Columbia Grafonolas at The Rexall Drug Store. Come in and hear the new records. _* ' Asa J. Farnham —_ - __ _ - - ———^ LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loup City Bostoffice for transmission through the mails as second class matter. FRANK B. HARTMAN, Publisher $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Kvsejr subscriptiuti is r*n it !■ I - .m _. ; Ti.r rani's of mibscriliers ii.v v. l r in our mail ing list «t i n • »: «f t me paid Isr, If put » ter* *t.» • ••lined. otherwise t «■ rut-* ■ i'- ■; » ' • > .1. ’ :i f.ti i’e at ti.r Ur».K.. 'd *ub>c'riptioa price. Every rlber nusl Mulrrstand hat these Otfidlti'-IIB lie ft.aJe 4 part Oi tile con tract betaeeu pit: a*‘ -r and *i.b*criber. ADVERTISING RATES. !h»play advertisements. 12'- cents per inch, for annual contracts, where space is used every week in the year, la cents per inch for a six months contract, 30 cents per inch for irregu lar and occasional advertisers, 1! ’» •-ents per inch discount wb re plates are furnished lax al notices. 5 cents per line, each insertion. Black face lo cals. 10 cents per line, each insertion. Heading notices, over -0 lines. £5 cents per inch Minimum charge for local notice or ad. 15 cents per week. CHURCH NOTES. Baptist. Our regular church service will con tinue as usual, until further notice — Morning service at 10:30 Easter ser mon by the pastor. Sunday school at 11:341; B V. I* 1' at 6:30 following which there will be Teachers' training class Song service beginning at 7:30 fol lowed bjr the regular service. Very interesting reports were given last Sunday evening by the delegates who attended the Assembly which was held at Grand Island last week More will be given Sunday evening. We are looking forward to a great treat during the month of August. Th cirand Island association of churches • ill convene with us. and a number of the state workers will lie present. Let u« keep this in mind and be ready. Presbyterian The annual meeting was the most largely attended and the rtost repre ►eutative body me have ever had at an annual meeting The reports of the various departments of the church mere inspiring There mere indications of health and growth on every hand Every department re;>or*ed all bill paid, and a ni. e balance on hand with which to t>egin the new vear. More money wa* raised last year for cur rent espen-e- and benevolences tha: ever before, the total from all source.' amounting to almost |:1.cmmi At the election of officers, the same board of elders mere re-elected E T Beushauseti. « ar! Anderson and J Larsen mere added to Hoard of Trus’—* t'lan :i e f-detrane and M. Hiemond mere add«-f u»her». and MI«* Mable Hansen mas elec ted ihurch treasurer w ith Miss Bir die Lofbulm as assistant. A new constitution had been pre pared by the Elders and was voted «n and adopted at this meeting After the program all repaired to the dining room in the icasetnent where the Ladle*’ Industrial society had prepay ed a delicious banquet. aLd at a late hour me adjourned feeling that it wa* good to have been present The Sunday school re-elec ted all of the obi officers last Sabbath morning. The uomiuaung committee were of tie- opinion that things were going so well that uo c hange was needed. Sunday m<-rnirig at i«:3h the pastor will prea< h an Easter sermon entitled: * nrist's Him rement of the Individu al' and in the evening the choir will render a special Easter Oriatorio. The Easter Evangel ” by Lorenz Thi* is a splendid music a* production and sets forth the story of the Ressurec tk»n of Christ it: a very graphic wav. Dm not fail to hear it. The subject for Christian Endeavor mill be ’The Significance of Easter," Ward VerValiu mill be the leader. Methodist. Sunday services were well attend ed Miss Ruth Mt-Fadtlen now leads in the Epworth la-ague contest by points The race is close. Help your leader nest Sunday. The enterainmc nt given by the Wes leyan glee club Monday night netted the Scout* about $50 They appreciate *ery much the splendid attendance. It prove* that Loup City folks like the best obtainable and when they get it will respond. The audience seemed Well Pleased with the program. .Manv banks to Mr Long and the Sc outs for the pleasure of the even ng The Ladies’ Aid society met Wed nesday afternoon mith Mrs Waggoner The W. H. M. S. meets with Mrs. Bee ne this Friday afternoon. A good at tendance of the women of our church is desired. Meat Sunday is Easter. The ladies may all wear their new hats during the preaching services of the day; but hereafter they have voted to take* the hats off during preaching service. Thank you ladies. Let us plan to make Ka der a great day. May all the bar riers which keep the Christ life out he rolled away. Every member and friend of the church should be pres ent Easter program by the Sunday school at 10:30. Easter sermon by the pastor at S o'clock. Subject, "The Future." Epworth League led by Mrs. Wm. Doner at 7 o'clock. Topic, “What Faster Means to Me.” Dr. isham will hold our second and third quarterly conference Monday April 9tli. The canvassing teams will be around to see you too. Let each of us co-operate to make the new financial plan a hap py success. DAVIS CREEK NEWS. John Shroll was hauling hay last Wednesday. Jess Itarnett was a Sunday visitor at the Wm. Mead home. John Orent and sister, Julia, were in Ashton last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hassel were in town one day last week. Frank Trump and Morris Hassel were in Ashton. Saturday. Lorenee White took a load of hogs :o Ashton last Wednesday. John Orent was visiting on Davis Creek a few days last week. John Garvel and sister, ^jina, were in Ashton one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewandowski were in Ashton last Thursday. Ed. Stillman and son were hauling hay a couple of days last week. Mrs George Barnett called on Mrs. Frank Manchester last Tuesday. Frank Manchester had hogs on the tshton market last Wednesday. Miss Nettie Barnett visited at the Pulsor home Saturday and Sunday. John Frederick and Main Chipp were tl Ashton the middle of last week. Frank Trump helped F’rank Man hester haul his wild hay last Thurs day. Mrs. Mike Kaminski and little son. •ewis. were in Ashton one day last week. \ number from here took in Com munity day at North Loup last Wed ■sday. Mr Johnson of North Loup, was out ■ his farm last Thursday measuring i is land Paul Stillman -and the Manchester " > s have quit school to help with the pring work. dr and Mrs. George Harnett spent ' - lay afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. 1. F. Paddock. J tin Ivlaowski was enjoying a visit rom his brother. Frank, of Ord. a few lay - last week. Mr- George Barnett has been suffer 'd - with a very bad cold hut is better it the present. Mr' Tony Zaruba and Miss Nettie rti“tt called on Mrs. Morris Hassel >n>* day last week. Sunday is Faster and is the time •r pring dresses and hats. We wish ou all a happy Faster. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulverson red in with Fritz Voglar. Nor Tan is going to work for Fritz. Mr and Mrs. Ham Drewbridge spent Sunday at the home of the latter's par ■ if Mr and Mrs. George Barnett. Frank Manchester and son. Clar ■ . and Frank Carvel called on John Pei an u>ki one evening last week. Orr Manchester has been visiting at he home of his son, Jess, the past veek. and was looking after the soddy business. Waiter Nelson, teaher in I)ist. No. .4 hi - had a hard time to find a board tig place. He is now boarding with his sister. Frank Manchester and son were Ashton. Saturday, with potatoes. The latter was having some dental work done. Fd Manchester and son. Gerald, had two loads of hogs on the market last we«-k. John Pelanowski also had a load on the market. Mr, and Mrs. John Lewandowski . .sited at the home of their sister. Mr and Mrs. Walter Lewandowski, Mon day of last week. Mi's Lillian Smith of Ashton, who tea. bes at the Brown school gave a drill at North Loup ine day last week and was awarded first prize. Mr anil Mrs. Frank Manchester and children spent Sunday evening at th<- Tony Zaruba home. John Orent and John Garvel were also there. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zaruba and chil dren attended church in Ashton. Sun day and visited wiih Mrs. Zaruba’s grandmother. Mrs. Sowokinos. Little Sally Kaminski entered school n Hist. No 24 last week. This is her first day and the little girl is well pleased that she cafl go to school. Mrs. Mike Kaminski and children were in Ashton last Friday and re turned home with their sister and daehter. Helen, to spend her vacation at home. Joe Stillman Is staying with his sis tei in law while her husband, Lewis Stillman, is in Colorado looking after business matters with the intention ol buying land there. Mr. and Mrs. George Barnett and •laughter, Nettie. Mrs. Tony Orent and children and Miss Julia Orent spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs Frank Manchester and family. Steven Zaruba was absent from chool last Wednesday to accompany ; his parents to North Loup. Mrs. Chas ANOTHER NEW TOWN DEAVER, WYOMING IN THE BIG HORN BASIN Deav-r i> the new town for the 20,000 acres of tin* Govern Mirnt - irrigated lands in the Basin on the Burlington’s main line just east <>t the model irrigated locality about Powell, Wyo. Ih-aver will li,- the trading center for over dOO farms and will }r«>m the .-tart. It offers business chances that are com mon to any new and growing town. The first unit of 12,000 acres Government irrigated free homestead land will probably be offered duly J-t. 20 year payment plan, no interest for water rights. , Place your mini, and address through my office, on file with the Government Reclamation Service in the Basin so you may 1m- currently informed about the granting of these valuable farm- and be given the opportunity to secure one oi them. Write for Big Horn Basin Folder describing this wonderful territory. 8. B. HOWARD, IMMIGRATION AGENT, 1004 Fanuun Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Brown and daughter and Mr. and Mrs ! Ray Gorley were also in North Liup Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Paddock and twc small children and Mr. and Mrs Young went to North Loup with theii car last week and they sure had a time getting there. They were com pelled to remain in town for a few days. They returned home Friday. Some of our young farmers on Davis j Creek believe in batching. We know | of one who is going to farm for him self. He has taken an incubator ovei to his sweetheart’s home and have i her tend to this part of it for him. We wonder if wedding bells wont ring foi this young couple in the near future LOUP CITY SCHOOL NOTES Raymond and Rigdon Slocumb visit ed school Monday. Cloise Sides is again at school aftei being absent for about a week. Miss Maude Johnson has been teach ing the seventh grade this week. Miss Alberta Outhouse was a high school visitor Wednesday afternoon. The last issue of The Beaver which is the Freshmen's number, is now pub lished. The Hastings glee club will give a concert at the opera house Monday, April 9. Dora Ohlsen was absent from school Monday, as she taught school for Miss Vida Cowling. The Wesleyan glee club gave the school a few selections Monday. It was enjoyed by everyone. May 4th the boys taking track work, will have a track meet at SaiT one at Hastings the 11th. The vacation we had last week was enjoyed by everyone and school start ed with a fresh spirit again. The Sophomores had their pictures taken Tuesday for the annual which is being put out by the Juniors. Miss Genevieve Welsh from the | State University was here Wednesday j morning looking into school matters The teachers all enjoyed their much ■ nrofitable atterfdance at the conven I 'ion. Sherman county having the sec j ond largest number in attendance. HAZARD NEWS. Clyde McCormick hauled baled hav last Saturday. Mrs. Randolph returned from Cairo Sunday evening. James Kreehin returned from Oma ha last Monday. Chas. Powell was a Ravenna visi tor last Tuesday. Fred Fuller’s horse sale was well at tended last Saturday. Mrs. Heapy came down from Litcli field. Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Erazim spent Fri day with Ed’s mother. Chas. Matenzer of Pleasanton, was in town last Saturday. H. H. Thompson came down Sunda% morning from Alliance. Mrs. Heapy was a passenger to Litchfield Friday night. Chas. Mesinger came down from Mason. Sunday morning. O. J. Walthers sold Lony Miller a Ford car last Wednesday. Sam Beatty and son, Walter, were Hazard callers last Saturday. Mrs. Rev. Langseth returned from Broken Bow Sunday morning. Jas. Erazim came up from Ravenna to spend Sunday with his mother. | Mrs. Cristv Peterson’s brother has I been here for a few days visiting, i Mr. McAttee of Eddyville. is visit i ing at the home of Robert O’Nelle. i Mr. and Mrs. Anton Erazim spent ! Friday with Mrs. Erazim and familv Mrs. Rev. Langseth was a passen ger to Broken Bow last Fridav even ing. Emil Reiter was a passenger to Ra venna last Monday, returning the same day. Pete Rasmussen was a passenger tc Ravenna. Saturday, returning the same > day. Mr. Welch from Ansley, attendee ! the Grange meeting in Hazard Iasi j Friday. Miss Clara Spenceberg, who has ' been sick, was able to be in town Iasi 1 Friday. Wm. Rasmussen is wearing a broac smile for his father purchased a Fore for him. • Mrs. Treadway and daughter. Belle were passengers to Grand Island Iasi Saturday. Miss Winnie Sanders and Miss Es fella Hane spent Sunday with Miss Marie Holdt. Wm. Rasmussen and Lowell Rig gins were Litchfield visitors last Sun day evening. Johnnie Cummins haufed a load tc Mason City. Saturday, returning Sun day morning. Mrs. W. R. Riggins’ father was s Ravenna visitor Saturday, returning the same day. Max Frink was a passenger to Ra ve nna last Thursday, returning agair the same day. Some of Mr. Hambus’ relatives from the east have been visiting with then the past week. Frank Mizner came up from Grand Island, Saturday, where he has beer with his sister. Mrs. Hans Peterson and daughter Alvena. took Rev. Langsteh and wife down to Lunds. Mrs. Albert Cole came up from hei home at Cairo. Saturday, returnins Sunday morninf. me Norwegian Haases' Aid societt was held at the Lund home at Sweet water last Friday. Wm. Rasmussen. Lowell Riggins an.: t rank Aden were Ravenna visitors Iasi Saturday evening. Mrs. Hans Anderson was taken tc the St. Francis hospital at Grand Is land last Wednesday. Edward Larson returned home Iasi Thursday from York, where he ha< been attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cole and bro her were visiting with Mrs. Erazin and family last Friday. Mrs. Noa Hand’s daughter, Mrs An thony. returned to her home in Granc sland. Sunday morning. Miss Gladys Olsen was a passengei ♦o Mason City last Friday to spent Sunday with her parents. M m. Philps and son were passen gers to Mason City, where he is go ing to do some carpenter work Mrs. Lony Olson left Wednesday evening for Dunning, where the oi son family will live in the future. Mrs. John Olson and daughter, Mrs Chas. Sanders, were passengers tc Sweetwater, returning the same dav. Walter Frink retured from Omahs last Sunday with a Buick. Miss Anns Dorman came with him from Sweet water. Fred Shipley and family of Hamp ton, drove through in their car tc spend Saturday and Sunday with hit parents. Every Woman certainly will wish to see the new creations in our beautiful line of SPRING MILLINERY. And they are well worth seeing. Each model is a gem in its class. I Your Easter Hat Now Ready We ask you to come early and make your selection while you have a large number of patterns from which to choose. To further stimulate your desire, we will state that some if the pat ters this spring are along lines never before put out, and will ex cite your admiration. The sooner you come the more EX CLUSIVE your selection. Mrs. R. N. Prichard Mrs. Wind, who has been visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Peter Jacob son, returned to her home at Mason, Sunday evening. Mrs. Rev. Sparr returned to her home at Litchfield. Tuesday evening after spending a few days with her brother. W. R. Riggins. Mrs. John Croston was a passenger to Grand Island last Thursday to see her cousin. Mrs. Jess Portlock, who is in the St. Francis hispital. Mrs. Wm. Hurley, who has been visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. i Pete Jacobson, returned with her hus band to their home at Mason. Sunday evening. Nelse Nelson went to Litchfield on Wednesday evening. He retured home Thursday with his Ford where it had been the past week on account of the I bad roads. Wm. Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 Peter Jacobson, who is a member of the fourth Iowa National Guards, ar rived here last Thursday to visit with his parents and friends. I Mr. and Mrs. Ola Olson, who former ly lived on the Bent farm near Hazard left Wednesday evening for Mason, where they are going to farm the Shafer farm the coming year. The intermidiate grades had a new teacher last Friday. Miss Hazal Wind field. who is the teacher went to York. Friday to spend Suncay with her par ents. One of the high school girls taught Miss Windfield's room. About sixty neighbors and friends I gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! Noa Hand to celebrate Mrs. Hand's sixtieth birthday last Monday evening. All the children were presexit but one daughter, Mrs. Jaeger, of Beatrice. All who were present reported a good time. Miss Ida Mizner formerly of Hazard I but now of Purdum. was here visiting at the home of her brother. Frank. She was taken suddenly ill with ap pendicitis and was taken to the St. Francis hospital at Grand Island, where she was operated on and the latest reports are that she is getting alog as well as could be expected. TAKEN UP. On the A. B. Outhouse farm nine miles northwest of Loup City, two red sows, weight about 150 pounds each. Owner can have same by prov ing property and paying for feed bill and advertising.—E. M. Marvel. 15-:; FOR SALE. 50 acres of improved property one half mile south of Loup City. Alfalfa field that will raise from seventy-five I to one hundred tons of alfalfa each year. Plenty of ^ood timber for shade jand fire wood. Good pasture—John Kggars. 14.3 SOME GOOD ADVICE. “Don't think too much of your own methods. Watch other people’s ways and learn from them." This is good advice, especially whin bilious or con stipated. You will find many people who use Chamberlain's Tablets for these ailments with the best results, and will do well to follow their ex ample. ^ UNCLAIMED LETTERS. List at unclaimed letters remaining | at the post office at Loup City, Ne ! braska. for the month ending March 31, 1917. j Ladies — Mrs. Mathilda Hansen. ! Miss Sylvia Sears, j Gentleman—E. C. Douthit, C. H. Clark. John Bay, Harry Hansen, O. A. Hardy, Bert Roberts, Carl Thompson. Giss Williams, Chas. Wicklund. Persons claiming any of the above will please say “Advertised" and give date of this list. C. F. Beushausen. P. M. Omaha Eleventh City in U. S. in Bank Clearings. Omaha. April 4.—That Omaha is to day the eleventh city in the United States in point of bank clearings is but another evidence that jt is situ ated in the heart of the richest agri cultural section of the country. The cities which show greater clearings are New York. Chicago. Philadelphia. Boston, St. Louis. Kansas City, San Francisco, Pittsburg. Cleveland and Denver. Only a few years ago Omaha's place was eighteenth. It has gradually crept up to sixteenth and fifteenth place. Many cities with more than 300.000 population have smaller bank clearings than Omaha. Omaha ranks thirty-fifth in population. Omaha’s enviable position again re flects the wonderful prosperity of the great states of her immediate trade' territory, Iowa, Nebraska. South Da kota and Wyoming. Bank clearings for the week of March 1 to March 8. were $45,498,000. an increase of 57.9 per cent over the corresponding week in 1916. LOUP CITY MARKETS. Furnished by F. M. Henry. Corrected every Thursday morning. Butterfat, per lb.».44c Eggs, per dozen.27c Hens, per lb.1Ec ACT QUICKLY. Delay Has Been Dangerous in Loup City. I)o the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of Loup City evidence of their worth. Mrs. D. L. Adamson, Loup City, says: “For the past ten years, >ve have used Doan's Kidney Pills in our home and they have always done just as represented. I have been a sufferer from my kidneys for a long time and many weeks was laid up so that I couldn’t do a thing. My feet and ankles were swollen and my sight be came affected. Backache made me nervous, stiff and lame. After using Doan’s Kidney Pills, which I got at the Itexall Pharmacy, I received re lief.” Price 50 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Adamson had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props, Buffalo. N. Y. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry Lewis, deceased. Order to Showr Cause. And now on this 30th day of March, j 1917, this cause came on for hearing I on the petition of Loyd N. Bly, Ad ; ministrator with the Will Annexed of the estate of Henry Lewis, deceas | ed. praying for a license- to sell the following described real estate be longing to said estate, to-wit:—The North Half of the Southeast Quarter and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section Four, Township Thirteen. North Range Sixteen West of the Sixth P. M. in Sherman County. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the sum of about $900.h0 for the payment of debts al lowed against said estate, and costs of administration, for the reason that there is no personal property in the hands of said administrator where with to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested in said estate appear before me at the court room of the District Court in Loup City in Sher man County, Nebraska, on the .Vh day of June, 1917, at 9 oclock A. M. of said day. to show cause, it a"y there be. why a license should not I s granted to the said Loyd N. Bly. Ad ministrator with the Will Annexed, to sell the above described land or so much thereof as may be necessa'-v *o pay debts and expenses of adminis tration and the costs of this proceed ing. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be served upon all per sons interested in said estate by caus ing the same to be published four successive weeks in The Loup City Northwestern. a legal newspaper pub lished and of general circulation in said connty of Sherman. Given under my hand at Kearney, Nebraska, this 30th day of March 1917. B. O. HOSTETLER. District Judge. 16-4 ^"^3- MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS - 3 The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE”—"CITY OF ERIE”-"CITY OF BUFFALO’* - BETWEEN ----. -- CLEVELAND — Daily, May 1st to Nov. 15th — BUFFALO Leave Cleveland - 8:00 P. M. f Central 1 Leave Buffalo goo P. M Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 A.M. I Standard Time f Arrive Clbveland 6 30 A M. Connections at Buffalo for Niagara Falls and all Eastern aijd Canadian point* Railroad tickets reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good for transportation on our steamers Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & B. Line. *•■*» T..uri»t tutonol»ile Rale — $6.00 Round Trip, with 2 days return limit, forcars not exceedingly in. base Beantifully colored sectional puzzle chart of The tire at Ship “ Seeandbee ..ul , .n receipt of five cents. Also ask for our 24-page pictorial and descriptive r. : fr, "rFARE *339 IK . F. J. SCHOLZ & SON manufacturers of MONUMENTS ANS MAUSOLEUMS JACOB RITZ. Rockville,Neb, ACCEPTED by musicians the world over as the standard and first in the judg ment of experts at the World's Fairs arid Expositions is now on exhibition and for sale in your home town. A complete stock j of these Matchless Instruments I es weii as the Columbia Line j s- of ur.exceiicd Records, for- J ™ eign and domestic, can be seen I J"1 and c-ruyed whenever it suits 5 yon.* Convenience, * .. '-’aLie Machines at A -.15,225,$35,$50 , ..zclv.v-zs at ^ :> 0,085,12 j,$ 110 H and up to the price of the style 350, the Columbia Crafonola Baby Grand, f fjj the lest word in phonograph construction, The Acme of Perfection. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT-- Bring music and happiness A j to your family— coll at our store and order a Columbia Crafonola to I |3J your hom- Convenient payments if desired. I Asa J. Farnham, Loup City J Representatives for the SchmcSier & Mueller Piano Company Exclusive Wholesale Distributors for Xcbraska, Iowa and South Dakota I E. P. DAILY FURNITURE CO. Sells for less and pays the freight j 100 CENTS _ I . That is the value you get for every DOLLAR you spend at this store. Our goods are honestly bought and honestly sold. We have no ambition to get rich quick. Just a reasonable profit satis fies us. Come in! Come now. See For Yourself!