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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1917)
Columbia Grafonolas at The Rexall Drug Store. Come in and hear the lew records. _ ™ Asa J. Farnham = LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loup City Posioffice for transmission through the mails as second class matter. FRANK B. HARTMAN, Publisher $130 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. E\*ry »ub>»cr4>ti* regarded aj? an ti account. Ti-f '.iiii' * of «iU b#- hufu^tlr fr*»*n our luail tua li»t at ti.r tripirdLan of tin»r paid for. if pui4i»irei* shall iiotmKl. other wi**r tfir hJilM't.plioli ».il I '.’HUiO In force al Vr UnuShatHl fUl X* J KverjT • ibarflbt r uiuit .inJ«trsf!ai»0 that thejH ••■IKhai aft made a part of tie- con tra rt bei«*en pu'hi'1- «-r and aubacribor. ADVERTISING RATES. Eiispiay advertisement <. 12cents per Inch, for annua! contracts, where space is used every week in the year. 15 cents per inch for a six months . ontra. t. 20 cents per inch for irregu lar and occasional advertisers. 2 .ruts per inch discount where plates are furnished. Local notices. 5 cents per line, each insertion. Black face he cals. 10 cents per line, each insertion. Heading notices, over 20 lines. 25 cents per inch Minimum charge for local notice or ad. 15 cents per week. AS THE EDITOR SEES IT Won't forget to "clean up and paint up." and while you are about it. stay up In o?her words, don't clean up ycrur pia e m the spring—giving it the onceover »*id then expect it to remain fresh and attractive the rest of your natural life. You tan clean :p today, and tomorrow there will be something else to pick up. If y ou leave it. and keep on leaving accumulations from day to day. it is only a question of a lr» .-.eelis when "that neglected appearance" i* jn evidence wherever you look And that is bad for this town It is bad f<-r the health and the locket bocks of the town It is tad every way you look a? it Bat five minutes a day will change all of this It wbl keep your pli’-e a bower of neat . and beauty, and it ».1I instil! a pride and content meat m your heart that will make you feel like another person. Try it. You will feel ’.. ter. and your (dace will look even more so. We note, though, that some people who get out on the street and bellow the loudest for civic improvement are the ones who could best put in their time cleaning up their own back yards. AA’e do not want to disparage the preac hing of civic improve mem—far from it. But we do want to advocate pra* tu lag before preac hing. The in dedent and indnferent man sits in his own rubbish and tells his neighbor what to do. while the energetic and prideful man g>»es ahead and does it and thinks in his mind what a worth lew* cuss the constitutionally “tired ooe is By the law of human nature you must be one or the other. Which looks beat to you 7 Which is best for the community7 It now transpires that while Count Von iferustorff was shedding tears over the agony of parting from his good American friends his fellow con ■pirators wer as hosv :is bees in Mex ico. getting control of the finances of that unhappy country and putting its munitions plan; on a firm basis. A few ttmturh'fu; people forsaw some move of the kind, but as often as they open ed their months in warning they were met with the parrot like cry of “jingo” the last defense of an indefensible po sition Now we will tav the price of our folly. One by one our delusions are shat tered We used to hear the sage ad vice of the economist tell us to "eat dried apple* for breakfast, drink ma'er for dinner, and swell up for sup per But the impossibility of any economy in the menu can be seen when we remember that apples are ANOTHER NEW TOWN DEAVER, WYOMING IN THE BIG HORN BASIN IV.-iwr is tin- i . town for the 20,000 acres of the Govem irrigated lands in the Basin on the Burlington’s main line just east of the model irrigated locality about Powell, IVyo. h aver v. ill be the trading crater for over 300 farms and will r from t .11 offers business chances that are com mon to sny new and growing town. The first unit of 12,000 acres of Government irrigated free homestead land will probably be offer, d July 1st. _’■) year payment plan, no interest for water rights. Place your name and address through my office, on file with the Government Reclamation Service in the Basin so you may !*• currently informed about the granting of these valuable [farms and be given the opportunity to secure one of them. W rite for Big Horn Basin Folder describing this wonderful territory. S. B. HOWARD, IMMIGRATION AGENT, -1004 Famain Street, Omaha, Nebraska. —■———=a——^—1[———— five cents each. Economy, fortunate ly the fellow who joined that word is dead, and has no m«»ns of knowing what a delusion it is today. If our forefathers could come back to earth they would want to get right off again. This is no place for them. High prices would bankrupt them, leg shows would blind them, political rottenness would stagger them, and the greed of gold would nauseate them. No, this is no place for our forefathers, good, honest souls that they were. This, you know, is only “as the edi tor sees it.” BUYING AT HOME. The citizens of this community, whenever possible, as it invariably is. should buy the things that they need from the local merchants. This is the spirit of co-operation which will help the town to grow and in time make it bigger anc a better mar ket place. We don't want you to pay more here for what you can get cheaper somewhere else, but use your com mon stnse. You know that no man in a town a hundred miles away can send you what you order by mail, pay the expenses of his catalogues, and get a profit without charging you more than your home merchant. Be sides. you will have to wait many days before you will get the merchan dise ordered, you will have to send • our money in advance and you will run the risk of being stuck. That is just plain every day com mon sense; it's not advice. Local mer hants usually take a pride in hand ling the best of everything while ■nail order houses only hunt the heapest things they can sell. Whe •1 >-r they last or not is immaterial — "U i ant’ see the ntabount it and they ■ ill not hear you grumble. They can • M you shoddy stuff cheap but your il merchants will give you goods are standard at a reasonable ‘ric €*. WAGES AND FREIGHT RATES. The shippers of the country act in ;ranc* !y.contradictory manners. Last fall when tlie nation-wide railroad r:k.‘ was threatened they besought cress to act in order to avert the taper. The result was the Adamson w which has now been upheld after railroads had agreed to accept it * aidless of the court’s decision. The • : m at ion of the Adamson law means higher wages. These can be paid only if the revenue of the rairoads is suffi ient. Sufficient revenue can be se :red only by raising the rates. These thine- are axiomatic. Yet the shippers wi.". last fall clamored for action to avert the strike are now' flocking to 'he Interstate Commerce commission ■ oppose the petition of the railroads for higher rates to raise the revenue :<> pay the increased wages. FIGHTING NOT THE ONLY TASK. lturing the continuance of war fight i g will be our principal business But it won't be our only business by a -’rcat d*-af. All of our normal indus ■ ial and governmental activities must ontinue and it is one of the tasks of be American people to see that these ■ tivities are properly conducted. In war we shall stand by the president, but we hope we shall not have to stand 'or many appointments like that of Dr. t arv Grayson, or the debauching of he civil service, or sectional and part an appropriations. We hope that when the country stands by the Presi dent. the President will stand by the ountry to the extent of dropping, tem orarily at least, his intense partisan ship. TAKEN UP. On the A. B. Outhouse farm nine miles northwest of Loup City, two ted sows, weight about 150 pounds each. Owner can have same by prov ing property and paying for feed bill and advertising.—E. M. Marvel. 15-3 A SPOONFUL GIVES RESULTS. When your young chicks do not crow and thrive they need a tonic. B A. Thomas' Poultry Remedy is not only a tonic but a specific for Bowel Trouble. Gapes, and other chick troubles. Get it today. We sell it on ' he money back plan.—J. J. Slomin ki, Loup City, Neb. FORGETTING HISTORY. A peace society just prior to the opening of congress advertised for contributions advertising that 120.000 might save the country from the hor rors of war. It now appears that one of the objects of raising this fund was to pay the expense of several thousand mushy-minded persons to Washington, where they were to parade and to pester the representatives into refus ing to act belligerently. The project ors of the plan have read history to slight advantage. Coxey's army was the first “petition in boots" to address congress, and it is strange that its fate should have been so soon for gotten. ROUTE 2, LOUP CITY. Ray McFadden shipped a car of cattle last Monday. Henry Obermiller and family spent Sunday with friends at Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Timson and fam ily spent Sunday on Wiggle Creek. The infant child of A. H. Newhouser has improved some since last week. My ice wagon has started. Those wanting ice, phone Red 28.—J. W. Conger. Miss Goldie Kilpatrick came home Friday evening to spend Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin and family spent Sunday with the Ray Mc Fadden family. There will be a dance given at the Henry Obermiller place on April 14. Everybody invited. r rank Schwaderer and Wm. Kuhl each got a load of seed oats from F. W. Kuhl last Monday. A. Newhousen was called to Auro ra last Friday to the bedside of his father who is very poorly. Mr. and Mrs. J. H .Bone and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bone spent Sun day at the Kilpatrick home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson spent last Friday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gross in Loup City. A surprise party was given on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knoepfel last Saturday evening. A nice crowd was out and all had a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Casteel and family and Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cox and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Clark and son. Farl. Louisa Schwaderer. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kuhl and daughter. Viola, and Rudolph Kuhl. spent last Sunday at the Chas. Schwaderer home. Alvin Kron and Emmet McLaughlin had what might have been a fatal ac cident last Sunday while trying to pass another car on the grade by W. O. Brown’s place. They upset but luck was with them and no one was hurt only a bruised up car to show for the accident. CHURCH NOTES. Presbyterian The pastor and C. F. Beushausen re presenting the congregation are in at tendance at the spring meeting of Kearney Presbytery, which convened Tuesday afternoon at Kearney. The Easter services Sunday were all well attended, especially the Ora torio Sunday . evening. Everybody seemed to enjoy the program. The pastor will preach Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock and Sunday evening at. 7:30 Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30 and Miss Amy Mc Ilravy will be the leader. Subject, “The Lord's Day the Best Day.” The Hastings Glee club certainly gave a fine entertainment, and were deserving of a better audience than they had. however, we wish to thank the Christian Endeavor society for bringing them here, and hope we can have them again sometime. Baptist. It is very encouraging to note the increase in our regular church service. Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. meet ings. The Sunday school was the largest we have had this year. There was a splendid attendance at B. Y. P. U. ser vice. and much inerest manifested in the Bible study. The midweek prayer meetings are being well attended, over thirty being present last Thursday evening. The mercy seat was built for sinners, and sprinkled with the blood of Jesus for sinners, Heb. 4:6. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” The B. Y. P. IT. had a social gather ing at the parsonage Wednesdav even ing. The subject Sunday morning will be. “Christian Service.” B. Y. P. U. and Bible study beginning at 6:30 and preaching service at 7:30. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. Methodist. The Easter services were well at tended the church being crowded in the morning. Let us get out of the “stay-at-home” rut, if we are in it, and be more regular in our attendance up on the means of grace. There were 220 at Sunday school. The special offer ing for missions was $7. The Epwortli League contest closed last Sunday. There were over 75 at the meeting. The attendance has averaged about 50. Miss Calla Cole’s side is the win ner. The race was close throughout and the points at the close were. Miss McFadden 1,755, Miss Cole 1.997. Miss McFadden’s side will furnish a social evening soon. We are very thankful to these two young ladies and their assistants for the splendid showing the League has made through their efforts. The good work will go on. We gratefully acknowledge a bucket of eggs, a basket of eggs and some canned “pep" for Easter. The Ladies’ Aid society have received a barrel of monogrammed dishes from Mr. and Mrs. R L. Arthur. That is a magnifi cent gift which our ladies are greajly delighted over. The Woman’s Home Missionary society met at the parson age. last week. It was a very enhusi astic meeting. Three new members were received. Mrs. Tracy is the presi dent and is directing the work in a way that fortells success. The ladies are raising $50 by personal subscriptions among themselves to support a moun tain white girl. God's blessing is on such unselfish service. The Ladies Aid society, always up and doing, held an open 25c kensington at the home of Mrs. Marcy Wednesday afternoon. It was one of the nicest social events of the year. A fine program was given and a delicious lunch was served.. One of the most interesting parts of the Easter program was the Cradle Roll reception. Miss Harriet Hayhurst, superintendent of the Primary Depart ment of our Sunday school was in charge. Mrs. Albert Lee and Mrs. Romeo Conger presented their babies for membership. The children of the primary department welcomed the little tots by song and prayer. Why don’t some more mothers bring their babies to such a service. It is a de lightful way to do. We will give way in the preaching service any time. And by the way. Miss Hayhurst has the nicest method of conducting the work of the primary department, and is the mose efficient primary superin tendent we have had in fifteen years. We grealy appreciate her faithfulness. Dr. G. W. Isham of Kearney visited at the parsonage Monday and conduct ed the second and third quarterly con ference. The work shows a general advance for the year thus far. Only five months till conference. Let us make them the best of the year m chrisian fellowship and service. The twelve teams of leaders will meet et the church this Friday night at eight o'clock- for important business. Next Sunday morning at 10:30 we will have a very important gathering of our church folks and will certainly expect a full attendance of our peo ple. There will he no preaching.. There will he three speakers. Mr. Williams will speak from the subject. ‘‘The Stewardship of Possessions.” Mr. Long on. “The Stewardship of Person ality.” Mrs. Oltjenbruns on, “The Stewardship of Prayer.” The pastor will say something. Service at 8:00. Miss Klea MeXuly leads League. ROCKVILLE HAPPENINGS. I. C. Smith of Loup City, wa^ in town on business last Thursday. Peter Jensen of Boelus. was a Rockville visitor on business last Fri day. E. F. Kozel and Wm. Stott autoed to Grand Island. Monday of this week on business. Miss Maragaret McFadden was a westbound passenger on the noon train last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Anderson of Xy sted. were visitors at the Dwehus home Easter Sunday. George Wickstrom was an Ashton visitor last Thursday, returning home Friday evening. Frank Hartman, editor of the North western. was in this burg Monday afternoon on business. Frank Roschynialski. Alec Bartunek and Howard Cronk, autoed over to Ashton Sunday afternoon. Big dance at the Rockville opera house Saturday evening. April 21. A good time and good music is assured. Mrs. Arthur Strom was quite sick the forepart of this week but is re ported as improving at this writing. Miss Irma Nielson came home from Kearney last Friday to spend Easter with home folks, returning again on Tuesday. Quite a number of young folks from this place went to Boelus last Satur day to take in a play and dance at that place. The Misses Florence Tangerman and Lillian Krehmke came home last Sunday from Kearney, to spend Easter with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dickinson of Ravenna, and Miss Elida Lund were visitors at the John Strom home last Sunday afternoon. Church services were held in the M. W. A. hall last Sunday the occa sion being Easter Sunday. Rev. Stem of Loup City officiating. Miss Olga Schuresburg was a Grand Island visitor the forepart of this week, returning home Tuesday evening ae companed by her father. The Misses Elida Lund and Margaret McFadden and the Messrs. Wm. Stoit and Harry Trein. were Ravenna visit ors Friday evening of last week. Howard Cronk of Palmer, is now' working for W. R. Henkens in the garage. Edgar Daddow having gone to Sargent, where he intends to work in a machine shop. Dutch Werner left last Saturday on the noon train for Central City to visit his sister, Mrs. Walter Finder for a few days. From there he will return to Scotts Bluffs by way of Denver. The winter wheat around in this vicinity is reported as being dead and most of the farmers are busy these days replanting same with spring wheat. On account of the dry weather it is very hard t{) do any kind of field work. All of the brick work on the new garage has ben completed and the roof has been finished which gives the buMding a very neat appearance. The masons are busy laving a cement firor in same and it will not be very long before the building will be com pleted. Farmers Till Railroads Right-of-VVay. A very practical conservation move ment hos been undertaken by the Chi cago. Burlington and Quincy Railroad by inducing farmers along its right-of way to cultivate the vailroad’s land ad joining their farms, over GOO country dwellers took advantage of this plan last year, paying the nominal fee of $5.00 .which entitles them to utilize the land adjoining theirs for an indefinite period. This soil, which is usually very rich because so long unfilled, is planted to alfalfa and the yield has been as high as eight tons to the acre. The average amount of land which each man cultivates is three acres. The arrangement lessens the weed menace for the near-by fields and, since alfalfa remains green a long time, it lessens the danger of prairie fires. At the same time the road is saved the cost of moving the right-of way. ESTABLISHMENT. Peterson Road. To All Whom It May Concern:— The Commissioner appointed to lo cate a road commencing at a point on the NE line of the right of way of the Omaha & Republican Valley R. R. Co., now the Union Pacific R. R. Co., where said line intersects Road No. 371, in the South half of Section 33, Township 15, Range 14 in Sherman County, Nebraska, and running thence south to the point on the southwest line of said right of way where said line intersects said road No. 371 and there terminating. Said road to be 66 feet in width: the intention being to A. i take for road purposes a tract of land from the right of way of said railroad described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northeast line of said right of way where said line inter sects the west line of said road No. 371, running thence south across said right of way to the point on the south west line of said right of way where said line intersects the west line of said road No. 371. running thence in a southeasterly direction along the southwest line of said right of way to a point on said line where said line intersects the east line of said road No. 371, running thence north across said right of way to the point on the northeast line of .said right of way where said line intersects the east line of said road No. 371, and running thence in a northwesterly direction along the northeast line of said right 1 of wav to the place of beginning, all in the South half of Section 33, Town ship 15, Range 14 in Sherman Countv. i Nebraska, and there Terminating has 1 reported in favor of the stablishment ; thereof, and all claims for damages j must be filed in the County Clerk's ! office on or before noon of the loth j day of June. 1917, or such road will 1 he established without reference there- ■ to. Dated April 11, A. D. 1917. (SEAL) L. B. POLSKI, 17-4ti County Clerk. ^ LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court ot Sherman County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Lewis, deceased. Order to Show Cause. And now on this 30th day of March, 1917. this cause came on for hearing on the petition of Loyd N. Blv. Ad t rninistrator with the Will Annexed of the estate of Henry Lewis, deceas ed. praying for a license to sell the following described real estate be longing to said estate, to-wit:—The North Half of the Southeast Quarter and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Pour. Township Thirteen, North Range Sixteen West 1 of the Sixth P. M. in Sherman County, j Nebraska, or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the sum of about ''900.00 for the payment of debts al lowed against said estate, and costs of administration, for the reason that ; there is no personal property in the j hands of said administrator where with to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the District Court in Loup City in Sher man County. Nebraska, on the h day of June, 1917. at 9 oclock /. M. of said day. to show cause, it ar v j there he. why a license should not La granted to the said Loyd N. Bly. Ad 1 rninistrator with the 'Will Annexed, tr ' sell the above described land or sc, much thereof as may be necesra pay debts and expenses of adminis tration and the costs of this proceed ing. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all per sons interested in said estate by caus ing the same to be published four successive weeks in The Loup City Northwestern, a legal newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in said connty of Sherman. Given under my hand at Kearnev, j Nebraska, this 30th dav of March, 1917. B. O. HOSTETLER. District Judge. 16-4 — MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS — 3 The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE"—"CITY OF ERIE"-"CITY OF BUFFALO’* CLEVELAND —Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th —BUFFALO . _ Q.iui p i Central i Lcrt# Buffalo * 8:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 a!m. ( Standard Tihe , Arrive Cleveland 6:30 A. U. Connection. >t Bnffaln for Niagara Fmlla and all Euttra “dfor ”t?*li“pSrtMionB5n1"S'? ticket, reading between Cleveland and Buffab. are^ood^or tran.p^on steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets ▼»» '*-'• . #»vc»»Pdintrl27 in. wh#*el base Bate-$6.00 Bound Trip, with 1 days retnm limit, for cars not eiceeaing^i in. wmei p»se. The Cleveland & Buffalo c Transit Company \ | < leveland. Ohio The treat Shlp**HKEA.NDBEK” — the Urirewt and m»»t eo*tly | paaaeaper Steamer on Inland water* of 1 be world. Sleeping capacity, 16 00 paiacsgcr*. ^g^^aBHDBBaMaBnmamMamMBHnm^anBHBjMov * -- F. J. SCHOLZ & SON manufacturers of MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS JACOB RITZ, Rockville>Nebr ■agfflifflHM——M——I | ^Columbia Grafonola j I ACCEPTED by musicians the world over os the standard and first in the judg ment of experts at the World’s Fairs and Expositions is now on ^ exhibition and for sale in your v- home town. A complete stock • of these Matchless Instruments jf] os v.ell as the Columbia Line ofimexcslled Records, for eign a: d domestic, can be seen end enjoyed whenever it suits 5 you:' convenience. r ’aL’e Machines at fc $15,$25,$35,550 *; C . ii'achines at . -Jol 1^*110 ; on.', up to the price of the style 350, the Columbia Grafcnola Baby Grand, 1 d the last word ia phonograph construction, 'l'iui «lcme of JkrjiClion. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT— Bring music and hippiness to your family— call at our store and order a Columbia Grafonala io rt vourhoE' Convenient pay ments if desired. I Asa J. Farnham, Loup City ij| 155 Representatives for the Schnoller & Mueller Piano Company LExdusiv W/wksale Distributors for JJclraska, Java and Sank Dakota Tr :'I.:3CTS-yai"aS»-'’ — 1 100 CENTS That is the value you get for every DOLLAR you spend at this store. Our goods are honestly bought and honestly sold. We have no ambition to get rich quick. Just a reasonable profit satis fies us. Come in! Come now. See For Yourself! E. P. DAILY FURNITURE CO. Your nwmu s worth or your money back