The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 10, 1917, Image 7

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iy> —]—_ __ t „ _--a. nar
Cjsaaiy^ya£iSy wrapped
CAew /* after every meal
Happy Inspiration.
: 1 t*!• : • -< ident and a happy
•.-■l < ••uit-'ue t*» get the tramp
i • > * hat he after. S'oek Yards
’ v:.» - .•* Iv {ilnMiug his weary
• iard B- •'•in. f.»urteeu miles
». •• auto after auto s|ied
apt- mz gi-.neen.
y our ttulfiid tesule him.
- t>>|ttired the > huuffeur. "how
I get to Boston?"
f ' -Te intself."
K- . t.e went forthwith—in the rna
• Cut eu'a for Purify ng and Beauti
fy ng the Sk n—Trial Free.
r.«inc. purifying and beautl
f» :.g the eoinplexMTi hands and hair.
I’cteura s-iap with touches of t'uti
nrs «■».:.*!: .-nt now and then afford the
«BCrt«t • ff. Me preparations at the mini
mu::. .f No massaging, steaming
creaming. or waste of time.
Free sample e»< h hy mail with Book.
A-ldre-- p: rd. Cutieura. I>rpt. L.
lpj'!..n_ Soi.1 everywhere.—Adv.
Positive Proof.
"Had n-k that for [«ior old Bill.”
‘ d .1 s- the hauffeiir. "He got
f.n-1 for taking out his employer's
ear without permission."
But ! w did the t. know he took
•Bill rr.n over him."
I Tie thing tfiat makes a man fear a
woman —W what
she will do next.
Some Scheme.
"You knew Booster? He’s In khaki
:>• present, but wait till the war's over,
and you'll see him grow rich,” said
Smithers. "He's going to make the
matrimonial agency ixipular.”
"Ah "' said the others.
"Yes. He says hundreds of thou
:.ds ,,f bright txiys will be coming
b: rk to their former haunts to find
: • promised brides married to muni
ti.'ii millionaires. They'll look around
t lietii and see the advertisements:
T.. .oxter's Bonny Brides. Write for
B..oklet.' Then they'll get a booklet
full of testimonials.”
“I know " said Brown. "Like this:
T*enr Boosters: 1 was a bachelor with
tioluxly to love me. Now, thanks to
you. 1 have a wife and family and all
the usual trimmings.’ ”
' < »r this." ventured Tomkins: “ ‘When
the war was over nnd 1 had no nice,
comfortable trench of my own to shel
ter in. 1 began to think peace wasn’t
a ble-sing after all. However, 1 mar
ried tine of your Bonny Brides, and
n.iw I wonder whether we shall ever
get another war.”'
"Ha. hacried Brooks. ‘‘This Is
one te-;jnumial that’s sure to turn up:
'Two years ago 1 married one of your
brides, since when l have kept her
mother.' ”—London Tit-Bits.
Its Name.
"Has your daughter a good trade?”
"Not a trade—a calling. She’s a
telephone operator.”
1'nited States last year imported
”4M.l£?l.h3St pounds of cocoa.
After you lose a thing you appre
ciate its worth.
Kidney & Co.
The kidneys and the skin work In
harmony. They're companions, the
skin being the second partner. If we
are anxious i«. keep well and preserve
•he vitality «.f the kidneys and. also,
free the blood from noxious elements,
we must pay special attention to a
go**d r>c*i>n "f the «kln and to see that
the k.dneya are flushed so as to elimi
nate the poisons from the blood.
S ea’ ng. by hard work or in a bath,
at le»«* ..nee a week, helps to keep the
«k:n and k.dners in good condition.
F u«h the kidneys by drinking plenty
of pur* wat* r with meals and between
meals. Occasionally obtain at the drug
Mare Anun* double strength, which
aril! help flush th.- kidney* and the in
•es’ine* Y**u wf find that Anurle Is
many rime* more active than lithla
•i*1 *hat it diaautwaa uric add as hot
* ater does sugar.
For Hang-on Coughs, Colds
Omaha. Neb.—“From my earliest
recollection Dr. Pierce's remedies have
been used in our home. Personally I
had a wonderful experience with the
‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ I had a
severe attack of Grippe, which weak
ened my lungs. I coughed incessantly.
The doctor pronounced it tuberculosis.
His medicine did not relieve me. so my
mother reminded me of the ‘Discov
ery' and urged me to take that alter
nately with the ‘Favorite Prescription,’
and these medicines completely re
stored me to health. That was one
year ago and I have had no sort of
lung weakness since—in fact, not even
a slight cold—have been in the very
best of health.”—MRS. BERTHA
FORD. 953 S. 51 st St.
The Discovery contains no alcohol
or any narcotic. Either liquid or tab
lets. If not obtainable at dealers, send
*1.00 to Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.,
for tablets.
Carter’s Little Liver Pills
For Constipation
A vegetable remedy that always gives prompt relief in consti
patioa. Banishes that tired feeling altogether and puts you
right over-night, stimulates the Liver gently, but quickly restor
ing it to full and healthy action, and the stomach and bowels
•• tbew natural functions. Making life worth living.
se [.'_
■■ "■11 " —# ■——
DOCY runrc or HEALTHY COU5R indicate. boa lathe Blood. Pal. or
Topics of Interest on
Home and Farm Building
William A. Radford tells the man who builds a medium priced
home or farm building how to get the most in material value, conven
ience and architectural good looks for his money, in his articles which
appear in the Northwestern weekly. He gives th.e latest ideas in con i
struction and enables you to build without the expense of consulting
an architect.
Satisfaction With Your Home
Heightened if the Place
Is Beautiful.
Plant Dark Leaved Shrubbery Near
Structure and Make Foundation
of Dark Texture Brick for
Most Pleasing Results.
Mr. William A. Radford will answer
questions and give advice FREE OF
COST on all subjects pertaining to the
subject of building, for the readers of this
paper. On account of his wide experience
as Editor, Author and Manufacturer, he
is, without doubt, the highest authority
on all these subjects. Address all inquiries
to William A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie
avenue, Chicago. 111., and only enclose
two-cent stamp for reply.
There is, of course, a direct relation
between the house and its surround
ings. By this we mean that either the
surroundings must be laid out for the
house, or, as in the case where a spot
of special natural beauty is selected
for the building site, the house must be
designed for the surroundings. The
latter ease obtains in some small towns
end in country estates. The former
ease, or a compromise between the
two, exists in the larger towns and
Perhaps it is not the case in this
country so much as it Is in some of
the European countries, but the fact is
true, nevertheless, that for the lover of
beauty both natural and architectural,
the small town which has been situated
where nature has furnished plenty of
trees, a pleasing topography and clear
watered streams—such a town offers
the best possible site for the building
of a home. The point is this: It is
cheaper und usually more satisfactory
to let nature furnish the attractive sur
roundings and model the home into the
background, than to build the back
ground for the home.
Not that those who have studied in
to the subject of scenic architecture
Seven-Room Family House.
are not able to produce pleasing sur
roundings for the house, for they have
proved their ability to do so. Because
it is impossible for some lovers of
beauty to go where nature has provid
ed It, the work of the landscape archi
tect is very important. The small
town blessed with natural beauty is.
then, not so much to be considered as
the only possible site for the building
of a beautiful home as it is to be con
sidered as a spot which offers advan
First-Floor Plan.
tages hard to obtain in imitation of na
ture, unless a large sum of money is
available for the purpose.
The question might be asked, “Why
not go to the country where nature's
work has not been marred by the in
roads of •civilization?’” A logical ques
tion, and in some cases the affirmative
answer is unquestionably the right one.
The man who cotaes from the city,
however, or even the town, has been
brought up in close touch with the peo
ple around him. His habits have been
formed in the influence of society. Put
him and his family away from the rest
of the community and the result U
lonesomeness. Therein lies the great
est advantage of the beautiful small
town. Habits do not have tc be
changed, friendships may be formed
and the normal conditions of life ex
ist. The man who owns an isolated
summer home seldom goes there with
his family alone—he crowds the house
fuH of friends (or if he doesn't his wife
does). And what is the reason? Sim
' ply that *T” is not used when the real
pleasures of life are being discussed;
the correct pronoun is ‘‘We.”
What of the ease in which nature
has not contributed and the means are
not available to supply the deficit arti
ficially? The case is not hopeless; By
proper architectural treatment a house
may be placed on a 50-foot lot which
is by no means devoid of beauty. True,
it is largely up to the house itself,
sinee little can he expected of the sur
roundings. The architect, in this case,
can hardly hope to obtain pleasing re
Second-Floor Plan.
suits if the size of the house required
is large. When a structure of moderate
size is called for, his skill will enable
him to so design it that it will appear
smaller than it really is.
The attractiveness of a house which
will yield well to a decorative treat- j
ment such as that shown in the accom
panying view cannot he questioned.
The white lower portion, in contrast
I with the upper dark portion, is very
I pleasing and always gives the impres
| sion of brightness that goes with well
kept premises. The upper part of the
walls is finished with shingles, while
the lower walls are faced with beveled
siding. The porch is built into the
house and fitted in a manner which
gives an air of privacy. A set of
screens may be used on this porch dur
ing the summer time, these to be taken
out during the winter and glass sash
inserted in their place. The porch will
then act as a blanket to protect the
front of the house from winter winds.
The small vestibule in which the
staircase is built has a cased opening
into the living room. The fireplace in
this room is tucked cozily into a cor
ner and a little seat is built against the
wall at one side of it. A cased opening
leads hack to the dining room, which is
built into the corner of the house—the
ideal situation for this room. A first
floor bedroom, which would make an
excellent den if not needed for other
purposes, is entered from the dining
The kitchen with its connecting
pantry is well arranged to meet the
demands of the critical housewife. A
work table is built beneath the pantry
window and the cupboards are handily
located on either side. The refrigera
tor may be placed in the pantry, and
an opening is provided so that it is
iced from the landing at the top of the
short flight of steps leading from the
grade entrance.
Three very large bedrooms are pro
vided on the second floor. Each has a
generous closet fitted with shelves at
both ends. The hath Is centrally lo- 1
cated off the hall at the head of the
The view also shows a neat and in- j
expensive two-car garage built on the
rear lot line. The garage is painted
white to conform with the lower part
of the house with which it is in line.
A house finished as this one is, re
quires the use of dark-leaved shrub
bery near the building. The reason is
that the upper dark walls need to be
balanced by a mass of dark color near I
the ground. The effect Is carried along
by building the foundation wails above
grade of some dark-colored material
such as may be found among the many
patterns of modern rough-texture face
I brick.
“A cat, a dog and a hen.” said
Daddy, “were sitting on the piazza of
a large house.
“Along came another cat. ‘Meow
meow.' she said. 'Would you like to
have me call on you? Is that dog po
lite?’ she added in a whisper to the
cat on the doorsteps.
“ ‘Very polite.’ said the cat. And
the dog wagged his tail, which meant,
‘Thank you.'
“ ‘Then 1 think I'll stay a while,’
said the cat. 'I would like a sun hath,
for it's pretty chilly in the cold wind.
Why are you ail sitting outside in
stead of staying in the house? Of
ourse I suppose Mrs. Hen doesn't be
long in tliis house. She has a house I
>f Jier own, with the other hens and ■
“ ‘Yes, she has her own house.’ said
the cat at the doorsteps, ‘but she is
here to help guard.’
“ ‘Why do you guard the door?' ,
asked the visitor cat.
" ‘Because the family was away on
a visit. They will be gone all day.
and we are guarding the house. The
family tire so nice and kind to us that
we wanted to see that no unwelcome
caller- got in. When they get home
"Is That Dog Polite?"
they will reward us hy good suppers.
And around at the back of the house j
we have hidden some food in case we
get hungry during the day. Ton see i
the dog brought a bone here to play j
“ ‘Well.’ said the visiting cat, ‘who
are you trying to keep away?’
“ ‘I am going to keep away all mice,’ j
said the cat.
“‘Are they apt to call?" asked the :
visitor cat. 'I might like to help you j
keep sotne of them away myself.’
' “The dog laughed and the hen cack- !
led at this, hut the visitor cat
went on talking. ‘Tell me some more.' j
she said.
“ ‘Tlie dog will keep away tramps. j
and the hen will eat up all worms."
“ ‘But do mice and worms call on
the family?’ asked the visitor cat.
“ ‘I have never known them to,’ the
cat on the doorsteps answered, ‘but
then we can never be sure when they
might begin. It's best to be sure that
they don't get in.’
“ ‘I see.’ said the visitor cat. ‘So
you’re having a good time while look-,
lng after the house.’
‘“Oh yes.' said the cat on the door
steps. ‘We are having a very good
time. Why should we be unhappy and
“ ‘There is no reason at all why
you should he,’ said the visitor cat.
‘And even the sun is obliging.’
“‘Yes, the sun is most kind. He
couldn’t hear to see us here in the cold
without his strong rays to keep us
“So the visitor cat sat down too.
nnd chatted with the cat, the dog and
the hen.
“ ‘I would like to know.’ said the
dog. *whv your eyes are so different at
different times?’
“ ‘Whatever do you mean?’ asked the
visitor cat.
“ ‘Sometimes I ve seen them look big
and sometimes rather small.’
“ ‘Ah. now I understand,’ said the
visitor eat. “When we are in a dark
closet looking for mice our eyes be
come larger. It's partly the effect that j
the darkness has on our eyes and
partly because we’re looking forward
to finding mice. Of course Grownups
think it’s simply because of the dark
closet—but it's partly because of the
secret I've told you.'
“Just then a shrill whistle was heard
through the stillness. And then came
a cloud of smoke from the train. The
animals didn't know that it mennt
that their family, who had been away
at a neighboring place for the day,
were on their way home.
“But before long they saw them
walking along the road toward the
“ ‘I must be going.' said the visitot
cat. ‘They might shoo me away.’
“ ‘Oh no.’ said the eat on the door
steps, ‘do stay for snpi>er. We have
an especially good one when the fam
ily have been away. They’re afraid
we have been lonely.’
“Sure enough the visitor eat stayed
to supper, and they certainly all had
a feast."
The Silent Year*
You read of the great inen and wom
en, and of the splendid things they
have achieved, and your ainhitioL
soars to meet the longing somewlierf
within yon that will not be stilled
Some day you. too. will do something
hig. write some book, paint some pic
ture. compose a masterpiece of music
inaugurate some wonderful reform for
the good of the world. But you feel
so small in the vastness of the world
that you are doubtful as to the possi
bility of any power you ever may
have being discovered.—Girl's Compan
“Jack, look at the nice bow-wow,’'
said a mother to her three-year-old
son. out for a walk. Jack looked as
directed, then up at his mother, and
said solemnly:
“I <-iil that a dog.”
$3 $3.50 $4 $4.50 $5 $6 S7 &. $3 a*f8rwTSSLk
\ ‘-’a*c wuncy uy nearing w. l.. L/ougias
shoes. For sale by over9000 shoe dealers.
The Best Known Shoes in the World.
YV7 L. Douglas name and the retail price is stamped on the hot*
” tom of all shoes at the factory. The value is guaranteed and
the wearer protected against high prices for inferior shoes. The i
retail prices are the same everywhere. They cost no mere in San [
Francisco than they do in New York. They are always worth the t
price paid for them. I
"T"Y.e quality of VC L. Douglas product is guaranteed by more
than 40 years experience in making fine shoes. The smart
stvles are the^ leaders in the Fashion Centres of America.
They are mace in a well-equipped factory a» Brockton, Maas.,
by the highest paid, skilled shoemakers, under the direction and
supervision of experienced men. all working with an honest
determination to make the best shoes for the price that money '
can buy.
Ask your shoe dealer for TV. t. Douglas shoes. If he can.
not supply you with the kind you want, take no other I *.
make. Write for interesting booklet explaining how to . ‘
get shoesof the highest standard of quality for the price. V 1 /
by return mail, postage free. w
LOOK FOR W. L. Douglas Ujf ft 1 (
name and the retail price tJXoJ&trvctf&x* $3.00 $2.60 fc $2.00 |
stamped on the bottom. S?,°tac“
185 >park &t„ Brockton, Mass.
The Light of Lights
Carry it with you all the time. This pocket
flash light, without doubt, is the most use
ful novelty ever produced. Its uses are so
numerous that there is no use mentioning
anything about it except to say you ought
to have one.
No. N 12, 75c No. N 22, 9Cc
No. N 23, $1.10
Complete with lamp. Sent by parcel post
Money back if not satisfied.
Electric Sappliea OMAHA, NEBR.
The Two Bills.
Vice President Marshall, at a lunch- !
eon at Atlantic City, was condemning
the bellicose and bullying nature of
the kaiser.
“From the time he mounted the
throne,” he said, “from the time he
ousted Bismarck and imprisoned his
own mother in a castle, he showed
what a dangerous bully he was.
“His memory in history will be like
the memory of that other Bill, an East
side one, to whose widow a neighbor
“ 'So Bills dead.’
“ ‘Yes, he’s dead.'
“ ‘I suppose lie's hittin' the harp
with the angels now.’
“ ‘More likely,’ said the widow, ‘he's
hittin' the angels with the harp.’ ”
With the Fingers!
Says Corns Lift Out
Without Any Pain
■ ««■««»»« ► ,»■., ».
Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or
any kind of a corn can shortly be
lifted right out with the fingers if you
will apply on the corn a few drops of
freezone. says a Cincinnati authority.
At little cost one can get a small bot
tle of freezone at any drug store, which
will positively rid one's feet of every
corn or callus without pain or sore
ness or the danger of infection.
This new drug is an ether compound,
and dries the moment it is applied and
does not inflame or even irritate the
.surrounding skin. Just think: You
can lift off your corns and calluses
now without a bit of pain or soreness.
If your druggist hasn't freezone he can
easily get a small bottle for you from
his wholesale drug house.—adv.
Grafts With Skin Scrapings.
A simple method of grafting skin
is described by Doctor Buermann in
the Muenchener Medizinisclie Wochen
sclirift. After rinsing the skin with
salt solution he scrapes it with a razor
until he has collected on the blade a
mass of mushlike particles of skin.
He transfers this to the raw surface,
which needs no preparation.
A dressing of boric acid salve is al
lowed to remain unchanged for five or !
six days. Then the surface Is tightly
dressed with strips of plaster, which is
left on for a week before renewing.
After two or three renewals the scarce
ly risible particles of skin have grown
and spread until they have covered the
raw surface.
Oklahoma Druggists
Recommend Great
Kidney Medicine
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, during the
past eleven years, has enjoyed a splendid
reputation, according to the reports from
our customers who have tested its value
and claim it is a preparation of merit in
the conditions for which it is intended.
The age of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root
speaks its merit in ailments of the kid
neys. liver and bladder: if it had not pro
duced satisfactory results to its users it
could not have lived as it has.
Very truly vours,
Sept. 14, 1916. Newkirk, Okla.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For Yob
Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample size bot
tle. It will convince anyone. You will
also receive a booklet of valuable infor
mation, telling about the kidneys and blad
der. When writing, be sure and mention
this paper. Regular fifty-cent and one
dollar size bottles for sale at all drug
Peter, boarding a street car with his
young aunt, was questioned by a so
licitous friend of his mother's, who
looked anxiously at his socks and bare
knees. “Aren’t your legs cold. Peter?"
she asked.
“O. no,” said Peter, in his far-reach
ing treble. “Are yours?”
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Bean the
Signature of |
In TJbs for Over M'Yeara.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
It's a good thing the child doesn’t
know that he is father to the man or
he might get discouraged and quit.
Siam has gathered 422,656 tons of
rice from 556,680 acres.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy
No Smarting — Just Bye Comfort. CO cent* at
Druggists or malL Write for Free Bye Book.
Breaking a Horse.
A North Vernon citizen living at the
outskirts of the city makes a special
ty of raising fine horses, especially or
the race horse breed. The man's son.
a youngster of nine years, was greatly
delighted when his father brought
home a wooden riding horse. Some
time afterward the boy got au nx and
broke the newly acquired toy. He was
reproved by his mother who was si
lenced by the boy's remark: “Papa
told me the other day that a horse was
no good unless it was broke.”—In
dianapolis Star.
Has a Record of 50 Years of
Correcting impurities in the stomach,
gently acting on the bowels. Stirs
up the liver and makes the despond
ent dyspeptic enjoy life. It is high
ly recommended for biliousness, indi
gestion. etc. Always keep a bottle of
August Flower handy for the first
symptom of these disorders. You may
feel fine today, but how about tomor
row? Remember that “an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure,”
and that it is both painful and expen
sive to be sick. For sale by druggists
in all parts of the civilized world in
25 and 75 cent bottles.—Adv.
No Place for the Flafl.
A workman hurrying to catch n
street car. the other morning, stopped
suddenly at the edge of the gutter in
Washington street.
“Forgot something?” asked a pass
“No,” said the man as he stooped in
the gutter. “I'm rescuing Old Glory.”
Then he picked up a 3 by 4 flag that
had blown from an auto.
“That's no place for the flag.” said
the man as he wiped off the mud and
walked away.—Indianapolis News.
Mr. S. P. Benton, Kerrville. Texas,
writes: “For several years prior to
1906 I suffered from kidney and rheu
matic troubles. Was bent over and
forced to use a
cane. For these
disorders I am
glad to say I used
Dodd’s Kidney
Pills, which proved
to be the proi>ei
remedy. I am iH
years old. feel
fine and once
again stand ns
straight as an arrow, Dodd s Kid
ney Pills deserve great credit.” Be
sure and get “DODD’S,” the name
with the three D's for diseased, disor
dered, deranged kidneys; just as Mr
Benton did. Xo similarly named article
will do.—Adv.
Just as long as there is a case there
will be a woman in it.
Some women's beauty is only cos
metic deep.
COMCS IN IS mums. COOK book free
Macaroni Factory ii) America
Call on trade1 Great repeater 1 Casey’s “Giant
Grip" Cement guaranteed most powerful: no
acid, glue or shellac; never crystallixes. MeDda
china, glass, tile, stone, furniture, leather, etc.
Some territory still open. Send 23c NOW for
sample and terms. JOE FRANCIS CO.. WC..
717 Monadnock Bid*.. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.
DITEIIT6 Witioi K.Cslints,
rl I Era I U Patent Lawyer. Wash! t rv n.
■ n w D.C. Adviceand books free
Balsa reasonable- Highest references. Bestservicaa
W. N. U. OMAHA NO 1R-1Q17