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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1917)
Electrified Homes E. tr. .• : now fast superceding old methods in mani departments of the home. The modem home—the COMFORTABLE heme—novr lias Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Lights and man;. iog <md cost saving appliances. • It . the iw.^l force—n danger, no annoyance, no failure. Yen re i: .nr h.uf the enjoyment of life if your home is no: • :.ed. Let us wire your house for lights. W . .. . the Aimo Lighting systems for farm homes. Call and let us explain them to you. — j LOUP CITY LIGHT AND POWER CO. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS I IN BULK A I All Rinds of Garden Tools j Rubber Hose Lnaineied W are, Aluminum Ware j I i I - — !| Ita mess * // sold at the same old prices 1 - L ----* I Good Lumber I — — B Lowest Prices 1 KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Y*- .-it L : \ m n ii okvi.l*. Scf.aupps and Arcadia .. "■" ' “" ™r.. When 1 >r a tr<«»d lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS W. earn » full line <>f Bakery Good-. Careful atten ' lion given to all special orders. Ila\.- !!.-• . _>• • for Fleishman yeast in small tin foil t«aikes. In stock at ail times. _.1 Daily sells for less, Adlerika at Swanson's. Try Chase’s first—it pays. __ j Henry M. Eisner for glasses. _ Wm. Ogle of Austin, was in our : city last Saturday. L. B. Polski was visiting in Ashton the latter part of last week. Hy-Test Formaldehyde for potato scab and grain smut at Swanson's. Chris Dorugaard was a business pas senger to Dunning Tuesday morning. Arthur Hancock visited in St. Paul las: Saturday, returning in the even ing. Itos* Comb R. I. C. eggs. 50c per set ting.—C. H. Biehl. Loup Citv, phone t'S*2. 15-4* Mrs Sarah Fowler went to brog. Saturday to spend a few days visiting. ____ Mrs. W. H. Watts and daughter. Miss Neva, were in Grand Island shopping last Thursday. Carl Amick returned to Lincoln last Thursday after several days' visit j with home folks. _ Mrs Susan Tockey went to Boeius last Thursday to visit a while with relatives and friends. Farmers bring in your plows and ! discs now and be ready for spring work.—Emil J. Schoening. 7 tf Miss Winnie Outhouse came over from Ravenna lart Friday for a few days' visit with her parents. Robert Dinsdale shipped a car of cattle to the Omaha market. Tuesday. He accompanied the shipment. " Miss Cecilia Dietz went to Rockville last Friday to spend a few'days with her brother. John Dietz, and family. ____ Mrs. R. F. Campbell was an east bound passenger to Omaha last Turs day morning to visit with her parents. Wm Graefe was an eastbound pas ^ Tiger to Grand Island. Tuesday morn ing on business and pleasure combined — Daily sells for less. -- Try Chase's first—it pays. Georg* Leschinsky returned to his cshool duties in Lincoln. Monday after a short spring vacation with his par ents. John McCall came in last Friday from Wyoming, where he has taken a homestead. He went to Sargent that evening. Mr and Mrs. John Ohlsen went to David City last Saturday morning to spend a few days with the Henry Ohl sen family. Miss Orpha Outhouse returned to her school work at Fremont. Satur day. after several days visit with home folks. J B. O'Bryan returned home last Friday evening from Lincoln, where he had been on business and pleas ure combined. Mrs. Robert Pritchard and children were westbiund passengers to Corn stock. Tuesday evening for a visit with relatives. Miss Delma Xielson returned home Saturday from St. Paul, where sne had been the past week visiting with relatives and friends. Mrs. Harvey O'Bryan and daughter fame up from St. Paul last Saturday and visited between trains with her father. O. Benschoter. F-ank Hendrickson of Austin, was visiting in our city Tuesday and Wed nesday with his daughter. Mrs. Al fred Minshull. and family. Lloyd Bulger and Bob Moore return ed Monday morning from Arcadia, where they had spent Sunday visit ig with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E G. Taylor returned home last Saturdav evening from Omaha, where they had been the past week visiting and on business com bined. Mrs. George Whitaker and Mrs. Emma Doner were passengers to Grand Island last Thursday on busi ness and pleasure combined. Thev re turned home Friday. Miss Retta Gasteyer came over from her school near Litchfield last Fridav to spend Sunday with her parents. She was accompanied by Miss Garra Hill. They returned on Sunday. Joe Johns, who has been working at Gothenburg, passed through our city Tuesday enroute to Arcadia, to visit with his parents. He visited at the Thrasher home Tuesday. Harold McClary stopped off here last I Friday evening and spent Saturdav 1 visiting at the Bartunek home. He went to Arcadia Saturday evening to visit with relatives and friends over ; Sunday. -- Mrs. L. B. Polski and baby returned Monday evening from Ashton, where they had been visiting the past few 1 days with relatives. Tbev were accom 1 panied by Miss Clara' Polski. who ; visited until Tuesday, returning on the ; morning passenger. .___ Just about the time an article of j diet reaches a sufficiently high price 'to be really toothsome and appetiz j fug. along comes some meddlesome ; highbrow and declares it fatal to one I,,r more of the pet ailments of man kind. Spuds are now declared to have a special grudge against the little j catarrh devils and we are warned ! against eating them. You say. Mr. Merchant, that you don t have to advertise because you j have been in business so long that even-body knows you. Well, there is a certain mail order concern in Chi cago that has probably been in busi ness as long as you have, and we will bet a nickel to a ginger cake that even person that reads these lines can call the name of that firm. And we will bet. further, that oyer half of your customers have catalogues of this firm in their homes right now. They see the value of advertising. Can’t you? Daily sells for less. — ; Try Chase’s first—it pays. H. E. Willis was a Rockville taller i last Friday. — Chas. Johns of Arcadia, was a Loup ! City visitor Tuesday. If you want to sell your land, list it with W. D. Zimmerman. Alfred MinshuU was a pa-senger to j Rockville, Wednesday on business. •A nice dust cloth free with each 25c bottle of Wizard polish at Swanson’s M. Worloc-k visited in Kearney the latter part of last week with his par ents. Mrs. John Jezewski was an Ashton visitor Tuesday returning on the pas senger. ■ Miss Marie S. ott was a passenger to St. Paul. Monday, where she is working. Katie Stellmock visited with rela tives at Ashton Tuesday, returning in the evening. Mrs. M. L. Fonda was a passeng r to Grand Island last Thursday, return 1 ing in the evening. Lee Hiddieson returned to Hastings Monday morning after a short visit '■ here with his parents. A D. Travis came up Saturday even I ing from Aurora for a short visit here | with his son. Bert G. Tavis. J W. Thompson and O. L Tockev went to Morse Bluffs Tuesday, to at tend a big blue rock shoot. Mrs. T H. Eisner went to Grand Island. Wednesday noon to visit a while with relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Lament L. Stephens spent Easter with relatives at Rock ville. They returned home Monday. Miss Eva Watts returned to her school work at Kearney, Tuesday, af ter a short visit here with her parents. Mrs. M. C. Mulick and Miss Lucille Patton were Grand Island passengers last Saturday to visit with relatives W. ,T. McMullen who has been heip ing out the Times office the past we--»k. returned to Grand Island last Satur day. Roscoe Owens returned to Grand Island. -Monday morning to take up his school work after a short vacation at home. Mrs. W. O. Brown and Mrs. D. C. Grow were Grand Island passengers last Friday morning, returning in the evening. Albert Magnuson. who spent his sprintr vacation with his parents, re turned to his school in Lincoln, Mon day morning. Mrs. Minnie Jung and daughter. Kelrna. were Grand Island passengers last Thursday morning, returning in the evening. Mrs. Edgar Daddow and baby went to their home at Sargent. Monday evening. They are moving from Rock ville to Sargent. Mr and Mrs. James McGregor left last Thursday for their homestead in Wyoming Mrs. McGregor is a neice of C. W. Conhiser. Byrad Mills came up from Kearn°y Inst Saturday and spent Sunday in our city visiting with fiends. He returned again Monday morning. Mrs. A. E Johnson, who has be- n here visiting with relatives the past week, re'urned to her home in Aurora, last Thursday morning. Miss Alberta Outhouse returned to her school duties in Lincoln. Tuesdav morning after a short visit here with her parents and many friends. Miss Nora White, who has been here visiting with her brother. Otis White, and family, returned to her home in North Loup last Thursday. Miss Elsie Sharp, who has been visit ing here with her parents for some months past, returned to her home stead in Manville. V.'yo., last Fridav morning. Mrs Emma Throckimiller of Gerir.g visited Monday at the Wm. Brandt home, leaving Tuesday morning for a short visit with relatives and friends at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNulty we-e eastbound passengers to Omaha last Thursday where Mr. McNulty went for medical treatment. They returned on Tuesday evening. 320 acres all in native grass. 275 acres can be broke out easily if not more. All under fence except 160 rods on west side. 1-4 of mile to school. Lo cated in good neighborhood. Seven miles from Loup City. For sale cheap. Inquire of August Jaeschka. 12- tf Neu) Location We are moving into the room formerly occupied bv Lou Schwaner, where we will be pleased to meet all of our customers and friends.. We will have a better room and will be able to accommodate our customers. We shall at all times aim to carry a full line of variety goods. Yours for a Square Deal. Bert G. Travis Loup City 5c, 10c, and 25c Store Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Scarless liniment at Swanson s. Henry M. Eisner for glasses. Satis faction guaranteed. . Born to Mr. and Mrs.' L. A. Bangs ; Saturday. April 7. a son. ____ H. A. Woody was an east bound pas set ger to Vo: k, Saturday morning. Be'-: T. Rowe was a Ro. kvilie pas set;gee Tuesday returning tit the eve: mg. Plenty of r.ew horseradish prenared Puliiu 9120. Xeb. 14-17 Eggs for Hatching — Pure bred bar red Rocks and light Brahamas —R. Anhnr. 17 -L{ C. Biemond returned home last Fri day from Omaha, where he had been witn stock. A. B. Outhouse and Wm. Ohiser, '■•■re passengers to Arcadia. Monday, going via auto. Mrs. Mary J Me Neil was a Grand Island passenger last Saturday, return ing in the evening. — All those having fence stretchers belonging to us kindly return at once. Hansen Lumber Co. Carl Dieteric-hs was a westbound passenger to Arcadia. Monday even ing. where he will work. Miss Ruby Johnson was a passenger I to Grand Island. Tuesday noon to visit : with her parents and friends. ! FT Carrie Bowman returned home last Friday evening from Lincoln. - here she had been the past week. Mrs. Wilbert Morris was called to Grand Island last Friday to be at th bedside of her sister who is quite ill. Mrs. Joe Lewandowski was a passen ger to Ashton. Tuesday morning to spend the day visiting with relatives. Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. Miss Hazel Sutton returned to her home at Ashton. Monday after spend ing Sunday with the A. E. Chase’fam ily. Mrs. Kick Sobiesczyk and children went to Eoelus. Monday, to spend a week visiting with her relatives and friends. Mr«. R. L. Piatt was a east bound pa.-senger to Hastings, Monday morn ing to spend a week visiting with relatives. Mrs. Lester Hiddieson left last Fri day for Linstock. Custer county, where Mr. an Mrs. Hiddieson expect to live in the future. __ Mrs. Archie Purvine returned home Saturday evening from Aurora, where she has been the past week visiting with relatives. Miss Goldie Kilpatrick, who spent a few days here visiting with her par ents. returned to her school work near Rockville. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Goodell returned home last Thursday from Bladen, where they have been for some time visiting with relatives. Miss Florence Depew came up ia * Friday ffom Kearney and visited over Sunday with her parents, returning to school Monday morning. ___ B F. TiCanv and C. Biemond ship ped a car of cattle and hogs to the markers. Monday. Mr. Tiffany's son ac companied the shipment. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomaszewski and baby returned to their home at Farwell Monday morning after visiting a few days at the Jacob Synak home Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Jung returned to their home at Arcadia. Saturdav evenine They attended the funeral of August Beehthold who died last week. Mrs. Herman Rickert and little daughter returned to their home in Grand Island Monday, after attending the funeral here of August Beehthold. Mrs. Lou Schwaner and children left Saturday for Ord to visit a few days before going to Scotts Bluffs, their future home. Mr. Schwaner will follow later. Mrs. J. W. Amick was an east bound passenger to Omaha last Thursday to spend several days visiting with her daughter. She returned home Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietz and babv came up from their home at Rockville last Saturda - to spend Sunday visit ing at the John Stanczvk home. They returned home Monday. Miss Florence Leininger. who has been here the past week visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lein inger. returned to her school work at Fremont the first of the week. Mrs. Loral Wells, who has been here visiting with her sister. Mrs George Whitaker, and family, left Tuesday morning for Lincoln to visit a while before returning to her home at Dun ning. Mrs. Horace Sarsen. of Omaha, who has been visiting with the C. R. Con ger fam’ly in Dannebrog. came up on Tuesday noon for a couple of weeks' visit with the Conger families. She is a neice to the Conger brothers. Mrs. Claus Eggars returned home 0*1 last Thursday from Omaha. where she had been to take her daughter to the deaf and dumb school. She was accom panied by Mrs. Emma Kornrumph. who has been in Omaha for some time visiting with relatives. Total amount of applications for loans received by the Federal Land Bank of Omaha now amount to over six million dollars and this amount is being increased daily by the filing of organization papers by new Na tional Farm Loan associations. The largest amount of loans yet applied for by any single association comes from Redfiela. S. D.. where an associ ation asking for loans to the amount I of $250,000 has been formed. ~ _~r' L *■" 1ST MAY BE TOO LATE TOMORROW insurance against fire may be TOO LATE tomorrow. hire sends no announcement. It may come to you tonight. Insure NOW and play safe, We will be glad to talk it over with you at once. LOOP CITY STATE BANK LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA _ — ■T——a————., O. S. MASON 'mplements. Hardware. Farm Seeds. Machine Oils. Windmills, Pumps, Pip»s Plumbing and Hea1 ng a Specialty [ MILLET SEEDS I I would advise parties wanting mil let seed to buv it at once as there i was little seed threshed in 1916. 1 have on hands some choice Ger- || man Millet, also Siberian seed from $1.50 to $1.75 per bushel, cash. i Cali soon if you want this seed at these prices. O. S. MASON LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA ’: | I Our Regular Prices ! Fancy Peaberry Coffee, per lb.25c Good Santos Coffee, per lb.22c 1 Gal Karo Corn Syrup.55c 4 Gal. Karo Corn Syrup.30c y 1 Gal. Karo White Syrup .60c 2 4 Gal. Karo White Syrup.35c I 4 Boxes Corn Flakes.25c pi California Dried Peaches, per lb.11c | Atlas Oatmeal.25c I Sax son Oatmeal .20c R Santa Clara Prunes.124c L Pancake tlour, 5 lb. size.22c I (1 oz. Can Milk.05c l(i oz. Can Milk.10c We pay cash for Eggs. Please come in and see our Men’s Suits at $12.50. Also ^ we have a nice line of Men’s trousers and Boy’s Suits. | WM. LEWANDOWSK1 General Merchandise I QUALITY RIGHT PRICES SERVICE I ■—II I llllll I IIMII || II !■! I !■ ■! | III1MIBIIM Poultry Lumber Paints Hog and Lawn Shingles Oil Pence Ladders Varnishes Barb Wire Posts Stains Gates Roofing Brushes Steel Coops Tanks Glass FIGURE WITH US AND SAVE MONEY HANSEN LUMBER CO. COAL COAL Mrs. Dan McDonald returned Mon ay evening from Oklahoma, where she aad been to attend the funeral of her ! mother who died a couple of weeks jago. I Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Farnham and baby left Saturday morning for North Bend being called to the bedside of Mr. Farnham's mother who is very 1 low.