W F MASON, President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. C. H. RYAN, Assistant Cashier. I WHERE’S YOUR CHECK BOOK ? N-t ..:!'■ i vvlial your business—professional, • •;* . turini;, day’> work or just liouse ^ a i-ii< < ki11account is admirably adapted !o \ our I ;. \ \ on with a book and explain its Uw. First National Bank of Loup City, Neb. jiiiiiiiiiimiimmmiiuinmiiinmiiminiiimmmimiiiiimiimimiimmiiimiiiii'i ! GROCERY PRICE LIST I • : . . i\ c \ prici'>. \\ hile they look high, E 5 v. v-• !i t«> »■ itipaiv them with others, then E E tiiei they are high or not. These prices £ E In . ;i anil <■.!-«• lot', and cash priees F. < >. 1>. E E l. ij* < 'it; . E Z .$ 8.85 S as 3.50 z s V Hi .. 3.45 ^ j E 2.95 = E 3.25 — z | 3.80 = Z 3.55 = E 3.16 = E • . , . 6.75 — Z 6.75 E Doz. Oasp — E .$2.25 9.00 Z J 3.45 13.80 E j . 2.25 9.00 = ! — 2.10 4.20 — . 2.77 5.54 E I . 1.75 3.50 E I Kalsup 2 l>oz 2.00 4.00 S i ■ - - Iki! to case . 2.25 4.50 E‘ * 1.80 3.60 E i lit lltar ft.ni Syrup. 12 cans to case. 5.05 = i . 4.95 El •• Syrup. 12 tatw to case . 5.25 E z • s.t ip. 6 .an't.. case. 5.15 E . 4.95 E: 4.65 E s •i h : .1 I'r.iin most of the Jobbers. These § E cheap at this time, but they will S 3 >et: ’ - \ty day> from now. E ii 2T«* any one to buy, but we think if E E earn .. • rd to buy goods now, it will make them a •§ E ill v«->t ineiit. E j | Loup City Mercantile Co. || ~ i:iini!im:im:;ii!Hminniniiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimir hK BUY YOUR GAS by NAME /fijjl bP Say Red Crown—then you get the best. Ms MS Always of the same high quality. Look for Kj M the Red Crown sign. RjK EQ1 Polarine Oil prevents overheating. ["■■■■] gvj I Stops power leaks. ; Xj j I 1 standard oil company : ■■ ■ I INEBKASKAl OMAHA [ CBOWX J PICKLED PORK. Sinew bacon is becoming a luxury, suany persons will make more use of J ■ kted pork, a staple food in the past. w this pork ik suffh ieutl^ freshen «d dipped in corn meal, and fried at a moderate beat until it is crisp, it makes an ex< client dish. It should not be greasy and should be served with yienty of fresh or canned vegetables. I SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. SILK GLOVES—100 pair of ladies long silk gloves, regular price $1.25 to $1.75 which will go in this sale at a acriflcp price at only 69 cents.—Loup City Mercantile Company. There are three classes of men to day fightprs. producers, and slack ers. Vour choice! Daily sells for less. P. O. Reed for repairing. Try Chase’s first—it pays. “Kick-in” at the opera house tonight. Tickets for the Red Cross ball at 1 Swanson’s. | - Miss Klea Lee was a Grand Island passenger, Monday. See Wm. Courtney and Mollie King at the opera house tonight. If you want to sell your land, list it, with W. D. Zimmerman. Mrs. Joe Lewandowski visited with relatives and friends at Ashton. Mon day. Saturday night Wm. Pox presents Virginia Peterson in “A Tortured Heart.” , Mrs. Frank Sobiesczyk and children went to Ashton, Saturday to visit with relatives. John Long returned home last Fri day from Lincoln, where he had been for several days. Miss Frances Corning went to Ash ton, Wednesday morning to attend the wedding of a friend. Call at James Bartunek’s and see the new Par-O-Ket phoograph. The price has been cut to $40. C. O. Waggoner returned home last Saturday from Julesburg, Colo., for a short visit with his family. Several good residence properties in Loup City for sale on the install ment plan. See R. H. Mathew. 25 tf I C. R. Coger came up from Danebrog, Wednesday evening for a couple of days with relatives and friends. Mrs. H. M. Mathew went to Kearney last Friday to attend the recital given by Miss Florence Depew of our city. The Misses Lila and Ursolia McNul I ty left Tuesday morning for an ex tended visit with relatives in Kansas. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Miss Cora Lay came in last Turs day from her home at Cambridge, to visit a few days with the Tockey fam ilies. Mrs. C. W. Thornton left Monday morning for Ironton. Ohio, being cal led by the serious illness of her fa ther. Miss Dorothy, and Duff Hansen of Hastings, are here visiting with their brother and sister. P. E. and Mable Hansen. Miss Frances Sleeth came up from Lincoln the latter part of last week for a vist here with her many friends and relatives. Mason Philips came up from Grand Island, Saturday and spent Sunday with his parents, returning to work on Monday morning. Miss Meroe Outhouse returned home last Friday evening from Lincoln, where she had been the past week visiting with friends. Miss Esther Olson, who has been here visiting with he parents. Mrs. and Mrs. John Olson, and friends, returned to Omaha, Wednesday. Mrs. Viola Odendalil left Wednesday morning for Chicago, where she will spend a couple of weeks visiting with her sister. Mrs. Willard. .Miss Emma Anderson returned home Saturday evening from Utica, where she has been the past ten days visit ing with relatives and friends. Mrs. H. N. Smith, who has been here for some time doing sewing and visiting with relatives, returnedjto her home at St. Paul last Thursday. --- i Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Farnham re turned home Tuesday evening from Central City, where they attended the funeral of Mr. Farnham’s mother. Mrs. Susan Toekey and daughter, Mrs. Cora Lay, and Mrs. O. L. Toekey were visiting with friends at Ashton, Wednesday, returning in the evening. Mrs. A. H. Hansel left last Thursday for St. Paul, Grand Island and Cen tral City on business and pleasure j combined. She returned home Satur ! day. Perry N. Kearns and wife returned to their home at Benton. Iowa, Wednes day morning. They attended the funer al of Mr. Kearns' brother, Dr. A. J. Kearns. Mrs. S. E. Gal la way and Mrs. E. W. Thompson went to Omaha Tuesday morning to attend the Sunday school convention, which is in session there this week. Bay Fowler, who has been here the past week visiting with his sisters. Mrs. Wm. Doner and Emma Fowler, returned to his home in Aurora last Friday morning. Mrs. E. G. Taylor and daughter, Lu cille, went to David City last Thursday to visit for a while with relatives. Mrs. Taylor will go on to Omaha, where she will meet Mr. Taylor. Call at James Bartunek’s and hear the Par-O-Ket phonograph. This is a cabinet machine that plays equal to any machine on the market. The price is $40 and the records are 25 cents each. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. “Lone Star" at the opera house on Tuesday night. H. R. H. Williams left Monday on a business trip to Ainsworth, Neb. __ A complete line of Tennis. Golf ami Baseball goods at Swanson’s. Charles May was a passenger tc Rockville and other points, Monday. Willard Lay went to Rockville Wed nesday td visit with relatives a day or two. Eggs for Hatching — Pure bred bar red Rocks and light Brahamas.—R. L. Arthur. 17 tf Miss Opal VerValin was a Rockville visitor last Thursday, returning the same day. Mr. and Mrs. John Fov of Mason City, are in our city this week visiting with friends. Ben Zents left Monday for Marys ville, Kansas, being called by the ill ness of his father. Howard Starr came up from Grand Island Monday, where he is working for a short visit at home. See Virginia Peterson at the opera house Saturday night in the live reel feature. “A Tortured Heart." Rev. Smithberg returned home Wed nesday morning from Comstock, where he has been for several days. Take your cream, eggs and poul try to F. M. Henry, the independent buyer and get the top price. Miss Doris, and Dick O'Bryan went to Ravenna last Thursday to visit a couple of weeks with relatives. Miss Carrie Cole went to Central City last Friday morning for a visit with her sister and other relatives. The Landes Carnival Company is showing in Loup City (his week. From all reports it is a clean aggregation. Miss Lucille Bar tun ek went to Ra venna last Friday to visit over Sunday with friends. She returned home Mon day. The Misses Lois ana Eunice Steen left last Thursday morning for an ex tended visit with relatives in Nashville Tenn. Miss Clara Anderson, who has been attending school in Chicago the past year, returned home last Saturday evening. Hot weather is coming. Why not keep cool? We have a line of electric fans for rent or for sale.—Loup City Light & Power Co. Charles Gerkin, who has been in our city for some time past, left last Friday for Harbon, Indiana, for a couple of months on business. Alvin Haywood, wife and little daughter anil Miss Ruth Sorenson of Arcadia, were in our city last Friday, returning the same day. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hennis and daugh ter and Mrs. Evans and son, Victor, came over from Hazard last Thursday and visited with friends here. Miss Winnie Outhouse returned Tuesday from Lincoln and Fort Cal houn, where she had been visiting with her friend. Miss Edith Neale. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Ware, pioneer residents of Loup City now residing at St. Paul, were visiting with rela tives and friends in Loup City this week Celebrate July 4th at Jenner's Park. A good program is being arranged. Music, ball game, sports and dancing. A fine display of fireworks in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson returned to their home at Boelus. Tuesday, af ter spending a few days here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Obermiller, and family. HOYS HLUE OVERALLS—One lot of boys blue overalls which will be put on sale for Saturday only. Ages 8 to 12 years, only 49 cents.—Loup City Mer cantile Company. People who are always constipated which brings on headaches, sallow' color, foul breath, poor appetite should not delay a minute, but take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea now. You will wonder at its results. 35 cents.—A. J. Farnham. Last Sunday Jerry Shettler and wife, and ye scribe and wife, took their Sunday outing by driving over to Pretty Pond, and rusticating in the woods for a few hours. We stole some wild grapes off Joe McCoy’s farm and then feasted on watermelons, (stolen) front an adjoining field, and took sev eral along, Mr. Shettler being from Ne braska. requested us not to say any thing about the melons. But the ad ministation has not yet inflcted any press censor, and we are inclined to tell things as they are. As a prelude to the above we discovered after this article was partly set, that we had been stealing melons from a patch nine acres in extent, from which 5 car loads had been shipped north, and those still on the ground, were of a quality that would not be good to ship. The ground was literally covered, and many would weigh well near twenty pounds. But we noticed hog3 in the field, which had been turned in to eat those not of a shipping quality. We apologize to Messrs Stebbins for purloining their hog feed.—Zepherys hills, (Florida) Colonist. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. > Fishing tackle at Swanson’s. 1 - i Celebrate July 4th at Jennet's para | --- A complete line of aluminum ware a’ i James Bartunek’s. I Paris Green anil Arsenate of Leat lor potato bugs, at Swanson's. Cecil Hancock left last Friday lot Omaha, where he expects to work. For sale—My farm one mile south east of Loup City.—Henry Dolling. See Wm. Russell in the five act play j “Lone Star" at the opera house. Tues ! day. Mrs. Frank Tapolski was visiting with relatives and friends at Ashton Monday. Irvin Rowe came home Wednesday evening from Callaway, where he has been working. The Rockville ball team defeated the Farwell team in a fast game at Rockville, Sunday. A. E. Chase returned home last Fri day from Omaha, where he has been on business the past week. Miss Elsie Johnson left Saturday for Aurora, where she will spend a few day's visiting with relatives. For Sale:—A second hand Ford in good condition. Inquire of E. E. Ting ling. Litchfield, Neb. Tel. 83. 27-2 Fly time is here. Protect your horses with flynets or horse covers—a com plete line at James Bartunek’s. Joe Eurick autoed to Columbus last Thusday and spent several days visit ing with friends, returning Sunday. C. U. Bitner returned home Wednes day evening from Hastings and Lin coin, where he has been for some time. Mrs. W. B. Owen returned home on Monday evening from Lincoln, where she has been attending summer school. Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Miss Carrie Amick went to.Grand Island, Monday and spent the day with her sister. Mrs. Arthur Hansel, and family. _/ Mrs. X. A. Steen and daughters. Hil da and Emily, were Grand Island cal lers last Saturday, returning in the evening. Mrs. H. M. Eisner and Mrs. Dr. Carrie Bowman went to Fremont, Wed esday morning to attend the P. E. O. convention. The Loup City ball team went to Ashton Sunday and received a terrible trouncing. We do not remember what the score was. Mrs. O. A. Woods returned home on last Friday from Denver, where she was called being by the serious illness of her brother-in-law. Rev. Ray Kearns and family arrived here last Saturday from Pekin. 111., to attend the funeral of the former's fa ther. Dr. J. A. Kearns. C. W. Trumble. Hivo Aden. John Roberts and Ed. Farrell, of Hazard, were in our city the first of the week attending district court. Mrs. Lamont Stephens returned on Monday evening from Ulysses, where she had been the past week visiting with her brother and friends. SUMMER WASH GOODS — We have a large line to select from. Call and see us tvhile selection is good.— Loup City Mercantile Company. Miss Hattie Froehlieh arrived in our city last Thursday evening from Okla homa, for a visit with her sister, Mrs, L. B. Polski, and many friends. Miss Vernie Stanczyk returned home Monday from Rockville, where she had visited with her sister, Mrs. John Dietz, and family, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor came up Tuesday evening from tliair home in Lincoln, to visit a few days at the J. W. Long home and with other friends. Mrs. J. B. O’Bryan and Mrs. J. A. Thompson and baby and Miss Dorothy O'Bryan left last Thursday for Excel sior Springs, Mo., to spend a couple of weeks. Rev. A. Kearns came in last Sunday via Ravenna from Howard, Kansas, to attend the funeral of his father. Dr. J. A. Kearns, who died very suddenly last week. Miss Harriet Gallaway went to Cen tral City last Thursday morning to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. John Turrentine. She returned home Monday evening. Mrs. Anna McGath came up from her home at Grand Island the last of last week and visited several days at the Patton and Mulick homes, return ing home Monday. Mrs. Wm. Graefe and children left yesterday for Fort Collins, Colo., where they expect to make their future home. Mr. Graefe and son will follow later with the car of goods. Mrs. Ed. Radclifie and daughter. Vera, left last Thursday for Ravenna and Hastings to visit a few days with her mother ad other relatives. They re turned home Saturday. VISIT US | Lack of acquaintanceship with the officers and employees of this H bank should not keep you from visiting our banking rooms. We are always glad to see new faces, and even if you have not '! been a frequent visitor here, we wish to assure, you that you will receive a friendly greeting at this bank. Become acquainted with the "persons" of the bank and familiar with its facilities. - LOUP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA (1S. MASON Implements, Hardware, Farm Seeds, Machine Oils, Windmills, Pumps, Pipes Plumbing and Heating a Specialty ■■ ■ - :--= Buy A New Binder Now ■-- ■- - -- —... . ■ = I would advise party wanting binders this year or in the next three years, to buy them this year. A seven ft. Deering binder complete will cost you $175. This same j binder in 1918 will cost you $225 or more which would be 8 per cent interest on $175 to August 1, 1921. If you I buy a binder now and give your note at 8 per cent inter est until August 1. 1921, it would be cheaper than buy ing at that time, while you have the use of the binder for three years in case of a large wheat crop in 1918 it will be impossible to furnish half the demand for binders. Buy your binder this year and save from $50 to $li() and lie sure to have one for the 1918 crop. O. 5. MASON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA — I -- I j ^"^3~ MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS - 3 The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE”—"CITY OF ERIE”-"CITY OF BUFFALO" CLEVELAND — Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th—BUFFALO Leave Clxvcland - 8:00 P. M.) Centkal i Leave Buffalo • 8:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 A. M. i Standard Time f Arrive Cleveland 6:30 A. U. Connections at Buffalo for Niagara Falls and all F.astern and Canadian points. Railroad tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. 6c B. Line. Sr« TourLt Automobile j Rate — $6.00 Hound Trip, with. 2 days return limit, for cars not exceeding 127 in. wheel base. Beautifully colored sectional puzzle chart of The Great Ship "Seeandbee ” sent on receipt of five cents. Also ask for our 24-page pictorial and descriptive booklet free. The Cleveland & Buffalo : Transit Company ix Cleveland. Ohio f‘4 r--1 i ■ ur «rr»i .*uip ni r. * .a |> n r. r. — the largest ud amt eottly pawenger Steamer on Inland |J; water* of the world. Sleeping eapaeltT, 16 0 0 pa*»enger».