The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 03, 1917, Image 1
■V * > Loup City North western s * A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN VI M ij: XXXVI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 3. 1917 NUMBER 20 CLEAR CREEK SAND. Ji rIV. !» • ha- h.» curare about ' nirhed K.!a Hunt and son are ristittr the fuwraer family L B Ho »aian !* urbt a new >ar of Amoa Fletcher M» I. : \ ■ I Clear Creek an! society met with [ 'r» C A Re fcti: d last Thursday ufttmee-’. Vfu ,te » *b«« fell l»«f Thursday and nd : it rained uad -nowed more. W Hager drove to Mason. Wed ■ -day -ft ht» tew car to n •-t his * ■ *» Jar and family ■ > H •- ■ f Omaha. • atne in Thurs • * t - br ice " • ' and • -.1 the work laid xt -lr K J Garnet were pas *• '»• r» •.! tn-Iaiid Thursday, re -n..t*4 ■ the ever rut Mr iuitt Mrs ty Mu--- tt. it. at :n pa Med them Albert Heapy ami wife were pas -• tiger* to Grand Island last Wednes day IVrt brought home a new Dodge ..r whi.-h he purchased from Boeck ing Bros MEN WED SINCE WAR BECA\' NOT EXEMPT FROM SERVICE Washington. April 30.—The hun reds iii young men who rushed to •he marriage license bureaus when it was learned that married men were in be ■ xempted from military duty are t<> have their pains for nothing. The war department today ruled that ah men who have ben married - • * the declaration that a state of r t i -tell will be liable to military iutv ju<t as single men are The ruling came from the depart • ;,• after receipt of reports from all •’arts f the I nited States which said n..n were undoubtedly rush in i: it 'n marriage in order to escape mill tary duty. ESTRAYED. A O' it April 1 one red sow. weight . . mer Cook. 18 j — ——- j Special Orange Sale ! Size 288 Oranges at 11 15 Cents per Dozen I N Pioneer Meat Market! O. L. TOCKEY, Prop. 1 - , -.,■■■ .....J j nil i linn .iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iii! ! “IT MAY BE YOUR DAUGHTER” ) AT THE LOUP CITY OPERA HOUSE 1 f SATURDAY EVENING, MAY Oth, 1917 f ► 1 HOW LONG do you intend to keep YOUR DAUGHTERS | | • T.t- PITFALLS and SNARES set to | = ENTRAP THEM as they venture forth into the world? 2 § WHILE THEY aa .. .v BEING ENGULFED. WHO = 1 . ...d CONDEMN1 THEM or YOU? ???? = **IT MAY BE Y*Ot K DAUGHTER” is a message to | BS, SISTERS and BRO- | f ' lid know the TRUTH 2 I - 11*AB nd PREPAREDNESS. | IB L PREAd HM ENT full of dramatic mo- | = i >!' our better selves, 2 - !>••( au<e it is taken from E ^ | ’ !• WARNING for PREPAREDNESS | • i.NLM Y* In t- most subtle form. E > I.IKK : UKALT WITH FRANK- I E ^AKEDTRUTH Is REVEALED. J r tk : : :c~:on of this picture is to aid and I r. .COUP AGE THE NOBLE WORK OF UP- 2 t | LIFT AND REDEMPTION | | Admission 10 and 20 Cents | < aiua ... THE NEW COUNCIL MEETS The old city council met for the last time Tuesday morning. All unfinished i business was completed and the new councilmen and mayor took their of | fices that evening. W. T. Gibson, the i new mayor, took hold of things like i a veteran and soon had the machinery of our city government running like ! clockwork. Mr. Gibson gives promise of being a popular and efficient mayor and his administration should he a prosperous one, as the old eounicl left the finances in fine condition. The new councilmen are James Bartunek and Oscar Bechthold. They are taking hold 1 of the new work with a vim and can be depended upon at all times to take care of the city business. The retiring mayor and councilmen. R. H. Mathew. Wm. Graefe and G. W. Collipriest, were energetic in the city's welfare and have made many improvements and abated several abuses in the city government during the past year and have a clean record. The hold over i members of the council are. C. C. Cooper and John Ohlsen. S. F. Reynolds was re-appointed city marshal for the coming year. Mr Reynolds i9 the right man for the place and has given universal satis | faction during the past year. It was the wish of the majority of the people that Mr. Reynolds be retained for the coming year. He has proven to be an able and popular officer. S. E. Thrasher was appointed as street commissioner and given the street sprinkling job for the summer Mr. Thrasher will also look after the water meters in the city. He will be able to handle the work to the satis faction of all. G. H. Hosier, who held the position the past year, was also an applicant. Mr. Hosier’s work wa 1 satisfactory and no complaint was ever heard in regard to his work, hut the ccncil saw fit to make the change. Pete Rowe, the old democratic war horse, took down the minutes of the meeting. He is now serving his seventh or eighth term as city clerk. His re ■ cords are in good shape and he has tilled the office satisfactorily to all. Judge Aaron Wall was appointed city attorney for the coming year. The new board spent several hours in their first session, not adjourning until near ly minight. Several subjects of gene ral interest were discussed at length. ' The council adjourned to meet again 1 on May 7. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List of unclaimed letters remaining , ; at the post office at Loup City, Xe-1 braska. for the month ending April I 30. 1017. Ladies—Mrs. Marthy Johnson. Mrs ; Anna Tappan. Gentlemen—Ed. Peterson. Mr. Pet-; ^rson. * Persons claiming any of the above will please say "Advertised” and give . date of this list. C. F. Beushausen. P. M. CARD OF THANKS. We. your Committee on Courtesies, wish to extend a vote of 'thanks to , Peerless Xo. 237. for the splendid en tertainment during this splendid meet ing. Also to Sister Holcomb whose presence has been so helpful in all j the work of the meeting W« fully ap preciate the work of the Loup City De gree staff and call especial attention ; to the music. < MRS. PEDLER. MRS. THOMPSOX. MRS. BOWMAX. SPECIAL ORANGE SALE. O. L. Tockey, proprietor of the Pio neer Meat Market is advertising a special sale on oranges this week, of fering a good grade of oranges at 15c a dozen. Try an ad in the Xorthwestern. In The Home Of The Cultured V\ herever good books are read; wherever good paintings are appreciated; wherever good music is un derstood— There the Edison Diamond Disc Is Preferred There are Hundreds of so-called needle machines, but only one Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph. Don’t compare the perfect tone reproduction of the Edison with the tm-pan effect of the needle ma chines. No need!- ? to change if you have an Edison. 7 he New Edison sells for $100 and up L nbreakahle Records. All Sizes to Show You I A. C. OGLE I * -— - " OUR FLAG LOCAL RECRUITING OFFICER. Loup City. Xeb May 3, lt*17. To the Young Men of the Community: By virtue of being Postmaster. I have been appointed a recruiting of ficer. and as such will make it my duty to get every young available man to enlist in some branch of the military service. It is generally known that a postmaster receives a compensation for every man that he gets to enlist, but let me say that in getting enlist ments it is not for the money, but for the sake of doing my duty to the de partment and to my country, and that 1 never have nor never will put in a bill for such services or accept any pay. This is a time when we ought to give our services to our country without the dollar mark in return. While the enlistments from this community have beuen good, yet then are many more that ought to feel it their duty to stand by their colors and offer their services to their country. Any assistance 1 can render to get enlistments will he gladly done. C. F BEFSHAUSEX. P. M. SOCIAL CLUB ORGANIZED. A meeting was held at J W. Thomp son’s place Tuesday evening, at which time a gentlemen's social club was organized with about twenty-five (bar ter members. The meeting was called to order and officers ele red as follows: 1. L. Con ger. president; Robert P. Starr, vice president; J. W Thompson, secretary and treasurer. The club was organized for a plat e of rest, pastime and amusement. All business of the organization will be transacted at the club rooms on the first day of each month. LIVE STOCK NEEDS ATTENTION. Cattle. Sheep and Hog Losses in 1915 Total $3,527,720. Loss in 1916 Totaled $4.729.~1f (By F. L. Taylor and F. M. Seidell.) Alliance. Neb. May 2.—The meat supply of the nation is an important factor in war time. No other form of food gives so much value for the amount ot bulk. This is a very im portant factor in supplying the armies of the United States and the allies. The meat supply of the United States has not kept pace with the increase of population and this, even in times of peace, is a serious situation West ern Nebraska is one of the important live stock producing areas of the Unit ed States and can do much when called upon, as this section is now. to re lieve the meat situation In the 52 Western Nebraska coun ties lying west of Merrick county, ac cording to the State Board of Agri culture reports on April 1. 1916 there were 193.604 milk cows having a total value of $11,616,240; 1.S20.SS4 head of other cattle, valued at $73,135,360; 91.697 sheep valued at $641.S79; 807. 038 hogs valued at $16,140,760. The loss by death of live stock for the year preceding based upon assessors reports, were as follows; milk cows. 6.19S head, value $372,080; other cat tle. 39.968 head, valued at $1,598,720; sheep, 3.4S0 head valued at $24,360; hogs to the number or 76.62S valued at 1,532,560; making a total of $3,527 720. The report of the Bureau of Crop Estimates shows that on April 1. 1917. there was in this territory an in crease in cattle of 4.5 per cent, hogs 1 per cent and sheep 2 per cent over April 1. 1916. The losses of cattle in the same area were 1.6S times what it w as a year ago. Sheep losses "were 162 times what it was a year ago The loss of hogs was .9 of what it was one year ago. The losses on the esti mate for 1916 would total $4,729,710. The losses in live stock are attri buted to many different causes. In cattle the losses were chiefly due to lack of feed, exposure, black leg. corn stalk disease and tuberculosis. In sheep losses were attributed chiefly to lack of feed, exposure, losses during lamb ing. etc. Til hogs the losses were for the most part caused by cholera, far rowing and many other swine ail ments. Labor will be scarce this year so provision must be made to begin early and secure enough feed for keeping the live stock well during the com ing year. More care should be exer cised during calving, lambing and far rowing seasons. Black leg losses should be prevented by vaccinating all young cattle twice each year, in case of abortion among breeding herd of cattle a good veterinarian should be consulted. In hog cholera sections, care should be taken to pre vent widespread outbreaks by sani tary methods if vaccination. Stockmen are urged not to market their stack in an unfinished, immature condition, unless it is to prevent en tire loss because of extreme inability to get feed. This practice has caused a recent break in the price of young cattle at the different stock markets. These facts and figures are submit ted for the consideration of tte loyal live stock men of Western Nebraska. LOUP CITY NEWS NOTES. Spalding Baseball Gods at Swan son's. -- • Don't fail to take advantage of the special free offer at the Nval Store. * H. A. Jung returned to his home at Arcadia. Wednesday evening, after attending to business matters here. May day was a chilly affair and not main of tile pretty baskets that had been made were bung on that night. -— The dance which was to have been held at the opera house tonight has been postponed until Friday evening. May 11. Mrs. Otis White returned home on Wednesday evening from Fremont, where she has been visiting with I relatives. Atholbert Chase returned home on Wednesday evening from Litchfield, where he closed a very su. cQssful term of school. Mrs. Jack Pageler and baby came in Wednesday evening from their homestead in Glen Rock. Wyo. for a visit with her husband and rfiends. Mr. Pageler met them at Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker's infant child died last Sunday. The remains were taken to Aurora for burial Tues day. Mi. and Mrs. Tucker have the sympathy of all in their hour of sorrow. The past week has been told and unpleasant, with enough rain to suit everybody. During the month of April three and one-quarter inches of water fell, which is. a record mark for seve-1 ral years. Section men on the railroads are now receiving $2.00 a day. their wages being increased to that sum several weeks ago. The section men are ask ing for more pay. and if they press their demans will be getting $2.50 to j $3.00 a day before very long. The pool halls went out of business in Loup Oitiy on May 1. The Central pocl hall fixtures have been stored ] away. J. \Y. Thompson has made his j pool hall into a club room, about fifty i men already joining the club. It is ex pected that the club will soon have a membership of one hundred or more The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. | N'ewhouser died on April 30. Funeral | services were held at the home south- ; west of town Tuesday and the remaius | taken to Aurora for burial. The bab> j lacked a few days of being one year old. Mr. and Mrs. N'ewhouser have the sympathy of all in their hour of sorrow. Bess Gerhart Morrison will be here I again on Wednesday evening. May 9 and will give a series of readings at the high school building that evening. The girl's double quartet of the high school will give a few selections. This entertainment is given under the aus pices of the Juniors. Admission 25 and j 35 cents. Do not fail to attend this fine enterainment. While coming in from work last Sat urday evening on the little motor car. several section men on the Union Pa cific road were hurt when the car jumped the track south of town. Bar ney Rojewski was quite badly hurt, re ceiving a had cut on his shoulder and arm. besides other injuries. He is und er the care of Dr. Main. Swan Wilson was also considerably bruised and shaken up. N'o others were hurt to any extent though several narrowly es caped serious injury. ' Tlios. H. Daddow took charge of the opera house on, May 1 and will conduct 'he same in the future. Messrs. Hunt <C- Son. who have had charge of the opera house during the past year put on nothing but the best of pictures and we believe Mr. Daddow will con tinue giving the same grade of pic tures as was offered ao the public by the Hunts. Mr. Daddow has managed the opera house heretofore and is no novice at the business. Messrs. Hunt have not fully decided upon their fu ture location at the present. The Hustlers class of the Presby terian church gave a military party last Friday evening at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thomp son. in honor of the boys who enlist ed in the Fifth Nebraska Company M from here. The rooms were decora ted with flags to suit tlie occasion. Music was furnished by the Johnson Brothers orchestra and Miss Faye Gallaway. Various games were in dulged in until a llate hour after which a two course lunch was served. Cash Prichard was the only one who could come anywhere near riding the submarine without any accidents. There were about thirty-five present. All departed for their homes in the wee hours in the morning reporting a very pleasant evening and a jolly good time. OBITUARY. Mrs. Maria Juliana Gross, was born April 8. 1864 in St. Jost. Province of Oldendenburg, Germany, as the fourth r'hild of Henry and Anna Johnson. In March. 1SS9 she came to this country and directly to this state of the union and settled in Nemaha coun ty. On March 11. soon after her ar rival she was married to Ludwig Gross of which happy union were born six children, four sons and two daughters, j ill ol whom survive the dear mother. [ After two years of farming in Xenia :a county the Gross family moved to Madison county and after a stay there or six years moved to York county Farming there about six years she an-e with h^r family to Sherman county where she has resided ever since. A year ago the family moved from the farm to thi- town. The last >ix years she was falling hi health vith a complication ol diseases. How ever. since last fall she fell greatly improved. Unexpectedly last Saturday evening about 4:30 o’clock she took suddenly ill. The doctor was summon ed immediately and stayed with her until 8:SO o’clock, when she quietiv lassea away. Her dea’ii resulting from a bursting of an artery of the head. She arrived at an age of 53 years •nd 22 days. She leaves to mourn her death, her sorrowing husband and six children: Jacob John. Jesthia Margareth.i. now Mrs. H. Hapka. of Ashton, Anna Kath erine. wife of \Vm. Peterson. Heinrich Gerdes. \Vm. Edward and Julius Quo. Two brothers and two sisters in Iowa who have come to her burial, and two isters who are in the old country , be sides four grand- hildren and a large host of friends and relatives. Mrs. Gross was a loving wife and a good mother, a good Christian woman, faithful to her church as a member of the German Evangelical church For about seventeen years she was also a member of the Degree ot Honor “The Master is come to call her." Tohn 11 ?3. The funeral was held last Wednesday. May 2. at two o'cloc k from lie German Evangelical church. Rev. Otto Schulze officiating, preaching in German and English. The choir of the church rendering several beautiful pieces. The remains were laid to rest :n the Evergreen cemetery. The deepest sympathy of the com munity is extended to the bereaved family. * Subscribe for The Northwestern. THE STATE IS BONE DRY Eight o'clock Monday evening. April 30. saw the last of the licensed saloon in Nebraska, The state is now born dry and liquor cannot be shipped in. ; The new liquor laws are very stric tend they are to be enforced to the i letter. Heavy penalties are provided j for the selling or giving away of liquor. Nearly everybody who uses alcoholic beverages to any extent have a liberal supply on hand, but it will be im possible to secure any more when th> supply is exhausted. It was thought that the closing of the saloons would I be attended by rioting and disorder, but such was not the case, the saloons ; dying peacefully and not many tear> I being shed. Many saloons completely I sold out their stock before the final closing time, while others dished out their dope up to the last minute. Four saloons were put out of business in Sherman county by the new law. DRAFT BILL PASSED Late last week both houses of con gress passed the conscuption bill 'to get soldiers by the draft. This measure was necessary as the volunteer sys tem was proving too slow to secure men for the army and navy. Drafting will commence soon as the government wants to have over 500.000 enlisted men soon. Each state will be required to furnish a certain number of men and the drafting will be held In each ; county. It is not known how many men Sherman county will be required 1 to furnish at the present time. FOR SALE. Ten head of brood sows and one span of young mares. Also have for rent some land for coni this year.— V. T. Wesrott. phone 9350 18-tf P. F. Hansen and wife returned from Long Beach, Calif.. Tuesday, for a visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Hansen moved to California from Loup City four years ago, and this is their first visit here in that time.' For one week commencing with Friday, May 4th, a handsome 200-page Cook Book or a ticket to the moyies at the Garland Theater will be given free with all 50c purchases of Nyal Toilet Goods, Medicines, Stationery or Sundries. 0. L. SWANSON DRUGGIST ... Summer Normal Session ACCREDITED OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1917, IN THE St. Paul Normal and Business College St. Paul, Nebraska i , COURSES OFFERED All subjects leading to all grades bf County Teachers’ Certificates. All subjects leading to all grades of C’itv and State Teachers’ Certificates. Ah subjects leading to a Life or Professional Certifi cate. Our Model School W ork and Primary Methods will be a strong feature. Full credit will be given for all work done during our Summer School. Expenses will be LOW and accommodations excellent. Commercial and Stenographic Courses also offered. For Further Information Kindly Address ST. PAUL NORMAL AND BUSINESS COLLEGE JOS. S. ZOCHOLL, Manager St. Paul, .... Nebraska