The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 31, 1917, Image 5

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    - ■ "■
W F MASON. President. L. HANSEN, Cashier.
C. H RYAN, Assistant Cashier.
These Facts Make Our Bank
An Ideal Bank For You
It i' >afe and reliable.
It is up-to-date.
It - • k' to In- your friend.
!' 11: tv • •.ui|iitieiit for the safe-guard
ing • f your funds.
It* « e . ' .ml Hoard of Directors are dependable
■ In re among you. and who have es
t '!:•••! r ■ nations for honesty and square deal
it - Her. n 1 >•' the strength of any bank.
I -
First National Ban}^
o fLoup City, Neb.
The Flo rence Wickless
Oil Cook Stove
Clean aper and more Convenient. Buy one
and make the women’s work much
easier this summer
Loa n Mou'ers and Garden Tools of all Kinds
Your Hardware and Harness Man
Harness sold at the eery lou'est price
Fly Time Coming
Window Screens and Screen Doors any Size You
i : ' tii.- < li< <ijK*st commodity on the mar
■ ’ t : 1’- iv wit1 u>. We can save you money.
I'-:*' >_ _’*» I- r srallon. I’aint * »il $1.23.
i prie. ' on paints of all kinds.
Redwood Tanks are Guaranteed.
U haw ail siz* Prices Right.
Buy Coal Now and Save Money.
Fence Posts
Gates Shingles
Ladder' Steel
Rooting < liicken Coops
Hansen Lumber Co.
If the mas who runs it give* it a chance by using an oil made
special.y fur it.
Recommer - : leal.-g engine builders and manufacturers, is best ^
for the tractor because it is made for the liertnr. Clean, carbon
free an i e at hip-; temperatures. Lubricate* both cylinder* and
estemal bearings. Cut* friction to a minimum. i
t'se <**■*>'•: I — .t mean* more power at the draw bar and lew tim*
Ml fur icpair*.
I.SrtrMki) Omaha
Daily sells for less.
Park opening, June 7th.
P. O. Reed for repairing.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
Strychnine for the pesky gophers,
at Swanson’s.
Everybody drinks Bevo at Thomp
son's lunch room.
Another 1 cent orange sale at O. L.
Tockey’s, Saturday.
Emil Dolling was a business passen
ger to Dix, last Friday.
Mrs. Wm. Critel was a business cal
ler at Ashton, Saturday.
If you want to sell your laud, list
it with W. D. Zimmerman.
Karl Jakobs was up from Rockville
I on business Monday morning.
Simon Icssl was a business passen
i ger to Columbus. Tuesday noon.
J. A. Smalley went to Ord. Tuesday
to get ready to move here in ilie near
W. T. Gibson and C. C. Cooper were
business lallers at Grand Island on
! Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Conger autoed
to Arcadia. Monday, returning the
same day.
Mrs. Jane Landers and Miss Pauline
Sorenson, of Arcadia, spent Decoration
day in our city.
Clifford Hale went to Grand Island
last Saturday morning to spend the
day with friends.
Clarence Peterson and Jas Gilbert
were eastbound passengers to Lincoln
last Friday morning.
J. W. Davidson left Monday for his
home at Hastings after a successful
year of school in our city.
I _
E .G. Taylor returned home last
Saturday from Omaha, where he had
been the past week on business.
Mrs. Jens Rasmussen came up from
Rockville. Tuesday to visit with her
daughter. Miss Segrid Rasmussen.
Miss Louise Hansel wetit to St. Paul
; on Monday morning to visit for a while
j witli her sister. Mrs. Elmer Chaffee.
Some of the listed corn will have
to be replanted in the hills, the recent
heavy rains having washed it badly.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
R. P. Starr was an eastbound pas
senger to Omaha last Friday and from
there he will go to Chicago on busi
Miss Alice LeMasters returned to
her home at St. Paul. Saturday noon
after a successful term of school in
our city.
Mrs. C O. Johnson and baby went
; to Aurora last Saturday morning to
spend a week visiting with relatives
and friends.
Wiring and all electrical work neat
ly and promptly done. All work guar
anteed. Your patroage solicited.—
Clifford Hale. 23-3*
Miss Marie Cooper, who has been
| teaching school at Niobrara, returned
' home Tuesday evening for the sum
mer vacation.
Miss Winnie Outhouse, who has
been teaching school at Ravenna the
past year, returned home last Thurs
day evening.
Henry Obermiller shipped a car of
cattle to th9 South Omaha markets.
Tuesday. Hans Obermiller accompani
ed the shipment.
The Misses Grace and Mable Lang
left Saturday morning for their home
' in Lincoln, after a successful term
cf school in our city.
Mrs. J. A. Mellravy left Wednesday
j morning for Tecumseh, where she
was called on account of the sickness
of her daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Mart- Sundstrom returned to
her home at Rockville last Saturday,
after visiting several days here at the
home of Homer Hults and family.
Mrs. Claus Eggars returned home
last Saturday from Omaha, where she
had been visiting with her daughter
who has been quite sick with scarlet
Miss Lucille Bulger of Arcadia is
in our city this week visiting with
her sister. Mrs. Elba Smalley, and
family. She returned home Tuesday
For Sale—My 160 acre farm three
miles southeast of Loup City. Seven
room house, horse and cattle barn
34x34. hog house 16x48. garage 14x20.
granary and chicken house. Buildings
nearly new. 20 acres pasture. 35 acres
alfalfa. Balance in cultivation.—E. T.
| Magnuson. 24-4*
Honest Bill’s show had a hard time
getting to Loup City and arrived here
one day late, showing on Tuesday.
This show is traveling through the
country in a novel way. having about
a dozen big auto trucks and Sherman
county mud and rain was almost too
much for them. The show has good
j equipment and their perfromance is
very good. They have a few elephants.
; camels, etc., and have a good band
composed of colored musicians. The
attendance at Loup City was satisfac
tory considering that the show did
not exhibit here on the day advertised.
j Daily sells for less.
Park opening. June 7th.
Fishing tackle at Swanson's.
Another 1 cent orange sale at O. L
Toekey’s, Saturday.
1 have places for two young men
! on farms.—L. X. Smith. 24-2
Mrs. Mary J. McXeil went to Ra
! venna, Tuesday morning
The Misses Marie and Lula Scott
were St. Paul visitors last Saturday.
Clarence Coletrane was a business
visitor at Arcadia. Saturday evening.
Mrs. Joe Lewandowski vjsited with
relatives and friends at Ashton. Tues
For Rent: — Five room house and
seven lots. Inquire at Jung's Restau
rant. 19tf
- ■ -
Miss Xellamae Grierson ami sister.
Marie, left Tuesday morning for their
home at Asley.
I Miss Grace Daddow left Monday
morning for Kearney, where she ex
peets to attend summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. Lament L. Stephens
spent the day visiting at Rockville
last Friday, returning in the evening.
Miss Eunice Chase left on Saturday
morning for Chapman, where she will
visit for a while with relatives and
Paul Travis left Wedesday morning
for Aurora, where he will spend some
time visiting with his many relative;
and friends.
Clifford Swanson came up from his
home at Murphy. Tuesday evening tc
spend a few days visiting with his
many friends.
Miss Verla Fowler left Wednesday
morning for Murphy where she will
visit for a while with her mother, and
other relatives.
i John W. Long returned home last
Friday evening from the east where
he had been attending to some busi
ness affairs.
Miss May Johnson returned to her
lioni“ at Roelus oast Saturday, after
a few days' visit her with her cousin.
Miss Edna Hults.
Miss Thressa Critel returned to
Lushton. Wedesday morning, after a
short visit here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Critel.
C. M. Snyder, who has been here
the past few days visiting with rela
tivs and old time friends, returned to
his home in Kearney. Saturday.
Fritz Leschinsky went to Ulysses
Xeb., last Saturday where he attend
ed the wedding of a friend He return
ed to Loup City Monday evening.
Miss Emma Rowe and Miss Ferr
Schweitzer were westbound passen
gers to Arcadia. Saturday evening tc
visit at the H. A. Jung over Sunday.
Mrs. Chris Christensen returned
home Monday evening from Roches
ter. Minn., where she had accompani
ed her daughter for medical treat
W. F. Mason. C. C. Carlsen. A. B
Outhouse, J. S. Pedler and severa
others attended the meeting of the
Loup Citiy valley hankers at Ord las'
I Thursday.
Eugene Henry and family were her*
from Stratton, visiting with their par
ents and other relatives. Miss Ade
line Leininger came home with them
having completed her school duties it
Colorado. They made the trip in theii
car. They returned home Tuesday am
were accompanied hv Lois and Rutl
Henry, who will visit with them foi
a few weeks.
hour stomach, clogged up bowels
pimples, blackheads, foul breath arc
evils of constipation. Hollister's Rock\
Mountain Tea regulates the bowels
improves the blood, cleans the stom
ach,—a medicine the whole famil\
should take.—A. J. Farnham.
C. U. Bitner went to Hastings Mon
day morning where he will attend the
graduation exercises and visit witl
friends. From there he will go tc
Lincoln to attend the state superin
tendent's convention. He expects tc
return here about the 16th of June
Mrs. Bitner and baby went as far as
j St. Paul, where they will visit for e
while and then go on to Hastings.
We are moving into the
room formerly oecnpied by
Lou Schwaner, where we will
lie pleased to meet all of our
; customers and friends.. We
will have a better room and
: will be able to accommodate
our customers. We shall at
all times aim to carry a full
line of variety goods.
Yours for a Square Deal.
Bert G. Travis
Loup City 5c, 10c, and
25c Store
Daily sells for less.
Park opening, June 7th.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
1 Poisons for gophers at Swanson's.
Another 1 cent orange sale at O. L
Tockey's. Saturday.
A. G. Hunt was a business visitoi
to Grand Island. .Monday.
Dynamic Tonic will tone your sys
tem. Get it at Swanson's.
Dt. C. E. Watkins was a business
caller at Ashton. Monday.
Try Bevo. the most popular drink,
at Thompson’s lunch room.
| -
j Ralph Reed made a business trir
I trip to Greeley. Tuesday morning.
For sale—My farm one mile south
east of Loup City.—Henry Dolling.
•' O. Waggoner was an eastbound
passenger to Julesburg. Colo.. Monday
Eggs for Hatching — Pure bred bar
red Rocks and light Brahamas.—R. L.
Arthur. 17 tf
Tomato, cabbage anti all other plants
for sale at Pritschau's greenhouse.
Phone 58. 22-3
J. S. Petller returned home on last
Thursday evening from a business trip
to Omaha.
Miss Lena Smith visited over Sun
; day with friends at Arcadia, going up
! Saturdav evening.
Take your cream, eggs and poul
try to F. M. Henry, the independent
buyer ami get the top price.
Jce Daddow left last Saturday
morning for Waterloo. Iowa, to attend
the funeral of his father-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Taylor and daugh
I ter. Lucille, went to St. Paul. Wednes
! (lav morning to visit with relatives.
Clarence and Myrtle Barriek wenl
to Giltner. Tuesday morning to spend
a few days visiting with relatives.
Mrs. Floyd Janulewiez and little son
spent Tuesday visiting with relatives
at Ashton, returning in the evening
Mrs. H. S. Conger came down Wed
nesdav morning from Arcadia, to
spend the day visiting with relatives.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
M. Wcrlock returned home Tuesday
evening from Kearney, where he has
been visiting with his parents several
For rent or sale—Six room house
with two lots. Possession after June
first. Inquire of Ira Timson. Phone
S013 22-4*
W. L. Copeland returned to Wash
ington, Iowa, last Thursday morning
after several days' visit here with his
many’ friends.
Miss Eva Watts, who has been at
tending school at Kearney, came home
\ Tuesday evening to spend her vaca
I tion at home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hunt left Wed
nesdav morning for Omaha to visi
with Mrs. Hunt's sister who is ir i
hospital there.
Miss Thressa Dzingle came in Sat
urday evening from Omaha, to visit :
while with her parents. Mr. and Mrs
Frank Dzingle.
Rav Clark, who has taught in ou:
city high school the past term wa:
. an eastbound pasenger to Lincoln, ot
Saturday morning.
The Misses Amelia Hansen and Lib
McNulty went to Overton. Wednesda:
morning as delegates to the Epwortl
League convention.
Mrs. Clara Hawk went to Kearney
last Thursday morning to spend a fev
days visiting with relatives. She rc
turned home Tuesday evening.
One good result of the recent heav;
rains is the drowning out of the dan
delions. They probably will all com<
to life again on the first warm day.
Mrs. G. W. Collipriest and threi
youngest children left Saturday morn
ing for Pryor. Okla.. where they wil
sp>end a couple of weeks visiting witi
Mrs. Ellen Lewis left Monday morn
ing for Litchfield to visit a few davi
with her son and from there she wil
go to Amhurst, to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. A. O. Bunn.
Charles May enlisted in Company M
j at Grand Island one day last week
I Forrest Larsen enlisted in the fieli
artillery last Friday and is now at thi
training camp at Denver.
We have a few settings or Rhodt
Island Red and white. Barred anc
Buff Rock. White Wyandotte and An
cona eggs for sale from mated birds
at reasonable prices.—Loup City Co
Operative Poultry Association. O. O
Howard, Secy. 22-'
Quite a number of our young pec
pie from this community are contein
plating 'entering the Grand Islam
Business College this fall. This col
lege was founded thirty-seven year
ago. is one of the strongest and mos
widely known Business College ir
the west. It has over 2,000 graduate
in the banking business alone beside
hundreds who are holding splendii
positions in the Commercial lint
Their business practice departmen
alone is worth many times the cos
of the entire course.
Protect Your Crops
The dictionary says: “to insure” means, “to make
certain'’—‘‘to secure.’’
When you insure your crops against hail in the com
panies we represent you make certain that you will re
ceive reimbursements for any losses sustained and you
are secure in the knowledge that the companies are re
liable and prompt in their payment of claims.
Don’t delay—insure today!
Implements, Hardware, Farm Seeds, Machine Oils, Windmills, Pumps, Pipes
Plumbing and Heating a Specialty
Nebraska Went Dry
But the old cows in this section will not obey
the law—they are .just coming fresh after a long dry
This country needs more food and the abnor
mally high prices will make dairying more profita
ble than ever before.
Bring in the old cream separator and swap for
a new Great Western separator while this trade is
yet open, 600 to 700 lbs. separator will only cost you
$65.00 and your old separator.
10. 5. MASON
Electrified Homes
Electricity is now fast superceding old methods in
many departments of the home. The modern home—the
COMFORTABLE home—now has
Electric Heaters
Electric Irons
; Electric Lights
and many other labor saving and cost saving appliances.
It is the ideal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure.
You are losing half the enjoyment of life if your home is
not electricified. Let us wire your house for lights.
We handle the Almo Lighting systems for farm homes.
Call and let us explain them to you.
*| ■ _
Good Lumber
— at —
Lowes Prices
. I Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia
; -
t _
? | Sherman county has had plenty of
? | rain the past week, over two inches of
1 water falling in a few days. What the
. country needs now is warm weather
t and sunshine. June first is nearly
t tiere and the season is very back
H. F. Anderson went to St. Ed
wards and Geneo last Thursday mom
i ing for a visit with relatives and
! friends. Miss Hannah Anderson went
| as far as Columbus with him. where
j she will spend a week o» so visiting.