Separate the Goats from the Sheep. That is what we did w hen we bought our Spring Suits. w are very careful that the Suits we ell re the best that can be bought at the price—all wool, well made, and in the right style—we back up each Suit with our guarantee of satisfaction. Special Suits for ^ oung Men, cut on slim lines $10 to $ 15. Men’s Suits in regular, slim and stout models $15 to $25. LOFHOLM’S ffiolarine MOTOB OILS % rmwari ~ ^ **”*■■■ COMFORT | to- | jour corafjrt—avoid tha tr /ubla and expansa oi a fxi. u-n-cnppled motor by using ^polqpine> THE STANDARD OIL FOR ALL MOTORS I* H '.da it* V" dy at a y cylinder heat or engine speed. Ends carboni 5 rat: o, and scored cylinders. Every drop pure. LaaS ise t’ • Potarine aicn -it stands for a reliable dealer who will give you -tat you ask tor. Uaa Red Crown Gasoline, the power-full motor fuel. I STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Old/ HA Will Be At ASHTON Saturday, May 26 LOOP CITY Monday, May 28 ARCADIA Tuesday, May 29 AFTERNOON AND NIGHT Give U* A Call. We’ll Please Vm or Give Your Money Back CUPID The pony with the human I'laai counts money, tells time and 1000 other things. A herd of Elephants. A drove of Camels. A Bi? Den of Lions. A troup of zebras. Kantrnroos, leopards, lynx, monkeys by the score and many other animals. Every department of this migh ty aggregation is lighted by our own electric light plant. Tk» 1*0.*; Canatmcted aud Ort- raatad Aggregation on the Rued. Barring none, fon^lst* of a Variety of PONY, DOG, ANIMAL and VAUDEVILLE ACTS 2 and 3 Acts Going at a time. Free Exibition Outside Tent Before Performance. Popular Prices ROUTE 2, LOUP CITY. H. A. Woody is working for W. T. Draper. Mike Mendyk is breaking out a bit of new land this spring. John Haesler’s sister lias been visit ing at his home this week. Postmaster Beushausen went over each mail route last week. Roy Conger bought a farm a short distance from Sidney. Neb. Col. Brown and Henry Plambeck are working for W. O. Brown. , Mike Mendyk is taking treatments at the Grand Island hospital. Lew Haller put down two wells for Henry Kulil and also a cistern. Fritz Bichel has been hauling wheat to Loup City the past week. Lars P. Nielson marketed hogs on the Loup City market last week. This week sees about the last of the country schools until next fall. Ms. Wm. Hawk, w’ho has been very sick for weeks is slowly improving. Alfred Jorgenson was building a fence along his south line, Tuesday. Sim Criss attended the funeral of his brother at Spalding last week. The fruit crop both tame and wild give promise of a big yield this year. Fred Foster has been out at the. home of E. G. Pugsley' the past week. The river was very high Sunday on ; account of the heavy rain Sunday ! night. G. B. Wilkie bought a fine stallion , and is standing him at his farm on route two. | Eli Fisher has been grubbing wil lows for John Leininger the past ten days. A number of boys have been taking ! their yearly bath the past week in the river. Mrs. W. W. Lawson from San Juan. [Calif., is visiting at the Simon lossi home. Chris Oltjenbruns has built a dandy; [ summer kitchen at the east side of j his house. Hans Obermiller had a Henry Ford garage built of late. Wm. Rowe and sons w-ere the artists. Art Casteel proved up on his claim and is at home helping his father to j farm on route two. Robert Dinsdale is holding his cat tie for higher prices. He has a dandy bunch on hand now. Romeo Conger has been building some fence on the Leininger farm south of the old Gee place. Harold Burt and Roland Goodwin al so proved up on their claims and in 1 tend farming there this summer. This is the season for the route news again. When we are driving a car we haven't time to collect the news. Mrs. Daisy j-ieteher returned home Saturday from Spalding, where she j had been to attend the funeral of tier brother. Carrier on route two was compel led to drive a team Monday on account of the rain that covered this part of the country. Alfred Jorgenson had a load of hay and a load of porkers on the Loup City markets the past week. Each brought a fair value. Mrs. Naomi Criss went to Spalding to be at the bedside of her son who has been very low. Later, her son died last week. Mrs. Criss has the sympathy of all in her deep sorrow. C. J. Norstedt Ts having the big four grade the road from W. O. Bown's south. The way it is being graded only the road drag will be necessary for vears to keep it in almost perfect con dition. Road boss, Fred Daddow, dragged the roads in his district the past week. To drag the roads right the drag should be set so the blade is straight up and down or slanting a little for ward. This makes it hard on the hor ses and that is the reason so many drag with the blade sloping back. Harry Rutherford is at home again after an absence of over a year. He brought home a lady friend with him *o work for his mother, but the neigh bors taking it for granted that he was married dropped in on them last week but got fooled. Harry invited them in and all had one of the jolliest times of their lives until about midnight. Frank Casteel put up a new mill of late. The past two weeks has been dry and the farmers have been making the most of it. The ground has been in ideal shape for corn planting. About half of it planted and some is up. Oats are in perfect stand. Winter wheat on route two was almost a complete failure. Pastures are only just getting good. Alfalfa will be ready to cut in ten days and will be a bumper for the ground is soaked good. Very little al falfa was killed on the route. Rye came through the winter without a scratch. Potatoes are all in and some almost, big enough to cultivate. There will be the largest acreage of every thing put in that Sherman cdunty ever saw. Cattle and horses are the thinnest in years on account of the slowT pastures and the shortage of hay. The prospect of a big hay erop is bright and if the weather is favor able for the next three weeks the hay crop is made. GROWING HOGS. For a hog to be profitable he must be kept growing from birth to market ing age. He cannot be profitable un less he is healthy? He can always be in a profit-producing condition if he is fed B. A. Thomas’ Hog Powder. We positively tell you that this remedy prevents cholera, removes worms and cures thumps. If the powder does not make good, we will—J. J. Slominski, Loup City, Neb. WEEKLY PROGRAM. Opera House THURSDAY, MAY 24 Commencement Exercises SATURDAY, MAY 26 “The Isle of Life.” (In 5 Parts) One reel of Comedy TUESDAY, MAY 29 Kolb and Dill (In 5 Acts) “A Peck of Pickles" Some Fun WEDNESDAY, MAY 30 Wm. Fox presents Theda Bara In “Gold and Woman” LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Cattle Steady to 10 Lower; Respectable Rocoipts HOGS ABOufTcKEL LOWER Lambs Open Slow at About Steady Figures—Few Sales Made Early, Nearly Steady. Normal Supply, Run Consisting of About 4,300 Head. Just a Little Selling—Bulk of Supply in Pens at 11 o’clock. , Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Nebraska, May 22nd, 1917.—The' week opened out with a very respectable run af cattle, receipts footing up 300 loads or about 7.500 head. Both local packers and shippers seemed to want the cattle Monday and competition was best for the desirable light and handy weight steers and these sold mostly about as well as toward the close of last week. Receipts of heavy cattle, however, were fairly good and buyers had a chance io cheapen up on these grades, their bids being some- ■ what lower than last Friday. Right good 1.200 to 1.450 pound beeves sold at $12.40@ 12.90 and the fair to good 900 to 1,200 pound beeves, including a lot of long yearlings, sold around $11.60@ 12.25. Strictly good to choice She stock sold at $10.25® 11.25. Quotations on Cattle: Good to choice beeves, S12.40@13.25; fair to good beeves. $11,75@ 12.35: common to fair beeves, S10.25@11.50; good to choice heifers. S10.40@11.40 ; good to choice cows. $9.S5@ 1 o.s5; fair to good cows. S8.75®9.75; canners and cut ters. $7.oo@s.5tt; veal calves. $9.oO@ 13.50: beef bulls. S7.25@10.25. A tolerably liberal run of hogs showed up for Monday, arrivals count ing out 112 cars or $.400 head. There was a very fair shipping outlet for hogs Monday, and shippers bought quite it few hogs at the start at fully steady prices. it was around 10 o’clock before packers and sellers could agree on prices amt hogs finally moved on a 5c lower basis. Bulk of the early sales were made at Sl.i.OO @16.00. with tops reaching $16.10. Xot enough business had been done up to 11 o'clock in the lamb trade to give much of sin idea on the market, hut what sales had been made were called about steady and ns there was a fair demand, prospects looked as rtiough offerings would find n steady outlet with last week. First sales included lambs that while in i good flesh and not very heavy had i been shorn within the last few days. ' These were called about steady at $16.75. California springers brought $10.25. with forty head out qf a live deck shipment tit $16.00. Quotati. ■ns on sheep and lambs:. Lambs, \vimled. $19.25@20.10; lambs, shorn. S15.75@16.IM); spring lambiy ' $17.00® 10.25 : yearlings, shorn. $15.00 015.25; wethers, shorn, $12.50® 1-1.25 ; ewes, shorn. $11.7.5® 14.00; ewes, cull shorn. $8.50® 11.25. Nobody Will Deny it. The easiest way to arouse a man’s i enthusiasm is to show him a way to get money without earning it. Road to Happiness. Be amiable, cheerful and good na tured and you are much more likely ' to he happy. You will find this diffi cult, if not impossible, however, when you are constantly troubled with con stipation . Take Chamberlain’s Tab- I lets and get rid of that and it will be easy. These tablets not only move the bowels, hut improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. FOR SALE. FOR SALE: — MY EIGHT ROOM house and six lots. Also six lots in cherry and plum trees. A tract of 4% acres of land and other tract of acres all in alfalfa and fenced chicken tight.—Alfred Anderson. HOMESTEAD OR FARM LANDS. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Co.. Grant Lands. Title to same re vested in United States by act of con gress dated June 9, 191fi. Two million three hundred thousaitfl acres to be opened for settlement and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands. Containing some of the best land left in United States. Now is the .oppor tune time. Large sectional map and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box 610. Portland, Oregon. 6-13 CLEAR CREEK SAND. Quite a rain fell Sunday evening. H. J. Burtner is not feeling as well as usual. A. D. Jones hauled hogs to market Saturday. L. B. Hickman hauled hogs to mar ket Saturday. C. D. Brookshier was a Loup City visitor Tuesday. A. D. Jones sold a red poll calf to Lee Vanwinkle. All the farmers are busy planting corn these days. Lee Walsey drove his catle to the Litchfield market Thursday. Frank Kuhn autoed to Loup City on Friday. G. W. Hage accompanied him Ross Harshfield autoed up from Doniphan Saturday to visit the J. E. Ramforth family. Lee Wolsey is stepping high these days, it is a girl born Saturday morn ing. Everyone concerned getting along nicely. Clifford and Merle Anderson of Bea ver Crossing came up to visit with the Richmond and Jones families a few days. Seth Richmond and wife and Miss Ann Van atended commec-ement exer cises at the Clear Creek High School1 Thursday evening. Dr. Rydberg and wife, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Norling, attend- j ed the graduating exercises at the! Clear Creek High School Thursday: evening. S. H. Richmond and wife and Miss Ann Van autoed over in their new Dodge car from Loup City Saturday evening to spend the week end with home folks. Fred Richmond Jr., left Friday ev ening for Broken Bow to visit with Boyd Hill, who is attending school at that place, alsq to take in the track meet there. Mrs. Hickman and daughter Letha and Teresa Weller autoed to Kear ney in their new car to bring Miss Lonessa Baker to their place, return ing Sunday evening. Miss Winnie Gasteyer came over on Friday to take in the picnic and Miss Retta. who taught a successful term of school in the grammar room of the Clear Creek High School, accompanied her home. The commencement exercises of the i tenth grade scholars was held at the ■ Clear Creek High School Thursday ev-1 eing. The two room school house was well filled. Air. A. O. Thomas gave the patrons and scholars a very inter esting talk and emphasized the fact | that Sherman county has me most rural high schools of any one county and that our school was doing a splen did work. The graduates were Flor ence Richmond, Fred Richmond. Ethel .Mendenhall. Lloyd Alendenliall, John Bowzer and Ella Reed. Aliss Garra Hill was a most able and efficient teacher and with the help of Sup’t Currier this school is sure to be a success as already has been proven. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court. State of Nebraska. Sherman County. ss. In the matter of the Estate of Anna Ritz deceased. To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified that I wil’ sit at the County Court room in Lour City, in said county, on the 21st day of December. 1917 to receive and ex amine all claims against said Estate, with a view to their adustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Es tate is the 21st day of December. A. D. 1917 and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the 17th day of Alav, 1917. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 17th dav of Afay, 1917. (SEAL) E. A. SA1ITH. 23-4 County Judge Proper Food Tor Weak Stomachs. The proper food for one man be all wrong for another. Every one should adopt a diet suited to his age and oc cupation. Those who have weak s’oin achs need to be especially carefui and should eat slowly and masticate ilndr food thoroughly. It is also important that they keep their bowels regular When they become constipated o: when they feel dull and stupid r" eating, they should take Chamberlain's , Tablets to strenghten the stomach and move the bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. , FOR SALE. Brick house and barn and six lots in northwest part of Loup City. Inquire at Northwestern office or write O. S. I Beach, 1304 So. 11th Omaha. Neb 20tf — LOUP CITY MARKETS. Furnished by F. M. Henry. Corrected every Thursday morning. Butterfat .38c Eggs, per doz.31c Hens, per lb.17c PROFIT BY THIS. Don’t Waste Another Day. When you are worried by backache; by lameness and urinary disorders— Pont experiment with an untried medi cine. Follow Loup City people’s example. Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Here’s Loup City testimony. Verify it if you wish: Mrs. Chris Johansen, Loup City, says: “I don’t hesitate recommending Doan’s Kidney Pills, for I found them to do just as advertised. I used them for backache, nervousness and troub le with the kidney secretions and they I brought quick relief. I get Doan’s Kid- J ney Pills at Swanson’s Drug store and I always take a few when I feel in ; need of a kidney tonic.” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get 1 Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that j Mrs. Johansen had. Fister-Milburn Co., | Props., Buffalo. N. Y. i - Buick Cars Fours and Sixes A The new features of the Six cylinder Buick- in clude the latest type of manifold, also a new cl. ] ,., adjustment. These features combined overconn trouble in cold weather starting and are found t in Buick cars. Buick Fours $675.00 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Buick Sixes $1070.00 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. E. J. MAUS, Distributor LOUP CITY, NEB. PHONE BLACK 134 I Business and profession M Guide ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA AARON WALL Lawyer Practices In All Courts LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA 1 LAMONT T, STEPHENS Lawyer First National Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA JACOB J SLOMINSKI Wants Your Cream, Poultry, and Kggs Always Top Prices and a Square Deal. Loup City, Neb. Phone 89 C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber & Electrician For good, clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come aUB Get My Prices ALFRED MINSHULL Painting and Papering Give me a trial Phone Brown 123 LOUP CITY NEBRASKA WALTER THORNTON Dray and Transfer Call Lumber Yards or Taylor* Elevator Phone Brown 43 J. E. Bowman, M. D. Carrie L. Bowman. M. D 1 BOWMAN & BOWMAN ________ Physicians and Surgeons ! t'hone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA S. A. ALLEN Dentist Office Upstairs In the New State Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY - - - - NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Enibalmer Funeral Director ' In The Home Of The Cultured Wherever good books are read; wherever good paintings are appreciated; wherever good music is un derstood— There the Edison Diamond Disc Is Preferred There are Hundreds of so-called needle machines, but only one Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph. Don’t compare the perfect tone reproduction of the Edison with the tin-pan effect of the needle ma chines. No needles to change if you have an Edison. t % The New Edison sells for $100 and up Unbreakable Records. All Sizes to Show You A. C. OGLE I ;_y