The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 26, 1917, Image 5

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    W F MASON. President. L. HANSEN, Cashier.
C H RYAN, Assistant Cashier.
These Are I he Words Of A
Very Rich Man
■ ' '■ r !■ are prodigal. ami our extrava
■ p. •! t*«r i'V ><>im*one. People are
' ’ - • ’ - eii a- lias never been
- • wav. • | ami extravagant.
' * . a- :n.- ia iiv ilav. ft>r the time oi
: ..-.I/*
* it v ith Vourst-lff *
'■‘,l - - ’ r ti.. **rainv flay." ami putting
,t ; rk tirele»-lv for v«m when per
i'>i - - * k. tired <>r worn out!
‘ 'if 'i-Tist- demands that yon
-LouM !««>k to the future!
First National Bank
of Loup City, Neb.
Electrified Homes
E • tncity is now fast superceding old methods in
n.. • c part:::* • s of the home. The modern home—the
COMFORTABLE home—now has
Electric Heaters
Electric Irons
Electric Lights
tad many other labor saving and cost saving appliances.
I* is the ideal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure.
You are losii: oymen: of life if your home is
• tncir.ed Let us wire your house for lights.
V.' .r.dle trie Alrao Lighting systems for farm homes.
Call and let us explain them to you.
All Kinds of Garden Tools
Rubber Hose
Enameled Ware, Aluminum Ware
Oi| St««vc on the market today.
Your Hardware and Harness Man
// still sold at the same old prices
Good Lumber
.- at =====
Lowest Prices
, . ,* v a•.on. Kocktrille, Sol.auppa and Arcadia
Daily sells for less
Adlerika at Swanson's.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses.
Monday was Arbor Day. How many
trees did you plant?
A. B. Outhouse was a business pas
senger to Rockville. Wednesday.
Hy-Test Formaldehyde for potato
scab and grain smut at Swanson's.
L. G. Lofholm made a business trip
to Grand Island, Wednesday morning.
Pete Haremza was a Rockville visi
tor last Friday, returning in the even
John Oltrnan and family visited
with the Ed. Oltman family at Ashton,
C. P. McLaughlin sold a team ot
.mules last Saturday which brought
him $325.
Mrs Frank Rossa went to St. Paul.
Tuesday morning to spend a few days
with relatives.
Don't forget the Rexall One-Cent sale
May 3. 4 and 5.—Asa J. Farnham, Cor
ner drug store.
Miss Alma Enderlee taught school
for Eunice Chase. Tuesday, during
her absence at Mason City.
Nelson Smith of St. Paul, was in our
city the latter part of last week on
business and pleasure combined.
John Turrentine fame up from St.
Paul last Saturday to spend Sundav
visiting at the S. E. Gallawav home.
Mrs. S. E Gallawav and daughter.
Miss Faye, were Grand Island visitors
last Saturday, returning in the even
Services will be held in the Ger
man church next Sunday evening at
S o'clock. You are cordially invited to
Simon Iossi returned home last Sat
urday from Columbus, where he had
spent the past few days visiting with
Miss Nellie Stanczyk went to Rock
ville last Friday to visit over Sun
day with her sister. Mrs. Johi Diet*,
and family.
George Oltman returned to his home
at Saratoria. Neb., last Friday, after
a few days' visit here with relatives
and friends.
Biemond & Son shipped a car of j
hogs to the South Omaha markets last
Friday. C. C. Outhouse also shipped
a car of hogs.
R. M. Hiddleson returned home last
Friday evening from Lincoln, where
he had been the past week visiting
with his son. Merle
A E. Chase. Eunice. Muriel. Sibil
and Roberta Chase, autoed to Mason
City. Tuesday and spent the day witn
relatives and friends.
Mrs. C. U. Bitner and baby arrived
home Monday noon from Burwell.
where she has been the past week
visiting with her parents.
Mrs. Elmer Chaffee and daughter
came up from St. Paul. Monday to
spend a few days visiting with her
mother. Mrs. A. H. Hansel.
J W. Dougal returned home on last
Thursday evening from Giltner. where
he had been the past week on busi
ness and pleasure combined.
Miss Helen Maciejewski returned to
her home at Ashton last Thursday
morning, after visiting here a few
days with relatives and friends.
Jack Amick was a business passen
ger to Boelus last Saturday morning
and from there he went to Omaha >o
visit over Sunday with his sister.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase’s first—it pays.
Oliver Dubrv and daughter. Mrs.
Mae Huss. returned here Tuesday
evening from Fairfield, Neb., w^here
Mr. Dubrv had been to consult a doc
A. G. Hunt returned home last Fri
day from Excelsior Springs. Mo., and
the western part of this state, where
he has been for some time on business
; combined.
If you wish to sell, let me show
j your farm to my buyers. Come in ami
I list your property. No charge for
! showing your land or listing the same.
—John W. Long. 1S-2
Rev. Vincent R. Beebe was a west
bound passenger to Arcadia. Monday
| evening where he spoke at the M. E.
| Church that evening. He returned on
j Tuesday morning.
Miss Bessie Conger was operated
on Monday evening for appendicitis
1 by the Drs. Grothan of St. Paul and
Main of this city. At the present she
' is getting along nicely.
Mrs. Charles Sheridan and children
of Sargent, passed through our city,
Tuesday enroute to Columbus for a
j visit and from there they will go to
' the eastern part of the state to visit
with relatives.
Improves the blood, cleans the
stomach, regulates the bowels, helps
'he appetite, livens you up. You work
better—feel better—look better. Hol
lister’s Rocky Mountain Tea, a real
Spring tonic. 35c.—Asa J. Farnham.
Miss Lucille Bulger and Miss Gale
Owens came down from Arcadia, on
Tuesday and spent the day visiting
at the Elba Smalley home. They re
turned home on the evening train ac
companied by Miss Riddle, to spend a
few days.
See Mrs J 9. Caaay tor sewing
and dress goods. 1S-2*
Duroc Jersey brood sows for sale.
—S. J. Iossi, Phone 7413.
P. T. Rowe was a business cal
j ler at Grand Island last Friday.
E. G. Taylor made a business trip
to St. Paul. Wednesday morning.
A nice dust cloth free with each 25e
•bottle of Wizard polish at Swanson's.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chase,
j Sunday evening, April T2. a daughter.
I Allie Bailie shipped a car of hogs
s to the South Omaha markets. Mon
J. B. O'Bryan was an eastbound pas
| senger to Lincoln. Monday morning
I on business.
Mrs C. H. Ryan spent the day shop
! ping in Grand Isiand. Monday, return
| ing the same day.
Edwin Ohlsen and Forest Larsen
returned home Monday front Linoln.
where they had been the past week.
Louie Blv returned home last Fri
day evening from Grand Island, where
he had been on business for several
Mrs. M- L. Fonda went to Coun» ii
Bluffs last Saturday morning to spend
a few days visiting with relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Johns and baby
went to Ashton. Wednesday morning
to visit with relative* and friends a
day or so.
Fred Anderson fame over from Be;-'
ard. Neli., last Saturday via the auto
route, to visit a few days at the Me
N'ulty home.
O. F. Peterson and son. Clarence,
returned home last Friday from Oma
ha. where they had been with stock
the past week.
Miss Barbara Sobiesczvk. who is at
tending school at York, was in our
city the first of the week visitng with
relatives and friends.
Miss Lettie Cunningham left Mon
day morning for Meadow Grove, where
she has accepted a position in the
drug store at that place.
A. C. Ogle reports that in the past
week he has sold a Reo to James
Johnson and eight Ford cars to var
ious parties in this territory.
Miss Louise Hansel went to St j
Paul last Friday to visit over Sund ay
with her sister. Mrs. Elmer Chaffee
She returned home Monday.
Considering the high prices on ma
terials used. I am holding down my
prices as low as possible on repairing
shoes, tinware, etc.—P. O. Reed.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
E. G. Taylor returned home last Sat
urday from St. Paul. Grand Island and
Omaha, where he has been the past
week on business and pleasure com
Howard Starr was a passenger to
Grand Island last Saturday morning,
where he has accepted a position in
the gents department at Wolbach oi
Sons big store.
Mrs. Lawrence Costello and chil
dren returned to their home in Grand
Island last Thursday, after a short
visit here with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Mulick.
Miss Klea McNulty was a west
bound passenger to Comstock la-t
Friday evening and visited with her
sister. Miss Lila, who teaches at that
place. She returned on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Chisolm went
to Giltner. Tuesday morning, where
they will live in the future. Mr. Chis
holm has conducted the Central Pool
Hall here for the past few months.
The Misses Nina Rasmussen. Sadie
Woten. Myrtle Dwehus, Helen Isaac
son, Mable Cadwel! and Lola Bush
housen came up from Rockville last
Friday and took teachers' and eighth
grade examinations.
The Independent garage reports the
following sales the first of the week;
Geo. Greenland, Arcadia, Buick six.
Geo. Woten, Rockville. Buick six.
Fritz Kuhl. near Loup City, BUick four,
and the Buick garage at Ashton, a
220 acres all. in native grass. 275
acres can be broke out easily if not
more. All under fence except 160 rods
on west side. 1-* of mile to school. Lo
cated in good neighborhood. Seven
miles from Loup City. For sale cheap.
Inquire of August Jaeschka. 12- tf
New Location
We are moving into the
room formerly occupied by
Lou Sell waller, where we will
| be pleased to meet all of our
customers and friends.. We
will have a better room and
will be able to accommodate
our customers. We shall at
all times aim to carry a full
line of variety goods.
Yours for a Square Deal.
Bert G. Travis
Loup City 5c, 10c, and
25c Store
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
Starless liniment at Swanson's.
Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis
faction guaranteed.
If you want to sell your land, list
it with \Y. D. Zimmerman.
Rev Vincent R Beebe was a passen
ger to Comstock. Tuesdav evening.
James Bartunek was a business pas
senger to St. Paul. Monday morning
Eggs for Hatching — Pure bred bar
red Rocks and light Brahamas.—R. l.
I Arthur. 17 tf
Mrs. R. P. Starr was a St. Paul cal
ler. Monday morning. She returned
I the same day.
W. P. Cook returned to St. Paul last
Friday after looking after his business
interests here.
Don't forget the Rexall One Cent saie
Mac 4 and 5.—Asa J Farnham Cor
ner drug store.
All those having fence stretchers
belonging to us kindly return at once.
Hansen Lumber Co.
Harry Hinman was a business pas
senger to Rockville last Friday to re
pair telephone lines.
Miss Lizzie Parteka returned to St.
Mary. Tuesday morning, after a short
visit here with relatives.
Alvin Daddow came up from his
home at Austin last Saturday on busi
ness. returning on the noon passenger.
Mrs. Ed. ft’adcliffe and daughter.
Vara, left Tuesday morning for an ex
tended visit in the east with rela
R. P. Prichard was a westbound
passenger to Comstock last Saturday
evening to spend Sunday visiting with
Mrs. Jezewski came up from Ash
ton last Friday and visited over Sun
day with her daughter. Mrs. Kate
Mrs. Lula Burke of Austin, was in
our city last Saturday doing some
shopping and visiting with relatives
and friends.
Mrs. D. H. Robinson returned to
her home at Sargent. Monday even
ing after a short visit here with Mrs.
Ed. Shipley.
V. I). Zimmerman was an eastbound
passenger to Lincoln last Thursday
morning on a business trip. He return
ed Friday evening.
Biemoud & Sou shipped a car of
mixed stock to the South Omaha
markets. Tuesday. C. Biemond accom
panied the shipment.
Bert and Margaret Morris returned
to their home at Grand Island last
Thursday after a short visit here .
the Wilbert Morris home.
Arthur Cowling came up from Au
rora last Saturday and spent Sundc
visiting with his parents, returning •
again on Monday morning.
Mrs. Frank Slobsczewski and chil
dren returned to their home at Rock
ville. Monday, after sending a few days
here visiting with relatives.
Miss Ruth Levy, who has been here
visiting the past few days with her
many friends, returned to her home in
Hastings. Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Minshull and
children returned home last Friday
from Austin, where Mr. Minshull has ,
been working the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. James Grow and son
who have been here visiting with the
D. C. Grow family, returned to their
home at Arcadia last Friday evening.
Daily sells for less.
Try Chase's first—it pays.
Mrs. C. W Fletcher and daughter.
Miss Blanche, were passengers to
Grand Island last Thursday morning
to spend the day, returning in the
If you wish to sell vour land in
Sherman county soon list it with John
W. Long at once. I am expecting
eastern buyers any time now.—John
W. Long. 18-2
Miss Beatrice Worlock and Mon
tague Worlock returned here Monday
after spending the week-end witn
their parents at Kearney, their father
being quite sick.
Mrs. Wlfcert Morris accompanied
little Miss Elaine Morris home to
Grand Island, Tuesday morning. She
has been here for some time staying
at the Morris home.
Miss Ella Sticknev and Walter
Stickney. who have been here visiting
a few days with their parents. Mr. atm
Mrs. W. R. Stickney, returned to then
home at Ravenna. Monday morning.
Having sold my blacksmith shop and
business to Ira Close. I expect to en
list in the U. S. navy and request all
parties knowing themselves indebted
to me to call at the shop and settle.—
Emil J. Schoening. 19-1*
Mrs. Mae Huss and daughter who
I have been here visiting with her par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dubry. re
turned to her home in Lincoln. Wed
nesday morning, being called by the
illness of her husband.
Monday evening about twenty-five
members of the local K. P. lodge drore
to Comstock in cars to attend a meet
ing of the lodge at that place and to
put on worlt in the first and second
ranks. A big banquet was served about
midnight and the boys report a most
enjoyable time.
liy taking out some hail insurance
in one of the reliable companies we re
present. A small amount will give you
ample protection during the storm sea
sons of lblT. Come in and see us. Don’t
Implements, Hardware, Farm Seeds, Machine Oils. Windmills, Pumps, Pip»s
Plumbing and Heating a Specialty
I would advise parties wanting mil
let seed to buy it at once as there
was little seed threshed in 1916.
I have on hands some choice Ger
man Millet, also Siberian seed from
$1.50 to $1.75 per bushel, cash.
Call soon if you want this seed at
these prices.
Our Regular Prices
Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb.25c
Good Santos Coffee, per lb.22c
1 Gal KarojCorn Syrup.55c
4 Gal. Karo Corn Syrup.30c
1 Gal. Karo "White Syrup .60c
4 Gal. Karo White Syrup.35c
4 Boxes Corn Flakes.25c
California Dried Peaches, per lb.11c
Atlas Oatmeal.25c
Saxson Oatmeal .20c
Santa Clara Prunes.12Jc
Pancake flour, 5 lb. size.22c
6 oz. Can Milk.05c
16 oz. Can Milk.10c
We pay cash for Eggs.
Please come in and see our Men’s Suits at $12.50. ALo
we have a nice line of Men’s trousers and Boy’s Suits.
General Merchandise
Hog and Lawn
Barb Wire
Steel Coops
“I have used Chamberlain’s Lini
ment for pains in the chest and lame
ness of the shoulders due to rheu
matism. and am pleased to say that! GOOD ALFALFA HAY
it has never failed to give me prompt; For sale. Phone 9012.
relief,” writes Mrs. S. X. Finch. Ba
tavia, N. Y.
, IS 2