The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 24, 1917, Image 5
W F MASON. President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. C H RYAN Assistant Cashier. Take No Chances With Your Money Shark' an* always look i rk~ !»•> not let them victimize |»,•. i. ~-r - tti • me «le|»o.'it> in our hank is . - tm. '.iti'! i i*n proportion until you i.m i:!.ite.| . l uutrh t<> put into some in - ’ 1 i y«-u ean lake advantage of some - d ve'ti . it opportunity. But do not, a !• t >< ur name lie "E. Z. Mark.’’ First National Bank of Loup City, Neb. - - — The Florence Wickless Oil Cook Stove Cleaner. (Vf*1 and move Convenient. Buy one and make the women’s work much easier this summer I.awn M l*. crs and Carden Tools of all Kinds JAMES BARTUNEK Your Hardware and Harness Man | Harness sold al the eery lowest price Coal Situation Bad ■ • ■ <- will n<it guarantee prices or • .: * lM. We are receiving now our t . li'.y lmw and >ave money and ■tie ,-;in predict ju>t what the situa a a certainty that juices "it < • - gut and ce.d next to impossible to i!»*t. 1 r - v- -u to till y«»iir bins now. We have ' * ’ . N . i !. b'«>utt (Nuuity l.ump and ' A t ■ ke and Ideal Fuel. Far cheaper Ihau hard mal. Phone us your orders. Phone 67. Special > n ..1 >j*ecial lumber $25 j»er M. Hansen Lumber Co. WIRE FENCING PAINTS LADDERS ' "voir tractorcosts money But i» Hmimer that will return a log yield-if you safeguard , ... • • - V rn mm lengthen the life and increase the ri . w-ury of your tractor by using STANOLIND GAS ENGINE TRACTOR OIL • | ..r the lubrication of cylinders and external bearings. It ,-- - smoother running tractor, more power at the draw-bar, and Irss tune out for repairs. Best Be the tractor because it's made for the tractor. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) Omshs —^111 ■» IT Tf — - --- Daily sells for less. P. O. Heed for repairing. Try Chase’s first—it pays. Books of all kinds for graduation at Swanson's. Everybody drinks Bevo at Thomp ! son's lunch room. — Louie Retrenmayer was a Rockville caller last Thursday. A. B. Outhouse was a business cal ler at Rockville, Tuesday. If you want to sell your land, list it with W. D. Zimmerman. - Harry McLaughlin returned home on Monday evening from Grand Island. Mrs. Harve O'Bryan was a Grand Is land caller last Friday to spend the day. Attend the big patriotic, meeting in Loup City next Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Mi and Mrs. John Cynova left Sat ’.!i day for their new home in Crosby ton. Texas. You should see the window of ap propriate commencement gifts at Stvanson's. Matt Janulewicz visited with his son lid Janulewicz. and family at Ashton ast Thursday. Itev C M Steen made a business trip to Grand Island. Monday, return ing in the evening Chas. tV. Bulger and Harold Me Clary of Arcadia, were both in our city a few days this week. Howard Rowe was a westbound pas I senger to Arcadia last Friday evening j to spend a day or two visiting. Mrs. Rosa Curtis returned Monday ' from Austin, where she spent Sunday with her daughter. Mrs. Hartweil. • Raymond Oilman was an eastboum! passenger to Omaha, Saturday or business, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mulick returned Monday evening from Grand Island whert^hev had been several days. Marriage license clerks are of the opinion that many of our young men prefer a scrap at home to a fight abroad. Wiring and all electrical work neat j ly and promptly done. All work guar anteed. Your patroage solicited.— j Clifford Hale. 23-3* I John Eichelberger of Aurora, was in | our city visiting at the John Cowling I home last week, returning home on ! Fridav morning. — John Musser, who has been here the past few days visiting at the A. Woods home, left Monday morning for his home in Idaho. 1_ Mr. and Mrs. C. Squires and Mr and Mrs. Clarence Stokesberrv of Au j rora. spent Sunday visiting at the C ' P. McLaughlin home. Mrs. Claus Eggars left Saturday morning for Omaha to be at the bed side of her daughter who is quite sick with scarlet fever. Miss Nellie Stanczyk returned home last Saturday from Ashton, where she had been vsiting with relatives and friends for sveral days. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Roschvnialski re turned to their home at Rockville last Thursday, after a short visit here at the John Cynova home. R. M. Hiddleson left Tuesday morn ing for Grand Island and Cairo and from there he will go to Anselmo tr visit with his son, Lester. We have a car of genuine Pennsyl vania hard coal. First come, first serv ed. Hard coal situation worst in his tory.—Hansen Lumber Co. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Mrs. W. T. Owens returned home on last Friday evening from Hot Springs. S. D„ where she visited evith her hus band who is at the sanitarium at that place. A surprise party was given on Hom er Ogle in honor of his birthday, last Saurday evening at his home. A good time was had by the large crowd that was in attendance. Wm. Baird and family arrived in Loup City the later part of last week from Long Beach, Calif., where they have been the past few years. Thev pect to remain hre for the present. The Misses Bernice and Bessie Ogle and Master Raymond Ogle went to Austin. Saturday to attend a party. They returned home the same day ac companied by Mrs. Ida Ogle who spent over night here. The question is being asked nearly < every day why the legislature gave women the right to vote on county of ficers and not on state officers nor county judges. The reason is that the j legislature did not have the power to I grant them the right. The office of i county jndge was created by the con I stitution of the state, and the legis I lature has not the power to change it. | Certain offices were created by the constitution and nothing but a direct t vote of the people can change them. I Under the new law the women will j have the right to vote for anv office I created by the legislature. The con I stitution of the state will have to be changed by a direct vote of the peo ple before the women can be given the right to vote for all officers.— I David City Banner. 0. L. Swanson DRUGGIST Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Rev. Father Jarka was a business j caller at Rot kville. Tuesday. — t Miss Amelia Hansen visited the Aus tin school. Wednesday afternoon. For Rent: — Five room house and seven lots. Inquire at Jung's Restau rant. 19t£ Miss Amelia, and Chris Hansen spent the day visiting at Rockville j Monday. Wm S human was an eastbound pas sen get to Central City last Friday morning. Harry Gardner was a westbound | j sengtr to Doris Lake. Monday eveinni on business. Cash Tapolski came up from Ash ton, Tuesday evening to attend the high school ( lass play. The German Ladies’ Aid society will hold a bazaar at Mrs. Jung’s Restau rant on the 26th day of May. Allen Cole was an easthound passen ger to Omaha. Saturday to spend Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W. Overman. Mrs. H. L. Miller and children came ovef Tuesday from Scotia to visit at | the E. P. Daily home several days. — Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman left Tuesday for McArthur, Ohio, where she was called to the bedside of her father who is very sick. Roy V. Kelly arrived in our city Wednesday evening for a visit with his many friends and to attend the graduation exercises. Mrs. C. C. Christensen and daughter Maggie, left Monday morning for Ro Chester. Minn., where the latter will take medical treatments. E. E. McFadden. who has been here visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs Geo. McFadden, returned to his home at North Platte. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Farnham and baby went to Central City last Friday to visit over Sunday with relatives, re turning home Monday evening. Mrs. \Vm. Rowe was a westbound passenger to Sargent. Monday even ing where she goes to nurse her sis ter-in-law. who was operated on that evening. Honest Bill's big show will exhibit at Loup City on Monday. May 2S. This show carries an aeroplane and the machine flies every day. Come to Loup City and see it. Asa J. Farnham has been on the sick list for the past two weeks. Mr Farnham was called out of town by the illness of his mother, and while he was far from being well, made the trip. He caught cold when he return ed on Monday and has been confined to the house#ever since. Sour stomach, clogged up bowels, pimples, blackheads, foul breath are evils of constipation. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea regulates the bowels improves the blood, cleans the stom ach.—a medicine the whole family should take.—A. J. Farnham. Memorial Sunday. May 27. 1917. Ser vices for Memorial Sunday will be held at the M. E. Church. The sermon w'ill be delivered by Rev. Beebe and the choir of all the churches are in vited to assist with the music, which will be songs approprrate for the day. All civic orders are invited to meet | at their respective halls at 10 o’clock a. m. and form in line with Comrades. Ladies of the G. A. R„ and Sons of Veterans and march to the M. E. I Church where services will be held at 10:30 a. m. 22-2 New Location We are moving into the room formerly occupied bv Lou Schwaner, where we will | be pleased to meet all of our customers and friends.. We will have a better room and will be able to accommodate our customers. We shall at all times aim to carry a full line of variety goods. I * Yours for a Square Deal. i Bert G. Travis Loup City 5c, 10c, and 25c Store Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Poisons for gophers at Swanson’s. Try Bevo. the most popular drink, at Thompson's lunch room. — Charles May and Harold Hancock were Grand Island callers Tuesday. For sale—My farm one mile south east of Loup City.—Henry Dolling. * L. A. Williams went to Rockvillt and Ravenna on business last Friday W. P Cook of Sr. Paul, was in oui city the first of the week on business Milo Daily and Jar k Amick werr business callers at Grand Island las: Friday. Eggs for Hatching — Pure bred bar j red Rocks and light Braliamas.—R. L. i Arthur. 17 tf j S. E. Gallawav was an eastbound passenger to Omaha. Wednesday, on business. Tomato, cabbage and all other plants j for sale at Pritschau's greenhouse. Phone 58. 22-3 — See the aeroplane at Loup City on | Monday. Mav 2S, with the “Honest Bill Show.” • Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Bryan were j Grand Island callers. Tuesday to visit j with friends. Mrs. Geo. Zeigler was a passenger to Dannebrog last Friday to have some dental work done. Mrs. Henry Alex came up Mondat evening Irani Ashton to visit at the Stellmock home a few days. Take your cream, eggs and poul try to F. M. Henry, the independent buyer and get the top price. Harry Hinmah was a business pas senger to St. Paul. Monday in interests of the Bell Telephone company. Mrs. O. H. Angier left Tuesday morning for Strawberry Point. Iowa, where she will spend the summer. For rent or sale—Six room house with two lots. Possession after June first. Inquire of Ira Tirnson. Phone 8013 22-4* Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Waggoner were passengers to St. Paul. Wednesday morning and spent the day. returning in the evening. Miss Lucille DeOamp arrived here last Friday evening from Lincoln, fo a visit with her sister. Mrs. S. A. Allen, and family. Miss Josephine Jonke. who has beer here visiting with her cousin. Mrs. P D. Hendrickson, returned to her home n Denver. Monday. Episcopal services will be held in the German church Monday evening May 28. All are invited to attend this service.—J. M. Bates. Miss Myrtle Phillips went to Grand Island last Saturday morning to spend the day with her brother. Mason. She returned in the evening. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Mrs. A. L. Throckmorton came up from her home at Austin and spent Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Anna May. returning home Monday morn ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doner. Wm. Ben sehoter and Miss Lula Lofholm ant' James Gilbert and Miss Emma Fow ler. aufoed to Grand Island. Sunday, on a pleasure trip. General Pershing, a Nebraska man, of Lincoln, will have command of the first American troops that will go to France. We will have our first army in the field in a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderstrom and son came up from Aslion, Tuesday to visit with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Corning and to attend the class play and graduation exercises. The show that is coming to Loup City on May 28, is traveling through the country in big auto trucks and has an up-to-date flying machine. Seve ral elephants, camels and zezbras are also exhibited by this show. ^_ W. T. Draper left Monday morning for David City, where he will work on a new court house which is being built at that place. Mr. Draper says this is one of the biggest jobs he has ever undertaken. He expects to be gone at least two mdnths. We have a few settings or Rhode Island Red and white. Barred and Buff Rock. White Wyandotte and An cona eggs for sale from mated birds, at reasonable prices.—Loup City Co Operative Poultry Association. O. O. Howard. Secy. 22-4 Lieutenant Barratt of the U. S. navy will be in Loup City next Satur day and Sunday, May 25-26 to secure elistments for the navy, which is bad ly in need of-men at the present time. A big patriotic meeting will be held in the court house square on Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and Lieuten ant Barratt will be there and make an address. Other speeches will be made and a big time is being planned. Let everyone attend this meeting. Lieut. Barratt would like to person ally interview all the young men who are thinking of joining the navy. Everyone should attend the meeting Saturday afternoon, and be on time, so as not to miss any of the fine talks that will be made. I Stop The Waste While America has long been notorious for its waste, the time has come when every true citizen must exert (‘very possible energy towards economy. A check ac count at this bank will help you keep an accurate record of your receipts and disbursements this summer—cut ting down your waste and conserving your resource Start paying-by-check NOW! j LOOP CITY STATE BANK jj LCiiP CITY, NEBRASKA ^ O. S. MASON •nplements. Hardware, Farm Seeds. Machine Oils. Winllmills, Pumps. Pipes Plumbing and Heating a Specialty CULTIVATORS There is going to be a shortage in all kinds of cultiva tors this season. I would advise parties wanting culti vators to buy them early. I have a nice stock on hand at present. Can sell you a balance frame riding cultivator for $29.00 to $22.00. A tongue walking cultivator at $18.50 to $20.00. A tongueless cultivator at $10.00. Call and get you one of these cultivators before they are all sold. j| LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA | - J I Our Regular Prices 100 lbs. Chick food.4.00 7 Bars Silver Gloss Soap.25c Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb.>.25c Good Santos Coffee, per lb.22c 1 Gal. Karo Corn Syrup.. .■.60c 4 Gal. Karo Corn Syrup.35c 1 Gal. Karo White Svrup.75c 4 Gal. Karo White Syrup.40c 4 Boxes Corn Flakes.25c California Dried Peaches, per lb...13c Atlas Oatmeal.25c Santa Clara Prunes.15c Pancake flour, 5 lb. size..’.22c 6 oz. Can Milk.05c 16 oz. Can Milk.10c We pay cash for Eggs. Please come in and see our Men’s Suits at $12.50. Also we have a nice line of Men’s trousers and Boy’s Suits. WM. LEWANDOWSKI General Merchandise QUALITY RIGHT PRICES SERVICE —— I Ml. -Ill III. I ■ _ When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS We carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil cakes. In stock at all times.