The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 12, 1917, Image 4

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    Wherever yon £«: TAKE AN ANSCO CAMERA WITH YOU
Littered at the Loup City Postoffice
for transmission through the
mails as second c lass matter.
Lvery subscription is M-a-iidcd as an
•pr-o aceawot. The name* A subscribers
win be instantly removed from our rn.ul
lua Ust s! the esplrallcm of time paid for.
tf publishers shall lie notified, otherwise
the sabscr.; ti >: will remain la force at
t • a, - - .,i»-d subset .ption pt ice. Even
Si • r -r a.ust understand that these
- at* made a part of the con
tract between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertisement*. Lr> cents per
inch, for annual and ; ix months T-on
tract, 2o cenie je-r inch for irregular
and occasional advertisers. 2Vs cents
per inch discount where plates are
furnished. Local notices. It) cents per
hue. each insertion. Black face locals.
15 cents per line, each insertion Read
mg notices, over 25 lines. 25 cents per
iu< h Minimum barge for local 20
cent* per week. X'o display ad run
fur less than $1.00.
Lurcur Garvel is re|K>rti-d some
batter at this time.
Miss Anna Garvel visited with Mrs.
John Peiaaowski last Friday.
Atari in Chubbuck and Aliss Nettie
Harnett were Ord visitors. Sunday.
Miss Fannie Norton of S<otia. is
helping Airs Poison with her work.
Prank Manchester and daughter.
Gladys, were in Ashton. Friday after
John Alauchester was transacting
business on the Creek one day last
Mr and Airs. Charley Glauss and
baby autoed to North Loup last Sat
There was a line dance given at
the Frank Alan. he.ter home last Sat
unlay evening.
Ortn Manchester and Caul Stillman
took in the show jt North Loup last
Saturday night.
Mr and Mrs. Frank Critel of Loup
City, visited with Air and Airs Geo
Harnett. Sunday.
Mr and Airs Charley Young and
daughter Alls. Rena, wer*- North Loup
visitors. Saturday.
Mr and Airs. F. Trump and family
w. nt fishing on section one last Wed
lie-slay afternoon.
Air. and Mrs Frank Manchester and
.family visited with Mr. and Airs.
Trump and family. Sunday.
Mcsdames John Lewandowski and
Mine Kaminski and .on and daughter
w. re in North Loup. Saturday.
Mr and Mrs Warty Green of North
Lamp autoed out to Ed. Stillman’s
and spent the Sabbath afternoon
Air and Airs. John Lewandowski and
family visited at the home of Airs
la-wandowski's sister. Air. and Airs
Frank Palu.
Mr and Mrs Lorem e White and
family drove to Valley county. Sundav
and spent the day at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Tony Goodman.
Mr and Airs. John I’elanowski and
children drove to the latter’s home near
Lamp City last Wednesday and cele
bra led the Fourth in town.
Frank Trump and father were in
Ashton. Saturday, where the latter
took the train for lamp City. Frank
brought a galvanized water tank home'
with him.
Mr and Mrs. Jess Barnett, Mr. and
Mrs. tleorge Barnett and daughter. Net
tie. and Mrs. Tony Zaruba and sister.
Mi>s Julia Orent. celebrated the Fourth
in Loup City.
John Lewandowski had the misfor
tune to lose his fine white face bull
lone day last week.When he went af
ter the cows in the morning he found
the animal dead.
Miss Jessie Trutup had the misfor
tune while playing, to step on a bro
ken bottle and cut her foot quite badly
Sh> has been unable to wear a shoe
j for the past week. «
Frank Pelanowski was in Ord last
Thursday looking after business mat
l.-rs and reported that his automobile
was awful siik for a while hut is
able to run around again.
Miss Julia Orent, who has been here
visiting with her sister. Mrs. Tony
; Zaruba. returned to her home in Val
| ley county, Sunday. The latter ac
I c ompanied her for a visit.
Mr and Mrs. X’orman Hulberson
and sou. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Young
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hainier Mr. and
Mrs Morris Hassel and their farm
’ lies celebrated the Fourth at B. F.
i Paddock’s home.
The pastor had a very enjoyable
ti,p. preaching morning and evening
at Gibbon and Shelton in the after
noon. and performing a marriage cere
mony on Monday afternoon at East
.Lincoln, returning home Tuesday af
There will be preaching service and
Sunday school Sunday morning at the
j opera house. B. V. 1\ U. in the even
" ng at the Baptist parsonage. Let all
i the young people be present.
Union service will be held at the
Methodist church at S o’clock. The
subject will be "Regeneration.”
The Epworth League of the M. E.
Church are going to have a social on
Wednesday evening. July 18. Every
body come! We will endeavor to show
you a good time. Come! Come!
We had our first taste of spring
■ hicken last week through the kind
ness of Mrs. Ling. We are the official
tasters for this vicinity and if you
want your spring chickens graded
high we are ready to sample them.
Those brought us by -Mrs. Ling are
the finest we have eaten this spring.
There are surely some more around
here that need eating.
172 was a good attendance at Sun
l day school for so warm a day and the
morning audience was corresponding
' ly- large. Elsie Oltjenbruns led a very
interesting League meeting. Every
body seemed to enjoy the evening dis
course at the Presbyterian church by
Rev Powers. The Ladies’ Aid society
is not dissolved by the hot weather
nd meets with Mrs. Hayhurst this
Next Sunday at 10:30 we want to
deal with some of the realities upon
i which we can all base our confidence
in these times when we are specially
in need of such assurances. Subject:
' The Remedy for Uncertainty.” Rev
Bunn will preach at the union service
at the Methodist church at eight
o’clock. Come on time if possible to
ill services. Epworth League led by
Lila McNulty at 7 o'clock. Topic:
"What I Would do with a fortune.”
What is your standard yoaag people
and which is Christ's, the devotional
meeting or the ball game?
Sunday. July 22 at 10:30 we will
have a baptismal service. We invite
all the parents who have little folks
they would like to have baptised to
please be present on that occasion.
We would be glad to learn of older
ones desiring baptism. We will re
ceive new members that morning by
confession of faith or by letter. We
will also have our third quarterly
i communion service and folks of all
faiths are cordially invited.
, Subscribe for The Northwestern.
Bat it is money that will return a big yield—if you safeguard
yo ir investment. You can lengthen the life and increase the
etficiencT of Tour tractor by using
1 For the lubrication of cylinders and eitemal bearings. It
means a smoother running tractor, more power at the draw-bar,
and less time out for repairs.
Best for the tractor because it’s made for the tractor,
(Nebraska) Omaha
- ——_____ 4 ,
lgnatz Kalkowski lost a valuable
horse one day last week.
A few farmers have started to cut
their early oats this week.
Emil Kalkowski is working for'Joe
Stobbe near Ashton this month
A number attended the literary show
at Ashton la^t Saturday and Sunday.
Paul Krvski was an eastbouud pas
senger for Columbus last Saturday to
look after some land.
Stanley Kuharski has been in Ash
ton the past week and purchased a
new washing machine.
Alex Maciejewski went to Loup City
Sunday to play ball with the Ashton
team against Loup City.
Chris Hansen has his car nearly all
repaired since he broke it in the
wreck a few weeks ago.
We understand that Martin Rasmus
sen has purchased a new Ford (roller
skate)- from the Rockville Auto Com
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonczynski and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Platek visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowicki,
Frank Bonczynski is a new posses
sor of a 1917 Model Ford car which
he purchased from Rockville one day
last week.
Henry Glinsman is a new owner of
a 1917 Model Hupmobile which he pur
chased from W. R. Henkens of Rock
ville, last week.
A public dance was given at the
home of George Bydalek last Sunday.
A large crowd was present and all en
joyed the evening.
The Misses Emila anti Clara Strel
I etski arrived from Farwell last Sat
; unlay to visit with their friend. Miss
Minnie Maiefski, over Sunday.
George Plambeck and wife departed
in their big Reo car for their home in
Pine Bluffs last week after visiting
with the former’s mother. Mrs. M.
Mr. and Mrs. George Woznick, Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Synak and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Woznick and family
of Loup City, came via auto with Mr
and Mrs. F. J. Maciejewski, Sunday.
Sunday the Deer Creek Tigers went
to' Ashton and clashed a good game
of ball with the Ashton White Soxs
and bringing home the long end of the
15 to 16 score. Maschka and Stobbe
tossed for the Tigers and Sezdick and
Doski tossed for the Ashtonites, Ash
ton had the game at the eighth inning
while in the ninth the Tigers won by
having two men on bases and Stobbe
hitting a three bagger which saved
the game for us. We challange any
team around here.
A new bulletin on the control of gar
den insects and diseases has just been
issued by the Agricultural Extension
Service. It explains in detail the best
methods for treating insect pests and
diseases. It is know as Emergency Bul
letin No. 15, and will be sent free upon
application to the Extension Service.
University Farm. Lincoln, Nebraska.
Few medicines have met with more
favor or accomplished more good than
Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea
Remedy. John F. Jantzen. Delmeny,
Sask., sava of it, ‘I have used Cham
herlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy
myself and in my family, and can
recommend it as being a exceptionally
fine preparation.”
Brick house and barn and six lots in
northwest part of Loup City. Inquire
at Northwestern office or write O. S.
Beach, 1304 So. 11th Ofnalia, Neb 20tf
All patriots are patriotic, but some
are more so than others—In their own
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator or
The State of Nebraska, Sherman Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mar
tin Slabaszewski, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Frank Slabaszewski, praying that Ad
ministration of said Esate may be
granted to Frank Dymek as Adminis
trator, Ordered, That August 10th A.
D. 1917. at 10 o’clock A. M., is assigned
for hearing said petition, when all per
sons interested in said matter may ap
pear at a County Court to be held in
and for said County, and show cause
why the prayer of petitioner should
not be granted: and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this order in the Loup City
Northwestern, a weekly newspaper
printed in said County for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hear
Dated July 10th, 1917.
30-3 County Judge.
To All Whom it May Concern: —
The commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at northwest
corner of section 15 and southwest cor
ner of section 10-15-13 and running
thence on section line 1% miles and
terminating at the southwest corner of
the southeast quarter of section 11 and
I the northwest corner gf the northeast
quarter of section 14-15-13 has reported
in favor of the establishment thereof.
Therefore all claims for damages or
objections thereto must be filed in the
office of the County Clerk on or before
noon of the 11th day of October, A. D.
1917 or said road will be established
without reference thereto. 30-4
T d Dm otrj m_
Our employees have all
been taught to be courteous,
obliging and careful, but we
know that occasionally some
of them make mistakes.
If one of our employees
does not treat you as you
think he or she should, do
you criticise the Company?
Why don't you give us the
same consideration you ex
peel in your business when
one of your eanployees makes
a mistake?
Don't judge this Company
by one act of a thoughtless
If you believe we have
erred in any way in dealing
with you. please call it to our
attention that we may cor
rect the mistake.
I I_
In the County Court of Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Sher
man. ss.
To the heirs, legatees and devisees
and to all persons interested in the
estate of William H. Hughes, deceased
On reading the petition of Homer W.
Hughes praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 30th day of
June, 1917, "and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed
and recorded as the last will and test
ament of William H. Hughes, deceas
ed; that said instrument be admitted
to probate, and the administration of
said estate be granted to Alice E.
Hughes, as executrix. It is hereby or
dered that you, and all persons inter
ested in said matter, may, and do. ap
pear at the County Court to be held
in and for said county, on the 2Sth
day of July, A. D.. 1917, at ten o’clock
■ A. IT., to show cause, If any there be,
J why the prayer of the petitioner should
I not be granted, and that notice of the
i pendency of said petition and that the
hearing thereof be given to all persons
interested in said matter by publishing
a copy of this Order in The Loup
City Northwestern, a weekly newspa
per printed in said county, foe three
successive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 30th day of June, A. D„ 1917
29-3 County Judge.
In the County Court of Sherman Coun
ty. Nebraska.
! State of Nebraska. Sherman County.
ss. -
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and
all persons interested in the estate of
Joseph Wandra, deceased.
On reading the petition of C. C.
('arisen praying a final settlement and
allowance of his account filed in this
Court on the 2nd day of July. 1917, and
for a decree of distribution of the res
idue of said estate, and discharge of
said C. C. Carlsen as administrator of
said estate. It is hereby ordered that
you and all persons interested in said
matter may, and do. appear at the
County Court to be held in and for
said County, on the 3rd day of August,
A. D. 1917, at 10 o’clock A. M„ to show
cause, if any there be. why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed, and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy;
of this order in the Loup City North 1
western a weekly newspaper printed;
in said county, three successive weeks!
prior to day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 6th:
day of July, 1917.
30-3 County Judge.
The attention of all Real Estate own
ers in Rockville township is hereby
called to Section 219 of the Road Laws
of the State of Nebraska, which re- j
quires weeds along the public roads 1
to be cut or destroyed twice each year.1
on or before the 15th day of July and
on or before the 1st day of September.
The road overseers are hereby instruct
ed to see that the above law Is com
plied with.
Highway Commissioner for Rockville
Estimate of expenses for the City
of Loup City. Nebraska, for »he year
commencing May 1, 1917.
It is hereby estimated by the City
Council of Loup Cit«, Nebraska, that
the probable amount of money neces
sary for all purposes, to be raised in
said city, during the fiscal year from
May 1, 1917 to May 1, 1918.
Salary fund .$1,800.00
Sidewalk street and crossing
fund . 1,500'00
Waterworks maintenance and
main extension . 2,000.00
Board of Health and expenses
incidental thereto . 150.00
Printing fund . 125.00
Lighting fund . 600.00
Incidental fund . 300.00
Total $6,475.00
W. T. GIBSON, Mayor.
PETE ROWE, City Clerk
The said City Council doth further
state that the entire revenue of the
said City for the previous year is as
Cash on hand May 1, 1916.$2,224.61
Rec’d from city waterworks.... 1,500.45
Rec’d from all sources. 6,172.70
W. T. GIBSON, Mavor.
PETE ROWE, City Clerk.
j In the County Court of Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Sher
man, ss.
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and
to all persons interested in the estate
of Ben Nelson, deceased:
On reading the petition of Benjamin
17. Nelson praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 18th day of
June, 1917, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of the said de
ceased. may be proved ad allowed, and
recorded as the last will and testament
of Ben Nelson, deceased; that said in
strument be admitted to probate, and
the administration of said estate be
granted to Benjamin E. Nelson as ex
ecutor. It is hereby ordered that you,
and all persons interested in said mat
ter, may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held iu and for said coun
ty, on the 30th day or July, A. D. 1917,
at 10 o'clock A. M„ to show cause, if
any there be, why the prayer of the
petitioner should not be granted, and
that notice of the pendency of said
petition and that the nearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this Order in The Loup City North
western, a weekly newspaper printed
in said county, three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 3rd day of July, A. D. 1917.
29-3 County Judge.
In the summer flies worry an ani
mal. Get a bottle of Farris’ Healing
Remedy—costs but 50c—makes a pint
worth $2.00. Apply it to the wound.
Flies will not bother it. Get it today.
You may need it tomorrow.—J. J. Slo
Keep right on kicking your home
town. Life would indeed be dull with
out a single knocker
This magnificent vacation-land, so near at hand, has Is
made a National Park and it certainly has every r for
National Summer playground. It is a region of forest-. yon
streams and lakes, a paradise ot mountain air and wil
a natural amphitheatre of 150 square miles, with snov.
nanoramic barriers,—Long’s Peak, James’ Peak and
tinental Divide.
Burlington trains take you there quickly and at a small i • -
only $27.00, generally speaking, from middle and East rn
braska to Estes Park. This includes rail and auto via Lyons
I ioveland.
Over 50,000 tourists visited Estes Park last summer.
Colorado has hundreds of resorts, recreative places and aut.
mobile tours. You have every day the lowest possible rates t<
Denver, Colorado Springs and Estes Park. Airam
early for any accommodations that you will in
Colorado this coming summer. Let me help > n .
J. A. DANIELSON, Ticket Agent.
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
| FRIDAY, JULY 20, ’17 |
| The King oi Dare-Devils Hair- §
I Raising, Sensational, Death- |
| Deiying Games |
| Admission-Children 25c, Adults 50c §