Ill When is a Boy not a Boy? When he becomes too big for Boys’ Suits. Then he needs one of our Young Men s Suits—Suits especially designed and made for these big lads. Suits cut along slim, trim, lines, youthful yet manly. Belted back Coats, and snug fitting trousers—patterns in harmony with youth ; $10 to $20. Shirts, Underwear, Socks, Belts, and Hats for these fastidious young fel I lows at LOFHOLM’S Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Net. Nothing Succeeds Like Success Year mi mo ]»M m: 1*«» 1SKO l*l« 1*11 1*12 1*13 1*14 1*15 1*1« I'miri" huriui; tin* 1.'! Years Amount Insurance Written < 0.223.7*3 i«i 5.2*3.60 10,454.631.06 :_ oi*>.*7" 12 791.*26 <«i 13.957.635 00 15.5*1.71* »mi 15,027.324.(mi U.404.4U 04 1***9.9S7.00 1 » :_\7:> no i*.5s4.**6.60 2(< 759 <>d Losses Paid i (urine Year $ 36.569 12 4S.413.5s 40.7o4.S5 71.44;t. 1 *1 *9.112.24 7S.434.24 *2 7,47.43 95.245.04 lo5.42S.05 214.522.*! 109.2SS.C1 i 34.649 14 128.634.79 ill Insurance Force $ 4S.713.1S2.00 5 875,807.00 62.347.830.00 72.292.382.00 S9.2C8.816.00 100.666.941.00 110.914.198.00 120.859.462.00 133.130.514.00 143.755.454.00 157.201.497.00 170.456.794.00 W. G. TUCKER, Local Agent TEACHERS LOSE POSITION. The ukiu of a flay from the school I )<*4 their usefulness s, lex hers and that th*- be4 inter , ya and from the other competent , uf reliable parties ••Therefore be it further resolved inat the contract* u* •***> of said i asbers be and the same is hereby i rminated and «»‘d «* =*• bers dis < Parsed and that order, »*• drawn for .-i.h of their salaries to date and |||| m mllb o* ii* e of termina IllTof their contra* t» and their dis • uarfe -(’pun motion vaa unanimous!? the above reolution adopted by show of The two bof* lend*' l*' aiftl who «ere with the the flag was taken I'aid *li'' costs of getting the dogs »i. amounted to about $5* and were a .« d to go At the present time it offense to molest “Old Glory" in any way. PREVENT FOOD SHORTAGE. Omaha. Neb., April 25.—Nebraska farmers are to be “shown” the way in »lu ti they can render America the greatest amount of assistance in the v ar with Germany. They are to be given expert instruction in the art of I utilizing every square foot of ground on their farms, in making every acre prodm e to the utmost limit and in caring for the crops after they are harvested. \s quickly as the anrtfingements can mad", and before the season is too far advanced, the Union Pacific Railroad will operate a “conserva 11ion" Ira n through Nebraska with the i in. object of inducing the farmers to -peed up" their work and pro duce to the very limit, despite the I ...r crop prospects in the Trans Mis -■ f i • ountry. President Ualvin of Un ion Pacific, who f* an enthusiastic ad ' • at" of military preparedness and ah that the term implies, is taking at *iv" interest in the plans for pushing the produetion of foodstuffs in the western country and the conservation will lie operated under his per sonal supervision. Iii Nebraska where thousands of m - hi w inter wheat fields are re !>■■ ".00@lo.2o. On load sold early in the day at $15.(15. Only odd loads landed above $15.35 or $1.0.40. Tin* smallest run of sheep and lamhs that have been here at the opening of any week since more than a month ago was on hand Monday, es timates called for 27 cars or 6,500 head. Although receipts were very ligtit packers had real bearish dope anti ns sellers were asking higher prices prac tically nothing had been sold up to 11 o'clock. Quotations on sheep and lamhs: l.amhs. light and ’•andy, $15.35® 1Ti.H0 : lambs.^ Imav«. si5.0ft@15.50; lamhs, fresh shorn. S12.on@12.75; lamhs. shearing. $1 l.00@14.o0; year lings. good to choice, $13.00@ 13.75; yearling, fair to good. $12.00@13.00; wethers, fair to choice. $11.50@ 13.00; ewes, goAd to choice, Sl’2.tKi@ 12.50; ewes, fair to good. $11.0o@12.00; ewes, plain to etiils. S7.50@ 10.75. Subscribe for The Northwestern. Classified Advertising SEED CORN. PITRE SILVER MINE AND ST. Charles White (Red Cob.) Carefully selected. Tipped, butted and shelled. $2.00 per bushel.—L. E. Larsen. St. Paul, Neb.. 5-11 FOR SALE. FOR SALE: — MY EIGHT ROOM house and six lots. Also six lots in cherry and plum trees. A tract of 4*4 acres of land and other tract of 3*4 acres all In alfalfa and fenced chicken tight.—Alfred Anderson. HOMESTEAD OR FARM LANDS. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD Co., Grant Lands. Title to same re vested in United States by act of con gress dated June 9, 1916. Two million three hundred thousand acres to he opened for settlement and sale. Power Site, Timber and Agricultural Lands. Containing some of the best land left in United States. Now is the oppor tune time. Large sectional map and description of soil, climate, rainfall, elevations, etc. Postpaid one dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Box CIO. Portland, Oregon. 6-13 NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER AS GOOD. Purchase the **NEW HOME** and you will have • a life asset f.t the price you pay. The elimination of repair expanse by superior workmanship and best 1 Quality of material insures life-lonc service at mini- ! mum cost. Insist on having the *rNEW HOME**, j WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. Known the world over for superior sewing qualities. 1 Not sold under any other name. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE C