Wherever yZ goTAKE AN ANSCO CAMERA WITH YOU However you go, THE REXALL DRUG STORE LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Entered at thu Loup City I’ostoffice fur transmission through the «—»*»« aa second class matter. FRANK B. HARTMAN. Publisher *1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ftlvwrjr i* r«iE4idrd .*«» an •fan* a« a*Jt The of flffltMNCri iMHBi ■ - • from our mil' i.*t a! J rlpl’ I* *f» of tlflU* t»aid for. If *h»!i ftp itotmrd. oibr: * - c » •♦<•{■, a r« ■ . ».hi BM—M a * • •e Amah • . mA« rfpClMl t ■ • • Eftfl »tttocr.t4r mum u irr»um8 fia Tue UN Tte fn~Saf • i 1 1 t 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 l» 19 20 21 r itr= ;trr~4; - 3j .jfcrdfca — 22 23 24 2 5 26 27 28 > 29 JO 31_ DEER CREEK NUGGETS Josef* Maiefsk: Sr . of Ashton, has We iiiutmt hi* corn here on his farm this Week A few from here attended church •rrrkr at the Aahton Presbyterian • bur- h. Sunday. Uim Maggie Peter* came up from Farwell where *hc i* working, to visit with her mother. Hutir a Isaac eon of lbs kville. repair ed the ca mg well for Harry Mac iejew ski laat Tuesday Mr and Mr* Frank lioticzynski and family autoed n> Ashton to spend the day with relative*.. Harvesting *>n lvcr Creek is in full *m mg at the ptesent and many farmers have a few stacks up A number of friend* and relatives at tended the fun< ral of Mr* Frank War dm at Papins. Mos.dav Ma*< hka Bros . suited to Farwell on last Saturday to famish music for a public danc e held there Mr and Mrs J W 1 Vters arid son and daughter autoed tej Schaupp*. Sun day to visit with relatives WV have learned that Mrs law rente Peter* ha* not rented her farm and will continue farming the 'cKintrv If we have some rain now a bumper crop will be gathered Mis* Agnes Mairfski who is employ ed at the I. C Weaver store at Hock ville visited with home folks over Sun day We understand that John Woitec-zy ski will Wave lleer Creek nest spring and move cm hi- father's farm north of Ashton Ttios I.utca-u had some trouble last Wee. with hr* well He called on the well doc-tors from Rockville aud it is getting along nicely. Ye Scribe is quite short of items this week on a< c mnt of nothing happening just at pre-ent If you know anything piease notify u- a* it will be apprec iat ed User Creek will hold a Red Cross pic no on the Tuny Stobbe place Sun day. July 22. and a dance will be held in the evening The proceeds which will be raised will be turned to the Red Cn**s fund Hua't fail to attend. TIME TO “COME CLEAN." It is tune for every man and woman who lives under the American flag to “come c"lean" The Irishman w ho hale* Kngland more than be loves the I'nited States needs a rejuven >j«n of bis patriotism The citizen of Herman , birth m parentage who wavers for a j mmute in his allegiance to the Stars ; and Stripes because he sympathizes with Hermany. need* to have hammer ! ed into hi.- brains a realization of thei biems-ngs he ha* ie-c-ii privileged to en >» bec ause he is not now a citizen of j Henna tty The man who sneaked out i npon a farm in c*rder to increase his I chances at exc-mp’ion bw registering m* a farmer needs to be the first one grabbed by the recruiting authorities. It is high lime for people of the ^iiiiiimiHniiiiiiiiiPiiiiiiiiitiiiimiiiiimi middle west to wake up to the fact! that we are at war with Germany,I and that the minute any man wavers in his allegiance, that minute he, should he arrested as an enemy. We are not at war with the Ger , many represented by Schiller and Goe the; not at war with the Germany of Ziszt and Beethoven; not at war with the Germany of Sehurz and Altgeld. or the master painter Reubens—we are at war with the Germany represented by the red handed murderers whose order- - aused the murder of Edith Cavcll. slaughtered innocent women and ■ hildren on the Louisitania. caused the violation of ail laws of humanity t>> dropping bombs upon non-com hat ants and resorted to poison gas and poisoned wells. We are at war with the Germany whose monarch, insane with ambition, broke all traditions of national honesty by violating solemn treaties and excusing himself on the ground that treaties are "but scraps of pai>er." We are at war with the Germany that held out to us the hand ■ f pretended friendship yvliile hiring .--.I" ns to stab us in the back: with the Germany that hesitated at no in trigue. hesitated at no diabodical plot in lil w up factories anti murder in • cut men and women. We are not at war with the Germany of art and tnus . tiut with the Germany that vio lated the women of Belgium, emascu lated little Belgian boys by the thous ands an the kidney secretions so much. Almost all the time for about three years. 1 was laid up with mv back. There was a deep-seated pain right in tie- center of my back and i could hardly sleep owing to the misery. The next morning I felt tired and worn out. Doan's Kidney Pills were not long in ridding me of the trouble and of late 1 have n’t had any return of it.” Price* 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Dona's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr dolus had- Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs. Buffalo. N. Y. NEBRASKA PATENTS. Offic ial list of letters patent of in vention issued from the Cnited States Patent Office at Washington. I). C., Jo inhabitants of Nebraska for the week ending July 14, 1917. as reported through the Patent Offiet of Sturgess a- Sturgess. registered patient lawyers, Suite .Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Ri. hard O. Paine. Anslev, oil-cup. Henry A. Hoeschen. Omaha, railway signal actuating mechanism. Sherman Taylor. Wymore. composite railway tie. Matt B. Thurber. Tec umseh. spark coil and spark-plug tester. Alvin L Todd. Plattsmouth. direc tion indirator for automobiles. From the state of public mind, one would think it just a summer picnic. Illlll llllillllllllllllllll Bill III Bill IIIIIIIIIIL I BUY COAL NOW l I*rie*‘> at- hound t<» l><- high and coal scarce this fall, E : lay in your supply \'< »\V. = Our vaiibnl loggerhead nut the best cook stove coni E in town. E llanl coal practically out of the market. = I m ('i »KK lit. i-i.-ai Fuel cheaper and more economical = j than hard coal. E Both furnace and Uasehumer sizes. ~ i’ea foal, Canon fitv. Koutt County lumj) and nut. ~ S I'hone 1*7. = 1 HANSEN LUMBER CO. | 5 paints Fence Tanks E fiiuimiiiiiiiiiiHUiiiuHiiiii'iiiii'iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiiiiE DAVIS CREEK NEWS. Ed. Stillman and son. Joe, took hogs to Ashton, Monday. Mrs. Frank Trump was in North Loup the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. haddock and fam ily autoed to Ashton, Saturday. Wm. Kruger did some blaeksmithing at Frank Manchester’s the first of the week. John Orent was in Ashton, Tuesday of last week visiting with Frank Man Chester. Frank Manchester and son were in Ashton, Monday with hogs ar.d brought home a load of coal. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sowokinos and baby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lor enee Garvel, Sunday. David Trump, who is working at North Loup came down Saturday for an over Sunday visit. Cash Pekowski, Orin Conway and Carl Young each took a load of corn to Ashton. Monday for E. F. Paddock Miss Fannie Newton, who has been working for Balson's is visiting on the Creek. We would like to keep Miss Fannie with us if we could. John Garvel and John Orent are helping the Pelanowski brothers this week to lay thir corn. Most of the farmers have their corn all laid by and are getting ready for the harvest which if the wind and hail don't come will soon be ready. The small grain is look ing fine. CHURCH NOTES. Baptist. The church improvement is being rushed to completion. In the meantime our morning services and Sunday j school will be held in the opera house as usual. We were glad to see so many out last Sunday morning and such a large and appreciative audience at the union service in the evening. Let us remember that “the wages of sin is death” and that death hath passed upon all men for that all have sinned and come short. But on the other hand "The gift of God is Eter nal Life through Jesus Christ," to all who receive Him as their personal Saviour. If a man spends his life in selfishness, which is the climax of wickedness, then the blackness of darkness of dispair will be his por tion in the end. and forever. Rom. 6:23 5-12. The Bible study' class will meet Fri day night this week at the Baptist par sonage. Hope all the young people especially will be present. Methodist. Next Sunday morning we will have baptismal service for children and for adults. We invite all parents, who have little folks they would like to conse crate to the Lord in baptism, to be present with them. We invite any who would like to confess their faith in Christ and unite with the church. We will receive new members. We will have our third quarterly Sacra mental service and we invite all of God's children to participate with us. Rev. Iiunn will preach at the union service at the Presbyterian church at S o’clock. Epworth League at 7 o’clock. The official board held a meeting on Monday night. We are assured of special music at the morning services during the rest of the summer. Miss Adeline Leininger has consented to take charge of the morning music. L. N. Smith sang a solo last Sunday morning. Miss Florence Leininger accompanied by Miss Lois Henry played a selection on her Ha waiin guitar at the evening services. We appreciate very much this help in making our worship more musical and attractive. BARNETT ESTABLISHMENT. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a public road commencing at SW corner of section 4-16-13 Sherman County, Nebraska, and running thence due north between sections 4 and 5 to the NW corner of section 4 and there terminating has reported in fa vor of its establishment therefore all claims for damages or objection there to must be filed in the office of the County Clerk on or before noon of the 11th day of October A. D. 1917 or such road will be established without ref erence thereto. Dated this 16th day of July A D. 1917. 31-4 (SEAL| L. B. POLSKI, County Clerk. NOTICE. The attention of all Real Estate own ers in Rockville township is hereby called to Section 219 of the Road Laws of the State of Nebraska, which re quires weeds along the public roads to be cut or destroyed twice each year, on or before the 15th day of July and on or before the 1st day of September. The road overseers are hereby instruct ed to see that the above law is com plied with. JOHN KOSCH. Highway Commissioner for Rockville Township. GARDEN INSECTS AND DISEASES. A new bulletin on the control of gar den insects and diseases has just been issued by the Agricultural Extension Service. It explains in detail the best methods for treating insect pests and diseases. It is know as Emergency Bul letin No. 15, and will be sent free upon application to the Extension Service, University Farm, Lincoln, Nebraska. __ DOING GOOD. Few medicines have met with more favor or accomplished more good than Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. John F. Jantzen, Delmeny, Sask., says of it, 'I have used Cham berlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy myself and in my family, and can recommend it as being a exceptionally fine preparation.” I I 1 i I : - 1 The Bell Telephone Policy We endeavor to conduct our dealings with the public, our employees and our in vestors along the lines of this policy: 1. To furnish courteous, efficient, and dependable telephone service. 2. To tell the public the truth about our business. S. To be conservative and economical iu the man agement of our affairs. 4. To pay our employees good wages. 5. To earn for our secur ity holders a reasonable return on their invest ment. We believe that such suc cess as we have had is be | cause our business has been conducted along these lines. I L 1! JUNG ESTABLISHMENT. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner appointed to lo cate a public road commencing at a point S12 deg. 30 min. W 1.42 chains of station No. 17 of Coming’s survey of road 157 and running thence S 12 deg. 30 min. W. 7.07 chains and term inating at road on east side of irri gation ditch has reported in favor of its establishment therefore all chains for damages or objections thereto must be filed in the office of the Coun ty Clerk on or before noon of the 11th day of October A. D. 1917 or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated this 16th day of July A. D. 1917 31-4 I SEAL! L. B. POLSKI. County Clerk.. KUFFEL ESTABLISHMENT. To All Whom it May Concern: — The commissioner appointed to lo 1 cate a road commencing at northwest corner of section 15 and southwest cor ner of section 10-15-13 and running thence on section line 114 miles and terminating at the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 11 and the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of section 14-15-13 has reported in favor of the establishment thereof. Therefore all claims for damages or objections thereto must be filed in the office of the County Clerk on or before noon of the 11th day of October, A. D. 1917 or said road will be established without reference thereto. 30-4 L. B. POLSKI, County Clerk. No the kaiser is not going crazy. He's already a maniac. ORDER OF HEARING AND NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. In the County Court of Sherman Coun ty, Nebraska State of Nebraska, County of Sher man, ss. To the heirs, legatees and devisees and to all persons interested in the estate of William H. Hughes, deceased On reading the petition of Homer W. Hughes praying that the instrument filed in this court on the 30th day of June, 1917, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said de ceased, may be proved and allowed, and recorded as the last will and test ament of William H. Hughes, deceas ed; that said instrument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Alice E. Hughes, as executrix. It is hereby or dered that you, and all persons inter ested in said matter, may, and do, ap pear at the County Court to be held in and for said county, on the 2Sth day of July, A. D., 1917, at ten o’clock A. M„ to show cause. If any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order in The Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspa per printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 30th day of June. A. D„ 1917 (SEAL) E. A. SMITH, 29-3 County Judge. Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment of Administrator or Administratrix. The State of Nebraska. Sherman Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the Matter of the Estate of Mar tin Slabaszewski. deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Frank Slabaszewski, praying that Ad ministration of said Esate may be granted to Frank Dymek as Adminis trator. Ordered. That August 10th A. D. 1917. at 10 o’clock A. M., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper printed in said County for three suc cessive weeks prior to said day of hear ing. Dated July 10th, 1917. (SEAL) E. A. SMITH. 30-3 County Judge. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. Estimate of expenses for the City of Loup City, Nebraska, for the year commencing May 1, 1917. It is hereby estimated by the City Council of Loup City, Nebraska, that the probable amount of money neces sary for all purposes, to be raised in said city, during the fiscal year from May 1, 1917 to May 1, 1918. Salary fund .$1,800.00 Sidewalk street and crossing fund . 1,500.00 Waterworks maintenance and main extension . 2.000.00 Board of Health and expenses incidental thereto . 150.00 Printing fund . 125.00 Lighting fund . 600.00 Incidental fund . 300.00 Total $6,475.00 W. T. GIBSON, Mayor. PETE ROWE, City Clerk. The said City Council doth further state that the entire revenue of the said City for the previous year is as follows: Cash on hand May 1. 1916.$2,224.61 Rec'd from city waterworks.... 1,500.45 Rec’d from all sources. 6,172.70 W. T. GIBSON, Mayor. PETE ROWE, City Clerk. FLIES NEVER BOTHER. ! In the summer flies worry an ani ! mal. Get a bottle of Farris' Healing i Remedy—costs but 50c—makes a pint ! worth $2.00. Apply it to the wound, i Flies will not bother it. Get it today, j You may need it tomorrow.—J. J. Slo-1 minski. - j ORDER OF HEARING AND NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. i In the County Court of Sherman Coun . | ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska. County of Sher ! man, ss. | To the heirs, legatees, devisees and ; | to all persons interested in the estate j of Ben Nelson, deceased: On reading the petition of Benjamin E. Nelson praying that the instrument1 | filed in this court on the 18th day of June, 1917, and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said de ceased, may be proved ad allowed, and recorded as the last will and testament j of Ben Nelson, deceased; that said in-j ■ strument be admitted to probate, and the administration of said estate be granted to Benjamin E. Nelson as ex j ecutor. It is hereby ordered that you. 1 and all persons interested in said mat 'ter, may, and do, appear at the County I Court to be held in and for said coun j ty, on the 30th day or July, A. D. 1917, j at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the riearing thereof | be given to all persons interested in i said matter by publishing a copy of i | this Order in The Loup City North- i j western, a weekly newspaper printed ; in said county, three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness my hand, and seal of said court, this 3rd day of July, A. 1). 15* 17. (SEAL) E. A. SMITH, 29- 3 County Judge ORDER OF HEARING AND NOTICE ON PETITION FOR SETTLE MENT OF ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Sherman Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Sherman County, ss. To the heirs, legatees. d< v:-. ,-s and all persons interested in the (Mate of Joseph Wandra. deceased. On reading the petition of < < (’arisen praying a final settlement >•. allowance of his account filed in t: Court on the 2nd day of July. 1917. at: for a decree of distribution of the re idue of said estate, and discharge i: said C. C. Carlsen as administrator of said estate. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said County, on the 3rd day of August. A. D. 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M.. to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be grant ed. and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing there of be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City North western a weekly newspaper printed in said county, three successive weeks prior to day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal this dth day of July, 1917. SEAL) E. A. SMITH. 30- 3 County Judge HELP OUR COUNTRY AVOID A FOOD SHORTAGE On our Lines West, in Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming and ' Montana, there are thousands of acres of prairie lands that should lie cultivated. If you want to BUY—I will post you on correct prices. RENT—I will help you to get best terms. HOMESTEAD—I’ll tell you where best selections are. My services are free to you. Drop me a postal card for any of the following free literature. “There's a Farm for You in Colorado.” "Go jto Southwestern Nebraska.” “Cheyenne County, Nebraska." “Box Butte. County, Nebraska.” “The Wheatland Colony.” (Wyoming*. ■ “The North Platte Valley.” (Nebr.-Wyo.) “The Big Horn Basin.” (Wyoming*. “Free Government Lands.” (Wyoming.) Tell me what you want, the kind of land you need and I'll find S. B. HOWARD, IMMIGRATION AGENT, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska. F. J. SCHOLZ & SON manufacturers of MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS JACOB RITZ, ^kville, Nebr. H_ ■———■i i- n-ui. —m"> ^ When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil cakes. In stock at all times. - _ _ Financial Statement of D. C. Grow, County Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebraska. From January 4, 1917 to July 1, 1917. Bal. on Collections Overdraft Balance on hand Jan. from all Disburse- last half hand July 4,1917 Sources ments 1916 1, 1917 Hal. on hand Jan. 4. 1917....$ 68.609.88 State Funds .$ $ 17,069.35 $ 15,527.33 $ 1,542.02 Collections by years 1907. 1.46 County General . 553.45 13.678.46 9,797.27 4.434 64 1908 . 5.66 County Interest . 396.65 74.11 470.7' 1909 . 16.84 County Road .1,000.73 237.00 168.60 595.1 1910 . 22.05 County Bridge . 3,930.96 8,480.99 1.312.06 11.099.80 1911 . 24.48 Emergency Bridge . 2.3S1.5S 15.84 , •> 30741 1912 . 86.45 Soldier Relief . 272.61 -- ’272.61 v 1913. 140.42 Court House . 4.797.00 9.955.34 ~ | 14.752 34 1914 . 247.09 Dist. School . 24.287.65 42.311.25 46.56S.27 " 20.030.6:! 1915 . 798.86 School Bond .. 5,078.99 2.615.47 2.724.47 $ 4.969.99 1916 .111,346.08 Township Fund .. 80,893.14 26,379.16 27,475.15 „ 19.797.15 School Lands . 4.580.34 Township Bond . 54.57 10.58 ' 65.15 Interest on Deposits . 643.46 Loup City. 359.38 1.733.33 1.970 00 , 122.71 Miscellaneous . 7,797.37 Litchfield . 536.0S 281.56 736 00 I 1 81.64 State Apportionment . 3.081.81 Litchfield Bond . 1.304.36 472.04 1.447.00 • 329 4u Ashton . 356.29 218.11 556^00 ^ . 18.40 Rockville . 614.53 191.85 600 00 « T 206 8 Hazard . 115.99 139.S7 * -s 255.8'’ Fines . 47.00 55.00 ’ - 102.U0 Printer Fund . 107.55 14.40 "2 —«* \ 121.95 Permanent Road . 551.35 19.48 95 1 ">■ - 569 88 Road Dragging . 1,876.20 1.552.75 “>16 “M 3 212 71 Redemptions . 343.15 2.453.65 2 796 80 Fees . 3325 ' ' 33.25 Institute . 35.80 35.80 S0.00 Total .$197,402.25 $68,858.48 $128,792.37 112.000 34 248.60 85 4S1 91 _ ’ _Less overdraft last half 1916 24S.60 _ 16S.60 Less Salary . L350.00 $68,609.88 — 80.00 SL13L91 _____ Less Overdraft 80.00 Tt>U1 .$197,402,25__$6S.609.88 $128.792.37 112 000.34 80.00 84.051 91 Honey in depositories and Office: Cash.$ 5 50 First National Bank. Loup Cltv . qc 081 15 Loup City State Bank . . 93 ggg 9g First National Bank. Litchfield..... 700000 Bank of Ashton . . . . 4 non on Ashton State Bank . . . . s’nonnn Kockville State Bank . ... 2 000 on TOTAL...$84,051.91 STATE OF NEBRASKA. 1 SHERMAN COUNTY. J*8' 1. D C. Grow, Treasurer of Sherman County, do solemnly swear that the foregoing statement is correct as I verily believe. D. C. GROW. County Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of Julv, 1917 (SEAL) L B. POLSKI, County Clerk. Approved July 9, 1917. W. O. BROWN, Chairman, County Board. - ' _—