Loup City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN '"I I 'll XXXVI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1917 NUMBER 22 ^_______ _ . _ ___ _ HAZAED NEWS Re* i; return**] from lirarul Island Mr Wade returned from Cairo Wed naaduy. C " Trumble was a passenger to IJnroln Sundae J® Krarirn returned to Ravenna on -'undav morning I«od* M r 'an# *t - a passenger to Ravenna Thursday Mr atsd Mrs H L Heunis autoed 10 »,•>. field M.tndav W R Is * *t a as a pa»s*r:ger tf Raver.na Wednesday. - Bet.ng- * -e'umed to 1-itch * * 1 r*iar*4ay e% e-.ng. O J Walthers re eived a car 1 evening to spend Sunday with hi* mother Vr MifJri* returned Wednesday :rom Kentw> ky where he has been ri ling his mother. M*» Kroesi de la Motte was a pa« esgef to J • • t.a Thursday. return :.g the same day. V Aiveiia Peterson and her moth .* brother and - -'er in law autoed to tv—ruey last Fnd*y. Floyd Graham and wife came down from Litchfield Sunday and spent the day with Floyd's father. Mrs \V U Hane was a passenger I’.rok. !i Bow Thursday evening, re turning Friday morning. Miss Vera Robinson went to Grand and Friday to see her father, who k : St Francis hospital. Har:»:ir Nelson and family came Mow n from Lite hfield Sunday and spent the day w th Rev. Langseth and fam ily .Mrs Frame came up from Ravenna Tic ay evening to spend a few days A.th h*r brother. George Works Sr. i and family. There w as certainly a large turnout tie play that was given by the H:ch S< liool Saturday night. Every that was present spoke highly of j the play. MARRIED. In On., ha. Neb . on Friday evening May 11. 1S*17. Miss Julia Olsen and Mr Harold Kirby. Rev. L. V. Slo )• of the McCabe Methodist church rf-rm—1 the ceremony. After the •••■• ninny a dinner was given them ! . Mr and Mrs John Olsen. Jr. of ' Omaha. Mr K rby has charge of the press • >• :n of *he Waters Barnhardt Print iib Co., of that city. T! • v arrived in Loup City Saturday -vet : sr to spend a couple of weeks faith Ms Kirby's parents. Mr. and Mrs John Olsen and family. Tim bride is well known here and .t\ 1.- r friends and Loup City people v-nd origratula- ims and wish her • 1 1 • - husband a happy journey I through life. TAKEN UP. ige about 70 is w-r- tai ■ i: up about a month it in Owner tn have same by prov e property and paying advertising V. Spelts 22-3 Try an ad in the Northwestern. REDUCING theory to fact S. ■ —i ... y !» ~ r • • >• in tailor—have you ever given • • ’i • al theory that has made the ready-to — the biggest industries of this i . «ry a i'll'*..! theory that has become a fact? iia> Income a science; today, the - - tailor to the millions—his ability has for ready to-w< r clothes to be still indi vidual M millions have rcsjionded. HIGH-ART CLOTHES ar< .» — t . tot -uecos. because they are designed to He-. ’ the rc-jUio nieiit> of every tvpe. 1 : • • •‘(‘pr* ’ iat* tin e.-rtaiuty of clothes which you can ' ir • ■ •’ * • outset. llo\\ do you know whether the style ' trou a picture will prove becoming? We have e\ .-ry ty p.-1.. tr>>m—in every size and in a-wide range of fabrics uud color. GUS LORENTZ LOUP CITY NEWS NOTES. — Oranges 1 cent each. 40 for 35 cents at Tockeyle next Saturday. All persons who left jewelry for re pairs at Sehwaner's may get the same at the Rexall drug store. I Take your cream, eggs and poul try to F. M. Henry, the independent buyer and get the top price. ^ Mason Phillips returned home Sat urday evening from Lincoln, where he had been for several days. He left on Monday morning for Grand Island, where he has accepted a position in Wolbach & Sons big store. -. Miss Nellamae Grierson and Alice Le.Masters visited at St. Paul last Sat urday. They were also in Grand Is land. shopping. They returned home in the evening. Miss Grierson going on to Arcadia to spend Sunday with 1 relatives. —-— We have a few settings or Rhode Island Red and white. Barred and Buff Rock. White Wyandotte and An cona eggs for sale from mated birds, j at reasonable prices.—Loup City Co Operative Poultry Association. O. O. i Howard. Secy. 22-4 : R. H. Mathew delivered the gradua tion address at Comstock last evening and when he returned this morning discovered that he had brought back I someone else's suit case, which was i empty. As Bob had a night gown in his j ] suit case he thinks that he was beat u j little in the trade. — It has been suggested that German i prisoners of war be transferred from Great Bitain to America in order to i relieve the allies of the burden of transporting their feed. It’s a good scheme. It may become necessary to i bring the women and children over j here, but if it does, we'll take them ! too. - I Memorial Sunday. May 27. 1917. Ser vices for Memorial Sunday will be I held at the M. E. Church. The sermon i will be delivered by Rev. Beebe and j the choir of all the churches are in- i vited to assist with the music, which will be songs appropriate for the day. All civic orders are invited to meet at their respective halls at 10 o'clock a. m. and form in line with Comrades, Ladies of the G. A. R.. and Sons of Veterans and march to the M. E. Church where services will be held at 10:30 a. m. 22-2 The Union Pacific farm prepared j ness special arrived here ahead of schedule time last Thursday evening and the band did not get to the de pot until after the train was in. A pa rade was formed and marched to the court house square where stock judg ing was held for a couple of hours. All three of the meetings in town and also the three country meetings were well attended, though not many far mers were present at the meetings held in town. A great many farmers were too busy to attend while many at tended the country meetings who oth erwise would have come to town. Several interesting talks were given by the different speakers. Th meetings were a great success and the members of the special said they were greeted by large crowds every place where they had been. ENCOURAGE THE BOYS AND GIRLS. “With only half a wheat crop in ) America, with the Argentina crop a 1 failure, with France behind in her i farming and with a million or more | ; producers soon to be sent into the i ! army to be consumers, the food situa- 1 I tiou in the United States is serious," j said Prof. P. G. Holden, director of the ; , agricultural extension department of ; : the International Harvester Company who was one of the food experts on the Union Pacific farm preparedness j special. “Isn’t it worth our while this year to be a little more careful not to waste food," he said. “I believe what we waste in America would almost feed us and it is a crime to waste food when other people are going hungry. Just now, farming is everything. It is our opportunity. “I dont’ know but what this war will jar us loose from some of our hide bound notions and make us better. No I progress was ever made except ; through suffering. If I were your may- ! or I’d call all the people of this town ! ! together to discuss what could be done i to make this community more effici- ' ent. I wish I could put it into the hearts of the people to do a little more this year. What is success? It is beating your own record every day." j Mr. Holden is a great believer in ! giving the boys and girls on the farms a chance to own something, to inter est them in their work. "If 1 wanted to make greater things j these days," he said, "I’d begin with I the boys and girls. These boys, many | of them, cannot go into the trenches, I but they can go into the Seals and serve their country just a~ much, i tell you it takes more courage to march out into the field with a hoe than it does to march to the front with a gun when the hand is playing and the people are cheering. But it is ' just as great a thing to do. “Give the boy a pig. Let him pay ! for it by work. When the next crop comes on that boy will be something ahead. Owing something is what ' makes a boy. Sometimes 1 think mo thers have a larger vision than fath ers do for they are thinking in terms of hoys and girls instead of in terms of pigs and cattle and coin. 1 won- j der if we remember we are living for men rather than for pigs and corn. Boys were not born for the pigs. Pigs • were born for the boys and tht girls." j - DAVIS CREEK NEWS. Alex Pzingl was in Ashton lad Thursday. Vence Rewanleski had hogs in Ash ton Saturday. Lee Sperling and brother were in Ashton Saurday. Tony Zaruba was in Ashton Friday with his wife and baby. Miss Lillian Smith was a vsitor at Mrs. Chas. Brown's a couple of nights the past week. Lewis Stillman, wife and son Paul visited with the former's parents one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Pelancuski and children visited with Mr. and Mrs Stanley Jonak Sunday. F. C'hilewski and Ben Gappa were autoing around this part of the county last week assessing the farmers. Otho and Pave Trump and a few other boys were digging out wolves Sunday on the creek by Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Manchester and two small children, and Mrs. George Barnett and children were in Ashtoi: Saturday. One of Tony Zaruba's colts got cut in the wire anti he had to call the veterinary from North Loup to look after the animal. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peterson gave a reception Saturday evening in boner of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pray. Ev irybodr reports a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Otte and children. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Glauss and baby and Miss Lillian Smith were Central City visitors Saturday and Sunday. Clare Kettle, the Ashton veterinar ian, was out on the creek doing some veterinary work Thursday and took dinner with Frank Manchester. Cash Pencouski was in Ashton or. Saturday and puchased a bran new to; buggy from Jamrog & Son's and now boys you want to look out for your best girl as Cash will cut you out. Yoi ill know what a new buggy means. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stillman and fan: ily are enjoying a visit from their daughter and sister who. with her husband and baby, came from the east last week. They expect to make home folks a nice visit before return ing. Mr. and Mrs. F. Trump took their daughter. Mrs. Pete Press, to Ashton Saturday where she took the train for Wyoming, where she expects to join her husband and brother who went with an emigrant car a few days be fore. Invitations were sent out the first of the week to the many friends announc ing the wedding of Mr. Jess Barnett and Miss Marie Mead which will take place at the home of the groom’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett, the last of the week. Farmers are very busy now getting in their corn. The nice rains have made the ground in excellent shape. If we just get the warm sunshine to warm up the ground and some more nice rains, we need not complain about the crops. Oats are looking nice, also other small grain. We noticed by the Northwestern last week that Miss Lottie Henderson and Mr. E. Pray were united in marriage at" the home of the groom’s last Wednes day. They were eported married some time ago but it was a mistake. Mrs. Pray sure has the best wishes from here as she was well known and loved by all who knew her. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewandowski were given a big surprise Sunday ev ening in honor of their fifth wedding anniversary and their many friends gathered at their home and showed them a merry time by dancing after supper until a late hour when they all left for their respective homes wishing Mr. and Mrs. Lewandowski many more years of happy wedded lire. _ NOTICE. Cow owners of Loup City and vi cinitv will be held strictly account able for all damages to lawns and gardens and the depredations of such animals while at large. This nuisance must >he abated, and the ordinances will be strictly enforced in regard to all violations thereof. PETER ROWE. City Clerk. Daily sells for less. DEER CREEK NUGGETS. 31iss Rose Bydalek spent Sunday a* the Nowicki home. School Pist. Xo. 12 will close for its summer vacation this week. C. A. Kettle, of Ashton, has ir. this vicinity the past week. Rudolph Peters was chore boy for Louie Brammer last Wednesday. A few dance lovers attended the dance at Rockville last Saturday. Martin Bydalek bought four loads of hay from J. W. Peters last week. Joe Lubash made a flying trip to Loup City last Thursday on business. Mrs. Andrew Snaedra. who has beer quite sick the past week has recovered. Mrs. J W Peters visited with Mr and Mrg. F. J. Maciejewski. Sunday. Miss Irene Rapp of Ashton, visited with the Stanley Nowicki family, Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Pangel visited with Mr and Mrs. Hans Rein last Sun day. George Dymak sold a two-year old hull to the butcher at Ashton last week. Miss Minnie Maiefski is working for Mrs. Ed. Janulewicz at Ashton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Maciejewski visited will Mr. andt Mrs. Joe Lubash. Sunday. Connie Waltman of near Farwell. visited with the Frank Bydalek family. Sunday. Tony Peters arrived from Grand Is land last Thursday to visit with his mother. Pan Stobbe is having his Hupmobile car doctored al Ashton by Pr. Pete1 Jezewski. Mrs. Walter Maciejewski. who is ir St. Paul taking treatments is getting along nicely. Andrew Bonezynski has finished his house and will soon be ready to move in this week. Mr. and Mrs. Louie Brammer moved into their new home of the former’s farm last week. L. A Deminski took four young colts to Jurgen Carsten's Sunday to pasture for the summer. Johnny Jasnok returned from Grand Island last week where he went to en list in the army. Lizzie and George Weiss were pas sengers to Farwell last Saturday or important business. Frank Bonezynski has been busy th past week and this hauling three dol lar wheat to Ashton. Chris Miller is erecting a large ban on his farm. We hope he will give a dance when it is finished. Dr. C. E. Watkins of Loup City, ha been on Deer Creek the past week so liciting among the farmers. Joe Maschka autoed to Ravenna last Tuesday on important business. They returned home the same day. Miss Agnes. Maciejewski is now working for her uncle. Walter Macie jew.-ki, while his wTife is in the hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Jurgen Carsten were passengers to Palmer last Saturday tc visit with their daughte. returning this week. Is there a man in America or here that can break down the high cost of living. It sure looks hard for us and is still going higher. The Deer Creek baseball team had a good practice last Sunday and will play again next Sunday. Come and help us out with the first game. Leon F. Lubash arrived home from Kearney last Saturday, where he is attending school, to visit with his par ents and attend to business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Badura and fam ily of Ashton and Mr. anM Mrs. Leo Woitlewicz of Oak Creek, autoed out to the Bvdalek home and visited. Sun day. Peter and Frank Bvdalek and Mrs. Mervia departed for their homes in Momence. 111., after attending the fu neral of their brother who died two weeks ago. We wish to correct one of our items last week about Louie Brammer and Minnie Plambeck being married by Judge Smith as they were married at home by Rev. Schultz of Loup City. George Ritz is a proud possessor of a new 1917 Model Reo six. seven passenger which he purchased from A. C. Ogle of Loup City last Tuesday. We will now see George drive around the country in style. A TRAGIC DEATH. The following account of the death of Karl Shull was sent us by Mrs. C. C. Comp of Marquand. Mo. Carl Shull was the son of W. A. Shull, a pioneer settler in Sherman county and was well known by many of the old resi dents. Carl Shull was fatally injured at Mine la Motte Wednesday night while working at the Sand Mill, by having the top end of a crow bar run through the lower part of his stomach. It ap pears that the unfortunate man was up on a tressel attempting to move a car. using the crowbar for that pur pose. Another car became loosened and rolled down from behind forcing the blunt end of the crowbar into the lower part of his stomach and out through the lower part of bis back. The impact of the two cars enabled Shull to get from between them, ai hotigh the bar of iron was sticking through his body. With more grit than is possessed by most men he pulled the bar out of his body, walked down two or three flights of steps and re ported his injury. After cn auto came to take him to the first aid room, he walked to the machine and from the machine to the room. He remained conscious until either was administer ed. A surgeon was called from Bonne Terre and he and Dr. Barron at once operated. The accident occured about : 00 o'clock Wednesday night and the man lived until 2:00 o’clock the next afternoon. To add to the seriousness of the injured man's condition it was found that he was suffering from a severe case of pneumonia which he did not know. Mr. Shull's home was at Marquant where he owned some prop erty. He was taken there for burial Friday. Our Marquand corresondent reports the further fact that he leaves a father, mother, brother and sister to mourn his tragic death.—Frede riektown Democrat-News. MARRIED Mr. Louis Bramer of Boelus and Miss Minnie Plambeek of Ashton were married at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Claus Plambeek, at Ash ton on Wednesday, May 9. at 11 o'clock a. m. Rev Otto Schulze of Loup City officiating. Only imme diate relatives and friends of the young couple were present at the ceremony. Miss NMson of Rockville played the wedding march After a wedding dinner the newly married couple and several of their friends went to Loup City to have some pictures taken. At four p. m. a big wedding dinner was served and a reception given to Mr. and Mrs. Bra mer at he home of Mrs. Plambeek at Ashton, a large number of friends and relatives attending. A wedding dance was given at the Ashton opera house in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bramer will make •heir home on the groom's farm about -igbt miles southeast of Ashton. Both are well and favorably known-in Sher man county and the best wishes of a host of friends are extended to the young couple. JOHN 'GALSWORTHY'S MASTER PIECE. "Beyond" in Cosmopolitan Magazine is exactly that—a great serial—some -ay it is the best story that has ever appeared in Cosmopolitan. At any rate it stabs deep into the heart of life; and there discloses the sources of des tinv. “A Chronicle of Life” Is Mr. Gals worthy's own definition of “Beyond.” Mr. Galsworthy lets life itself show the workings of the law of the inevi table. He tags neither causes or con sequences with names, but he paints the picture for all to see—and to under -tand if they will think. This serial will dominate readers of Cosmopoli tan to its last instalment: its last word. NOTICE Beginning Monday. May 21, I will make 15 cent loaf of bread and rolls, cookies and other bakery goods will advance accordingly owing to the high price of raw material. WM. DOLLING. BOYS AND GIRLS CONTEST J. W. Long, O. E. Longa ere anil J. S. Pedler as a committee, have arranged the following prizes for boys and girls contest: - For the Loup City boy or girl under 18 years of age who labors as a farm hand or domestic the greatest number of days between the closing of school in the spring and commencement of school in the fall, not including Sun days: First Prize.$15.00 Second Prize. 10.00 Third Prize. 5.00 For the most productive acre of corn in the county planted, tended and hulk ed by any boy in the county under 18 years of age: First Prize.$15.00 Second Prize. 10.00 Third Prize. 5.00 For the best kept garden lot in Loup City by a boy or girl under 18 years of age. lot to be the size of 25x50 f**et or more: First Prize.$15.00 Second Prize.. 10.00 Third Prize. 5.00 A prize of $10 will be given to the organization of boys or girls under 18 rears of age for the best kept vacant 'ot as a garden, in Loup City. Contestants for best kept garden or vacant lot must register with the sec retary. J. S. Pedler on or before July 15, 1917. Contestants for best acre of corn. or. or before Sept. 1. 1917. Contestants of time employed as i farm hand or domestic, Sep. 15. 1917. Boys and girls, get busy and register n the time required by the committee. By Order of The Committee. VETERANS OF TWO WARS TO MEET. County Superintendent L. H. Cur rier informs us that the Tenth An nual Encampment of the Department of Nebraska United Spanish War Vet erans will be held at Columbus. Neb., on May 16, 17 and 18. This encamp ment will he at a time which will mark an epoch in our country's his tory. and in fact, in the history of mankind, and it is important that every man who served in the Spanish Americ-an War be present. Matters of great moment will be considered. Governor Keith Neville. Chief Justice and Comrade A. M. Morrissey and Senator Allen, and other distinguisl?^ ed men will be present and talk. The annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will be held at the same time, and that alone should cause every man who served in the Spanish-American War to be present and pay homage to those grand old veterans who wore the blue. It is a great honor to meet with them. A PATRIOTIC YOUTH. Albany, N. Y.. May 16.—Trying to boost his 5 feet, 3 inches up to the standard required for military service. Willis Hartman, a patriotic youth from Glenwood, near here, tried to form of elevation that almost got by the United States Marine Corps re cruiting officers here, today. Willis went through without a flaw until he stripped to be examined for scars when the doctor discovered sev eral layers of adhesive plaster and a small cotton pad unde each heel that gave a "French-heel effect." to the would-be warrior. When it was remov ed, he lacked one inch of meeting the required heighth. “I don’t want to be a slacker, so 1 tried my best to enlist," said Hart man. when he was rejected. "The scheme would be all right, too,” he added, "if 1 could only make it stick." Summer Normal Session ACCREDITED OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1917, IN THE SL Paul Normal and Business College SL Paul, Nebraska COURSES OFFERED All subjects leading to all grades of County Teachers’ Certificates. All subjects leading to all grades of City and State Teachers’ Certificates. All subjects leading to a Life or Professional Certifi cate. Our Model School Work and Primary Methods will be a strong feature. Full credit will be given for all work done during our Summer School. Expenses will be LOW and accommodations excellent. Commercial and Stenographic Courses also offered. For Further Information Kindly Address ST. PAUL NORMAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE JOS. S. ZOCHOLL, Manager St. Paul, .... Nebraska