The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 26, 1917, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
VOU'Mfi xxxvi
Fred Fuller i* sheering his sheep.
Rev i.*tie-cth returned from Thed
ford. Monday.
Kay Ward was a llavenna visitor
on last Tuesday.
Elmer Woodruff arrived in town
Saturday ermine
Mias Verm Robinson returned from
Litchfield. Sunday.
Fred Anderson returned from the
west la-t Saturday.
Mr Stapleton »a- a passenger west,
Wednesday evening.
Mo Ollisiii fron. Litchfield, visited
'* bool last Tuesday.
Ja« Erazftn < ante up from Ravenna
aat Saturday evening.
Voa Hand »a^ a passenger to Dun
um* Monday evening
Ge<»r*. Worit. Jr. returned from Ra
venna. Friday eveniug
Willard Frink returned from Sweet
water. Friday evening.
Mrs Stapleton was a passenger
west. Tuesday evening.
Rimer Vanhtisen returned from Oma
ha. Wednesday evening.
Mtss Gladys Olson came down from
Maaon. Monday morning.
Mi»s Gladys Olson was a passenger
tu Mason Wednesday evening.
Mr* M P Robertson was a passen
ger west. Wednesday evening.
Mi** Vera Robinson was a passen
ger to Lib htieid. Friday evening.
Mr- Wri. Ileapv was a passenger
!■> Litchfield. Saturday morning.
Miss iteulah Zink returned to her
home in Mason. Sunday evening
Mi** Alta Shattetikirk returned
• rom We al River Sunday evening.
John F i - dale and son. George, from
■ea^ant w.-r< Hazard callers. Sun
Mrs G E Vinning was a passenger
to ftavu Saturday, returning the
-imr dav
Mrs. J O. Ward was a passenger
To Ravei aa. Saturday, returning the
~ame day
vt f* Wind'.- mother and sister re
ar e<j to tiieir home at Mason. Mon
day evening.
Mrs Anna Sharffogle’s daughter.
Jr- Stebbins. is visiting her mother
fur a few flays.
Jess I'owfi and Miss Mamie Smith
sere |ia--enger* to Grand Island last
Friday morning.
Mrs. Erazim's sister came up from
Ravenna last Friday evening, return
ing on Saturday.
Frank Hand and Chet Messenger
drove down from Mason. Saturday,
returning Sunday.
Rev. Troy was a passenger down
from Litchfield. Sunday morning, re
turning that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fisdale and Mr.
and Mrs. Lony Rasmussen drove
through town. Sunday.
Mrs. Anna Shroder is spending a
few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs Fred Rasmussen.
Mr and Mrs. Hartwig Nelson came
down from Litchfield. Sunday to spend
the day with relatives.
Emil Ritter returned front Hast
ings. Tuesday. He brought his little
grandson back with him.
Frank Mizner went to Grand Is
land. Sunday to visit his sister who is
in the hospital at that place.
Miss Alta Shattenkirk was a pas
senger to Wood River, were she will
spend Saturday with her parents.
Win. Jacobson, a member of the
Iowa National guards, left Monday for
LaMars, were he is to report for duty.
Miss Bonington left Friday evening
for Litchfield, where she will spend
Saturday and Sunday with her par
ents. *
Mr Case, who has been working
in the Dierks lumber yard for the
past week, returned to Ansley, Sat
urday evening.
Tuesday evening Clarence Arnett
'tarted out to give some boys a ride
in his new Dodge car. Ben Zents was
driving and doing a little speeding. He
’ried to turn the corner near the Wni.
Hancock place while going at a prett>
good pace and the car turned com
pletely over twice. Clarence Arnett was
badly hurt, receiving two severe cuts
on the leg. He was the only one hurt
anti there was six in the car at the
time. The car was badly damaged. The
boys consider themselves very fortu
nate that the accident was not more
serious and that no more of them
were hurt. It was a close call and
shows that you can not turn corners
when the car is going 35 to 40 miles
an hour.
A little ad in The Northwestern will
always bring results.
| This Week is National Clean-1
| Up and Paint-Up Week |
In painting it is the part of wisdom that you |
use a high grade paint. |
W e have a Mound City Horseshoe Paint =
for every purpose. Each one is of the I
highest quality possible to be made. |
M und City Horseshoe Paint icoks the |
best, spreads the farthest, wears the longest I
and is sold and guaranteed by =
| O. L. SWANSON, Druggist \
1111111111111 u m,
It should not be raised before sun
rise and should be lowered at sunset.
It is a mark of disrespect to permit
it to fly throughout the night.
It should be raised to the full peak
unless it is displayed at half staff as
a sign of mourning.
It should not be permitted to drag
on the ground or be stood or walked
or sat on.
In flying, the field should never
be down, except as a sign of distress
and call for help.
It is customary to take in large
flags and regular standards in stormy
weather and use in their place small
storm flags.
The flag should not be permitted
to fly where it will strike against
any object except its own pole, and
if it becomes entangled with its pole
it should be freed.
It should not be used for any pur
pose except for patriotic display. It
should never be used as a covering
for anything else, except a coffin, an
alter, etc. It should never be used
as a table cloth on which things are
served or any like use. No utilitar
ian purpose whatever should be served
by it.
In decoration on walls, etc., the
blue field should be the top and to
the north or east.
Saluting the flag should be done
whenever it is carried past in formal
procession, or in passing an official
flage in a military camp or post. It
may be done at any other time the
inclination prompts.
In using bunting as a decoration
the red c olor should come first, at the
top when hortizontal and at the left
when perpendicular.
The spirit of the whole affair is.
that the flag is the symbol of a great
nation, and to display it is to give ex
pression of loyalty. Citizens should
display it for no other purpose. Citi
zens of other countries may display
it as a token or respect.
It begins to appear that the month
of April will be as significant to the
United States as the month of March
to the Kaisers. Czars, and other
crowned heads. Every war the United
States has ever engaged in was start
ed in April. The revolutionary war
began in April, 1775. The embargo
which brought about the war of 1812
was enacted in April ,i812. The hos
tilities of both Mexican tangles took
place in April. Fort Sumpter was
fired upon and captured in the month
of April, 1861, and the war of the re
bellion was under way. McKinley
declared war on Spain in April, 1898.
And now President Wilson and con
gress has declared war on Germany
in April.—Ex.
The farmer w-ho is planning to feed
his hogs in dry lot without supple
mental forage will find that he can
reduce production costs by the use
of rape pasture, say animal husbandry
experts at the agricultural college.
Rape will make more hog pasture
than any other crop in use in eastern
or central Nebraska. If seeded by May
1, it will be ready to pasure by June
15 or earlier. As many as 40 shotes
may be carried on a single acre when
fed grain in addition.
Rape stands more abuse than any
other pasture, it can be grown quick
ly, and a good stand can be secured
without difficulty. Six to eight pounds
of seed arc sown per acre. Seed now
costs 10 to 14 qents per pound.
In The Home
Of The Cultured
Wherever good books are read; wherever good
paintings are appreciated; wherever good music is un
There the Edison Diamond Disc Is Preferred
There are Hundreds of so-called needle machines,
but only one Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph.
Don’t compare the perfect tone reproduction of
the Edison with the tin-pan effect of the needle ma
No needles to change if you have an Edison.
The Neu) Edison sells for $100 and up
Unbreakable Records. All Sizes to Show You
Daily sells for less.
Subscribe for The Northwestern.
James Bowman was an Ashton cal
] ler, Wednesday.
j Mrs. A. H. Hansel was a passenger
: to Grand Island. Wednesday on busi
| ness.
For Rent: - Five room house and
i seven lots. Inquire at Jung's Restau
! rant. 19tf
Earl Keeler was a business passen
ger to Boelus last Saturday, returning
| in the evening.
Frank B. Hartman was called to
i Lincoln. Saturday morning by tl^e
j serious illness of his father.
I Mrs. Tony Kwirtkowski came up
! front Ashton. Wednesday evening to
i visit a few days at the John Stanezvk
l home.
E. W. Thompson has received notice
that his pension has been raised $10
per month. This makes $24 per month
the government pays him.
Mrs. Frances Goodman and daugh
ter returned Wednesday evening from
Ashton, where they had been visiting
with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Fred Cox came down Wednes
day from Arcadia and spent the day
at the home of Mrs. Clara Cox. She
returned home in the evening.
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red eggs
at 50 cents per setting. Single Comb
White Leghorn eggs at 50 cents per
setting.—Mrs. W. H. Critel. Phone
9013. 19-1 *
The high sch*c, baseball nine de
feated the ArraduT l-ilkh yesterday by
a score of 18 to 0. Our boys are play
ing good ball and should have a good
attendance at their games.
E .W. Thompson returned home last
Saturday evening from Hot Springs.
S. D., where he has been the past
month of two taking medical treat
ments at the Battle Mountain Sani
tarium. Mrs. Thompson met him at
Grand Island.
The “powers that be” instituted an
investigation into the high cost of
print paper, and the result was the
highbinders put another raise of a
cent on the pound upon the commod
ity. Let’s hope there won't be any
more investigations very soon.
A gentleman from Rockville had th<v
misfortune Monday afternoon while
driving along the road about live miles
northeast of town to lose control of
his car on the side of a hill with the
result that the car turned over and
rolled down the grade. No serious
damage was done and on one was hurt.
Congressman Kinkaid is giving his
hearty support to all war measures
in keeping with his announcement
made when the war resolution was
pending that with the war once launch
ed he would deem it his official and
patriotic duty to stand for its vigor
ous and speedy prosecution to a suc
cessful termination.
Mr. and Mrs. Elba Smalley return
ed home Monday evening from Oma
ha. where Mr. Smalley underwent at.
operation for appendicitis. They visit
ed several days in the eastern part of
the state on their return trip home.
They were accompanied by a cousin.
Miss Frieda Riddle, of Omaha, who
visited several days with them.
The P. E. O's entertained the ladies
of the Unity Club Tuesday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. C. C. Outhouse.
When entering the house everyone
was requested to leave on their wraps
which caused a great deal of “wonder.”
At about three o’clock the guests
w»ere invited to take a walk, which
ended at the opera house where the
manage showed a very good picture
show. After the show they returned
to the Outhouse home where a very
dainty lunch wTas served. There were
thirty-two present.
The Loup City high school ball team
came over last Friday to meet our
team on the local diamond. Not a
large crowd availed themselves of the
Opportunity to see the battle but
those who were there certainly re
ceived full value for the time and
money spent. The game went eleven
innings and was won by our boys—
score 3 to 4. The game belonged to
anyone till the last man was out. We
had hoped to give the lineup and the
: game by innings but too much school
I scrap said no.—North Loup Loyalist.!
Alfonso Rydalek quit working for
George Dyrnack last week.
Nowieki and Krvski Bros., spent
Sunday with the Bydalek family.
Joe Goe came up from St. Paul lac,
week and visited with home folks.
A few from here attended the St.
Izedore picnic at Paplin last Sunday
Ignatz J. Kalkowski of Oak Creek,
has been on the Creek buying cattle,
horses, etc.
Martin Bydalek went to Boelus on
Tuesday morning to exchange wheat
for some flour.
J. W. Peters sold three horses and
one bull to I. J. Kalkowski on Oak
Creek. Monday.
Mrs. Chropkowski has been in Loup
City the past week visiting with rela
tives and friends.
Two dogs belonging to Thos Lubash
went mad last Thursday but did no
damage to anyone.
Adam Frederick from Davis Creok
bought a load of oats from F. J. Ma
ciejewski. Monday.
Miss Caroline Carsten took eighth
grade examinations at Rockville last
Thursday and Friday'.
Last Wednesday and Thursday the
Creek received a good soaking rain It
is good for the crops.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jezewski of Asn
ton. visited with Mr. and Mrs. August
Maschka last Sunday.
Frank Jasnok purchased a second
handed me Model Ford from the Har
emza Bros., last Sunday.
A crowd of dance lovers attended
the dance at Rockville which was giv
en last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lubash and fam
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
Woitesczyski last Sunday.
Our mail carrier hired a team of
horses from Sam Blumer last week as
his horses were overworked.
Adam Peters autoed to the county
seat. Tuesday morning on business,
returning home in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ritz and baby
visited with Mr. and Mrs John Weiss
near.Boelus Sunday afternoon.
Charlie Kryski resumed his school
duties at the Ashton Catholic school
after having a weeks vacation.
Lizzie Weiss did not teach last Fri
day on account of being so muddy. Her
brother. Anton, substituted for her.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bartunek and
fars^y of Fan well, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Hurt last Sunday.
Carl Treffer of Rockville, started on
last Thursday with his Christian and
Belgian horses for the first time this
Our mail carrier. M. J. Vincent, has
his route made a little longer by two
miles and has increased a few more
Miss Maggie Peters came up from
Farwell last Saturday to attend the
dance at her home and to visit with
her mother.
M. J. Vincent did not carry mail
last Saturday on account of having
business to attend to. His wife sub
stituted for him.
Clemmens Maciejewski, who is em
ployed at the St. Paul State bank, took
civil service examination at Grand
Island last Friday.
Anton Weiss did not attend school
at Boelus last Thursday and Friday
on account of having to take eighth
grade examinations.
Benjamin Maciejewski was awarded
a state certificate of honor last Tues
day for ^eing neither absent nor tardy
for eighteen months.
School board in Dist. No. 12 are look
ing for a new teacher for next year.
They wish to have a gentleman who
has had good experience.
Miss Ida Peters came up from St.
Paul last Saturday to attend the dance
and to visit with her mother, She re
turned Monday morning.
Leon F. Lubash left Monday morn
ing for Kearney to resume his school
duties, after attending the funeral of
his mother and visiting with relatives.
Maschka Bros, autoed to Farwell on
last Wednesday evening to furnish
music for the Belenburg-Detiloff wed
ding dance, returning the next morn
There is only a couple of days left
and the State of Nebraska will be dry
forever. It will bring joy, comfort and
gladness to thousands of homes in the
Edward Bvdalek was a passenger to
Farwell la%t Wednesday afternoon to
attend the Belenburg-Detiloff wedding
dance and to visit with relatives and
A barn dance was given at the
John Detiloff home near Ashton last
Saturday. A large crowd was present.
The Smith Cvnova orchestra furnished
the music.
A barn dance was given by Vincent
( zerwinski of Ashton, at the home of
Mrs. Lawrence Peters Sunday evening.
A large crowd was present and all
had a good time.
Mr. Synka, who has been a resident
here for many years, died at Papiin
last Thursday after a long illness. He
was past seventy years old. He leaves
several children to mourn his loss.
Paul Kryski sold his 160 acre farm
here to Joe Bartunek of Farwell last
week. He expects to move to his
home in Columbus.. Mr. Bartunek w;il
move on the farm next spring We
are sorry to see Mr. Kryski leave.
Last Sunday, April 15. Mr. Stork ar
rived front babyland and deposited a
'ine baby boy at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ignatz Got*. Mother and son are
doing nicely and daddy is very proud
of his son and is treating the boys.
Ben Jasnok of here and Jack Page
ler of Loup City met with an accident
last Saturday when the two cars ran
into one another. Only one was slightly
injured. Pageler only had one light
which was the cause of the accident.
Last Wednesday oceured the wed
ding of Mr. Wm. Belenburg and Miss
Emma Detiloff. They were married at
St. Paul by the county judge. They
returned to the bride’s home where
the day was spent in games. In the
evening the groom gave a dance at
the Farwell opera house. Maschka
Bros., furnished the music and every
one reported a good time. They will
go to housekeeping on the groom’s
farm. We wish them a happy wedded
From the Halls of Montezuma,
To the shores of Tripoli.
We fight our country’s battles
On the land as on the sea.
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean
We are proud to claim the title
Of United States Marine
From the Pest Hole of Cavite
To the Ditich at Panama.
You will find them very needy
Of Marines—That’s what we are;
We're the watch dogs of a pile of coal
Or we dig a magazine.
Though he lends a hand at every job
Who would not be a Marine?
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun,
We have fought in every clime or place
Where we could take a gun;
In the*snow of far off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes.
You wrill find us always on the job—
The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corns
Which we are proud to serve.
In many a strife we have fought for
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes.
They will find the streets are guarded
The United States Marines.
__se.- . _
About April 1. one red sow, weight
about 200 lbs.—Elmer Cook. 18-2
Try an ad in the Northwestern.
S. Meyes. an eye specialist, is at
the hotel this week fitting glasses.
S. E. Sorenson and E. F. Kozel were
Omaha visitors the latter part of last
Wm. Karel of Ravenna, was a Rock
ville visitor on business Wednesday
of last week.
John Isaacson purchased a new .Max
well car from Jake Koch of Boelus.
last Saturday.
W. R. Henkens sold a new Crow
Elkhart car to L. C. Vandegrift one
day last week.
Geo. W. Woten purchased a new
Buick light six from E. J. Maus at
Loup City last Sunday.
T. E. Taylor of Omaha, is the new
mechanic who is working for the
Rockville Auto company.
W. R. Henkens returned from Oma
ha last week with a new Hupmobile
which he purchased while there.
There was not a very large crowd
at the dance last Saturday evening
but those who were present reported
a good time.
Dr. Culver is moving in his house
hold goods this week from Friend.
Neb., and he expects his family here
as soon as he gets things straightened
“Montana" a western play will be
staged in the Rockville opera house
Saturday evening, April 28. by a com
pany of good players. See other bills
for further particulars.
The Swede, the Tramp and the Girl
was shown to a fairly sized crowd
Tuesday evening. The play was one
laugh from start to finish and everyone
went home well pleased.
Last Sunday evening while G. L.
Meirotto, Geo.. Wickstrom. Frank East
man and T. E. Taylor were autoing
between Ashton and Loup City, their
car in some manner turned turtle pin
ning Geo. under the.rear seat and
throwing the other occupants out of
the ear. Geo. Wickstrom was knocked
unconscious for some time and was
taken to the office of Drs. Bowman at
Loup City where he was given medi
cal attention returning home on the
noon train. Monday. The car was not
damaged very badly as they were not
traveling very fast when the accident
oecured. Outside of being bruised up
a little the others were not very badly
Furnished by F. M. Henry.
Corrected every Thursday morning.
Butterfat, per lb.44c
Eggs, per doz.27c
Hens, per lb.HB/jC
Summer Normal Session
St. Paul Normal and Business College
SL Paul, Nebraska
All subjects leading to all grades of County Teaclioj
All subjects leading to all grades of Citv a?>i1 stntv
teachers’Certificates. ' ,
All subjects leading to a Life or Profe*tf/"ml ( ertm‘
cate. , ....
Our Model School Work and Prim"rV *v[ethods WJ b‘“
a strong feature.
Full credit will be given for«« done dunl'K our
Summer School. , ,. Ilf
Expenses will be LOW and accommodations excellent.
Commercial and Stenographic Courses also offered.
For Further Information Kindly Address
JOS. S. ZOCHOLL, Manager
* Nebraska
St. Paul, * _