist. Vivian S. Watkins, drama tic interpreter. Mauna-Kea Hawaiians, in their great program of Hawaiian and American music. ■ - - I r — • *•*©< P*1". *n„ j iv fa v»icvi f»u«eiunini ^I private property.